Thursday, October 19, 2023

In Pursuit of.......

 Happy Thursday to you all.  Hope this finds you all well.
It seems in life we are always pursuing something.  It may be health, happiness, simplicity, having more, being debt free, having enough, getting settled, wonderful care for another, loving more......................
I think happiness and joy in life is something we all want.  Health as well.  Those are just a common denominator between us all.
What else do you pursue?

My current pursuit is having less!  I truly want my home to have less stuff.  I don't need the stuff, I don't use much of it.  I guess my stumbling blocks have been memories and sometimes feelings of guilt.  I think about things that brought happiness to others and then I feel guilty about getting rid of them.  I know I shouldn't.  Thay are truly serving no purpose to ME.  They can help or make someone else happy - so that gives me a little motivation.

I also pursue being a better person.  I just want to do good for others and to be kind when someone needs it.  I want to bring a smile to others.  I have more than enough and I am so very thankful.  Maybe, just maybe I can help another who has less or who needs a kind word.
A kind word or a smile can be worth more than gold!

What at this point in life do you pursue?  
Over the years of getting to know you all - I bet your pursuits are simple as well.  

Life happens every day - we move forward, sometimes slowly and awkwardly, and we go on.  We have to.  Others depend on us and yes, they need us. 
We also need to remember that we need to make ourselves happy too.  We often forget that.

Look forward to hearing from you and what your thoughts are.
Have a wonderful day!!!!


  1. It's funny how our pursuits change as we go through different times in our lives. I'm at the point in my journey that I want simple, peaceful, mindful days. I want to live in the moment and really appreciate every single second.

    1. LOVE this!!! Yes indeed it sure does change. I think this is a wonderful pursuit. Wonderful goal.

  2. Like Lori, I'm at a stage where I just want a quiet, simple, peaceful life. There was enough busy-ness and angst in my younger years, as is common, I suppose. Your 20s, 30s and 40s are often the busiest years of your life. Now that I'm in my 60s? Not so appealing. ;-)

    1. Yep. Such a wonderful goal to have. We have all had our 'busy' years - now time for some peace and quiet and reflection.

    2. For all the challenges that come with age (like my foot surgery), there are precious blessings. In those busy years I was never able to just enjoy a sunrise; too much to do 1st thing in the morning. And just moments ago, about an hour past sunrise, 4 white tail does were grazing on the vacant property next door. The dogs were barking like crazy in their kennel outside. I talked soothingly to calm them, and the does came right to the property line, apparently interested in my calming voice. A truly golden moment! --Elise

  3. Now in my 80s I look for an overall quiet peace. I'm busy with working and singing, though there is no real pressure like when I was a mom with family to care for. An underlying desire is to feel closer to The Lord. It would be nice to have more "get up and go" when it comes to culling my belongings but like others, I have emotional connections to many things and that helps to fill my home with warmth. Tricky! ;)

    1. "Overall quiet peace" - love this. I agree. Being closer to God is a work in progress for me daily.
      I just lit a scented candle on this chilly rainy day - it seems to warm my house with a since of contentment! I understand with the things.

  4. The less stuff pursuit continues to be an on-going thread in my life. However the stuff I'm keeping now is more craft related than memory related.
    I've always loved to travel, and having now sold the house, I'll have the opportunity to do more of it. So it's more a selfish pursuit, but I also think of it as a way to continue to learn and grow as a person. There will come a time that my health likely won't permit it - at least that's how I rationalize this desire.

    1. after raising a family and taking care of others - I think we are entitled to some selfish pursuits!!!! Nothing wrong with that. Do what makes you happy and enjoy every minute. Someday comes quicker than we think!

    2. Maebeme, my mom always dreamed of travelling. After Pop passed, and she'd remarried to a widower from her church, they had 6-7 years chock full of travels. When he passed, she had a few more years of cruises and road trips. I've always been glad she got to do that. It came to a halt in her 80s when health issues meant she no longer could. --Elise

    3. P.S. I used to put moth balls into knee high hosiery, tying a knot at the top, then placing them in the garage, outside next to the house in spots, in the garden shed, etc. That way, when they evaporated or just melted away, I could pick up the tan colored stocking and toss it.

  5. One of my pursuits is a closer walk with the Father. I am learning to lean more on His knowledge, not mine. Daily scripture study and always being in prayer is helping me to realize this most important goal. My morning prayers before my feet hit the floor are precious to me.

