Thursday, April 20, 2023

It Isn't Just One Day

 Good morning to all.  I know every year I do a post about Earth Day - but this big old planet is all we got!  I kind of love it and want to take care of it.  IF we all just do a few little things it could help a lot!
Saturday, the 22nd is officially Earth Day.  
I truly don't know why we only bring this to light once a year!  BUT, at least on that one day - it does bring it to the forefront of attention.  It should be a natural thing we do and think about every day!!!!!!

There is not one day a year - literally - that I do not commune with my God at least twice a day in the great outdoors.  Every single morning and evening - I make a conscious effort to pray in the outdoors.  Somehow it just seems natural to be with nature and talk with the creator.

No one person has to do a lot.  A whole lot of simple things can be helpful.  So as this annually celebrated day comes around - please do SOMETHING.

Plant a little something
Take a walk in and pick up some trash
Do not add chemicals to the air/land/or waters
Shop local when possible
Use less fuel and drive a little less
Enjoy as much fresh air as possible
Use natural products for cleaning

Those maple tree twirlies!  UGH - they make such a mess - but hey, even the squirrels know how to recycle and use what the land offers.  They love the little bean part of these!  They are giving it their all to eat as many as possible!!!!!  They are eating little corn - as they have these for their diet now.  It is amazing that even nature knows how to glean and use what nature provides.

A little encouragement for those still getting snow!  It is coming soon.  Spring will be there soon.
Even these plants add oxygen to the air, they provide nourishment for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.  It is all beneficial.
The peonies are getting tall and starting to set some bloom buds.  As much as I do not like insects - even they need to eat, and they do provide benefits to the earth.  The ants get nourishment from this plant - all natural.  The butterflies and bees love the flowers as well.

All 'natural' and no filters!!!!  EEK!!  After many hours working in the beautiful sun and weather.  Not very attractive - just me!!!!  68 and this is my first ever 'selfie'!!!!!!!  LOL
Even a hard day's work is a good natural element for a great night's sleep!  I slept like a baby last night.

I just encourage each person to do a little something.  It all counts and helps.

This beautiful planet is really something.  I have been watching some documentaries of late about different parts of the world and the eco systems they have.  It is absolutely amazing.  I have watched about the rain forest, the underground, the rivers, even the people who live within nature and try to avoid modern technology.  
This planet is all we have - we need to take care of it.  

Have a wonderful day - enjoy your life.  Do what you can and make a difference.
Life is grand and our earth is a wonderful display of God's work.


  1. Love the selfie! And the article is good also. Blessings, Sharon D.

    1. LOL - thanks - nothing like showing yourself at your worst!!! LOL

  2. Good morning! I agree with Sharon... love the selfie!

    Yes, we have to be responsible, each in our own ways. Your timing is perfect (as usual). All of the lilacs made it through their 1st winter on our property. It seems the Weigela didn't, so yesterday Hubs and I went to Home Depot and picked up 5 common lilac shrubs + 5 bags of garden soil. We'll just call this "The Lilac Cottage". Common lilac tops out at 8-12 ft. high, so will make a nice screen among the junipers at the back of the house, eventually cutting off full view of the road from the kitchen and family room windows.

    I do miss my peonies in Ohio. And roses from there and all the other places we've lived. Roses look pretty ratty here for all but 8 months, so I sooth myself knowing lilacs and daylilies will brighten our yard for years to come. --Elise

    1. Typo. Roses only look GOOD in our area for about 3 months.

    2. The Lilac Cottage - I love it!!!!!! That should be a name that sticks! I bet it will smell amazing around there when all bloomed out. I so love peonies - their smell is just divine.
      Thanks - really raw and cruddy pic in my book - but just showing what a day in the outdoors does to a gal!

    3. Elise, is it too cold in winter for bougainvillea? Those were spectacular in our Cali garden. And geraniums smelled heavenly! I also love Lilac Cottage.

