Thursday, August 17, 2023

Good Days are out There - Grab them when you can

Good day to all.  Here we are again, ready to close another week.  It is just flying by.  Snow will be flying before we know it (ick), and we will be longing for these summer days.
As of late, I have noticed so many have been having some hard days and some hard decisions in life to make.  It seems there is a lot of angst in this world.
When you get a moment to ENJOY - please DO IT!!!!  Reach out and grab that joy and appreciate every little moment.

I have noticed many of you have been going through a lot lately.

*New jobs or expanded duties of the job
*Illness or surgeries
*Life changing events - and yes, your life will change - a NEW normal will be at hand
*Selling, moving, buying
*Planning for vacations 'of a life time'
*Harvesting and preserving
*Loss of incomes
*Dealing with parents in a reverse role of care giver - it is bewildering I know
*Stocking and preparing for 'whatever' may be in the future
*Worry of extended family matters
*Struggling in this crazy world and just trying to cope
The list goes on and on.
Yep - we all have so many things that keep our minds cluttered and worried.  And no matter how we fret - things will be what they will be.  Physically, we can maybe make changes to our world.  Mentally we can prepare ourselves for things.  But all that worry and fret - does nothing.
Spiritually - you need to do what helps you.

I love this - it is so true.  We keep our minds so cluttered with garbage that will not matter next week or next month.  We worry about silly things.  We listen to and watch garbage - when we need to be more present.  

So as this weekend comes around - take a little time to enjoy what life offers.  Be more MINDFUL instead of mind full.

When getting stressed and worried:
Go look at a sunrise or sunset
Listen to the rain
Feel a gentle breeze
Watch and listen to nature
Snuggle with a pet or take a nap
Eat something fresh and wonderful and really TASTE it!
Fix a meal that is for a special occasion - today is special - you woke up and are here
Listen to some older and beloved music - whatever type you like
Dance - seriously!!!!!  Just dance and be a little crazy
Try to "just listen" to an older person and not judge.  You know they are probably scared too!!!!!
Love those little ones and enjoy the smiles and hugs and laughs
Be joyful you have ENOUGH

Just take time to be in the moment!!!!!!!!  That is so important.  Life is full of changes - good and bad - and our lives change every day.  Each day we must make a new normal - as the old 'normal' is just that.
We don't have to like it - but we need to accept that things change and move forward.

So please take some time for yourself and enjoy life.  LIVE - you have no idea about the future - so make today a great one.  Experience things with your family and loved ones.
SMILE, and be ever so MINDFUL (not mind full)!

Many blessings to each of you!


  1. That is great...MINDFUL not mind full. Boy, sometimes my mind is crammed full of stuff, mostly what needs to be done and how to accomplish that. So many things are going on worldwide and it's too easy to get caught up in all the drama. I've always felt that if a person could take care of her little patch here on earth and if everyone did that, things would be a whole lot better.

    Rain is predicted this afternoon. Need to check the garden before then. Enjoy your day!

    1. Oh I agree. If we all just minded our area and our lives - it would all work so much better. Why I quit watching the news!!!
      It is WINDY!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cheryl, your timing (as always) is spot on. One morning this week I felt tired and a little weepy. Youngest son had sent a link to something (re. the madness of these days) and I'd seen it just before bed. I've been having nightmares/night sweats, so knew I wouldn't sleep well. YES... MINDFUL, not mind full. Donna is right, too. We can only take care of our own little patch of the world. Even that can feel too big at times.

    I see beautiful sunrises every morning. Watch nature. Soak it up. Practice gratitude. Nap when needed. Cuddle the pups. Laugh at their antics. Still, it's very easy to feel overwhelmed sometimes. That's when I scale back again on "news". Avoid headlines. Listen to music. Read a good book. Feel thankful again that we dumped cable. Human beings (and human bodies) weren't designed for constant stress or worry. We *can* try to manage it.

    There are things we can't change. Like my mother's Alzheimer's (she didn't know my name this week), the load my sis and her husband are carrying because of it, Hubs' brother's... well... stuff, the next door neighbor. It got to be too much this week, so thank you very much for this today. (((Hug))) --Elise

    1. Sending you a hug, my late Mother in Law had Alzheimer's, it's a cruel illness. Lovely to have a doggie cuddle, Poppy sounds like is growing.

    2. You are welcome. It is so easy to get caught up in the 'world' stuff. Yep, take care of our plot and home - that is enough.
      We have to try everything we can - to keep the wonder and happy in our lives.
      No you can't change mom's diagnosis, but you can just be thankful she is here and just take it one day at a time. Your worry will not make her better. I do know how you feel though, and it is sad.
      When life changes in some big way - we still get each day to appreciate what we can.

