Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Fun Bite or Two

 I have made myself a fun goody once each the past couple of weeks.  Not sure what to call it!  It could be called a VERY thick shake/smoothie or a soft serve ice cream of sorts.  Call it what you like - but it sure was good and easy.  Used what I had here to make it.

I used:

1 cup of milk (whatever type you have)
some frozen fruit (about 6 strawberries) - you could use fresh fruit or even jam if no fruit (any type)
a squirt of honey
The equivalent to a small tub of yogurt (single serve) any flavor - OR you could use a big spoonful of ice cream/ice milk
8 ice cubes
Blend it all up together until smooth.  I did mine in the Ninja cup.  IF really hungry you could have it all - or it makes plenty for two
                                                      Good golly gosh - it was good!!!!

Many times we all want a treat but hate making a big amount of something.  Well, that is OK - you can freeze items for another day.  I often freeze brownies in airtight packs for the future.  Something many don't think about is frozen cheesecake.  I love it frozen - it is such a yummy treat.
Of course, there is always making pudding and placing in individual cups to last a few days or even Jello with fruit.
I like pecan pie - NO I love pecan pie!  It is so sweet and rich, not something one should eat a lot of.  There is a way to make mini pies.  I noticed an ad for mini pie shells once, then I saw some on mark-down at the store and got them.  There are 14 mini shells in a pack.  I got them on markdown for about $2.  Super-duper idea.  Now you can easily make your own - roll your pie crust just cut into smaller shells.
You can make any kind of pie, quiche, tart, etc. that you make like!  Now if you are making homemade crust and want to do this - place your crust and filling in a muffin tin and bake away.  If you need a pre-baked mini pie crust - do this like we showed last week with the biscuit bowls.  Form the crust over the back of the muffin pans and bake - then fill when cool.
Want individual cheesecakes?  Make your crumb crust as usual the pat into lightly buttered muffin tins and fill with your favorite cheesecake.  You can even use pre-made for this - just use a glass to cut out the appropriate size crust from a pre-made one.

Sometimes we just a bite or two of a goody to be satisfied.  It is easy to make smaller sizes and freeze the rest for another day.
You can think about making brownies in muffin pans as well (crispy edges all the way around!!).  Cakes (good for ice cream or fruit toppings!) and muffins too.  Those muffin tins are good for a lot of things!!!!  
Just another way of thinking outside the box a little - using what you have and making fun and tasty goodness.

Have a SWEET day!


  1. Pecan pie! I love pecan pie but that's a no-no along with lots of old favorites. The ice cream/smoothie looks good too. A bite or two once in a while to me that is a slippery slope. Not only an I supporting the Farmer in his keto diet to heal his liver but it is good for me also to keep my A1C and sugar down. Had an excellent report from my primary care a week ago and don't want to undo all the progress that has been made. We don't really miss desserts and sweet treats as we can eat yummy berries. I have know people who got an insulin pump so they could continue to eat whatever they wanted when they wanted. I view self-control in eating the same as self-control in spending. I need to be diligent so as not to go off the deep end. Called this morning to make an appointment for my colonoscopy and endoscopy. The prep is the worse part. ugh....

    Last day of the month! It seemed to go fast. February weather looks pretty good right now.

    1. Donna, we sometimes put frozen berries into the blender with a TBSP or 2 of coconut milk or cream and add a little pure uncut monk fruit and have sorbet. Baruch Habah Bshem Adonai. Cookie

    2. Donna you can use sugar free yogurt in this and honey - so it wouldn't be too bad on numbers. Fruit is a favorite - but I have to have my bites of sweet. There are lots of Keto desserts that can be had. My nephew does Keto and he does have some special desserts.

    3. Cookie - sorbet is so easy and yummy. A very good way to have a 'sweet' but still behave!

    4. Donna, unsweetened plain Greek yogurt (or soy, etc.) makes a great smoothie with frozen berries and about 1 teaspoon of Stevia. I get it. Trust me. The cookies I'm baking today are for others to enjoy. Hubs' last A1C was 5.9 and mine 6.5--we stay on top of it--and we've also been slowly losing weight.

  2. Oh Yum! We’ve been on a milkshake kick around here, as we are trying to get extra calories into our granddaughter. The rest of us don’t need the extra calories, but we enjoy a treat, too. Ha! —Little Penpen

    1. Hey, we all need a treat now and then. It sure was tasty. I have done this a couple times and it made for a wonderful treat!

  3. My mom's favorite little treat were chocolate chip cookies. She just made a batch, froze them in a tube shape, and cut off a couple at a time. Baked them in her toaster oven.

    My go-to in winter is No sugar added hot chocolate. Kills the sweet craving and warms me up. I love smoothies in summer.

    In a perfect world, my fridge would dispense one large chocolate dipped strawberry per day lol.

    1. Debbie, I'm baking chocolate chunk cookies right now from frozen dough. I love having ready-to-bake dough in the freezer; you can make as many--or as few--as you want.

      Hubs makes the best chocolate dipped strawberries EVER. He used Guittard chocolate chips, just melting them in the microwave. I tell him it's a fruit serving with added antioxidants (the chocolate), so it's a super food! :-D

    2. P.S. Walmart sells their own brand of small, semi-sweet chocolate chunks (in a bag) for under $3 by their baking chips.

