Thursday, February 8, 2024

Just for Smiles!

 Today looks to be a pretty day in my parts.  I hope you all have a good and safe day.
Todays post is all about smiles and joy.  First of the year for no budgets, money, groceries, recipes, tips or controversy - just smiles.

Updates today on Blackie and Bits.

They have both settled in nicely to house living.  I know I am thankful they are inside.  I see so many new stray cats outdoors, and I can only imagine the fights and wonderings that might have been.  Theses guys are safe with mom!

Blackie (Buddy, Boo) is just settled.  He eats and sleeps and plays with Bits until he has 'had enough'!  He is older, so it gets old quickly.  He loves to come and cuddle with me on the couch now and he loves sleeping in bed.  Loves belly rubs now.  He looks outside at the windows now and then - but shows absolutely no desire to go out.  Amazing to me.  He still seems to be healing from his surgery - I see little differences each day. 

Lil Bit (Bits, Bitsy) is growing like a weed.  I figure we are about 5 or 6 months old.  Feisty little fart!  He loves to play and play some more.  Can run through the house like the wind.  Plays with anything loose and soft and tears it up!!  (including mom's bath scrubby).  Loves to place toys in the water bowl to give them baths - LOL.
He has suddenly decided getting under mom's covers is fun.  He gets all cozy and quiet and then out of nowhere - attacks mom's bum!!!  Talks and chatters ALL the time.  He loves looking out at the birds and squirrels.
Watching the backyard world of birdies and squirrels.  The clothes hamper top is his favorite spot.

                                    Chilling out together.  They really do get along so well.
                                        Blackie looking for a moment of alone time and quiet!
                                        That didn't last long.  Bits loves being with his buddy!
                                                                        Being cute!
                                                 Life can be exhausting - it really can.

They are just the sweetest babies.  I am so happy to have them in here with me.  They give me immense joy, lots of smiles and laughs, and tons of love.
Click on any picture to enlarge.  They are just sooooooo stinking cute!

So, there you be.  My 'just for smiles' post of the year to date. 
Have a great day to everyone!


  1. Such a sweet post. I'm so glad they really enjoy being inside, safe and warm. Bits has gorgeous markings and such a sweet face. Cats are just the best!!

    1. Thanks. Yep, they are the best! We are just a happy little family!

  2. Bits make me think of my daughter's almost 6 month old kitten. They are sweet and smile worthy.

    1. Close to the same age. Just so cute and mischievous at that age! Smile worthy for sure.

  3. I am a cat mom and watching them all day can be so peaceful and fun. Your babies are so cute and them watching the birds and squirrels out the window and "talking" to them reminds me of my Al who does the same thing. Thanks for the smiles this morning.

    1. It does bring peace to our lives. I love the chattering - so cute. You are welcome.

  4. Aww, such wonderful buddies. So glad that they are inside with you now and have grown very accustomed to you and their surroundings.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks. I think they are pretty special. We are happy together.

  5. Awwwww.....This did make me smile. Adorable!!! I just loved the descriptions of the kitty-babies! They are beautiful! I think it's so wonderful the way Blackie loves it inside now, what a nice story. That's so funny that they put their toys in the water bowl...Haha! That is so cute!

    Went to Aldi yesterday and hubs got his Clancy's 'fritos' for $1.69 (I think) as usual, I bought my goat cheese for my homemade pizza crusts and some plain frozen veggies, bell peppers and celery for various recipes and a couple of large cartons of unsweetened almond milk. It was a quick but nice little visit. I didn't shop much but it looks like they have many Valentines things, and I noticed some chocolate here and there, specialty, more gourmet bars for $1- something.

    They do have reasonable flower bouquets too if anyone is needing anything like that.

    Have a blessed day, and God be with us all, ~Amelia

    1. Glad it gave you a smile. Yes, Bits just love 'bathing' his toys! It is a hoot - I have never seen that before.
      Haven't been to Aldi since before Christmas - time to go again. They do have inexpensive treats!
      Have a good one.

  6. Love the cats! Glad they are in and happy with you. :) Ally is settling in week by week, but not as quickly as your Blackie (I think she's been through too much in her life and is wary). She sleeps on my bed at night, above my pillow. I can hear her purring through the pillow and mattress - at first I thought it was something strange in the woodstove or outdoors!

    Great pics you have. :)

    1. We are just 'cat' ladies! I think the fact she is sleeping in your bed and purring says a lot. She is slowly getting comfy. Just like people, it takes time to know another sometimes. She knows she has it good!

  7. Cats are such fun and these two are lucky to have you. Lynn Ewing

    1. Thanks - I feel like the lucky one. I just love they are safe and warm now. I think they kind of like it too!!

  8. Those two are the cutest kitties! Bits is just mischievous enough to bug his older brother. They are definitely in a good place.

    1. They are - aren't they? Yep, once Blackie has had enough - it is a smack and snarl! They do have fun. Thanks

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you - I agree! They are just home and I love that. It was easier than I figured it would be.
      My buddies.

  10. They are both adorable. I'm so glad you made the decision to bring them indoors. That they've both settled in so well says two things: they were ready to be indoor cats and most of all, you're a wonderful cat mum!

    1. Thanks. I spoil the dickens out of them! I can't express the stress that disappeared when they came in.
      We were all ready.

  11. I loved seeing your Kitties! We love cats but one son is severely allergic to them so if we want him to be able to visit we cannot have cats. Ironic thing is that he likes cats, too.

    1. I don't know what I would do if allergic. Oh my. What a shame for him and you! My brother is allergic - but he always loves to see my babies. He takes meds before and after!! Poor guy.