    4. Much too cold here for bougainvillea. I wasn't too surprised the weigela didn't make it. We have--on average--8 months of nights below freezing here. It's the altitude (just over 6000 ft.). Any planting also must be drought tolerant and deer resistant, as deer and elk regularly wander through our acre. Geraniums are annual plantings here vs. perennials in much warmer CA, or even the Phoenix/Tucson areas of the state.

    5. Debby in Kansas USAApril 21, 2023 at 7:37 AM

      Sorry, Elise, that was me! I didn't realize you guys were so high up!! Lilacs it is!! No matter, they're stunning!

    6. I figured it was you, Debby. We lived at high altitude in Colorado for 2 years when our youngest son was a baby, so I'm re-learning. LOL! --Elise

  3. Hi Cheryl, love the selfie. I tried to take one a few months ago and yikes, it didn’t look good…I think I need to get farther away ;). Nice topic today. Right now it is beautiful in the Arizona desert and we are all so appreciative of nature right now, knowing that the hot temps are coming soon. Happy earth day! Hilogene in Az.

    1. Well, it was my first and probably LAST! LOL
      I bet things are so beautiful there - all coming to life! Enjoy all the milder days you can!!!!!

  4. There is a series on Netflix called Down to Earth that just blew my mind. The US is really so far behind in taking care of the earth and setting up better systems. Great Selfie Cheryl!! Enjoy the day.

    1. I have seen some of that. It is pretty amazing, I agree. I love watching those kinds of shows - anything about nature. It is not only enlightening - but I get to travel the world a bit!

  5. Thanks for the reminder about Earth Day. I won't be doing anything different as I'm pretty much devoted to minimalism. I may walk the highway and pick up trash but that becomes so frustrating because folks just continue to throw out their dirty diapers, bottles of urine (truck drivers), cans and wrappers. Just hold it until you access a garbage can, people!
    Your photo is great and I love your shirt. Keep spreading the message about saving our only planet and home!

    1. I think now and then we just all need a subtle reminder of what we have and what we can lose. It just ticks me off so bad, that people are so rude and self-centered in this world. WHY would anyone think it is cool to throw trash out a window???? Grrrrr.
      LOL - I sure wouldn't say great - but thank you!

  6. Cute picture! Love the hankies as curtains.

    We watched an episode of Mike Rowe last night and he was involved with a young man who has made it his life's mission to clean up the rivers. They started in southern Indiana on the Ohio River. This fellow has some employees and many volunteers. It was disgusting what people were throwing in the river.

    I guess the thing that grosses me out the most are the dirty diapers. Seriously, can you not think ahead and carry plastic bags for your garbage?

    1. Thanks!
      It just amazes me what people do. I guess it shouldn't surprise me - people are pretty disgusting - but it always does. Just a little consideration is all anyone asks!
      I love Mike Rowe!

  7. I will have to agree---great selfie! You are beautiful, inside and out! I think you should make it a weekly "thing"---Thursday selfies! :)

    I also try to do my part with taking care of our beautiful earth. Thanks for the timely reminder, though.

    Have a beautiful day...the sun is shining under blue skies here in SW Florida.

    1. Oh aren't you sweet!
      It is a pretty day here as well. Enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Hope you enjoy it!!!!!

  8. Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts and your lovely self. Lynn Ewing

  9. Well I think you are just beautiful! You are my kind of person, real and friendly!

    Please everyone consider recycling! It is amazing how few do and every bit helps!

    Earth day in my Mom's birthday and oh how she loved the outdoors and gardening. Her favorite kind of day was a walk in the woods. I would dearly love to be able to get her out of the nursing home and out into nature again.

    1. Thanks!
      Recycling is huge! That can make such a difference.
      Happy birthday mom. I wish she could get outside for a bit.

