Sunday, July 9, 2023

Weekly Wrap-Up 7/9

 Happy Sunday to all.  I hope this finds everyone well and safe.
I hope you are all staying cool.  It has been a hot and humid one around here this week.  Finally, the heat and humidity took a bit of a break on Friday and that was a good day to get out and do all the necessary yard work.  Seems many around here did!  Saturday was storms and rain a big part of the morning.  We need the rain, as we are still considered in a drought.  The plants all loved it and are sure showing themselves nicely today!!!!!!!

The garden is growing nicely, and the flowers are pretty.  I have cone flowers, phlox, tiger lilies, mallow and coreopsis all blooming along with the annuals.  I so love the shades of purple and lavender.
There are lots of green tomatoes hanging out there, a whole lot of peppers getting bigger by the day, zucchini and cukes.  Lettuce is still hanging in there.

The worst of the fireworks are over - however there are still people shooting things off each day and evening.  Geesh.  I would love to have the money that was spent just in my area on those silly things.

My week:
  • I told you about making the homemade chicken nuggets earlier.  That was fun and easy - and I will do that again.  Made for a pretty cheap meat portion
  • Picked 6 zucchini this week - more coming on!  One cucumber picked so far.  They are coming on slower - but it is better than past few years!
                               Not the biggest or the prettiest - but it is my first of the season!
  • Finally got all the limbs and debris picked up from the windstorm of last weekend.  There will be more come down next big wind.  There is a lot of deadfall I can see just hanging out up in the tree.  I had one decent size branch up on the garage, and I finally figured out how to get that down!  YAY ME
  • Using rainwater when needed to water
  • Made a gallon of fruity lemonade.  Found a couple mixes in pantry I had forgotten about - and I mixed them together - tasty and refreshing
  • Did more weeding in the mornings when it was cooler
  • Did a BIG time mow and trim on Friday - the coolest day we had.  Looks so nice when all done!
  • Made a banana milkshake with a much needed to use banana
  • Got a packet of Kroger coupons in the mail for July - hadn't gotten any for a month a two
  • When out weeding the ends of the garden (there is weed barrier under plants) - I found a rogue tomato plant growing.  It is about a foot tall - we'll see what it has to offer
  • Only time I left this week was to go to my gr. nieces on the 4th - to celebrate her mom's birthday (my niece).  Nice to see family
  • Eating from home and making all food from scratch
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
  • Turning off AC whenever possible (mainly nights and early mornings)
Meals this past week:
Chicken nuggets, broccoli/cheese/rice
Olive loaf & veggie homemade sub and chips
Smoked sausage sandwich and salad - also had taco stuff at nieces!
Egg/sausage/zucchini/cheese skillet
Fried hominy/zucchini/chicken skillet
Taco salad
Fried zucchini and tom/cuke/onion salad
Snacks - fruit, milkshake, leftover rice, crackers & beef stick

What have you all been up to this week?  Did you find any good deals?  I didn't even think about going to the store.  Back to work and normal after the long holiday?  How are those gardens and garden pots doing?  Give us a shout out and share your week!!

I pray you all have a wonderful week ahead.  Stay safe and healthy my friends.
Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.  The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon at night.
The Lord will keep you from all evil; and he will keep your life.
Psalms 121:5-7

Dear Lord, we humbly ask You to please watch over and protect each of us.  We know that loss happens in this world - we lose people and things - but You will never leave us.  You are there to comfort us and to guide through all life throws in our direction.  We have an eternal life with You.  We thank You for all the gifts we receive each and every day - no matter how big or small they may be.  Amen


  1. I was finally able to pick my first thing from the garden - a zucchini which I made into zucchini bread. Something my vegetable hating kids will gladly devour. My yard is surrounded by trees so we don't get much sunlight and have poor soil so anything growing is a win.

    1. Jess we all have to figure ways to get veggies into kids! Nothing wrong with that. Now that you have picked your first - lots will surely follow!!!!!
      Have a great week.

  2. Excellent devotional! Yes, folks need to think about their eternity. The Father loves us and provides security for us, far better than any earthly being.

    You have been super busy! Clever of you to figure out how to retrieve the limb from your garage roof. There is so much to be done around here and I have to be patient and wait until these ribs heal. A third of the way through the recommended recovery time.

