Thursday, November 30, 2023

Another One Bites the Dust!

 It is Thursday.  It is the end of yet another month.  We are approaching Christmas at record speed!!!! In a month we will be celebrating the end of yet another year.  Good golly Miss Molly - it sure seems impossible.
The sunrise this morning was incredibly beautiful!  The moon was full and bright.  It is warming some today - the sun is shining.  Nice way to end the month.

What plans do you have for the weekend?  Are you ready to start the holiday decorating?  Shopping or baking?  Chill-axing and staying warm?

I am going out today to get my monthly gasoline.  I don't want to lose my points for the month - and they end after today.  I will probably stop at Kroger and look around - need a couple things for baskets.  Hmmm - maybe Big Lots too - it is just a block from Kroger.
I will probably make my first batch of cookies this weekend.  I have some crafting to do as well.
I am not doing a lot of decorating inside this year.  Just not into it!

Whatever you plan to do - have fun with it!!!!!  We all need more fun in life.  We need to laugh more and enjoy every day - no matter what it throws at us.

I wish each of you a splendid December!


  1. We are expecting a washout rainy weekend so I hope we can stay inside and home since we are not a pair of ducks!

    1. We have rain coming in tonight and then tomorrow. I hope you have a great weekend INSIDE!

  2. Taking a walk and then running errands today while it is warmer and sunny. I found a grief counselor who is in-network for my insurance and contacted her and left a msg requesting an appt. It's hard to find a mature person with experience. Most of them look like they're straight out of college and young enough to be my granddaughter. Plan to visit Husband Friday & Saturday mornings. He got his hair cut yesterday, and the hospice aide is going to shave his beard (grown in while he was in the hospital/rehab) tomorrow. I saw him yesterday, and he was doing well. I also went to the Project Linus workshop and was invited to resume volunteering in person. I plan to do that 3-4 times a month. It will do me good to be around other women.
    I bought some Christmas DVDs and plan to watch them over the next few weeks. No gifts to purchase or decorating or baking to do.

    1. I'll pray you find a good counselor, Frances. Our youngest daughter who lives at home had a big break-up last year and sought help, but even she ended up with a counselor who wasn't that great so she quit going and saved her money and listened to counselors on youtube reading comments and of course she started back to church with a girl, an old friend who's had the same troubles. And if you find a church around, (sorry, I'm repeating myself but wanted to clarify) with ladies your age, those support groups are fantastic being with those in the same boat. I long for that. But not everyone (like me) has that luxury of a good church that is convenient. Praying for you, Frances. It sounds like you are handling things very well. God bless you, Frances.

    2. Frances, so happy you found a counselor - hope they help.
      It is nice that hubs is getting all spiffed up thanks to the facility!!! I bet it makes him feel better. You sound like you are doing a bit better. I am so happy that you are going to volunteer again - that will do great things for you. Not only being around other adults, but helping the littles as well.
      Enjoy those movies and just relax!!!!!!!! Hugs.

    3. Thanks for the update, Frances. You and your husband are in my prayers.

    4. Thank you, ladies. Since Husband is settling in to his new home, I decided to focus on my self-care. If this counselor doesn't work out, I will try again. At this point, I am not looking for a church community. Ex-Husband destroyed my reputation at my former church and in the neighborhood when he left me, and continues to spread lies to this day. Perhaps some day I will find a welcoming congregation.

    5. I understand what ya mean Frances on churches. I'm not a fan either of our particular ones in our area, I was just mentioning them for the support groups. : ) Many churches that care enough to offer those support groups don't care if you are a member or go to church there. The large historical traditional Methodist we have in downtown would be way too far for me, but I know it's probably a viable group. Just clarifying. Hobby Lobby does have beautiful manger scenes btw...That is where mine is from.

  3. Wow, Frances! This all sounds good. :) Hope your counselor turns out to be just what you need. If not, find another. Don't waste time on a bad fit. Planning ahead is good. I've been known to check out a good book for Christmas Day, select good music, a centerpiece for my table. A Nativity Creche is a nice thing too, and read the good old story!

    1. Mary those sound like nice ways to spend the day!!!!! Good advice.

    2. MaryB, my plans for Christmas Day are to visit Husband in the morning and watch a good movie in the afternoon. Will also call my mother, who will be an "orphan" at her assisted living residence in Wichita. Good music to read by in the evening, including the Christmas portion of Handel's "Messiah". Many years ago, despite being tone deaf, I sang in a multi-church choir, and we performed the Christmas part of "Messiah" in concert. When I play it now at home, I still sing along with the alto part - loudly and out of tune LOL!
      I looked for a Nativity Creche today while I was out but want something better than what was in WM's pathetically small selection. I'm thinking Hobby Lobby should have something nice.

