Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Value of Moments

 Happy Thursday to all.  I hope this finds you all well and safe.  We are expecting rain and stormy weather today for a while - but it sure is warm outside this morning!

We talk a lot about frugality and finances here.  Getting the best deals.  Using things up.  Ways to save money.  Growing and gardening.  SO many things.  I just want to make people aware (especially those just starting) that there are other things that go along with all this.
MOMENTS - there is great value in moments.

Isn't this sweet?  A friend of mine posted this picture on FB the other day - and I loved it.

Mindset is so valuable.  You need to watch your actions and your finances - but you also need to put value of MOMENTS.  They can be the most valuable thing you have.  They are the simple joys.  They make you feel safe, warm and beautiful.
There will always be bumps in the road (many of them), there will be rough edges, but you can still enjoy a simple life in so many ways.  It can soften everything.

Whether you call them blessings, moments, smiles, life, etc. they are special.

Example - last week I had several special moments that made me realize how special life can be.  I met with old friends and enjoyed a day of laughter, I got to be with family and welcome someone new into the family, I was out on the day bad weather was coming in.  I had another person with me - I made it home as the snow was starting  and got settled in before all the nastiness grabbed hold.
Watching and listening to the kitties do zoombies around the house - they are so funny.
This week I got to join in with another group of old friends for a delightful time.
I get to watch and enjoy nature.  I am comfortable in my little home and feel so blessed.
I have wonderful family and friends.

Those things are worth more than all the money and material items in the world to me.

Take time to sit back and enjoy the moments in life.  Don't get yourself stressed with all the financial issues you may be facing, just relax now and then.  It can change your attitude on many things.

Grab a nice beverage, pull up a chair next to the window and just watch and listen. Give praise for what you DO have!  Enjoy the little things - they really aren't so little.  When it comes right down to it - they are the big things.

Laughter, smiles, nature, a hug, a helpful hand, a warm sunny day, a comfy bed..... these are all special.
I sit here typing this listening to all the birds chirping like crazy.  My kitties are cozy and safe.  
I just feel life is so much more than the money we talk about all the time.
Just giving a little reminder of that.

ENJOY your MOMENTS today!!!

                                       I want to enjoy and relax in this blissful sort of way!!!!


  1. I love kitties doing zoomies around the house! I like to sit on the back porch and enjoy the beautiful weather. If the wind is blowing it's even better. :)

    1. Zoomies are a hoot - they just have a ball. It seems to happen a lot in first part of the day - wake up mommy!!!!
      Fresh air and sunshine is divine! I have windows open a bit today!

  2. TBG and I have always loved playing cards or games. When the pandemic kept him home we started playing a few games of cards as soon as I get home from work. Kind of our time to talk, play and for me to decompress. We've continued that and it really is 30-45 minutes of pure joy.
    I LOVE the picture of your fur babies. You can tell they are so comfortable and happy!!

    1. I love that. You have your fun moments and joyful moments to reconnect each day. I think that is wonderful. I know you are one to enjoy the simples treasures.
      The cats sure know how to chill!

  3. Life is filled with the little things. Last week, the neighbor little (2yrs8mos) said, "Mona, I care for you. Happy Balentine Day." Melt my heart or what. It's obvious that her parents are teaching her to be kind and about love. And this morning, the sun was coming over the horizon just as I went to the kitchen for the 2nd cup of coffee. Here comes the sun...I say, it's alright.

    1. Oh my gosh, how sweet is that. Kids are such a delight - hearts of pureness.
      Some things just make the day right!!! Enjoy the sun.

  4. I commented back on the last post just fyi. Yes, I am resting in the Lord just as the photo of your precious kitty.

    1. The best way to be! They kitties are just pure joy! Have a lovely day.

  5. Indeed, I think this may be a less traveled road to happiness. :) I usually have such a moment on Sunday mornings when I'm making my Sunday egg, a weekly treat. Hot buttered toast with marmalade. Alice the cat purring at the head of the bed - I can hear her purr through my pillow. We really have to be open to these feelings when they appear. When I woke this morning I realized I did not hurt anywhere at all! Of course I'd not crawled out of bed yet, but it was a glorious feeling. ;)

    1. Mary, you are so right. We don't SEE many times. We just close our minds and keep trudging along. The small things are precious! Enjoy those moments.

  6. Lovely post Cheryl. It is those small moments that bring a quiet joy. We may not always remember them, but they are what sustains us.

    1. They sure do sustain us. just makes life more livable.

  7. You are so right about the proper mindset. Whether it is finances, dealing with people, cleaning house, cooking or gardening, if your attitude is grumpy, you will have a less than stellar result. I was reading a blog this morning written by a lady in her mid-sixties and she is going back to the FlyLady method of cleaning and controlling the chaos in a house. Even at 76 I still need inspiration, which I find in your posts and the comments from your loyal readers.

    1. Our mindsets have tons to do with our experiences. We can let it bring happiness or sadness.
      Cool. We are never too old to learn or try different things. Thank you mam.