    Fresh cucumbers are the best. The Farmer found two and we had them yesterday. He planted Mini-Me cukes and they are delicious. Just right for a snack. I read that you made a veggie sub. We used to get a veggie sandwich at Panera and will try to replicate that with our good cucumbers. Zucchinis are going nuts. We've never had zukes grow like this. I may venture out into the yard today just to see what is growing.

    The Farmer found a tri-tip roast at Meijer marked down. It was preseasoned and delicious. Will take some of it and make tacos today for lunch. Have some corn left that we got at Meijer for 20 cents an ear so I'll cut it off and slice a zucchini and stir fry it with peppers from the freezer and onion from the garden.

    That was one heck of a rainstorm on Saturday morning. We sat on the screened in porch and watched it pour down. The rain barrels are all overflowing. The Farmer put a five gallon bucket under the gutter on the screened porch and uses that to fill the chickens' water pan.

    So far the day is lovely. Have the patio door open and no a/c. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you!
      Well, where this a will there is a way. It involved a ladder and a grab stick - but I got it down! You take care of yourself and do too much too soon.
      I love veggie sandwiches - it is a summer favorite. You name it and I will put in on a sandwich or wrap!
      That will be some good eating. I cooked a half of a pork loin this AM - Mmmmmmm
      Yep, it poured rain. Kitty and squirrels got fed late - kitty told me about it too!!!!!! LOL
      It is gorgeous today. No AC on either - windows open!
      Have a wonderful week.

  3. Good Morning, Cheryl. : ) You have been a busy bee!

    This past week I've been tired but busy cleaning up a bit after the Fourth. Gosh, I can't believe they are still doing fireworks over there playing with that. People spend money on the dumbest things, it's okay on the Fourth within limits for fun, especially the pretty displays like the fountains for children to see, but I think we all know the kinds of things people spend on, just not thinking. We see it all the time even in what renters leave behind. Such waste.

    Your veggie sub sounds good! I love a good veggie sub. Your flowers are beautiful too, that is so nice growing the cone flowers. I bet you could use those for tea too.

    In our garden, I picked cucuzza and roasted sliced cucuzza last night with veggie pizza. I picked large cherry tomatoes and we were blessed with tons of figs from our two trees. Hubs wants me to dehydrate them to make future Italian fig cookies and Iike them fresh. I'm sure we'll do both. ; )

    Love that psalm and prayer, every day is truly a Gift.

    It's been very rainy here and extremely muggy.

    Have a sweet Sunday, Cheryl! I'm glad you were able to go the party, I hope it was a blessing for you. : )

    1. Yes, people spend hard earned money on the craziest stuff. Boom up it goes and blows and no money left!!!!! Amazes me.
      I love a good veggie sandwich or wrap. A summer favorite.
      You are getting lots of goodies - that is great. Those figs would be good dried for later!
      Hope you cool off and dry a little!
      Have a blessed week.

  4. We saw a really good movie this week if anyone is interested, It's called "Harriet Craig". Wow, it really portrays manipulative, pushy women to a "T". It's (1950) with Joan Crawford, it has been said she played herself without even realizing it. Yikes. It is playing on 'Movies!' on antenna tv and free on youtube.

    1. Thanks for the review! I've been wanting to see that one

    2. I truly don't think I ever saw Joan Crawford play a 'nice' lady in any movie!!!! She had a way! I will look that up. Thanks.

    3. You are so welcome, Marceline! Enjoy!

    4. Cheryl, the movie may be on Tubi or one of those too. It's a good'n.

  5. Those chicken nuggets are really good. I did them in the air fryer and they turned out very crispy. I'm glad you were able to get the deadfall off your garage. I saw so many dead trees while out yard saling yesterday. We have had several here this last year because of so much rain. Your flowers are beautiful and so is your cucumber. I'm sure it will be delicious too. I hope you have another good week and stay cool. This humidity is really thick right now.

    1. The nuggets are good! I used the air fryer too.
      Thanks - there is much more up in the trees that broke off - just waiting for the next wind! Lots of places have had quite the spring/summer.
      Thank you. You take care and stay cool. Have a great week!