    3. Debby that s another great idea. It is always nice to have frozen dough in the freezer. yep, just cut off what you want to bake and go. No big mess or fuss.
      I made chocolate covered strawberries once - tasty.

    4. Chocolate strawberries are my favorite. I'm hoping my Valentine remembers! Or at least brings me the ingredients lol

  4. Thank you for the ideas and recipes, Cheryl. A bite or two can really satisfy a sweet tooth. No need for gobs of goodies. I say that to keep for myself!!! Years of baking treats for two growing boys means I'm terrible about over-baking. That's why I give it away. --Elise

    1. Welcome. Many times I need a sweet bite. Right now I am eating grapes - they are cold and sweet and yummy. Better than sweet treat.

    2. Safeway (in our area) has fresh cherries on sale. Yes, fruit can really hit that "sweet tooth" spot. BTW, I meant (above) "to keep in mind for myself"... oops! But you got the idea. Hubs and I sure can't get through a full batch of brownies or a cake in one week. Now I only bake that if company is coming, but I hadn't thought of freezing individual servings. Thanks. --Elise

  5. These are dangerous! :)
    My tasty tidbit is 1/2 of a peppermint patty after my main meal. I buy them at Dollar Store and freeze them, so the pack of 5 lasts 10 days. Otherwise I'd eat them all, I'm sure. Halloween is my most dangerous period, for I always have some on hand near the door just in case. ;)

    1. LOL - the shake/ice cream not so much - it isn't that bad. Mini pies - well - just a bite or two!!!
      Frozen peppermint patties are the bomb. Once or twice a year I buy a bag of minis and put in the freezer.

    2. Mary, peppermint patties are my Achilles heel. Loved them since I was a child. Now they're a special treat. Great idea freezing them. Cookie

  6. Great ideas for the pies. Since we've gone from a family of 6 to a family of 2, I'm still learning to cook for two. Freezing is a great way to get ahead on meals and still eat delicious foods.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

    1. Yes, since I became a one person house after hubby passed, it has been difficult. Got to look for new ways. I love freezing things for later.

  7. What a really good idea. There were little mini graham crusts marked down after Christmas and I bought some. Not to go make pie.....

    1. Thanks. I haven't seen the little graham crusts - now I need to watch for those!

  8. Those little shells are such a great idea. I wonder if I could use tart shells with the same result.

    God bless.

    1. I would surely think so. It is just pie crust. Most things can be used for other things.

  9. The strawberry shake looks incredible! I like to add frozen strawberries and anything banana flavored. So, so good!

    1. Mmmm - me too. banana and strawberry both make some refreshing cold desserts.

  10. Yes, it's so nice to have some little cookies in the freezer to take out. I have a bag of healthy shortbread cookies with almond flour, coconut and stevia. When i *am* able to have something like that, I can just reach in. We also save any desert from the order from counter Greek restaurant for hubs, they have absolutely scrumptious heavy duty pie slices etc, and have happy hour from 2 to 4, we place it in the freezer in little servings for hubs.

    Today we're exhausted. Mother had a doc's appointment, the rehab had the schedule completely messed up. The ambulance driver said she was in her bed at 9am when they got there, not ready at all. The rehab called us with the totally wrong time saying we were late when our daughter had a photo of what the nurse told her. Her roomate's appointment was canceled for another day, as I heard them telling her son...they chose to wait. So messed up. Anyhoo, we didn't even see the doc, we saw the PA. And that turned out far better! A blessing! He was far, far, nicer! He said there is no reason why she can't walk and talked about nutrition for her muscles being a good thing etc. I wish I could pack up that PA and bring that guy home with us to help with my mom! LOL On way to elevator, we saw the surgeon in the peripheal, we just went right in the elevator and he just kept walking! Haha...."Mr. Personality". ...Yes, we liked that PA. Thankfully that will be our last visit there though. My mom just kept saying she was sooo tired, she didn't like the food etc. the only thing that perked her up was talking about the grandchildren. We left her with the sweet ambulance helper as they waited for her room mate. I felt good with that and she looked fine with it all. Thank the Lord.

    Thanks again for sharing your goodies, Cheryl. It's a good springboard, a wealth of ideas! Thanks also for your continued prayers and patience with my prayer requests and updates. Baked potatoes tonight, comfort food!

    1. I was wondering how it was all going, Amelia. Thanks for the update. Praying, praying. Baked potatoes sounds like a good, easy comfort meal. (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. What a miss mash. I am glad you like the PA and that he was helpful. Where will your mom be going now? Surely not home yet.
      I am happy that we meet the people we need at the time we need them. It sure seems to work that way.
      A baked potato sounds just right. Get some rest and take care of you too!!! Prayers.

    3. Elise, thank you sooooo much for prayers!

    4. Mom will still be in rehab so that is good! Thank you for your prayers! I am looking forward to a walk today and I so am hoping I can sew even a little. God truly goes before us! :) So thankful. Thank you for your prayers!

  11. Oh, that does look yum! And I just so happen to have all the ingredients and a Ninja Bullet! I need to try this!

    1. Give it a try. So yummy and refreshing. You have it all ready to go!

  12. That smoothie sounds wonderful for hot weather...though I would like it any time.