    3. Hi Elise, I understand totally.

      I too am listening to sweet music here. I know the basics of what's up, I check into radio every now and then but not even every day anymore...Hubs is even getting like that... and then I try to listen to music and read nice books, sewing etc. And never ends does it, but thanking God we have hands to wash clothes and cook and clean. : ) I'm with all of you on making our home that sanctuary. We can pray about what's going on (God is watching for sure) and then make our homes that peaceful cheerful place.

    4. Thank you, Heather. It really is rough on family members. Best to take each day as it comes. I'd planned to go see her, but my younger brother's visit sent her into a kind of spiral; she didn't know him at all. For my sister's sake it will remain phone calls for now. Thank you, too, Cheryl and Amelia. YES. --Elise

    5. Elise, I'm sorry you've had such a difficult week. Praying you'll be able to take some time for yourself to do something you enjoy, and that God's peace and love will surround you.

    6. Thank you, Wanita. I pray the same for you. (((Hug)))

  3. Perfect post, thank you. Hilogene in Az

  4. Thank you for this wonderful reminder Cheryl. You know I try very hard to live in the moment with gratitude and love. Life slips in sometimes though and hits us hard but we have to remember worrying about something we have no control over is pointless and steals our happiness. Great tips on being more MINDFUL!! Have a great day!

    1. You are welcome. It is so very easy for things to sneak in there and try to steal our joy. So true, all the worry in the world - will not solve the problem and the crazy.

  5. As we've walked a similar road, I completely "get" this message. What helped me through was something a friend repeated to me many times: "Each day when you rise, you've been given a gift. Just remember to open that gift of a new day and make the most of it." Some days, the "most" I could make was eating a yogurt and walking the dog. But just remember, to receive the gift with grace and open it and make it the best day that you can. Start with a smile and "I can do it!"

    1. LOVE THIS! YES!!!!! It is a gift and we need to appreciate all gifts we get - big or small.
      Yes mam, there are those days - when we just 'get by' and others that we flourish. May there be more flourishing!!!!!!

  6. Good timing for this post. I'm writing from Husband's hospital room. Had another incident yesterday. Per the MRI there was no stroke, thank God. Will probably be discharged today.


    1. (((Hug))) to you, Frances. I wondered how things were going. Know that you're both still in my prayers every day! --Elise

    2. Praying for you and your husband. Cookie

    3. Oh Frances - I hate that he is in the hospital. Glad they believe NO stroke!!!!!!!! Dang it, getting older isn't for the faint of heart. I sure hope all progresses well and he gets back home today. He was doing so good.
      You take care of yourself as well, sweety. Sending lots of HUGS and prayer.

    4. I'm so sorry Frances, you must be worn out. I am thankful it wasn't a stroke though. I will pray.

    5. Will continue to pray for your husband and you.

    6. It was determined that Husband had a hypertensive event, and he came home yesterday. They did increase one of his medications. He slept well last night (as did I) and is doing fine today. We had a conversation this morning about reducing the stress and unnecessary things in both of our lives and are already taking steps to implement some changes.
      We thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

    7. Reducing stress and unnecessary things is GOOD medicine. Glad you both got a good night's sleep. --Elise

    8. Frances, Hugs and prayers to you both.

    9. Frances, praying for peace and strength for you and your husband. Wanita

  7. What I Haven't Mentioned
    Hubs retired on Christmas Day 2021. He hasn't been looking for work, but got an unexpected call from a recruiter this week. He looks to be a good fit for a job in state that would be full time, work from home (computer programming) and took the necessary steps to pursue it.

    Our medical insurance is $1300 per mo. until Medicare kicks in in a few years and we'll have some out of pocket costs for my surgery. He'd like to pay off the solar, fence the acre, add a small garden shed... there's always something. A job wouldn't effect his pensions, but might his SS. My SS kicks in come January. Prayers appreciated. God's will be done. --Elise

    1. Sending prayers to you Elise. Cookie

    2. You got it. Hope this all works out and you guys can get an added cushion in the finance dept. and that he could be home and still be employed. That would be a win - win!

    3. My hubs has done similar type of work from home. Although there was no commute, no stupid office politics, there was still stress. Just be aware, the stress level will creep up. Praying for you and yours.
      Central Az

    4. I will pray Elise, I so understand your season of life. Yes, I hear ya girlfriend.

    5. Thank you all for the prayers. We want what's best and God knows what that is. We're doing fine right now, so either way.

      What's interesting (to me) is Hubs looks at these unexpected things as an opportunity and follows through to see where it might lead--if anywhere. My understanding is many companies are actively seeking retirees for their work ethic.