  6. Good Morning Cheryl! We had a morning thunderstorm yesterday also. Our area is not in an official drought stage but the rain was still welcomed. The flowers and veggies love the rainwater. Today it's sunny with a high of 84 so it should be a lovely day. I did pick up a few items to stock up on at Kroger. I spent 90.00 and saved 30.00 with coupons and digital coupons. They sent me an 8.00 off 80.00 purchase so that was nice. It's always nice to save money. Have a wonderful week!!

    1. Yes the rain is wonderful and the plants sure do like it.
      It is a lovely day here as well. Only 71 at the moment - going to low 80's today.
      You did good at Kroger. I might go the first of the week for a couple things. Don't need much of anything really. Nice to re-stock though.
      Have a great week.

  7. Thank you, Cheryl, for the verse and prayer. We're each on our own path through life with God guiding us: it isn't always smooth and easy going, but He's always with us. Which isn't trite... it's truth... and our paths will vary.

    No monsoon rains yet. Hubs got the side steps/porch primed and painted. Next up is the front. Simple meals included omelets one night, chili dogs another, chicken with corn & biscuits, and grilled meatloaf burgers on Ciabatta rolls. This week we just bought milk, bread, cereal and dog food.

    Water (in our whole area) was off for about 6 hours yesterday. It reminds you to appreciate what's so easily taken for granted. Simple things like clean, running water are luxuries others in the world today still don't have. Puts our lives in a different perspective.

    Your coneflowers are beautiful! The ones that were "weeds" we let grow now have seed pods. I'm going to collect all of the volunteer wildflower seeds if I can. Volunteer sunflowers are tall, branching and will soon bloom, I think. I'll save those seeds, too, when they come.

    Prayers for health, healing and a dose of pure happiness this week. --Elise
    P.S. Thank you for being here.

    1. Glad the water is back on. It sure is an inconvenience when that happens. Just think about our ancestors!
      Sounds like your hubby got a lot done before the rains. Good going on saving the seed. Wildflowers are so pretty and growing what just grows naturally in the area is so neat for the birds and butterflies and bees. I have a nice sunflower growing behind the shed - I didn't plant it - but it is pretty!
      Stay well my friend. Have a wonderful week.

    2. Elise, in your list of dinners a couple weeks ago, you mentioned tortellini and hamburger. I made that for the first time last week, and Husband (who hates pasta) actually liked it! I used seasoned tomato sauce with added sour cream over cheese tortellini (on sale) and 1/2 lb of hamburger. It was very good!
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    3. I'm a tortellini fan, Frances. I like it hot or cold (as in salads). It's just so doggone versatile and simple. Glad your husband liked it and that you did, too. :-)

  8. I'm excited for this week. I have 3 full days with no commitments. And it's my birthday week. I spent yesterday planning & prepping for the week. I want to keep kitchen mess to a minimum so I prepped some foods and even planned a menu. Veggie sandwiches for lunch. And because I rarely do it I'm going to get carryout one night.

    The other 2 days of the week I have to take my mother to the doctor. These will be all day events as she will want to go shopping afterwards. She likes to take her time. A visit to Aldi's can take at least an hour! My mom is a very difficult person so I get to practice patience and holding my tongue. One of those days I will probably take her out to lunch.

    Part of my planning included planning out my projects for each day-- mostly crafts and sewing. Plus I made sure my craft/sewing area is clean & ready. I was gifted the Brother version of the Cricut. I have no idea what to do with it. But I'm going to spend time getting it connected to my laptop (which I rarely use- gifted to me from my brother's estate). I figure that might use up one of my 3 days.

    I probably have planned more than I can finish. But I'm not looking to drive myself crazy getting stuff done. I want mostly to enjoy the freedom to spend time on projects without time constraints.

    1. You go girl - you have a plan!!!!! Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!
      Sounds like it will be a lovely week. Hey, take out is great once in a while. Mmmmm - love veggie sandwiches.
      Heck, I take an hour at Aldi pretty much whenever I go. I don't go often - so I want to look at everything. I understand her on that!!!!! I am just glad you still have your momma to do things with!
      Have fun playing with new toys!!!!! Let us know how it works!
      Have a wonderful week and enjoy every moment!!!!!!

    2. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your 'Me time' this week!
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

  9. What a wonderful post today. We, too, got a fair bit of rain Saturday overnight and Sunday, and then again on Thursday. My daughter gave me a table-top rain gauge and over the weekend we got about 1 1/2" and then later in the week almost another inch. I'm finding myself checking it regularly, just in case I missed an overnight sprinkle. Can you say I'm a bit obsessed???

