Sunday, October 15, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 10/15

 Hello to all.  Hoping this finds you all well and safe.  Here we are halfway through yet another month.  Goodness, the holidays are getting so much closer.
We have so many from the group, going through so much right now.  I know you are ALL in our thoughts and our prayers.  We even have some that haven't posted in a long while - I sure hope you are all well.
I just wish you all the best every day.
Gosh this week has brought about many types of weather.  We have had fluctuations of some 40* over a day or two.  I went from sweatshirts and socks - to t-shirt and flip-flops in a matter of a day!  We have had rain - which everything needed.
We didn't see the eclipse here yesterday, as the day was gray and cloudy and drizzly.  I noticed no difference at all.
Blackie has found a friend!  There is a mini 'him' that has showed up some this week.  It is probably under a year old.  Usually Blackie chases off other cats - but he seems to like this one.  I know he has to be lonely since Fluff passed.  NO he can't keep it!  LOL!!  It just visits once in a while.  It seems to live down the alley a ways.  It won't let me get close!

This week:
  • You already know I picked everything from the garden
  • I also finished up the one room of decluttering and cleaning - whew!  Been working on new areas.
  • I delivered a BIG load to the thrift store.  I went to my favorite store and they had a sign up "absolutely NO donations at this time".  Guess everyone has the same idea of decluttering.  So I took to another store
  • I filled my trash bin this week and even put some in neighbors bin for pick-up.  Just glad to get stuff out.
  • Ran to the library to return while out.  I intended to look around - and got scared off!  Just as I went in a really sketchy looking character came in - head and face shielded and carrying a big backpack and wearing an oversized coat and went straight to the restrooms.  My Spidey sense just went nuts.  Mind you, he was probably homeless (there are many in that area) - but something just said GO!  I advised the staff of him (they had not seen him come in) and left.  I did go back by after dropping off donation and all seemed OK - so maybe I just panicked for no reason.  I do listen to my senses!
  • Did some more yard clean up
  • Mowed grass from front to very back and trimmed really well
  • I canned 7 pints of sliced green tomatoes and a quart of refrigerator baby green tomato kosher pickles.  Still have plenty more green toms.
  • Pulled the hose and drained and rolled up
  • Had a bunch of veggies that needed used - so made a great sauté veg dinner over rice
  • Cut the last roses to bring in - one is still pretty and they smelled so good
  • While decluttering I found my baby boom box!  I CAN listen to some of those cassettes.  I also found the container that had my relaxing, soothing tapes (nature, Indian, Appalachian music, etc.)
  • Scoured all the watering holes
  • NO grocery or spending
  • Did up 2 weeks of laundry and used the dehumidifier water (it is soft water)
  • Cooking from home and using up all bits
Meals this past week:
Fried green tomatoes, egg sandwich
Fried cabbage w/smoked sausage and sliced toms
Fried chicken (freezer) leftover cabbage and mashed potatoes
Sauteed veggies over rice
Fried burger w/grilled onions (no bread) and bowl of cukes/toms
Deconstructed stuffed pepper skillet and sliced toms
Snacks:  apples, mandarins, tomatoes, cheese and crackers

What have you been up too?  Gosh, I know we have folks healing, taking care of others, sick families, moving, etc.  I am sure there is so much going on right now for all.  Please check in and let us know how you are and what is going on.  WE CARE - we are a VILLAGE!

I wish you all the best and I pray for you all daily.  Have a safe, healthy and lovely week.  
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

I love thee, O Lord, my strength,
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.
Psalms 18:1-3

Dear Lord, as so many are going through so much in every part of the world, we seek You and Your blessings on all.  May people realize that their actions are so often evil and not serving of You.  
Please be with each of us as we go through personal trials and guide us in the appropriate steps to take.  Comfort all my family and friends as they struggle through their daily lives and give them strength.  Amen


  1. Yes, always listen to that small voice that says to go! We had rain twice which was the biggest news of the week! It was so dry here. We forget about the eclipse but just thinking it was dark outside, LOL. Silly old people that don't keep up with what is going on!

    1. Sometimes that voice yells - I listen!
      Glad you got rain. I guess I wasn't too disappointed - have been through eclipses before!
      Have a great week.