    6. Elise, I know it can be so hard to know what the 'right' decision is. It sounds like you and your husband have done the homework on this are aren't doing anything rash. Praying that God guides you in the right direction so it all works out for the best.

    7. Sending prayers for you both Elise.

    8. Thank you, LaurieS. --Elise

    9. Praying for wisdom as your husband makes a decision. My husband is 75 and is "semi-retired" from his real estate business, but he has cut back significantly. He no longer actively seeks property to sell, but he was in the business a long time, and there are people who still call him to ask him to sell a property. (He specializes in senior housing - independent living, assisted living, and nursing homes). Both of his business partners have passed away, so it's just him, so he's very careful about how much business he takes on. It has been a good thing for him because he has always liked to keep busy, but he admits that it's nice not to have to be always looking for business. I know it's much different circumstances for your husband working for someone else, but hopefully if he takes the job, he won't have to work a bunch of overtime hours to get the job done. That has been the downside of every job my husband has had - so much overtime that he couldn't enjoy any time off when he had it. Wanita

    10. My husband likes to stay busy, too, Wanita. I think it's wonderful your husband can help people when they call on him. Here, if Hubs has been working outside he gets sore and stiff, so he'll take a few days' break and he gets bored stiff. LOL! He's done what's needed (for now) to pursue the opportunity. It might not pan out and that's okay. His career was the same as your husband's in terms of lots of overtime, which he *doesn't* want again.
      Thank you again. --Elise

  8. I don’t often comment but I read everyday and the kindness shown here is the most positive part of the day…there are things here that make me laugh and cry…but most importantly it makes me realize how blessed I am…Thank you Cheryl for the wonderful posts and the lovely way this blog is facilitated…it is a gift beyond measure….Ann

    1. Hello Ann - thank you so much. So many of us have been through a bunch of stuff - and we just try to help each other. Isn't that what life is all about?
      I have been blessed beyond measure with all the readers here - just having so many kind people in my life is wonderful.
      Just trying to stay positive and happy - in a negative and dull world some days!
      I am glad you are here and stop and comment whenever you feel. Thank you again!

  9. I just love this post Cheryl. Thank you.

  10. I am more grateful than I have ever been for the Native American teaching:

    "Each life is a day. Each day is a full life." I truly internalized this in the mid 90s.

    I began seeing a Native American Medicine Woman 6m after Dad died (I was just 33 and couldn't recover emotionally). It shouted volumes to me. I am grateful each day that all my needs are met and wants as well. I am grateful that I am not caught up in the consumer-driven culture. I am grateful for my garden finally giving it's abundance as I prepare food for the freezer to enjoy all winter!

    Today is a full life. Tomorrow, should I wake, will be a new life ❤️

    1. AMEN! I love that saying and that is the perfect way to live. Good job gal! Being grateful sure feels better than feeling despair!

  11. I LOVE the man and horse example of Mind full and mindful. I need to print that one out. I think that's me and Chez the dog on our morning walk. It also shows why we love our pets. They are in the moment enjoying that scratch behind the ears and snuggle. Or just walking along with their human. Good reminders! Thank you!
    Central Az

    1. Animals really have it all figured out! Lessons we should learn from them. Welcome

  12. Very good reminders Cheryl! I know for me, my mom at 93 is a concern, some days she's with it and some days she is not.

    Thanking God for all of my blessings, enjoying nature living in the country in the forest, our doggies, kitties, my husband who helps me with anxiety I have because of my mom etc. It's not taken for granted and that is for sure! : ) Our daughters are also helpful, we all do what we can. The grandchildren's little faces...Oh my heart. Yesterday I was telling hubs after they left, there was some broken things, ripped things lol and markers without caps etc. Hubs reminded me..."Remember, you've always said you did not want a museum for a home, you wanted children to always feel welcome." So true, (Just put the dang caps on the markers!) ROFL No....I never show I'm aggravated if something is broken because I know how that feels, one of my inlaws was a stinker on things.

    Talking with the elderly is very important, this morning I talked with my mom, once again she repeated her blinds needed fixing and several times more...I assured her we would send our friend, Artie over there. She then talked about conservative politics a little because she was listening to the radio and we talked about praying about all of that. Then she will watch television because she thinks that is her hobby. lol She's from that generation and loves watching television. I don't argue...I just smile and say okay.

    Today I put three sweet stones on my Coffee girl's grave and some silk flowers, I sure miss that girl. She was my "girlfriend". I put a round stone with a painted gold heart and paw print about 'crossing the rainbow and I'd see her there' and I put a round stone about 'best friends forever' with a painted gold bone. The middle stone has painted flowers with 'Angels are all around us'. I also placed quite a few lavender, purple, yellow and a touch of pink silk flowers.