    It is too easy to hang onto things because of sentimentality. Fortunately my girls have already taken some things. Right now my major household goal is to get the house put back together after switching wardrobes around now that the cooler weather is here to stay. We had a mouse problem and think we have it under control now. The hen house and the garden have contributed to the problem but I sure wish the little beggars had stayed outdoors! Disgusting little creatures.

    It is raining and a good day to put the house in order. Thank you for all your wonderful blog posts which are most inspiring!

    1. Do you have moth balls, Donna? They smell nasty, I know, but they really help keep mice away. Once I'm back to full function on my feet, I need to do a wardrobe rotation, too. And decluttering. It's amazing how cluttered everything looks in just 7 weeks. Yikes!! --Elise

    2. Donna what a wonderful goal! Getting closer to God is a wonderful thing. First and last thing I do each day is pray - and so many times in between.
      Oh how I hate mice! They are dirty and so destructive. Elise is right - mothballs do help.
      Decluttering is a never ending project here.

    3. Sealing up ingress, peppermint essential oil and a variety of traps seem to work very well. I read about mothballs but the smell is overpowering to me. We could put mothballs in the garage. I know what you mean about things getting out of hand when you are not able to perform your regular chores. My ribs have finally healed so I'm playing catch up as well as sanitizing the house.

    4. I have stuffed ever crack I can find outside with steel wool - cracks and any places around pipes. They can't get through that. Nasty buggers

    5. There's also canned foam that seals up tiny cracks. My friend told me a mouse can get thru a whole the size of a dime? A nickel? Whatever, it's a tiny hole. We've only had one mouse and we caught him in 12 hours with a humane trap and some pnut butter. Hubs turned him loose in the corn fields across the street. That's probably where he came from.

    6. Donna, I'm so glad your ribs finally healed up! Mine did too, and a good thing as I got bronchitis and about coughed my head off! Cannot imagine doing that with injured ribs....

  6. My current goal is to have less stuff too. It's so easy to find things when they are all organized and that is what I want here. It is a work in progress.

    1. Organized... YES. It would sure make for more simple days in my house. I try. Really, I do. --Elise

    2. Less stuff - less to worry about and less to clean in my book!!!

  7. I'm trying to find a good balance between decluttering, my hobbies and caring for family....Peace. I don't want to be a worry wart anymore! My 93 year old mom at this time can sure be an ongoing concern and it is very hard on the mind especially when one is a thinker. I had to order her new pants this morning...hers were falling off yesterday! Nooooooo! Help meh somebodeh!

    I also think with a more decluttered home, it is easier to enjoy our little grandchildren too. It was hard yesterday, keeping up with my mom, keeping up with my little grandson etc, I had a little scrapbook (spiral notebook) for him with glue sticks and a U.S. stamp catalogue where he was cutting out pretty pics and gluing...I wish I could have sat with him. But that wasn't because of clutter, it was because of a 93 year old mom. I guess that is just life though. I want to live with no regrets.

    Spending time with God, being quiet enough to hear His voice, and to be sensitive to His spirit especially reaching out to others that may need it.

    Remembering Muffie, thanking God for sweet and precious blogging friends who commented. That is such a blessing to me. I have his things still all over our home, our home was totally set up for our blind little doggies, and Muffie was kind of a mascot for our family.

    I meant to write yesterday, that your vintage school hat is simply adorable...That museum will be so blessed to have that! I don't know if I would have been able to give the hat to the museum, but then again my eclectic home is a museum of sorts with things on display like that. I don't have any problem giving away material things I don't use but sentimental or old things do pose a problem for me.

    I need to take the time to smell the roses a bit more too....I try and do pretty well but need to be more intentional on that. At least the night before Muffie passed, I sat at the table with hubs while hubs ate and just held Muffie. When I went to go get pjs on, Muffie was placed next to hubs to be comforted. In the middle of the night when he cried in his little bed next to my side of the bed, I picked him up in his blanket and put him in bed with us. So I did well on that thank the Lord. I tend to beat myself up over things that weren't done properly on my end on things like that.

    ...And God, please help me to have the courage to just keep the darned ringer off of my phone at times without concerns. Help me to have a pleasant time doing things without guilt and just relax in Peace. (I must take care of me too, a good balance.)

    I see my inlaws, and they don't jump for their almost 100 year old mom but she's more independent believe it or not. They are almost in the other direction, my hubs is usually the one to take the brunt. And she still drives.

    Sorry if my thoughts are scattered but that's me, Amelia today. : )

    Have a good one, looking forward to reading more thoughts from others.