    2. There are some places around here that I simply do not go. Those places don't feel safe any longer, and I'm just one little old person, not in a position to do much defensive action, so it's mostly avoidance. Keep your eyes open, know where you are and who else is nearby. Watch and listen.

      Rain? Someone got rain? Well well, how interesting. Seems like rain is no longer on the weather agenda here. ;)

    3. I'm the same, MaryB. There are places I avoid and no longer travel alone, either. Cheryl, I've learned to ALWAYS listen to that voice... that unsettled feeling... the little hairs on my neck prickling, even when I know I can't explain it to anyone else. --Elise

    4. MARY - I am always vigilant! The older I get the more I check things out and listen to my senses. I always look around before getting out of the car at the store and as I walk up. I just see something weird, and my senses get crazy. I guess we have been programmed that way today - so much meanness going on. It is a shame.
      Sorry you have no rain! I do hope you get some soon.
      Have a good week!!!

  2. Sounds like you had a really nice week with lots of good meals. I'm glad you listened to your gut, that is always important. It's better to be safe than sorry. Prayers going out for peace for everyone in need.

    1. It was a good one. Yes, my thought too - better safe than sorry.
      Thank you!
      Have a great week.

  3. You are smart to be aware of your surroundings and not go into the library because you just don't know these days. Stay safe is my motto! We are having a little tiny bit of rain this morning, but sure could use more as it's dry here. I'm going to need some fried green tomatoes after reading what you ate this week. LOL

    1. I just keep my eyes open - and if I feel off - I go.
      Hope you get some more rain - it is predicted a lot here this week.
      Those fried green toms were good!!!
      Have a lovely week.

  4. Thank you Cheryl for your prayers and verses, they are so very needed.
    Not a good week for me but getting better. Did my running around on Monday feeling a bit "off". By Tuesday AM full blown sore throat, sinus headache, fever, the works.
    Have been down all week and today feeling a bit better. Not covid just ick. The fatigue is awful. Being someone that usually can go 90 miles an hour, it is hard to just relax and get through it. But I' m trying.
    Have no idea what meals were as I just didn't care, drinking OJ and fruit smoothies for the most part.

    You were very smart to listen to your inner voice. Stay safe.
    I still need to bring in some plants to winter-over but they are fine for the time being.
    This week will be better.

    1. You are welcome.
      I sure hope your week is better and you get to feeling back to A-OK!!!!! Nothing worse than feeling sick. Glad you had the juice to drink!
      Go forward slow so as not to get over tired.
      Have a good week.

    2. Hope you're back to health soon, JC. Saying a prayer.

  5. Very foggy again today, humidity is high so it's not too cold. We have a birthday party today, 4 yr old great-nephew. We had another nephew spend a couple of days with us at the beginning of the week. He and family were here for the week. They are on the road today back to Montana. We did get together with all the family on Wed night, 20 of us at a local pizza spot, it was fun.
    I finally started watching Northern Exposure cd's I bought, finally got the cd player set up in my sewing room.
    Friday, Hubby and the neighbor finally got the generator set; I supervised LOL. Now to call the electrician. We haven't pulled up all the tomatoes yet but I'm hoping it will happen this week as we are suppose to have some warmer days. Oh, yeah and some rain.
    My prayers for the people of Israel.

    1. What a wonderful family week you have had. That is so cool. How lovely that you all got together for a visit and meals. Enjoy the little one today.
      I remember seeing some of the show - but can't remember what all it was about.
      YAY on the generator. You will be glad to have it one day!
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Laurie, I've long been curious about that show. When you're done, lemme know if you liked it. I watched so little TV in my 20s and 30s. I've finally seen a couple episodes of MASH, which stuns most people.

  6. We missed the eclipse here yesterday too, as it was cloudy for most of the day. I probably wouldn't have gone out anyway, as I don't have the appropriate eye-wear.
    It's looking lovely out there today with sunshine and warming up over the next few days. I had intended to go out to my daughter's but plans have changed and I'll make my visit there later in the week.
    I do hope the wee mini Blackie has a home of his own.

    1. The clouds sure got in the way here. I wouldn't really try to look either - they just said it would get real dark and it never did.
      Well, I hope you have a good weekend anyway. Next week you will have something to look forward to.
      Have a lovely week.

