Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Let Freedom Ring

 HAPPY 4th of JULY!  This is the day we celebrate our freedom and the U.S. becoming a sovereign nation.  I hope each and every one of you takes a moment to think about the many blessings we all have.  NO, it isn't the greatest at all times, and YES, we have many things to work on - but we ARE blessed.

Nothing in this world is free.  So many in the past and still today - have fought to keep us somewhat free.  Many lost life and limb.  Many families were changed forever.  Be grateful and thankful for all the gifts you have - not everyone has them in the world.

There are many in this land and in this world that are trying daily to tear us apart as a nation.  DON'T let them do that.  They are trying hard - the devil and evil are having a field day.
We need to continue to pray for our country, our people, our freedom, and the world!!!!

May you and yours have a blessed and safe day.


  1. Every day I am so grateful that I live in the United States of America. May God preserve her!

    No celebratory plans today. I am going to try to replace my worn out car license plate. Will be off to Home Depot for penetrating oil and the right screws.

    Husband saw the cardiologist yesterday. He added another BP drug and ordered a 2-wk heart monitor to check for arrhythmia. Dr. said his heart function is only slightly impaired, which is to be expected at 91 years old. Doesn't appear to need a pacemaker since his pulse is up into the 40s. He sees the neurologist tomorrow.

    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. No celebrations here either. Spending the day being grateful.
      Hopefully the new med will help and they can get this thing figured out. Glad there is no big impairment!
      Good luck with tomorrow's doctor visit.
      Have a lovely day!

    2. Continuing to pray for your hubs and for you

    3. Thank you so much for the update, Frances. It sounds... not so bad as it might have been? I'm glad he's seeing a cardiologist and glad he's getting treatment. Wishing you a peaceful 4th!

  2. Dawn broke about an hour ago and at the horizon line, where cirrostratus clouds formed stripes beneath higher, puffy, cumulous clouds, it looked red, white and blue. Just awesome. And fitting for the day. Like Frances, every day of my life I've been grateful to live in this country. My grandfather was a little boy when he and his mom boarded the Lusitania to join his father in America; they came from Russia in the last years before it became the USSR.

    Celebrating the freedom we've been blessed with, that came at a cost, can be as simple or elaborate as we choose. We'll keep it low key. If you get a chance, read President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's letter to America for the 4th of July (WSJ editorial). We still inspire other countries. Other leaders. While we grumble and fret, it could be we lose sight of what's most important. Pray for America, certainly, but don't count her out just yet. And pay attention to what you see when you're out and about more than what you read or hear in the news. Just my 2 cents' worth today. --Elise

    1. It is amazing that any of us are here today, considering all that our ancestors endured. We are blessed.
      I pray for the people - so many are so misled and so clueless to what freedom truly is and how wonderful it is. There are just some evil people in this world.
      God bless.

    2. Indeed there are, Cheryl, but there's always been evil in the world. Good and evil. The biggest problem we wrestle with today (I believe) is fence sitters. Apathy. And an attempt to rewrite our story in accordance with today's views. There are those who would tear us down from within, as you've said, but we can still stand strong.

      I see it every day where I live. In the community I live in and those surrounding me. I saw it on my last cross-country road trip. If you ignore the news, the never-ending political campaigning, and just pay attention to (most) hard-working Americans, a different view comes into focus. I have to remind myself of that ALL THE TIME. Look at your neighbors. Sure, there are some who aren't stellar examples of humanity, but what actual percentage is that? Versus the rest? Look at your family members. Or friends. Or church community. Etc. Truth is right in front of us even as we're lied to every day.

      I don't mean to sound preachy, I just believe in the strength of American *people* in general. Not the fringes. Not the extremists. All the ordinary folks who (too often) go unnoticed, if we can find a way to pull together, with God's help, will endure as a nation. We see it right here, Cheryl, at your blog. Day after day. Week after week. (((Hug)))

    3. Of course, I could also be naïve. ;-)

    4. Oh I agree the news skews everything. You cannot believe a thing you see or hear. Kind of the same with politicians.
      I just think the extremists are more and it is becoming more normal. That is what me and my family will fight against.

    5. I agree the liberal media definitely skews thing, and you have youtubers who make money on unhealthy fear. But I do think we need to be informed, I saw so many harmed not being informed during the past few years...There is some evil stuff going on, and yes, there are some gullible, gullible people out there, I suppose we have a generation who were raised by the people of my generation when they took prayer out of school and their parents suffered from the carefree no-worry affluent apathy of the 50s, you can see the morality going down even then in the movies. Long gone was the healthy fear of God during the Depression and WWII. I take the matter to prayer but it's a tedious walk being informed and not dwelling and appreciating our fellow neighbor and just enjoying being an American, keeping my home that wholesome place with a sweet spirit. What we see in our neighbors many times, that good we see, reminds me of the old movie: "Meet John Doe" with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck...A wonderful, wonderful movie btw. : ) One way to vote is with our dollars too. I've had to stay away from certain stores lately and I let them know too why I'm staying away and not spending my dollars there.

      God be with us all, and this little community here. Blessings to all!

  3. Even with all the issues at hand, we are still blessed to live in this country and I’ll always be grateful for that. Happy 4th of July to you too, Cheryl. We plan on keeping our day low key, although we will go see some fireworks tonight. I hope you have a lovely day. 😊

    1. Yes mam - we are blessed.
      Thank you. Have a wonderful day and enjoy!!!

  4. America needs all our prayers. It seems so many things are upside down and that's when fervent prayers are called for.

    1. The people are just so misled. So gullible and so clueless. I pray for them to see the right way.
      Enjoy your day.