    2. Happy birthday to your mom, Lana. when Grandma Griff was in nursing care, I made arrangements to take her out (with a wheelchair) for just a short time on a sunny day from time to time. Would that be possible at all for your mom? --Elise

  10. You look happy, content and healthy. Nice selfie!
    I do what I can, especially in the re-use, recycle areas. And I've been doing much better with the reduction of waste since retirement.
    Sadly, heating my home is an expense I can't avoid, though I have turned down the thermostat a few degrees and use a sweater and/or blanket as needed. In summer, I keep the thermostat higher so the a/c doesn't cut in as frequently.
    My biggest complaint is the amount of product packaging so many products come in. Perhaps this will be the year I start e-mailing companies to complain.

    1. Thanks!
      Heating and cooling can be costly. We do what we can.
      Yes, packaging is ridiculous. SO much plastic and so much waste. Even shipping - they put a little item in a big old box. Nuts.

  11. ADVICE NEEDED (Pretty please)
    Earth Day is a perfect day to ask for advice from anyone willing to offer it. Please forgive me if this is too personal. So...
    --BIL uses baby wipes on his hands (he's a germ phobe) and went through 2 large packages of wipes in one week. He leaves them all over the house, and hubs has talked to him about it, but between those wipes, paper towels, etc., our trash amount has doubled since he arrived.
    --I've had to buy more flatware (service for 12), because he goes through the entire service for 8 in a day, as well as cooking utensils, and I can't abide by running a nearly (otherwise) empty dishwasher, which wastes water and power. Handwashing isn't an option, because they're not then sterile.
    --Laundry is another issue; he insists on two rinses for each load.

    This all generates a LOT of waste. Everyone here knows I loathe waste. And it turns out he has NO income, as he hasn't billed his "clients" in 3 quarters. Though I haven't mentioned it before (maybe I should have), Hubs signed papers before his mom died giving all of his inheritance to his brother. So did one of his sisters. It isn't about the money, though. I want to be clear about that. It's about a huge increase in waste that's making me insane. Another example is he poked his finger/thumb through 4 eggs he was washing with soap, and they got tossed into the trash can.

    Help! --Elise

    1. How did I forget the plastics? He goes through 3-4 six packs of (plastic) bottled soda per week and won't drink the filtered water from our fridge; instead he gets the big 2 gallon jugs of bottled water and goes through one of those every 2 days (adding a little baking soda to them for heartburn). Which leads to even more water use for... um... flushing. Again, I'm sorry to share if anyone feels it inappropriate, but I could really use advice. --Elise

    2. Holy moly!!!!!!!! What a mess. First - he would pay for all wipes, paper towels, and laundry soap. He WOULD be paying for the trash bill and he WOULD be paying for the extra water and electric consumption. He may not be working - but he obviously has more money than brains!
      If he doesn't like hand washed dishes - tough! They he can go live somewhere else. Sorry this sounds rough - but I would not abide by these actions AT ALL!
      You have both got to stop this crap now - or he will continue to get worse.
      None of my business - but why in the world did they both sign over inheritance? Sounds like this guy has made himself a victim to everyone! If he has to stopped at some point!!

    3. Since you asked for advice, I would suggest that you and your husband sit down with him very soon and draw up a plan for him to be out on his own in the very near future (no more than 90 days). And stick to it, no excuses from B-i-L. Otherwise, you will have a parasite on your hands for the rest of his life. It is not worth your sanity to have to live with this. (Hope I wasn't too blunt.)

    4. Amen Cheryl. Yes, Frances, a good plan. Wowza...He sounds like a bad little kid in an adult body.

    5. Thank you all. To Cheryl, I *don't* buy the baby wipes, sodas, bottled water, etc. Was clear about that in the beginning. I also don't buy expensive specialty grocery items he prefers. He's welcome to whatever food I do buy, but we may have to get him to buy some of what he goes through quickly.