    2. I didn't mean to ignore the mini Blackie mention. He does not get fed here - but looks plenty healthy. I always have water out and if it needed shelter - there is plenty here. Greenhouse, dog (cat) house and a Styrofoam shelter. Goes to the same place every day when it leaves here. Hasn't come since the rain started the other day.

  7. It has been a tumultuous week for Husband and me. On Friday, he was released to a rehab hospital for an as yet unknown length of time (probably less than two weeks). He was assessed yesterday. The Speech therapist confirmed my suspicions that he has moderate dementia, a realization that I have come to only this week. Knowing that I can no longer care for him at home and keep him safe, I will be making an informal visit to a facility this afternoon with a friend whose mother lives there. My friend thinks this is a good facility, and I trust his judgment. I am praying that they will have a bed available for a male patient. When I visited Husband yesterday, I gently explained that my health has deteriorated to the point where I cannot take care of him the way he needs and that that he needs to live somewhere where professionals can take care of him properly and keep him safe. He took this news much better than I feared he might and agreed to think about it.

    Of course, I am an emotional wreck, but I am holding it together when I am with him. It is so hard to see him blankly staring into space looking totally defeated and confused, though he does have his lucid intervals, too. He has deteriorated a lot in the past two weeks.

    Our 14th wedding anniversary was Friday, and this is the most loving gift I can give him. I know I am doing the right thing. I spoke with his daughter yesterday, and she told me she trusts my judgment and will back me up in any decisions I make. That means a lot to me.

    I have spent so much time in prayer the past couple of days. Right now my prayer is that I find an appropriate placement in time for him to transition directly from the rehab hospital. He simply cannot come back to our house.

    As always, thank you for your prayers and support. I pray for all of you each day.

    1. ((((Frances)))) a BIG hug for you. What a week, indeed. And yes, it's the very BEST Anniversary gift you can give him. I'm so glad he took it well and his daughter supports your decision. You're both still in my prayers several times per day. I think of you often.

      My Sis is facing something similar with our mom (below).

    2. Frances, I hope you find the right place for your hubs. What a decision! Wonderful that his daughter will back you up, I hope she keeps to that. At least you now know *your* limit which means a lot when it's time to make choices. Prayers.

    3. Frances, praying that you find a place where your husband can be safe and cared for.

    4. Frances, that was good news about your husband taking your preliminary decision well, as well as his daughter. Both of those are huge steps forward, although life usually provides a hilly road on things like this. But so far so good. And I am very thankful that you realize you are at your limit. For you to end up in a rehab facility won’t help him at all. Prayers headed your way, Hilogene in Az

    5. Just got back from the unofficial tour of the memory care facility and it seems like it would be the perfect fit for Husband. I was very positively impressed with the cleanliness, the staff that I encountered, and the obvious care given to the residents. It looked and felt so much like a home with many bedrooms as opposed to a healthcare facility. Now to pray that they have an opening for a male resident. My friend is going to call the director on my behalf tomorrow to get the ball rolling. (fingers crossed!)

    6. Glad it was a good place and seems lovely. Best of luck getting in and making all the adjustments. Hugs

    7. Francis, I'm praying for you and your husband as you make this difficult decision, and also praying that he will be able to get into the facility you visited. Knowing that he will be well-cared for will be such a relief for you. Wanita

    8. I will earnestly be praying, Frances. This must be very stressful for you to say the least, the facility sounds very nice. I will pray for discernment and wisdom. God be with you, Frances. (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    9. Love and prayers Frances. Cindy/WV

    10. I am so very sorry. Lord love your heart, and his. Prayers annie

    11. Oh, Frances! Hugs to you. I can only imagine how hard all this is. Take it easy and be kind to yourself.

  8. Thank you for today's post, Cheryl. Your roses look beautiful! I miss having roses, but they don't do well here. What a busy week you had! Hurray for the clean-out!!

    The verse in my devotional book today needs to be shared for so many here: "As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." James 5:11 NIV

    I'll keep this as short as I can. My sister has been sick since Thursday, in bed most of that time. It has derailed our mom. Badly. She called me this morning (Mom, not Sis) and I assume Sis was still in bed. Mom wasn't sure at 1st who she'd called. Asked where I am. Told me she'd just gone to Sis' house on Friday and is staying there for a few days, in case I wanted to call, so I didn't call her house. Mom has been there for almost 2 years. She was confused about everything. Not making much sense. I have a great poker face and poker voice. Stayed calm. Let her talk. Before we hung up, she seemed more cognizant, although she thought I was in AZ on a trip with my "boys".