    3. Frances, I'm so glad you have plans in place. :) My first Christmas alone was a total bummer: I had no kitchen and of course places to eat were closed, I had no car so no way to get anywhere besides walking, and being alone was completely unexpected so I'd made no prep whatsoever.

      Never Again! Even when I do have plans I make sure I have a backup of some sort - food I love, music I enjoy, a book to read. What a shame that your ex ruined church and local community for you, that's disgusting.

      Yes! Sing along to the Messiah! What a great piece of music, so uplifting and fine. :) The Lord hears your singing as lovely. DD gave me some CDs of Christmas music - straightforward carols and hymns, not all "modernized". Easy to sing with. :)

  4. We are going to a Christmas parade on Saturday night. During the day there are a couple of bazaars to go to. We have been getting our outdoor decorations up; lights and a few blow ups.
    *I have leftovers to take care of today.
    *We are expecting rain here also.

    1. How fun - a parade. I haven't been to a holiday parade in decades! Bazaars are always fun. Again, been a while on going to those as well.
      I bet the house looks neat - you need to send me a pic.
      Rain will be here tomorrow too. Stay dry and enjoy your activities this weekend!

  5. No plans for the weekend, though I may get around to decorating my small tree. I'm working on a couple of small ornaments for my niece and nephew too.
    This year has seemed long at times, and too short at others. Thankfully things have calmed down around here, and I'm looking forward to the New Year.

    1. That all sounds good. You deserve to slow down and rest up for the winter. I new year and a new start. YAY

  6. First of all, Frances, I'm glad to see you're doing what you need to to take care of YOU. Wise advice, MaryB. Cheryl, it sounds like your day is well packed! Often I wish I had your energy.

    We had thunderstorms and hail last night. Snow is supposed to move in today through Saturday morning. I'm hoping the weather holds off long enough to get to (and home from) physical therapy this morning. We have a long, steep rock driveway; just need to be able to get out and back in. Otherwise no plans except to hunker down inside. --Elise
    P.S. Like you, Cheryl, we're keeping Christmas decorations scant this year. Thanksgiving was our BIG holiday.

    1. I hope you have good weather for the PT. Hunker down sounds good to me. Stay warm and dry!

  7. Cheryl, that meme is so right-on for us right now. I will just say our moms are on the naughty list at this time. ; )

    Your day sounds delightful, Cheryl! Oh I can so see you having such a sweet time looking around at the stores...I saw part of a video this morning, the girl had put a little 6 inch? tencel tree in each of her gift baskets and it looked so pretty. She also had little dollar tree plushies of santa and snowmen would use too to tuck in.

    I bet your cookies are going to be so good! The fragrance will maybe waft here? lol

    I'm going to try to make out Christmas cards just for the Littles with a sweet pop-up Nativity scene when they open it. They will have fun getting mail. : ) I'm also going to try to put the bulbs and icicles on my little-big 4 ft. tree, my main tree on my childhood coffee table.

    Have a WONDERFUL day Cheryl! Let us know what goodies you find and what kind of cookies you make! It sounds like a good day to put some Christmas music on? : )

    I appreciate you, ~Amelia

    1. I had a good morning. It was fun just leisurely looking around. Got a couple of goodies for baskets and a couple more littles done! Slow and steady!!!
      I may put some Christmas music on - that is a good idea.
      I loved getting mail as a little one - that was such a treat!
      Have a good one!!

  8. First, Frances it was good to hear that your husband is settled, they are taking care of him, and that you are limiting your visits so you can take care of the rest of you! I had a dear friend that went every day, and that is essentially the same emotional/physical and time commitment compared to home care.
    Second, Cheryl, I agree with you on decorating this year. My place is still being redone, still no new flooring for two weeks, so I decided to do zero decorating. But next year I am going to buy a nice artificial tree! I leave tomorrow for a visit to my brother in North Carolina, it will be glorious to see deciduous trees ;). Happy December, Hilogene in Az

    1. You will most likely be more in the mood to decorate next year. Hopefully the work will all be done by years end!!!
      Have a wonderful trip - I bet your brother will be excited to have you there. Enjoy all the foliage (if any left). Have a safe and wonderful trip!!!!! ENJOY

    2. Hilogene, I was going nearly every day while he was in the former care home and rehab, and it was killing me with not eating right, not sleeping, etc. almost like having him at home. It wasn't really doing him any good either, making him too dependent and clinging to me. I decided to use this move to the new assisted living facility to step back from the day-to-day management of his care, and that is best done if I am not there every day.