      Frances, no worries. I've been blunt myself any number of days since he arrived. Yesterday I had to point out that since he hadn't billed clients in nearly a year, technically he has no income at all, but provides a free service. He's billing clients today. I warned him after this length of time, they're unlikely to pay him. Why would they?

      The backstory is what led to siblings giving up inheritance for him: BIL quit his career when he was in his mid 30s and moved back in with the folks to start a business. That never got off the ground. Then he started another doing website development for a few small businesses. All these years he hasn't paid into SS and had no money to set aside for retirement. He *did* take care of their parents in the final years, including MIL's long battle with kidney cancer. His 2 older siblings felt he should therefore have their share of inheritance.

      Amelia, you're not wrong at all. I've been struggling *because* he acts very childish, and a pampered, indulged child at that. Almost every day I've had to be blunt about some harsh realities he has to face. He has limited funds. He must adjust his expectations accordingly. There'll be no large house on acreage in his future. He simply can't afford it. I've all but sat on him to get his bookkeeping and taxes done on time, apply for state health insurance. Register his car. Work at finalizing the estate so he has that done and knows what $$ he'll have to buy a home. Asked why his little sister should be docked for his moving costs (out of the estate), rather than paying for those costs from his own inheritance. Reminding him that she and her family also left CA and moved to TX on their own dime, paying for a short term rental while they house shopped. I feel like an ogre, but it must all be said.

      And finally, Frances, I think you have a good suggestion. I'll find a way for Hubs and I to have enough alone time to have that difficult discussion. Thank you. --Elise

    6. Oh Elise. What a mess. PLEASE take action quickly. I know your hubs loves his brother and is grateful for him taking care of mom - but this has to stop.
      He is a taker!!!!!!!!!!! He will go through life taking more and more if allowed. You have been given some good advice here - some sounds harsh - but needs to.
      He obviously feels he is "owed" from everyone - it started with mom & dad taking him back in as an adult. HUGS

    7. I am NOT in any way qualified to make a mental health diagnosis, but I think he has some mental health issues based on the seemingly obsessive/compulsive behaviors (hoarding, germaphobia) that have been described. He needs help, but that does not entitle him to live with family indefinitely, especially when his presence is so disruptive. "Tough love" is necessary.

    8. It's more learned behavior than anything else, Frances. My MIL was even worse about food and germ phobias, as well as needing to be the center of attention, and all that fills 4 storage units in town was their furniture and stuff. There's a lot of family in Phoenix. Including aunts and uncles. Why he chose to come here is a mystery (to me). Especially as he complains about the altitude and cold every day. Again, like their mom. We had reasons for living at a distance all these many years. --Elise

    9. Elise I have to agree with Frances. There are some bigger issues here than learned behaviors. Even learned behaviors can become a mental health issue. After time - it really can mess with your mind. He can pay for 4 storage units - 'because he wants to ' not because he has to. So he can afford to live somewhere else. You got a hell of a lot more hootzpa than me. No way would I put up with it family or not. Just needed to say that - now I will be quiet.

    10. Thank you, Cheryl, and BIG Hugs! I'm soaking up everyone's advice here like a sponge. Hubs and I had a rare few hours alone last night for a serious heart to heart about it all. I shared with him what was mentioned here. There's going to have to be a firm time limit and "house rules" to be followed; if BIL doesn't like it, then he can find another place to be. This is so much worse than we'd expected, but then again, Hubs has never been close to his family... or in close contact with them. I married a super sweet guy with a big heart; maybe that's why BIL chose us?

      Most here will know this already, but to anyone reading with grown (or nearly grown) kids, my in-laws didn't do BIL any favors. He has no idea (it seems) how to adult at 59 years old. You may think it's kind to be indulgent, but it's actually cruel. Just my opinion. --Elise

    11. P.S. We both agree that to charge room and board would be establishing a semi-permanent status in his mind. Better to be a "guest" who needs to look for his own place ASAP.