    This has all been taking a toll on Sis. She called me Friday to talk about looking for Assisted Living arrangements for mom, and I had to tell her mom is past that now. She'll need nursing care. Full time. A Memory Care facility if at all possible. This morning's call confirmed that for me. It's going to be very hard for everyone involved, and most of all for Sis, who I know will beat herself up for having to do it, but she really does now. Mom's been getting up in the night, every night. Professional care is best now.

    My week was good enough. Little by little I'm continuing to heal every day. Hubs and I had a wonderful time and late lunch with Ellie and her husband yesterday. This really IS a village, Cheryl. It's good to connect with each other, pray for each other, and just care... truly care about each other. It's a huge blessing in my life. --Elise

    1. So happy you are healing and so sorry about your mom's condition. That is something my husband or I did not have to deal with our parents.

    2. Oh Elise! I can so relate to what your family is going through with your mother. It sounds so much like Husband's situation. Yes, memory care sounds like the appropriate place for them both. Continued prayers, as always!

    3. Elise thank you for the scripture.
      So sorry your family and mom are going through this. It has to be so hard. As Frances said, the Care Facility and having that wonderful help is a true showing of love.
      I hope you can find something for her that will be lovely and protect her 24/7.
      Glad you are doing better. Neat that you had lunch with Ellie. I love that people have gotten together by meeting here!
      Have a blessed week.

    4. Elise, I pray that you'll be able to find a good memory care facility for your mom. I know exactly what you're going through. My sister took care of my mom as long as she could and felt guilty when she no longer could do it. I couldn't help much since I lived too far away. It was so difficult on every level. May the Lord give you all strength as you go through this difficult time. Wanita

    5. Oh Elise, just so very tough. ...Just. So. Tough.

      I so get it... I am earnestly praying dear one. (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    6. Thank you ALL so much. I'm worried about my Sis. Wanita, you do know exactly how it is. I'm in AZ. Sis (and mom) in AR. I feel so helpless, but am here to listen, support and let them know how much I love and appreciation them. And PRAY. Lots and lots and lots of prayer. And recognize the gifts received. Just before my surgery, my mom called; our youngest son was at the house that day. We were both surprised. She was nearly 100%, clear, cognizant, aware. It was like my mom of long ago. I knew it was a gift and a miracle. And I knew it would be the last such call. I'm still more grateful for that than words could ever express.

      Sis emailed today, "We will try to have a good last holiday together and then the first of the year we'll look for a place."

    7. Elise, I would encourage your family to start looking for a place now. Many have waiting lists. Administrative wheels turn slowly, especially leading up to the holidays. Many are operating on limited staff already, and with flu and covid going around, it will only get worse.

    8. You too, Elise? Hugs to you, as well. I know this will sound odd, but I'm so grateful that my mom's body gave out before her mind. It was so hard to watch my MIL start forgetting things and she would get angry. She was in Cali and would insist to my SIL that she be driven over to our house after church on Sunday. We would talk to her and tell her we'd see her on Sunday. That made her happy and she'd forget all about it by Sunday. What a cruel disease.

    9. Thank you Frances and Debby. I did mention to my Sis that it may be a good idea to see what places do/don't have waiting lists, but I'm always careful not to interfere with their choices. When we were primary caregivers for Grandma Griff, we did NOT appreciate constant interference by those who weren't on the front line. Have always kept that in mind. And yes, Debby, it's a cruel disease. This morning Sis sent a pic... mom had put toothpaste on her hairbrush. If Sis corrects her, like your MIL, mom gets angry. That, or she starts crying. I just pray for mercy now. --Elise

  9. Cheryl, this is a wonderful village! This is all due to how you treat your followers. Many bloggers don't respond to comments.

    Excellent devotional! The Father is our Rock, that's for certain.

    That's cute about Blackie having a little mini-me.

    Don't you love finding things you can use! I'm not sure we have anything to play cds on any more. Well, beside the vehicles.

    Will have to check on the green tomatoes. We had a nice salad with the bits left in the garden.