    3. Frances you are wise. You are of no use to him if you are sick and worn out. You have to take care of you too. He is in very good hands. REST!

  9. Today is a really nice day, sunny and bright! We started early this morning with picking up Erin at her house so she could retrieve her car after getting a new tire. Her phone died too so that was another issue she had to deal with. It's always something.

    Love the picture and saved it. Cute.

    January will be here before you know it. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. It was lovely this morning - now just windy and cloudy! It sure does change out fast!!!!
      Yes mam. "it's always something" as Rosana Rosana Dana used to say!!!!!!!! LOL! I loved Sat. Night Live back then!!!

  10. I am decorating a bit at a time. But, at this rate, it will be Christmas Day before I finish.
    Tomorrow, we are expecting the first actual rain in two months! Then, it lets up in the afternoon and continues on Saturday and Sunday. So, we will be in except for a visit to grocery for apples and bananas, something we could have done today. Maybe I can decorate a bit then.

    1. Decorate at your own pace - many back in the day, never put the tree up until Christmas Eve!
      YAY for the rain. Glad your area will finally get some rain. It is raining here today. Enjoy the rain, and stay in and stay dry!

  11. For the first time in a while I have four days at home to myself. I need to catch up on a lots of housework ( just been doing the superficial stuff) and about 100 loads of washing.
    I am desperately hoping Santa brings me a new car. This sharing one vehicle is wearing thin and putting me so far behind it’s crazy. Sorry, whinge over….i know there are many far worse off than me.
    Frances I am pleased to hear things are looking more positive for you and your husband. May Gods love protect you both.

    1. Too bad you have to spend it catching up and not relaxing!!! Laundry never seems to end. It would be tough having to share a vehicle when you were used to having your own.
      Good to hear from you!

  12. HAPPY DECEMBER! I woke before dawn to big, fluffy, (what I call) mashed potato snowflakes falling. It stopped at about 2 inches. I wish you all could see the dogs. Blue was beside herself with excitement, looking out the windows and whining as Daddy cleared the porch steps and walkway. Once outside, Poppy--never having experienced snow before--wasn't sure what to make of it and pounced in the little bits disrupted as they walked in it.

    Okay, survey question: I have rewards to use this month. $100 at just one online retailer. Would you "buy"...
    A. another Nesco electric pressure canner
    B. lots of scarves and gloves to donate
    C. a few children's coats to donate
    D. toys to donate to toy drives
    E. something else--please specify
    It's a use-it-or-lose-it reward system that expires on Dec. 31st.

    1. Oops, I forgot an extra $10 in birthday "cash" and an extra 30% off coupon code. I'd love everyone's input. --Elise

    2. How cute on the pups. I bet the snow was a fun new 'toy'!!! That would have been cute to watch.

      ME - it would be scarves & hats or toys - or donate to a food pantry.
      All the ideas would be a blessing to someone in need.

    3. It couldn't be food, as it's not sold there. It has to be spent in store, or in my case (none remotely closeby) online. Thank you, Cheryl.

    4. I would divide it up into scarves and gloves and so toys and if possible coats for kids. Cookie

    5. Items for a homeless shelter: adult hats & gloves, warm socks, etc. Or baby items for a pro-life crisis pregnancy center.

    6. Hi Elise, that's great. I think something to keep a family warm like coats for children, gloves, socks scarves and toys would be wonderful. I try to carry bags of socks, peanut butter crackers, fruit cups to give to homeless at the intersections in downtown. Also the pro-life pregnancy center is a great idea too, I used to be a counselor for a prolife center and our eldest does it now. It's a great ministry too. We've also volunteered for Salvation shelters and oh, the women and children's shelters...It would break your heart. Just saying because I've seen it. : )

      Bless you Elise, wonderful question, that's what Christmas is all about right? : ) ~Amelia

    7. Thank you, everyone. I'll make a few calls next week and find out who needs what. We have the living room loveseat piled with more donations of coats and winter wear to drop off at the thrift store that helps pregnant moms keep their babies.

    8. Elise, that sounds good and little soft baby dolls are wonderful and also cuddly stuffed animals. I just bought myself a very large soft, dalmation pup at Walmart and an adorable "Muffie" in the $5.00 section of the Dollar Tree. I hold them at night when watching Christmas shows, I've had some difficult days with my mom and I just needed the extra support animals, I don't have my real Muffie to hold anymore so these are wonderful for this gal. My husband get's tickled over this. I'm glad he understands though. I put them on my bed during the day. Just saying, it's nice for children or even their moms going through things or feeling out of sorts.