    My lettuce plants are going gang-busters, as are my herbs. The dehydrator will come out of the closet later today and parsley will be first up, followed by basil on Monday, oregano on Tuesday, and then dill and chives. They all need more space in the planters, so hopefully a first harvest of each will do the trick.

    I had to make a quick trip across the border to SW Michigan for a board meeting and stopped at one of my favorite farm stands. Although this one is a little more pricey than some others that I prefer, I couldn't justify the time or mileage. I got locally grown blueberries and rasperries, as well as some Michigan apricots, green beans, fresh peas (already shelled), pickle cucumbers, and zucchini, along with a tomato (for BLTs), sweet potato, baking potato, and a handful of small red potatoes. I made it a point to buy in quantities I'll use and/or be able to freeze.

    1. I had a rain gauge years ago - need to get another one.
      Sounds like your plants are doing quite well. Smart on dehydrating for later on.
      How nice on getting to the farm stand. Have to take advantage of those trips and get in as much as possible. Sounds like you got a love of wonderful produce.
      Have another great week!!

  10. Hi Cheryl,
    While I don’t like the heat this time of year in Phoenix, the humidity where you live would make me even crazier ;). I am back to almost cooking, I found that I wasn’t eating properly so decided it was time to start cooking my own meals again. Mostly I eat salads and then a protein of some sort. Lots of tuna salad, hamburgers and chicken…sigh. Not enthusiastic about meals yet. But progress none the less. In my new home, I still haven’t found the right floor tile, so the hunt continues. Some prices were just astonishing….others made a bit more sense, so the adventure continues. Take care and have a good upcoming week. Hilogene in Az.

    1. The humidity some days feels like you are breathing water. It is really something. Today is marvelous.
      YAY! Hey gir;, it is a good start. You are starting with pretty much the same things I did. Salads, sandwiches, burgers, chicken, yep just about the same. Slow and steady. Eating out is fun once in a while - but gosh, it costs a fortune and it sure isn't healthy!!!!!!
      Good job. I am proud of you.
      You will find the right tile - it will just jump out at you one day!!
      have a great week.

  11. Husband is napping after his weekly shower, so I have a few minutes to chat. His showers are quite an ordeal for both of us.

    We installed his 2-wk heart monitor on Thursday. It is shaped like a large bandaid with the plastic unit between the two leads. It can get wet but not soaked, so I covered it with plastic wrap to make sure it didn't get too wet during his shower.

    We are settling in to life a little better the past couple of days, now that the big doctor appts. are over with. Still have to get PT and speech therapy scheduled. He also needs a blood draw for a vitamin B12 test. All his meds have dropped his BP to the 120/70 range. He is still weak at times and has speech and cognition issues, especially when he is tired. According to the cardiologist's notes, it was a "TINY" stroke.

    My anxiety is not nearly so bad as it was, but my body has taken a beating. The heart palpitations are mostly gone, but digestive issues linger. Apparently some of it is due to adding back more carbs than my body can handle right now. I have to take it easy on the food, but don't want to lose any more weight (109# now). Slowly but surely...

    We have a dead animal (probably groundhog) under the shed next to the house. The odor is awful! As much as I don't want to spend a lot of money, I will probably have to call a company to come remove it. It is going to be hard to get to due to the way the shed was built.

    Harvested the first two zucchini today. They will go in the Mediterranean stew that has been simmering in the crockpot all day. The first cucumber should be ready in a couple of days. Lots of green tomatoes. We received 1/3 in. of rain this morning.
    I mowed yesterday.

    Got back into the sewing room one morning and made a PL quilt top. Also knitting an afghan for PL. Read a cute coming-of-age book by Philip Gulley (a Quaker pastor). He grew up in the 60's & 70's in a small town in southern Indiana. The book is "I Love You, Miss Huddleston".

    Coneflower, cosmos, spiderwort, bee balm, marigolds, tiger lilies, gaillardia, and salvia are blooming in the flower gardens. I weeded the front flower bed and transplanted a number of volunteer cosmos that were hogging the front of the bed. I go for a casual, cottage look, but it has to be a little bit organized.