  12. So CUTE. I love that Blackie has figured out where living his best life is! lol.

    My husband is not a cat person. He found an abandoned 4 week old kitten that was on death's door 3.5 years ago near his work. (It really was abandoned.) He called me asking what should he do. I told him to call the vet (it was after hours but the vet answered and told him what to do overnight--everything he needed was at Walmart who knew?). The vet was fabulous and offered to take it if hubs didn't want it. Hubs called me asking what do we do? I said of course we keep it! (I'm a cat person.) Well, wouldn't you know that cat is crazy attached to my husband and accepts/tolerates me (I guess because I helped when it was itty bitty). She sleeps on him, sits on him watching tv, tells him when to go to bed! All he can talk about is that cat! It's been 3 years! lol Hubs travels for work and takes her with him so I'm sure that's a big reason she's so attached to him. They're not apart much! LOL.

    The irony is, the very morning of the day he found her, hubs and I were on the phone and I was telling him about a cat at the rescue center I wanted to think about getting.

    I still don't have a cat. I think this may be a one cat home.

    1. Oh Margaret I love that story. The kitty picked its person. I do believe they do that too. That is amazing that she goes off to work with him as well.
      I worry about the vet, since I am Bits only people so far. He hides from anyone else that comes in. I truly am his only person.
      Fate stepped in at your home it appears.

  13. So Fun to see photos of your kitties!! Thanks for sharing your photos and their antics! We’ve only had two kitties at one time that were litter mates, so it’s great that they get along so well! We’ve had cats for most of our married life, but have been without any for quite a while, now and I miss having one! The last one got diabetes and we had to give her insulin shots and spoiled her rotten! After we finally had to have put her down (at age 13) my hubby said “No more!” It was too hard on him!🙁
    Nana C. (Laura C.)

    1. It is so hard to lose our babies, I get that. When my Teegy passed (last indoor) - I said no more. Well, I have had indoor kitties for decades - so I knew eventually. It took a while for me, but I am so happy I did.
      I hope your hubby will allow another baby into his heart one of these days - in honor of the others.
      They truly are unconditional love.

  14. Nice to see your kitties all comfy at home. A bit like us; if everything is here, why go out? Do you think you will let them out in summer? Perhaps on a leash. They might like to accompany you in the garden.
    I like your armchair. We had a glider that was similar when I was a kid...Stickley; so well made.

    1. I guess that is right - comfy and cozy - why go out!
      Not sure about that - maybe. I don't know how they would handle leashes and there are so many stray cats around anymore.
      Thank you - probably my favorite piece of furniture! Back adjusts like a recliner too. I love it.

  15. They look happy as can be. I miss having a cat, but our pooch likes being an only child. He howls when I pet other dogs at the dog park. It makes everyone there just crack up. He's so dramatic 😂.

    When I had 2 indoor cats, one had no interest at all in going out. The other saw it as a challenge. She'd sometimes fly out the door. Then she'd just sit there and look around. Then I'd make kissy noises and she would come right back in. She was a silly girl!

    1. They seem happy. I know I sure am.
      That is funny - so jealous! I guess he doesn't like sharing his people!
      We'll see how it goes once summer gets here - may be another story!

    2. Debby, that is so funny about your doggie at the park!

      All the pets we've had previously always darted out the door if we weren't careful-- both cats & dogs. We live in a wooded area so I'm sure that's why. This cat has no interest in going out. But twice in the summer she found herself on the other side of the door. First, time she spotted a small tear in the screen door to the sliding door. I think she just pushed herself through it. I walked into the room and yelled to my husband you gotta see this. There she sat prim and proper on the other side looking in like I'm not sure why I'm out here. The next time I think she couldn't resist the patch my husband put over the now larger tear. I walk in the room to see it off the screen and her exploring the ground outside the door about 10 feet away. He called her in and she came right to him.

      Our last cat would bolt. We would have to toss treats at her to get her back in.

  16. Cuteness overload! A nice break in a stressful week for me.

    1. I pray next week will be better for you Frances.Cindy

    2. Thanks Frances. I am sorry you have had a stressful week. May it get better for you. HUGS

  17. Your fur babies are so cute! I love cats. Now I have only one. She's a sweetheart.

    1. Thank you. I am kind of partial! I love kitties so much.

  18. Cute cats. My day was full of things to make me smile, just not cats.

  19. Aww! Your babies made me smile! ☺️ I’m so glad they settled into indoor living so well. It’s so much fun to have two about the same age. We had a brother/sister duo for many years that I got when they were three months old. They are so much fun when they are younger. So energetic! I do miss them. I know yours bring you so much joy!

    1. Thanks - glad you got a smile. My guys are pretty different in age - but they sure get along. Blackie plays until he has had enough - Bits doesn't get enough!!
      They are a blessing.

  20. I love, love, LOVE this post, Cheryl. Your cats bring you immense delight and joy every day and night. I am so happy for the 3 of you! It’s adorable how Bits still has kitten traits, the way he sprawls around, initiates play and has not-so-great ideas (like under the bedcovers at night). Blackie is so blessed-black cats are the last to be adopted as some people still consider them bad luck and the other people choose to cause them harm. Yay for your household! Carol

    1. Thanks Carol. Yes they bring a lot of joy and delight. Oh Bits is such a stinker. I forgot to mention, he gets on the back of the couch when I am sitting there, and tries to play with and bite my hair!!! He is such fun - I had forgotten how fun kittens were.
      Blackies is such a sweet guy. We have several black cats around the area - but he picked me right after G passed away. Kind of think G had something to do with that! I had other cats then - but he gave me a challenge at the time.