    Hugs, ~Amelia

    1. It's important to have some quiet time each day, Amelia. If you can. Especially as you've had 3 losses in such short order. But, yes, family and faith keep us going. Maybe more than we'd wish? (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. Those are all worthy pursuits. Life gets cluttered and we just need to stop and listen and really listen. We will be guided on what we should do. Family, friends, and pets are precious and we do all we can to be there. We need to be there for ourselves too!!!!!! That is important.
      Just take it slow and one day at a time. Do what you can and know it was the best you could do.

    3. Hi Elise, yes, I agree. I do spend quite a bit of quiet time in the morning hours drinking my coffee and praying, and my phone if off for sure. During my morning walk I try to put my phone back on. I *try* to do a little sewing or mending every day too, even if it's ten minutes but sometimes it falls off the schedule but I need to do better on that. So true...Life keeps going and our faith keeps on too but sometimes I feel like a fish out of water... Thank you. (((hugs))) to you, ~Amelia

    4. Hi Cheryl, yes, I so need to stop more often and listen, just stop and listen. I feel a bit overwhelmed in this season in my life plus the grief that is overshadowing, but I truly am trying to take life one day at a time but yes, I need to just slow up and maybe really listen closer. And I do need to be there for myself! That is a very good reminder, I've never thought of it like that...Be there for myself. Yes! And it's so true...At least we know we did the best we could do despite demands, that is a good way to live without regrets and that is so important to me. I'm so glad I held Muffie as much as possible even at the vet's until he became uncomfortable and wanted in his little bed there at the vet's . I appreciate you, (((hugs))) to you, ~Amelia

    5. If you don't take care of you - you can't be well - health or emotionally for others!!!! It is so important.
      Some day you will hear "welcome my good and faithful servant". God sees what you do! He knows.

    6. I so needed to hear that. Thank you!

  8. I'm just all about simplicity now as well. I've always been the type that gets overwhelmed with too many things/choices and I'm not good with multitasking. I want the items in my home to be easy and known to work for me.

    1. YES! Sounds perfect to me. If you don't love it - get rid of it. I am finally beginning to understand that!!!

  9. I don't want to stop learning. Learning to walk closer to God, learning about the world around many interesting things. How do things work. How do people make things. I'm still full of questions. For that reason, my house will remain cluttered with books. There was a stack of books waiting for me when I got back from Elise country. My librarian knows me. But first, push out from under the dirty laundry, pick up the chickadees and hear about their week, dig potatoes....can't just sit around with a book in my hands. Good to hear how everyone is doing and many prayers for those of you who are going through trials. From first hand experience I can attest that Elise is scooting along smoothly with a smile on her face! Oh, and I found a used copy of her cookbook! Excited about that!
    Central Az

    1. Ellie, I think we should ALL continue to learn. It makes life interesting. I have said before daddy always asked "what did you learn today?" To this day - when I learn something new - I look up and tell daddy!!!!
      I love my books too. How cool that you found a copy of Elises cookbook!
      Always something to do - but with cooler weather coming - a good book is lovely!

  10. Less stuff is my road to travel right now. Sometimes that speeds by like on a busy highway. Right now it is slow and steady. If and when we move (don't know why I say if) we will definitely need less "stuff" so clearing some out now just makes sense.

    God bless.

    1. Less stuff is beginning to be freeing. I totally understand and I sure wouldn't want to move it.
      You sound like you have a good plan.

  11. what lovely thoughts Cheryl. I had a hard time letting go of stuff from my family. Didn't let go of it all but picking and choosing what was more important was hard. It's true you will feel free. No one thinks this stuff is important sometimes more than you (or me).

    1. Yes, we are the ones who think that our stuff is so important - often the younger ones in the family don't. It is hard to do - but it needs to be done at times.

  12. (Little Penpen) hi Cheryl, I saw your comment to me on Belinda’s blog. I’m alive and well and lurking around. Big changes at my house. I’ll try to email you soon with an update.

    1. Hi Penny - I have really missed your blog and missed seeing you comment. You have been on my mind a lot lately. I am glad you are OK. Hope to see you check in more often!!!!

  13. Hi Cheryl :) It is so hard to let go of some stuff. It's mostly things that have family attached. And what you said about being kind...with some people it's hard. I'm working and praying on being less critical, but it's the analyzer in me. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. this morning thinking about situations that weren't my responsibility. Then I realized I was thinking about other people's problems! Ridiculous! Along with decluttering my house, I need to do the same to my never-shuts-down mind.

    1. Great thoughts. It is so easy to be critical and judge others - much too easy. No, we can't solve others problems - no matter how much we want to. I think that is something each of us needs to work on. Decluttering the MIND!