    Wishing everyone a good week,
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. I am so glad that life is smoothing out for the both of you. His blood pressure sounds about like mine - most of the time (and for years). It will take work to build his strength back up and to get is speech all A-OK. I am glad you are feeling a bit better as well. You HAVE to take care of you to take care of him!
      I have found the dead animals stink for about 3 or 4 days bad. Then it tend to dissipate. I have had dead opossums and groundhogs under the deck before. That is the worst smell!!!!!!!
      Glad you are starting to harvest too. I feel it is late - but it really isn't.
      I may check that book out - from IN. Sounds like you are getting back into having fun crafting. It sounds like you are doing better.
      You have lots of lovely flowers. Oh there is supposed to be organization with flowers?????? LOL. Mine just do their thing!!
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Miss Frances, so glad to hear things are a bit better. Philip Bullet grew up in Danville Indiana, a few miles west of where we live in Indianapolis. I always enjoyed his books.

    3. I got to check this out. I have never heard of him before today. Thanks guys!!!!
      Wait Frances said Gulley, Donna said Bullet! I will look under both!

    4. I've read nearly all of his fiction books. The Harmony series and the newer Hope series are very good. His last name is Gulley.

  12. We've been busy caring for two young dogs while their owners are away. Our old dog enjoys the company but doesn't participate in their shenanigans. They get those silly bursts of happy energy and tear around the yard. They mowed down some squash darn it! And flattened some strawberry plants. Small price to pay for the entertainment. They require a LOT of walking! In the garden, I am rooting strawberry runners for my neighbor. I am growing gaura, Only the Blues pansies, marshmallow yarrow and cetranthus from seed. The greek oregano and winter savory sown earlier were transplanted into the cold frame and are looking good. Geranium seedlings are ready to be potted on. Still have some other perennials to start but they can wait until winter. I beheaded some tender succulents that got leggy. They are rooting nicely. The parent plants are growing better since I began to fertilize them a bit and water them more frequently. I am always afraid to water succulents too much. Ha!
    Veggies are doing great. Lots of tomatoes are growing. Beans peppers squash and cukes are flowering. Onions are beginning to fatten up. It has been so dry I actually had to water! I didn't mulch deeply enough this year unfortunately. Our rain barrels are empty.
    I harvested some garlic. These were started from the tiny bulbils produced on the scapes . It took two years to grow mature bulbs from the bulbils. So cool. The garlic grown from saved cloves will be ready soon. I am already making mental plans for next years garden., where to move things, how to do things better. It's quite stimulating. Have a great week. Gotta go walk the pups Dee/NY

    1. Oh the pups sound like a handful and a lot of fun!!!! Glad the older dogs get along with them.
      You sound like the garden queen! Goodness, you have been busy and have quite a green thumb. Good for you!!!!! It all sounds wonderful. I hope you get some rain soon. It sure makes those plants stand tall and salute!
      Have a fantastic week.

  13. Hi Cheryl. You seem to have had a busier week than me. Tue-Thur we had my daughter's visitor dog here, he likes lots of cuddles and fuss, think its as he is on his own most of the day with ex son in law, partner and grandson. From a pup until he left to live with ex, I used to walk him each lunchtime, along with grandaughters little dog. Friday I went to daughter's house for 5 hours until grandson fetched him. This week I have read 2 books, so a chilled week. We have had lots of much needed rain this week. Sadly many of our flowers are going over now although we have several lavender plants which are attracting the bees.
    Apart from Friday I have cooked all meals from scratch. Yesterday I cooked a joint of pork so sweet and sour pork for me today yum. My hubbie bought some strawberries on Friday, although they are red, they don't have much taste so I'm going to add the rest into a rhubarb crumble I'm just about to make. Picked lots of cucumber and zucchini this week including the first yellow ones. Some went into a box outside of Father in law's house for folks to help themselves.
    Hope you have a good week. I enjoyed reading the post about foods moms used to make.

    1. Oh your week sounds lovely. Puppy cuddles!!!!!! I bet the pup enjoyed it as much as you did.
      Glad you have finally gotten some rain. SO many things just come back to life after a much needed rain.
      Strawberries and rhubarb sound perfect together. Great way to use the strawberries. I had pork today as well. How lovely that you get to share with others who don't have the fresh goods.
      Have a lovely week!