    Cool and gloomy day but that's okay. Anytime I feel any dissatisfaction I think of what our brothers and sisters in Israel are experiencing.

    1. Thank you. I just really care for everyone here. I worry about you all too.
      Yes, mam - the Rock!
      I can play CD's on my laptop - no problem, even DVD's.
      It is a gloomy and chilly day - but we are just so blessed.
      Our lives could be so different.
      Have a great week.

    2. Donna, when I bought my last cd player at least 10 yrs. ago, the 20ish yo clerk blank stared me when I asked him where the boom boxes were lol. I described them and he still had to call a much older manager lol. They had 3 left. Young clerk's comment? "What do they do?". I should've told him they locate dinosaur eggs 😂.

  10. Hi Cheryl, well renovation update, since you asked for news ;). Last week the place got new windows and sliding glass door. This week sheet rock repair and maybe a new fireplace insert (the old gas one was irreparable so I bought an electric one). That should be wonderful this winter to take the chill off the air. A dear friend is in town visiting this week so that should be wonderful as well. Are your trees showing good color now or is that over? Hilogene in Az

    1. WOW girl, you have really been busy. So many changes. Like a whole new place - how wonderful for you.
      Nice to have an old friend in town - enjoy your time!!!
      Actually in my area trees are starting to change. I can see a lot of color, but there is still a lot of green. Another week or two, should be peak colors.
      Have a lovely week.

  11. Like many, I missed the eclipse, too. We were having heavy steady rain and I think today's the first day I've seen the sun in nearly a week. We needed the rain, though, so I'll take it. I went and got both my covid and flu shots, one in each arm, and 24 hours later, I hit the brick wall -- very, very tired, no energy, and a fever. It lasted about 3 hours, and I was back to normal. Guess that means they were working to protect me.

    Early in the week I brought in my deck cushions and stowed the patio furniture against the divider wall, separating my deck from the neighbors. I also cleared out all of my pots and harvested the last of the peppers and tomatoes (still green) -- they can ripen on the counter. And I gave my herbs one last cutting -- 3 dehydrator trays of parsley, 2 of basil, and 1 of oregano, and then 2 trays of chopped chives. I cleaned out most of the deck rail flower boxes, as well. I still have a rutabaga to pull (my free-loader than came in with the leeks), and I have 3 leeks waiting for the first hard frost. My geraniums on the outside of the rail planters are still putting out flowers, and I've cut down the lettuces several times, yet they continue to produce. Ready for a week of down-time, poolside with some lady friends, to recharge our batteries before the holiday prep takes over.

    1. Glad you got rain.
      Taking care of all the last bits of harvest! Good to not waste a bit of it. Sounds like you are winding down for the fall. My geranium out front has started really re-blooming again. Love the colors! I hope you have a relaxing week with your friends.
      Have a great week.

  12. Well done on the decluttering Cheryl, sounds like you have been busy again this week.
    We have had our first cold night/morning today, brrr, think I will have to find a thicker duvet. But today has been beautiful and sunny. It was our grandson's 11th birthday yesterday and my great nephews 2nd birthday. Both had birthday parties today so I have enjoyed seeing their respective party photos care of WhatsApp.
    I am thinking of Frances and her husband and Elise's family with their difficult decisions re care for their loved ones. My Father in law had to make this decision several years ago when his wife's Alzheimer's was too extreme for him (and my husband and all his siblings) to cope with at home. There is a saying, who cares for the carer, I hope you find peace that you are making the right choice for you and your loved one.
    I am glad to hear you are improving Elise. The pressure on my husband's eye after the operation a couple of weeks ago is improving and he can have the stitches out in two weeks time. He had a melanoma removed on his arm which proved to be cancerous, had the second part cut out 9 days ago, the stitches for that come out tomorrow so just waiting for result now.
    We had dinner at our daughter's house tonight with granddaughter no2 which was great. We collected granddaughter no1's little dog who we have until Friday so he is my hot water bottle tonight.
    Hope you have a good week Cheryl.