  8. Last time our next to the youngest grandchild was here her Mom and Dad told her to hug us good bye as they were leaving. That child flung her self on both of us one by one and wrapped her little arms around us and hung on for several minutes. I have thought of that few minutes in time over and over and it has given me so much joy.

    1. She obviously loves gma and gpa! That is so sweet and definitely one of those forever in your brain moments!

    2. One of mine is a hugger, always hugs. The other, not so much. I love both, but it is easier to *show* love to the hugger. Maybe that is a lesson for *me*? If I am a hugger, it's easier to show love to me? ;) Hmmmm.


  9. I can't wait till it's warm enough to open the windows or sit on the deck and listen to the birds and drink my coffee. It is 35 here right now, ha ha.
    Love the picture of the kitties!

    1. That's cold. I have the windows open right now, but here comes the rain! Will be closing, as it cools. We have just had that rare day of warmth - then back to cold. Thanks

  10. So true, we can spend so much time in worry, and not look around and just see how lucky we are. I count you as one of my extra special people. You always bring me joy.

    1. We have so much goodness in our lives daily, and so often it just passes us by as we do not take time to notice.
      Thank you so much Kim, that means a lot.

  11. I am probably showing my age, but does anyone remember the song "Magic Moments"? And this is the part that shows my age, sung by, I think, Perry Como when I was a young child. Yes, yes, enjoy those moments. One of my favorites is watching the sun rise and the sun set. Our home is sited in such a way that in the morning from my dining room window which is to the east, I can watch the sky break and the sun start to rise, while if I look straight ahead, the sky is still pitch black. It never ceases to amaze me, the wonder of our planet rotating. I'm also enjoying a cup of pressed coffee while I'm admiring God's handiwork. We can also watch the sun move around the house until it's time to set and watch it go down behind the mountain. Just fabulous.
    Cold and rainy here today and tomorrow. Great day to stay in and just enjoy sitting by the fire and reading. Cookie

    1. Great song. So many magic moments in life.
      Sunrises and sunsets are on the top of my list of God's handiwork. So gorgeous.
      We overlook, the rain, snow, cold and hot in our moments too. As much as the weather aggravates us, it has a purpose for all things. Stay dry!

  12. And moments do not have to be perfect, they just have to touch your heart.

    God bless.

    1. AMEN! That is so true - thank you for that reminder.

  13. A great reminder to take time to appreciate what we have, Cheryl I hope you practice what you preach this weekend. I can only imagine how difficult this past week has been for you.
    Please take care of yourself and those kitties.
    Thank you for this blog. I always feel having a blog is like inviting people into your home. Thank you for having me as a guest.
    Prayers and good wishes for all those that need them. Louise

    1. I have spent a lot of time appreciating all the goodness in my life. I plan on just relaxing with my babies this weekend. No major plans.
      Thank you for being here. I love having you as a guest!
      Have a lovely weekend.

  14. Glimmers they’re called - a moment of awe, hope or happiness.

  15. We had some moments at the lake eating lunch this week. Usually, there are ducks to watch. This week, children under five were enjoying a walk with their mothers. They toddled along, stumbling and falling to have mothers pick them up. Then, a group of three mothers spread huge blankets on the ground, unloaded children from strollers along with food. It was priceless.
    Usually, we watch children going into grocery stores or older kids on play things at the park. When the hummingbirds and other birds are about around our house, there will be new things to enjoy.

    1. Children and their innocence and wonder and joy are such a pleasure to see. They are awed by everything. Children and animals are such joys in this world. Everyday there is something new to bring joy!

  16. I had a fun hour on Wednesday with five other ladies who had also had knee surgery and two lovely young lady physios. We chatted about how we were all doing and did exercises while chatting about all sorts of things. Quite unexpected enjoyment.

    1. How wonderful. So nice to be able to talk with those going through the same things. Unexpected laughter and visiting is so special. Glad you could see the joy in that moment! Hope you are continuing to heal well!

  17. I had a moment yesterday while washing dishes and then making myself a sandwich for lunch. I just felt so thankful to God for having good food, a cozy home and the privilege to sit in my own living room and eat my sandwich. I love feeling His presence in ordinary moments like that. And if I had kitties, I wouldn't even need tv. :) They are pure entertainment :)

    1. Isn't it lovely to be hit by those moments? God touched your heart at that time. I am so grateful everyday for so many things. Yes, kitties are a hoot. Every morning, first thing Bitsy sets out on a rampage - running, galloping, jumping, attacking, diving - you name it. He gets both Blackie and me! I get awakened every morning by these precious babies!
      Such pure joy! SMILES!

  18. (Little Penpen) yes, the special moments. We enjoy feeding and watching the stray cats. I enjoy having our granddaughter here with us and listening intently and enjoying her conversations . I’ve picked up cross stitching again, I love the rhythm of stitching quietly and just being. And of course, the four indoor pets (!) never a dull moment.

    1. Thank you for watching out for the strays!!!! Glad you are back to cross stitch. So relaxing. You, your project, and your thoughts!
      I bet you do enjoy your granddaughter - makes life complete.
      Our fur babies are a joy!

  19. Wonderful post, Cheryl. The kitties are smart🖤🤍🖤
    Mary in OK