  5. Amen Cheryl, I so agree. Yes, many have protected us losing life and limb.

    It's very sobering what people have fell for and continue to fall for, I'm assuming they have become so far from God they are blinded. We need discernment in these days.

    God hears our prayers.

    Great entry Cheryl.

    1. Yes, He does, Amelia. For the past few years I regularly pray that truth will be revealed under such bright light that it can't be hidden... or ignored. His truth.

      Do you remember the old song, "I Can See Clearly Now" by Jimmy Cliff? 1972. Bob Marley did a version of it, too, and later, Anne Murray.

      Love from my house to yours; enjoy your family time! --Elise

    2. Oh God hears us for sure. We all know the end of the story turns out good! I guess I just worry about what the young ones will go through until that day comes. So sad. BUT God has us in His hands!!!! It warms my heart how my younger family is raising their children!!!

  6. Like everyone else said, I'm so grateful to live in America. And we certainly do need to be praying for wisdom and discernment. It's a low-key day for us. Perkins Restaurant is giving a free meal to veterans, so we are going to head there for lunch since my husband is a veteran. I'm so glad when our veterans are recognized in special ways. Wanita

    1. Wanita, please tell your husband I said thank you. The very least we can do is recognize and appreciate our veterans. Hope your lunch was delicious! --Elise

    2. It is wonderful that places honor our Vets. They sure deserve it! Low key here as well - I may stop by my grt. nieces for a short visit with family. Just want to see and hug family today!!!
      ENJOY your lunch!!!!!!

    3. Thank you Elise. We enjoyed our lunch. I'm grateful for all our veterans who served. It is nice when they are recognized for sure. Cheryl, Enjoy those hugs from family. They are the best!

  7. Happy 4th of July! Enjoy your day of celebration.

    1. Thank you mam!!!! Have a great remainder of your weekend!

  8. My family moved here some generations ago - religious beliefs kept them from living as they wished but here they were free to marry and build lives. I can't say I'm "proud" to be an American, as I had nothing to do with that, but I am *very very grateful* and would rather be American than anything else I know of!

    Today looks like a quiet day at home for me - except come evening it will be all Bang and Boom! :) DS and family had planned a beach weekend, but the mosquitoes were so terrible they came home after one day! I suggested maybe today would be a good Sprinkler Day for the little boys (5 and7).

    Pray for the USA. May the Holy Spirit rest upon us to realize how blessed we are.

    1. Same here Mary. One group came here because of religious persecution. Another group (my Irish ancestors) came in servitude to come to this place they had heard of. I can't imagine what they all went through - but I am grateful and proud.
      We had a lot of bangs last night - but not as bad as in years past. Stopped about 11:15. We'll see what tonight brings.
      A sprinkler run sounds like the ticket to me. I used to love doing that!!!!!!
      Thank you and have a great day!!!!!

  9. "May the Holy Spirit rest upon us to realize how blessed we are."

    Thank you, MaryB. Couldn't have put it better. --Elise

  10. Happy 4th of July Cheryl!! I pray often for the US to be able to keep our freedoms and not have to fight for them all over again.

    1. Oh, I do too every day!
      Have a great day. Enjoy the last of your time off!!!

  11. Happy 4th of July Cheryl. I hope you really enjoyed your day.
    We had to chain our dogs up today due to fireworks being let off since 10 am. Thankfully the oldest one is deaf as a post and didn’t hear them, but could sense the others being agitated. The type that whistle seem to upset them more than the big loud banging sort.
    We met some of the neighbours at our new property today, invited them over for a hotdog lunch and they seem like real nice folks. When we told them our plans for the home, they were thrilled, and offered and help we might need.
    That just seems to me what today is about, ordinary people joining together to make something better.
    Gods blessings to you all. Louise.

    1. I enjoyed it until I got home a bit ago. It isn't even 8PM and the idiots are out in force. Some right behind my neighbors house. First time I have seen Blackie scared. He is hiding under the side steps - poor baby. Gee only 4 or 5 more hours to go!!!!!

      Sounds like nice folks at the new place. Nice of you to treat them to a hotdog lunch. Yes, people should just be helping others and being concerned for others today and every day. There is enough crazy in the world.

    2. Oh no, poor Blackie, maybe a treat and lots of cuddles will sooth him.
      The hot dog lunch was just a treat for us for today. Usually we just have soup and sandwiches, I always make too much, then our three older gent workers must take home the left overs. So we feed the neighbours easily and there was still franks left for our dogs!!!!! Not good I know, but every now and then doesn’t hurt.

  12. Fortunately we don't get too many neighbors setting off fireworks. Someone off a few last night at 1 am. Why? Why? Thankfully it was only 3 or 4.

    I always think of the ancestors I've discovered as I've done genealogy research on days like today. I'm sure others here have similar, inspiring stories-
    The two who came on the Mayflower. The one who came alone from Germany in 1751 and fought in the War for Independence, was eventually the father of 13 or so and lived into his 80s. The one who brought his family from France in the late 1800s because France and Germany were constantly fighting over the land area where they lived. My husband's great grandfather who left Italy in the 1920's and became the band master for the US Navy.

    Honestly, sometimes I feel like my accomplishments pale in comparison to our ancestors.

    1. Well, the worst of it was over at about 11PM. I was surprised - guess getting up to go to work the next day might have something to do with it. They were a few until 12:30 or so. The celebration of a holiday I dislike the most.
      It is amazing what people went through back then and survived. Thankful they did!!!! There are lots of amazing stories.

  13. Happy 4th of July! I wonder if the US will survive crazy people who want to be President.

    1. Thanks. Happy 4th to you. Sure, it always has!!