    1. Those cold mornings will get you! I had to put a topper quilt on the bed - it sure does help.
      How neat of the birthday parties and pics. Glad you got to have dinner with family - that is always lovely. Snuggle with that doggy!!!!
      Glad your hubbies eye is doing good. That is great. I hope they got everything with the melanoma. Prayers.
      It is so tough having to make such difficult decisions. People tend to beat themselves up for it - but it is all for super care and love.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Thank you, Heather. I'm so glad to hear your husband is healing, too, and praying they got everything. How nice to get to enjoy family time, both in person and via pictures this week! Enjoy that grand-dog! :-) --Elise
      P.S. We did catch the eclipse, or what there was of one in our area. It wasn't a full eclipse here.

  13. Linda Practical Parsimony, here.

  14. Too cloudy to see the eclipse here, too. Today started out cloudy and 40° with chilly wind. I think fall has finally arrived to stay. The sun came out this afternoon, and it was 49°. The leaves have been turning slowly, but still a fair amount of green, but I don't think that was last too much longer. Glad you listened to your gut, Cheryl, and got out of the library. Always better to be safe than sorry.

    1. Forgot to sign my name - Wanita. Blogger is making me stay anonymous today! 😊

    2. Your weather sounds just like mine. It is drizzling now and windy and like 54*. It never got out of the 50's today - spots of sun!
      Well, Wanita I thought the same. I just had that creepy feeling that something bad was going to happen. Yep, I'll take safe over sorry.
      Blogger - go figure!!!!!! It has a mind of it's own I believe.
      Have a great week.

  15. Glad to see you post - I have been worried about you! At least I know you are ok. Hope you get the computer taken care of soon.
    Have a good week!!!

  16. That small voice should always be listened to. Just getting the yard ready for winter around here. Still some to do, but getting there and should be done by the end of the month. Hopefully the white stuff stays away until then.

    God bless.

    1. I try to always listen!
      That is a lot of work. There is always so much to do. I don't even want to think about white stuff!
      Have a wonderful week.

  17. Hi Cheryl, I'm so glad that Blackie has a little friend, that is so good.

    Hopefully will post a blog about the loss of our little Muffie soon...

    Yes, your blog here is a place for comradery and prayer. I appreciate you, friend and other blogging friends very much. My dad always said: People may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel. That is a good thing here, because I have felt cared for here. I've never understood how people can quote scripture but not show care for others when bad things happen. I really try hard, to be Jesus with skin on too as you do also and don't understand it when others don't.

    Hugs to you friend, ~Amelia

    1. Amelia, on my living room wall is a plaque my sister made that reads--Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what.

      Our fur babies are family. At least they are to most folks. Muffie, Missy Christmas and Coffee Belle gave and received so much love as members of your family. It's a lot of loss in a very short span of time. Hard to absorb. The pain (I'm sure) is acute. I prayed today that when He knows the time is right, God will send you another fluffy family member... not to replace them, as they can't be replaced... but to comfort you and bring smiles every day. --Elise

    2. Amelia, thank you for your kind words. I agree, people always remember how you make them feel. Kindness costs nothing, and should be an important part of every life. That would make the world a better place.
      I know you are hurting. Our pets are our babies and we love them. They love us unconditionally - something we all need to learn.
      Take you time, and just know you gave them their BEST LIFE! That is really something.
      Try to have a beautiful week.

    3. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart, Elise and Cheryl. I sure need the prayers, I started to put some of Muffie's meds up and teared up. I had barely picked up two bottles and set them right back down again. ...Just couldn't do it. My mom called this morning a bit confused, that sent me spiraling down more so, thank God our youngest was going to art class near my mom's part of town and stopped by after class and made my mom lunch. A *huge* blessing. I guess you could say, I'm feeling like I could crumble, maybe it's Monday blues coupled with being so very tired, did not sleep well either plus the major stuff. I sure do appreciate you gals.

  18. Thank you for the scripture and I needed that! I enjoy your sharing here Cheryl, your prayers encourage me too. We had homecoming at church today, 116 years for our church. The fellowship and food were wonderful. There is alot of fellowship here too. We went through the transition of home to assisted living to nursing home with my Momma several years ago.
    It took about four years all told on that hard journey. She went on off to Jesus twenty years ago. I still.miss her. I am looking forward to having our great homecoming with her one of these days. Annie

    1. I am glad the message was needed and reached you. I love hearing that scripture and prayer was appreciated.
      What a wonderful celebration that must have been. That is a long time - it must be a good church.
      It is such a hard time to adjust to being a caregiver - but we each do what is best for our loved ones. My momma went to heaven 22 years ago this week. They leave such a huge hole in our lives. One day together again!
      Have a lovely week.