      I hope you're feeling better soon, Elise. Heating pads are wonderful. God bless, take care of yourself. ~Amelia

    9. Thank you, Amelia. Big Sis couldn't believe it when I took my Pooh Bear with me to college. LOL! I later worked as a nanny for a short time. The little girl has slept with her folks so they had me sleep with her to get her used to her own bed. When I left, she cried. "Who will sleep with me now?" I gave Pooh to her to keep her company at night. Asked her to take good care of him, because he'd been with me since I was her age.

      I took it VERY easy today. Yes, the heat helps. Hubs dropped off the donations. (((Hug))) to you. --Elise

  13. Just wanted to add, 1st day w/o walking boot. I'm in my Timberland boots today. Slow going and a little painful, but I'm getting there. AND the snow had all melted by 11 a.m. As for the survey above, I hope it didn't offend anyone. It was just for fun. Those were my rewards for early shopping and I don't really *need* anything, just wondered what others would do.

    1. Yay on no walking boot. Keep it slow and steady for a while.
      No problem - I think it is neat that you would want to use them helping others. Hopefully someone else will answer. Most don't post much after Thurs. post till Sunday.

    2. Well, Cheryl, I overdid it yesterday. Should have known better. The physical therapist (the day before) got very distracted when she found out I used to write. It came up, because she's a self-published writer. And with chatting and such, she didn't pay attention to time or reps. Then being out of the walking boot all day yesterday... quite painful. Had a hard time healing until I remembered I could turn up the heated mattress pad, and laying just right on my side, give the whole leg a "heating pad" treatment. --Elise

    3. Walk indoors without the boot until you've strengthened those muscles nearly back to normal. The danger of falling or slipping on wet cold surfaces outdoors is too high. Even with your good Timberlands.

      Hope the pain has all gone away after your "heat treatment'.

    4. Thank you, MaryB. I'm back in the walking boot this morning. This has been a l-o-n-g road I can't say I'd recommend. I felt very discouraged last night. Weepy discouraged. The "heat treatment" helped enough to finally get to sleep after midnight and the swelling is way down today. I've been very patient (per Hubs), and he says a GOOD patient, but it's been 3 full months and I'm just going to have to work on *more* patience. --Elise

    5. Patience is a virtue!!!!! Remember!!!!
      You had a tremendous amount of trauma done by surgery on that foot - take it easy kiddo.

  14. It's very cold and rainy here today and will probably be that way all weekend. I'll be either in my craft room finishing Christmas cards and/or in the kitchen baking. Found some interesting new to me gluten free recipes on that I want to check out further to see if there's anything that doesn't contain what are questionable ingredients for me, such as xanthine and other gums and cornstarch. Our 47th wedding anniversary, God willing, is December 31. Before he retired hubs was a first responder and it wasn't unusual for him to have to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as well as other holidays. So we always had our celebrations whenever he had days off. Cookie

    1. Been a rainy day here today - but not cold. Staying in at least gives you some ME time to do some of your crafts and such.
      NYE wedding anniversary! I hope you both have a lovely one and go out (if you choose) and celebrate. 47 years is lovely!!!!
      First responders and health care workers - go above and beyond to take care of everyone!

    2. I had a friend whose Ex got the children on the big holidays, so she volunteered in the ER on those days so folks with family could have time off. It also kept her mind off missing her kids so much. This was all when my kids were little, and I thought she was very brave and generous and kindhearted. People who work Emergency work (fire, police, hospital) are *The Best*!

  15. I really need to follow the last quote you posted. It is hard for me to follow, but I am getting a bit better. I really need to use this with Harvey's family more.

    God bless.

    1. You got to take care of you first. Sometimes we just have to say no and walk away. I understand - that is hard!
      Can't please everyone!!

  16. My decorations are in the garage behind all the stuff store in the winter. It's going to snow today and it rained all day yesterday. I'm going to do my best and get out there to get them. I'm almost at the point of I'm not doing it. I'll think on it!
    You can get overwhelmed!
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Sounds like they would stay right where they are if at my house!!! LOL
      Yes, it can easily get overwhelming, and we sure shouldn't let it. That kind of destroys all the joy the season can bring. Keep it simple and just be together!

    2. If it helps at all, Vickie, all of our Christmas decorations are buried at the back of our shed and with snow on the ground again today, that's where they'll stay this year. I picked up a small "potted" tree with battery operated lights for the LR coffee table. Not truly frugal, but a little frugal if you shop thrift stores and discount places (like Big Lots).

  17. I've been organizing recipes and wrapping a couple of Christmas presents. I was going to wrap more, but then I decided two was enough for today, why rush the season as there is plenty of time.

    1. Sounds like a good way to spend the day! I haven't wrapped a thing - but most of mine will be in baskets or bags. Easy-peasy!!!