  12. Debby in Kansas USAApril 20, 2023 at 3:27 PM

    You look awesome! Gracie the Gardener! Like Rosie, but in the dirt, not an engine!! That gardening is adding to your life in more ways than we'll ever know!! Love your window swag, too. Hankies?

    Every day is earth day around here! Even our dishpan water goes onto the lawn. With our drought, it's even more important to use every drop. Warm up water goes into toilet tanks. Dog dish water goes into potted plants or shrubs.

    Bedsheets are currently drying on clothes horses in the dining room. All cleaners are homemade. There are no lights on. I rarely use lights except at night and when the sky is storm dark. TV is a rarity. As you all know, I read 3-4 books at a time. No time for TV.

    I think we do pretty good around here.😁

    1. Thanks! LOL. Yes, hankies for swags
      Kind of the same here. I am always aware of doing better. I heard about bad storms and tornados out your way and was wondering about you. Did you ever get any rain the other day?
      Sounds like you do a good job of conserving!

    2. Debby, you sound a lot like me! So far we haven't gone over $60 for electricity (per month), and that's before solar installation. Our water bill averages about $30. What's funny is being more responsible re. the planet actually saves $$$. Often a lot of $$$. --Elise

  13. I cleaned up over 80 gallons of trash from the walking trail over the past couple of months. It just irritated the heck out of me to have to see it every time I walked, and I wanted to get to it before the grass got too high and the ticks got bad. Lots of people said favorable things, but when I offered them a bag and a glove, no one helped. I noticed a couple of days ago that there was more garbage, mostly plastic drink bottles and bags of dog feces. If you're going to clean up after your dog, then clean up after yourself!
    I do a lot of praying/talking to God on the trail. Nature is my cathedral.
    Cheryl, you look just fine in your selfie. You look strong and healthy and just the way God made you. Never apologize for that!

    1. Yes, Nature is my Cathedral too, not that I worship nature but God is obviously in the midst of it and created it right? My blog name is My Forest Cathedral. There is a Chris Rice song that has lyrics about my cathedral. I have them on the top of my blog. My Italian grandpa was like that too. He said his church was his garden. He was the most precious and sweet man too.

    2. THANK YOU Frances!!! You ae a saint to me. Amazing isn't it - people oh how nice, then walk away! Sure makes you shake your head. Why pick up dog poo in bags - then throw the bags on the woods? That is nuts.
      Oh I agree - nature is where I feel closest to God.
      Nice to hear from you!!!! Thanks

    3. No saint, just a pi$$ed off old lady! LOL!

    4. Frances, I'm a grumpy old lady, too, who picks up trash wherever I see it. I also pick up change. LOL! And I've never understood why people use the doggy poo bags, then toss them on the ground. What's the point of that?--Elise

  14. I love your selfie! That is such a cute photo!

    When I go outside there is just something about it that calls the Father's name and His Presence is felt. It's very calming, Peace, peace, wonderful peace from the Lord. He created this green earth and we do need to all be responsible to God's creation and I would hope people would think about His creatures as well and really look into things. None of it should be conservative or liberal really right?

    A nice reminder today, I just came in from outside actually...God is always there but we come to the Garden don't we?

    Have a sweet evening!

    1. Thank you!
      My shirt I had on - the humble peasant - at the bottom says it all started in a garden!
      Nature and taking care of it should be of concern to all - but everything can be made political (and is). SMH. So sad.
      We are responsible to take care of it. We do so much every day to destroy things.

  15. P.S. Just wanted to let you know, I ordered some of the homeopathic drops you suggested on your blog for our little Muffie, he is also a blind elderly little schitzu, he too gets some gook in his eyes and just doesn't feel good sometimes. The drops have been very helpful! I give him 3 drops in one dose instead of the 6 so he's not as sleepy : ). Thank you!