    One thing that I so love is looking into our fur angels eyes...especially Liesl the big white lab/shepherd and Gracie the curr, their eyes are so innocent and soulful. Like a child looking at you.

    I'll be reading over the comments here, many things going on in lives. God bless us every one!!! ~Amelia

    1. Yes mam, there is a lot going on with everyone.
      At 93, I think mom can think or do whatever she wants!!! I know I would want to - well deservedly so!
      It sounds like her gravesite will be sweet. They sure touch our hearts and souls. Never forgotten. Our furbies are just unconditional love.

  13. I agree Cheryl. I think 93 year olds deserve their dignity, my mom does *not* want a maid not even every two weeks and I'm honoring that even though she's having a time of keeping her kitchen clean. I'm okay with that and told her to call "T" the maid when she needs her and that's it but some of our daughters that are adament that she needs one. I do not have help of any kind either, I'm like my mom, I don't care too much for others in my home, I can do it myself, but mom is having trouble but. It's her life. I have a daughter with a little toddler girl and she's so worried about my mom not washing her hands when she goes to the restroom. She tells my mom where others can hear it to wash her hands. (yesterday). Every week this happens when they are over. It is unnerving and my mom is clearly irritated. I just have to throw my hands up emotionally.

    1. I don't blame your mom - I don't like strangers in my home either. I have never hired a housekeeper. I will do things as long as possible - then when I can't I will move.
      Maybe get a big bottle of hand sanitizer or some wet wipes to keep close by - that way she doesn't need to be reprimanded about washing hands.

  14. I did send my mom a huge brown bag of chinet paper plates and nice hot-cold cups with paper bowls too, to try to help out with her kitchen. Hubs put together a new walker with wheels and a seat that we were calling her little red wagon! : )

    1. Hopefully that will help. Those walkers w/seats are pretty nifty.

    2. Amelia, if she'll use it that walker w/seat will be a game changer for your mom. We got one for Grandma Grif when she was in her 90s. At first she wouldn't use it. Once she did, though, she was able to do so much again and was happier. We got one for my mom a few years ago. Sis is getting her a newer, adjustable one in hopes she'll use it. --Elise

  15. Thanks for the man and horse picture! That is great. :) I need to be more Mindful. Often I have hymns running in my head, and I love that, the music and words, but it does take away from Mindful.

    1. I love music and listen to all types. We need those things too - they keep our spirit up. I thought it was pretty neat pic when I saw it!

  16. This post is so timely for me today. I have been upset about not being invited to a function to celebrate the centenary of an organisation that myself and my daughter played a part in. I have been wondering why? Trying not to be hurt, but it’s hard.
    You are so right Cheryl, this is a great reminder to be thankful for what I do have, and not worry about what I don’t have. Thank you so much, Louise

    1. Their loss!!!!!! I would say if you weren't invited - maybe it has changed a lot - and probably isn't for you any more!!!!!! There is a bright side!
      You and your daughter make your own little celebration of ANYTHING you want!!!

  17. Great reminder, Cheryl! Thank you! It really is all how we choose to see things and it makes all the difference. It's a daily choice and it's universal. We all go through things and we all have to find ways to choose joy. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Yes mam. "It's a daily choice and it's universal". Oh, so very true. Great words!!!!
      We do indeed have to find our path.

  18. The mindfull vs. mindful certainly struck a chord here. With the potential sale (conditions still need to be met by the buyer), my mind is full of lists of things to do, things to give away, things to move, etc. Yesterday, I spent time in the yard, doing some work but also reading and enjoying the work that has been accomplished. I know I need to built some of that time into each day.

    1. Good luck - hope it sells quickly!!!!!! That was quick!
      I can understand your mind being full with all that is going on. Yes please do take some time each day to just enjoy the day and your surroundings. Enjoy the fruits of your efforts while there.

  19. A blue jay came to visit this morning. Usually there are robins near our side door. I was hoping the jay would make a meal of the (many) flies from the nearby corral. Anyway... a bit of blue jay lore...
    "the appearance of a blue jay is a sign from God to encourage us to be persistent no matter how hard a difficult situation may be."

    This is a special shout out to Debby in Kansas...
    "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."

    1. My jays have been few and far between. I used to have many daily - all year - just recently much fewer. I had never heard that lore. The one for Debby is funny and true!!!

    2. Elise, Thank you for the smile.

    3. Glad to be of service. ;-)

  20. Love this, and I so needed it right now.

    God bless.

    1. I know how busy you have been and just working so hard. Just think, how good it will all be later and THEN there is that wonderful trip to enjoy so much!!!!!

  21. Such great advice! Like Jackie (above), I needed this. Thank you!

    1. Thank you and glad that maybe it helped a little!!!!!!