  19. Good morning Cheryl, I can’t post on her site due to issues I have with Google, but thought to post here since your blog is often our coffee shop and community center ;). Have you heard from practical parsimony? She hasn’t posted in a week or so and I am a bit concerned. Hilogene in Az.

    1. Yes, she actually posted a short message above in the comments on Sunday. I was relieved to hear from her too. She is having a lot of computer problems again. She can't get into her blog at this moment. Just glad she is OK!!!

  20. I found a house, made an offer, it was accepted and closing on Friday! I am so excited! It is actually a Villa. 2/2, no yard to take care of really, but I do have a patio with some planters already there to plant in! I just can't get over how quickly this came to fruition! Now for the moving part, bleck, BUT I will be purging all boxes as they come in the house!!

    1. YAY! Happy for you! That is a quick turn around! Low maintenance is a nice feature. Hope all goes well on the move. Good chance to de-clutter!!!!!!
      Have a great week!

  21. Hello, all. Hopefully this week won't be so busy. I'm still tired! I'll probably take a little nap this morning.

    My Christmas plan is moving along nicely. I'm going to start addressing Thanksgiving cards this week, but won't mail them until about the 10th of November. First gift is heading for Cali on Saturday, when I get stamps. I finished painting a gnome family made from wood and they're so silly. I used a name generator on Pinterest to name them. Silly. Their son's name is Buddy Pickle Pants lol. I also made a garland for their mantle. This is all for January decorating because my friend said she has nothing fun to use after Christmas goes away. Now, she will. It's all shades of blue and grey. No Christmas colors.

    I also finished birthday cards through the end of the year.

    We went to a picnic 2 weeks ago before it cooled off. I bought 4 raffle tickets at $5 each. Charity. Didn't win the grand prize of $2500, but won a runner up prize of $50 worth of Gift cards. Over this weekend, we had a lot going on and used the McDonald's GC for a Big Mac meal. It was $13!! For McDonalds???? Then, hubs had to buy a gallon of OJ for a work event. $7 for Walmart's Great Value. $7 for OJ??? I was shocked again by the price. Sheesh!!!

    1. Sounds like you have a good grip on the holiday festivities! How neat that you are that prepared. Not me!!!!!! I wish I were that prepared.
      Nice on the win. Nothing is cheap anymore. OJ isn't that expensive here thank goodness. I usually buy 1/2 gal. when on sale or concentrate and make my own.
      Hope you have another successful and lovely week!

  22. FYI... Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, who serves as the head of Latin Catholics living in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, and Cyprus, has offered himself in exchange for the children being held hostage by Hamas. He has called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land on Tuesday, Oct. 17, urging Catholics to organize times of prayer with Eucharistic adoration and recitation of the rosary “to deliver to God the Father our thirst for peace, justice, and reconciliation.”

    “In this time of sorrow and dismay, we do not want to remain helpless. We cannot let death and its sting (1 Cor 15:55) be the only word we hear,” he said.

    “That is why we feel the need to pray, to turn our hearts to God the Father. Only in this way we can draw the strength and serenity needed to endure these hard times, by turning to him, in prayer and intercession, to implore and cry out to God amidst this anguish.”
    From CNA (Catholic News Agency) 10/16/2023

    1. P.S. You don't have to be Catholic and don't have to recite the Rosary. Tomorrow would be a good time for every Christian to set aside time to pray. I know we all are anyway. --Elise

    2. You're welcome, Cheryl. My son sent me the link to the article today. It's not the kind of thing mainstream news reports on.

  23. Hi Cheryl! I've noticed some people haven't posted in a while too. But I'm glad you're here! I've been on a purging job this week too. I'm actually purging old pieces of writing and some journals. It is tedious! It feels good to simplify though, so I will move on to photos next. That should take a good portion of my life :) Have a wonderful week!

    1. Hi Debbie - yes there are several that seem to have gone AWOL on us! I do hope they are all ok and well - just doing other things! Linda at Practical Parsimony checked in - computer problems - but there are so many others I wish would check in!!!
      Yes, purging is freeing. It is a job for sure - and it often makes us stop and think. WHY we are hanging on to things?
      Best of luck to your purging.
      Have a great week!
