Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Mid-Week - You are Wonderful!

 Happy Wednesday to all.  A dreary morning here, but cool and otherwise great.  I hope you are all going to have a wonderful day.  I am having lunch today, with some old friends.  That will be nice.
Hoping we get a little more rain - we got a tiny bit yesterday - but need so much more.  getting a few drizzles at the moment!

                                For SMILES!!!!!!  Not my picture - but just sooooooo sweet!!!
                                                 How can you not smile seeing that?????

Yep - something each and everyone needs to hear from time to time!  
Be you and don't let others change you.  Go for what you want in life - and if you aren't sure - explore!
Don't let people push your buttons - try as they might.
Beauty isn't just on the outside - it is an inward quality as well.  Be kind, be just, be calm and go forward.  Glow from the inside out!!!!!!!
Be the beautiful human you were made to be.

Love you all.  Have a fantastic day!!!!!!


  1. Be beautiful from the inside out! And you know, life is much sweeter that way.

    Our neighbor came over last night to return empty egg cartons. He and his wife are moving to Southport the end of the month. We hate to see them go. The property has a large outbuilding he can use for his garage business. Found out he has a YouTube channel called cjb garage.

    Still working on old photos. Erin will come by today to help sort and hopefully take extra copies home with her.

    Glad to see the rain yesterday evening. Didn't get but a half inch but that was better than nothing.

    Enjoy your lunch out!

    1. Yes it is!!!
      He will be moving to my old stomping grounds. will look him up - always need a good mechanic.
      Pictures - oh so many to sort! Have fun.
      Yep rain was welcomed!!!

    2. CJ works at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum.

  2. I love orange tabbies. They have such unique personalities. Mine used to hop on my shoulder on command. He'd ride around up there just for fun lol.

    Time is going so quickly! We're not even having a real Fall yet and it's still flying by. I have finished my Thanksgiving cards...yippee. I'm still on track to finish everything for the holidays by November 1st. Then I am done and can enjoy cooler weather, I hope, and college football. I know I'm a freak this way lol. I watch everyone ooh and aah over all the Christmas stuff and it literally repels me. I wait until it's on clearance and then see how/if I can use it in another way.

    I used my oven for the first time in ages...twice already this week.
    I made pull-apart pizza on Sunday. That's simple criss cross cutting a knife thru a loaf of French bread. Pour about half a cup of melted butter over it so it gets 8n all the nooks. Then stuff in diced bacon or whatever else and then mozzarella cheese. Put it on a cookie sheet for 20 minutes at 350° until cheese is melted. Warm marinara in a saucepan. Break off chunks and dip them in sauce. Easy and yummy. I also made enchiladas.

    Painting luminaries this morning. Still have a good bit of work on those. Happy hump day, all. If you have Fall weather, please direct it to the plains, please!!

    1. Good for you. That is quite a goal! Although not a football - I can understand just wanting to chill.
      I haven't used the oven either - air fryer yes. Enchiladas sound good.
      I would - but we get warmer this weekend - so still hanging on to last bits of summer.

  3. Oooooo....I like that recipe for pull-apart pizza. Nice! Thank you for sharing! ~Amelia (My Forest Cathedral blog)

    1. The above is a reply to Debby in Kansas. Ooops!

  4. Loved the Tree poem...and the cute kitty. Raining here in S. Florida today, which we need...soft and gentle rain...hope it keeps up all day! We rarely have this treat.

    1. That is the perfect kind of rain!!!!! Enjoy that wonderful treat!!!!

  5. Oh that kitty is so sweet! My orange and white little cat is right here next to my computer, his name is 'Howdy' and he is very affectionate. A real sweetie.

    Yes, true beauty is on the inside, my mom always said, we have to be pretty on the inside too as well as outside. "Pretty is, is pretty does." ....My mom would always say. : )

    Have a really fun day, Cheryl! That sounds so fun to be with friends ya wanna be with.

    Yes, let's not let people push our buttons...Easier said than done many times but it's good advice. So many of us have had buttons pushed for so long it's almost a knee-jerk reaction for even stress.

    It's great to have hobbies too, so healthy for us and our mental health, to create. Even if it's ten minutes a day. I consider blogging creating too.

    Yes, let's be a first class version of ourself! Amen. : )

    Have a really fun day! ~Amelia

    1. Thanks - it will be fun - one gal is in town from CO and haven't seen her in years! Our main reason to get together!
      Oh, buttons are easily pushed - just say NO! I work hard on that.
      Yes, hobbies are quite fun - regardless of what it is. Keeps the mind active.

  6. You're pretty wonderful too, Cheryl. You've created a space that is comfortable for so many to visit and share.
    Have a wonderful time with your friends today!

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you. That makes my day! I love people feel comfortable.
      Thank you!

  7. We had a lot of rain all night and so far all morning so it's probably headed your way. We really needed it so I didn't mind much having to come to work in it. lol Have a wonderful time with your friends today!!

    1. Yes, I think it is heading this way. More expected today. We sure need it too. Glad you got some.

  8. merci pour vos bons voeux pour la journée tous les jours je regarde votre blog c'est toujours un moment de bonheur et d'encouragement toute mon amitié de France

  9. "Don't let people push your buttons -- try as they might."

    Oh, that is so very timely. I haven't shared what all has been going on in addition to healing up from the foot surgery. Some people will happily kick you while you're down. Such has been the case with my BIL, who wrote terrible things about me (to our sons) and to me, personally. Hurtful things. Claiming my MIL, before she died, told him she was "Proud of how far Elise has come," but nevertheless defined our relationship as "blackmail." That wasn't at all what I experienced with her. It was said to be hurtful. And it hurt.