    1. YAY - glad they worked. I too give a little higher dose. It is natural, so all is good.

  16. I love Earth day and try to do the best I can helping our Earth. Listen about that is good. My arms are short I think because my pictures come right up in my face.

    1. I think all of us here, do our best to keep the world nice - it is just so man don't.
      Amazingly I used a regular camera, and held it about my waste. I don't have a phone that does that. Thanks

  17. EM Griffith, never refer to any money he might give you for food as rent. If he stays long enough you may have a squatter with rights. I would put him in the car with all his stuff and deliver him to relatives or a homeless shelter.
    Pay for a week in a motel and tell him he needs to find a place after that. Does he drive? Have a car? Pack up his stuff in his car if he has one. Get support from relatives. Support is backing you. If anyone shames you for your "attitude" toward him, invite them to take him in.
    You need to be savvy about handling him and getting him out of your house. Put it to him that you cannot keep him happy and healthy, so he needs to be somewhere else. If he continues in this vein, your health will be affected.

    1. You make some good points. He is definitely a taker.

    2. P.P., I could never put anyone out on the street. We certainly can, as Frances suggested, put a time limit on how long he stays with us though. Thank you for your input. I appreciate everyone's input. This isn't something I ever would have imagined dealing with. Honestly. --Elise

    3. I never suggested you put him out on the street!

  18. Cheryl,
    I actually prefer the selfie to your picture on the blog. It is a good picture to me, no matter what you think.

  19. Your selfie is great Cheryl, au natural. We will definitely be planting something this weekend as the weather is slightly warmer. Our county in the UK is big on recycling. Before our daughter and ex sold their house, I used to walk the two dogs each lunchtime. I'd lock them back in and often retrace my steps with a large carrier for all the discarded cans, bottles, cardboard etc, made worse by two fast food joints opposite. Most would go in her kerb side recycling boxes. Our housing estate is pretty good for not dumping garbage. Recently we have had 3 recycled gooseberry bushes our daughter dug up from her garden and we left out a plastic sand pit on legs, free to collect, it was, so hope some little person will enjoy it.
    We have such a beautiful world if we stop, look and listen.

    1. Thanks.
      Yes, we do live in such a beautiful place, yet we seem intent on destroying it. Tearing down nature to put up buildings and parking lots. I see pictures of some cities and cringe!!!!
      Thank you for what you are doing. It surely all helps.

  20. Yay for you Cheryl, your first selfie!!! You rock. You look like a strong, sassy lady that takes the world on. Good for you, I would love to see more of these. Louise.

    1. LOL - yep - first one. Can't say I will be doing it again soon. No idea why I took that one. Thank you!

  21. Everyone agrees, Cheryl. We LOVE your selfie!

  22. I love the green shirt and that you shared your first ever selfie here with us. That's very, very cool. Happy Weekend and boogie boogie. Cheers, Ivy.

  23. You are gorgeous, glad you shared your selfie with all of us.

    I have been trying my best to reduce my carbon footprint. I want to leave the planet just a tiny bit better off for those who follow.

    God bless.

    1. Oh my, thank you.
      What a wonderful thought - leaving it all a little better. I love that!

  24. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Prov. 13:20

    Thank you to all who offered good advice. I consider your blog, Cheryl, a place of walking with the wise, and appreciate everyone here more than you know.

    Today we'll be looking at a house for sale with BIL and will see how that goes. Bless you! --Elise

    1. Bless your heart. OK everything crossed and many prayers being said! GOOD LUCK!

    2. Just don't cosign anything with him. Prayers for a good outcome for everyone.

  25. I'm crocheting a market bag out of recycled plastic bags. Didn't finish it in time for Earth Day, but the chickadees helped a bit and we talked about taking something that litters the highways and recycling. At school they teach the kids about NOT throwing trash everywhere, so maybe this up and growing generation will be better stewards. We can hope.
    Central Az

    1. How cool. Recycling, making something new, and teaching at the same time. I love that. We can sure hope!!!!