  14. Hi Cheryl! We also had some torrential downpours and storms. I'm just glad the utility company came in earlier this year and trimmed trees away from the lines. Otherwise I have no doubt that we would lost power. We have been doing lots of yard work which is fun. We picked our first cherry tomatoes. They were so delicious. I have beautiful flowers blooming, too-foxglove and black-eyed Susans. My herbs are growing like crazy, too. We also have a couple of volunteer tomato plants that have some blossoms on them. We'll see what they do. My free sunflower is doing incredible, too. I love this time of year!

    1. Howdy. I need to get my trees trimmed out later towards fall - they sure do need it. It used to be the utility company would come and do it - now only on public land.
      Yum on the tomatoes. I look forward to that. Sounds like it looks lovely at your house. So many things growing and giving to our taste buds and our eyes. It is indeed a great time of the year.
      Have a good week.

  15. Have a beautiful week Cheryl!

  16. Glad your crops have survived with little rain. I sure hope things turn around for the area.
    Funny how a drink is all some things need! Kind of the same with people - we need that water to survive.
    Glad to hear that you have been changing up your eating habits and that you are reaping BENEFITS!!!!! That is fantastic. I tend to lose in the summer, as I am more active - then gain much back in the winter. Not a healthy cycle!
    Glad to have you back. Take care and keep on working on the healthy lifestyle!!! Have a great week.

  17. I returned from my camping trip with my daughter and grandson yesterday. It was a good trip, lots of driving, but we got to do most everything we wanted to while we were there. But the mosquitos were wicked!
    It was stinking hot when I drove home yesterday, but has cooled off overnight and our daytime high is reasonable. I've got yardwork and housework to do, groceries to buy and an errand or two to get done. It will be a busy day.
    I haven't checked my cukes, but my tomatoes are doing wonderfully. I think the onions are close to being ready to harvest too, as the stalks are starting to fall over. I'll get one more pick of the lettuce too, before it starts going to seed.
    Have a great week ahead!

    1. Do glad you guys had a good time. I knew you would. Dang buggers!
      We are having cool nights as well - it is great! Hope all the garden is doing great!!!!!!
      Have a wonderful week.

  18. What happened to the blogs you follow on the right side? Today it is gone! I have been keeping up with some of those ladies, but don't know the names of the blogs by memory...

    1. I know!!!! I went to add a couple and get rid of a couple real old ones - and BOOM it is gone! I am working on it. Stay tuned!!!!!!!

  19. I remember my money saving lists, and now I just am lucky to blog.

    1. Glad to see you back. I missed you!
      Have a great week.

  20. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 10, 2023 at 3:06 PM

    Ya know, I'm not one to rush time anymore, but I'll dare to say it! I'm sure glad to see last week gone. It seemed endless, it was exhausting, not enough sleep, etc. As each day passed, I was just feeling that pile-on effect! Fireworks until midnight, then banging loud t'storms an hour later. It was all too much! We finally rested peacefully over the weekend and I'm starting to feel better. I get stomach issues when I get overtired and that just adds to the cranky lol. The big plus was that all those storms left us about 5" of rain. It just didn't have to trumpet it in, ya know?!

    Aside from that, we were zombies. Now comes the fun of catching up with all the missed cleaning. NOT!

    I saw that all the Summer stuff is gone and all the back to school is coming out. I used to love that time of year as a a kid. That was my idea of a New Year. My favorite lunch box was The Flying Nun. I still have a Sleeping Beauty thermos. I wanted a Partridge Family box so bad, but there wasn't a one to be found. I was one sad third grader lol. And, the store shorted me $6 again.

    Am reading my Nancy Drews. On The Clue in the Old Album. Am still reading Vince Flynn and his Mitch Rapp character. Grantchester started on PBS last night, but we'll watch later. Too tired to stay up. I call that show The Slutty Priest lol.

    Tata for now.

    1. Well, glad you are finally getting rested up. It was a noisy week for sure! YAY on the rain. I know your area needed it so badly.
      It sure is hard to believe it is back to school time. It was always after Labor Day when I was a kid. All year school makes for short summers.
      Hope you have a marvelous week!

    2. The back to school stuff shocked me today. It was blood draw day (pre-annual doc appointment), and the gals was doing it all by herself... checking people in + drawing blood for labs. She said her daughter had NOT been able to start school today as her medical records hadn't arrived yet. At first I thought I heard wrong. It's July!! --Elise