    I broke down over the weekend. It's been a really rough month physically, emotionally, and (yes) spiritually. For context, this began when I told him he's not allowed--in our house--to bully our 30 yr. old son about becoming Catholic. Which he'd done. That I won't allow it, and if he can't refrain, he needn't come by. Hubs, after 40 years, finally stepped in and confronted his brother about his bad behavior and their parents' intolerance of anyone they believed to be tainted or beneath them, socially and religiously.

    "Be the beautiful human you were made to be."

    I needed to hear that today, Cheryl, and I'm trying. Thank you. I will say it's not always a good idea to be gentle; there are some in this world who see that as an invitation to be abusive. Sometimes, like with your neighbor, you have to be clear and firm. --Elise

    P.S. Lunch with old friends sounds wonderful Hope you have/had a great time!

    1. That was a sorely needed conversation, Elise. Glad you did it and extra glad your Hubs backed you up. Thank God for the strength to say what had to be said, to draw the line in the sand.
      I grew up in a very intolerant family, it was challenging to discover that "those other people" could be every bit as nice and fine as our family.

    2. Thank you, MaryB. Hubs' folks (not including aunts & uncles) always viewed me as a "mission field", having been raised Catholic and coming from a broken home. We kept a solid distance from them geographically. Too many times, I/we shut up. Our oldest son (now 36) felt wholly unaccepted and unloved, as FIL and BIL would lecture him about their strict views each time we were together, and how our side of the family fell short. He almost walked away from religion altogether because of it. That son is now very involved with his small (but growing), local non-denominational church and is in training to lead a Bible study for young adults. That's a very GOOD thing. What he grew up seeing in his Dad's family was a very SAD thing. It makes me wonder why BIL decided to come here when their mother died.

      I'm sure he's angry with us because we're not "looking after him" as they'd all expected. He'll be 60 in January. If he's still sitting in the huge, empty house he bought that he really couldn't afford at that time, and paying $500 mo. for storage units that all their belongings are in, that's his choice. With my foot surgery, the dinners here whenever he wanted to stop by for food and company stopped, too. Our youngest son is no longer going to the church BIL followed him to, so Sunday dinners also aren't a given, as son goes to mass sometimes on Saturday nights.

      The truly puzzling thing is how people can treat others with open disapproval and disrespect, yet expect those same people to embrace them and put up with their crap. JMO.

    3. Sorry to go on about it. This is why I've been much quieter here lately.

    4. So much stuff - and from family at that! Geesh. Your BIl sure sounds like a taker and he also sounds entitled! Both seem to be prevalent in todays society. I am glad you both had 'the talk' with him and put him in his place. Your home should be warm and inviting for your both and your sons.
      Almost 60 and expecting someone to still look after him. Good grief!!!! Some people just never get 'it'.
      Take care of yourself and love yourself and shine from within and keep him at bay. He sounds very toxic. HUGS

    5. Elise, I have no words just plenty of hugs.

    6. Thank you, LaurieS.
      Yes, Cheryl, I believe that's the best choice. Thank you. --Elise

  10. Just love kitties. My mom's orange tabby is keeping me company while I am staying at her home to get it ready to sell. My son will take him when the time comes. We have two bossy kitties at home and this kitty is 15 years old. So I don't want to stress him out in a multiple cat home. I'm always visiting and helping out my son; so it is a win win. : ) Pretty Boy has become my buddy. I was staying at my Mom's to help her out and take care of her before she passed last year. He has been such great company.

    1. I love kitties of every type! I can understand that about the kitty. It is used to being by itself - that would be a big shock to have 2 others around. I am sorry you lost your mom - nice that you can stay there while taking care of things. They sure can be good company. Unconditional love!!!

  11. I am going to print that inspirational tree off and post it in our clubhouse at the condo. It is SOOO good! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. It has been busy around here with John's health issues and trying to integrate into this new community we find ourselves in. Hugs- Diana

    1. How nice - I just loved it.
      I hope you can manage the issues and get the help you need. Change is always difficult. Take care.

  12. What a cheery post! Hope you had many laughs with old friends.

    1. Hi - glad to see you - you have been on my mind! I did - we laughed so much. It was a great day!

  13. Thanks for this uplifting post. I like the poem about the tree. We have had more than enough rain this week as we were affected by the hurricane. After 4 rainy days of being shut in and not taking my walks, I was really grateful and thankful to see the sun today. I took my walk and spent time sitting outside on the deck. Have a great week.

    1. Glad your rain ceased! Clear skies make happy days. Happy you got out to walk and enjoy your day.
      We finally got some rain last night - much needed here.
      I thought it was a cool poem too!

  14. Elise,
    The holier-than-thou people perceive they are right and as such they have a right to speak the 'truth' to anyone, even if they hurt their feelings.

    1. Exactly, P.P. Thank you. You sure know what's going on!
      Years ago in an ugly phone call, he declared he had a "Biblical imperative" to judge others. Recently he claimed to have the Holy Spirit, and those who disagree don't, regardless of religious standing, denomination, etc.
      I appreciate your comment. (((Hug))) --Elise

  15. I love the tree poem. I hope Elise sees my comment.

    1. Thanks - I am sure she will. I know a lot of people like that.

    2. I did see it, P.P. and so appreciate it. Do you ever wonder what Bible they're reading? The arrogance can be very hard to handle at a distance, let alone (now) regularly. --Elise
