Thursday, May 2, 2024

May and All the Goodies

Good morning to all.  I hope this finds you well and rested.  It is amazing to me how a good night's rest can replenish the body.  I go into the bed at night wondering how I can go much further, and the rest overnight makes things much better by morning.  Each day is more exercise, and the old body is starting to respond!
It is a lovely sunny morning here.  I hope you are enjoying sunshine as well.

May brings so many things back into the light.  Lots of BBQing and family get togethers.  The world is really awakening and all of nature is coming back - in such a beautiful way.
There are marathons, Mother's Day, Memorial Day (here in U.S.), the 500 Mile Race, planting and growing, and just being able to be outdoors and enjoying.
Don't forget this is also a great time to look for many deals at the grocery stores.  Holidays make for good sales on certain things.  Hamburger hotdogs, condiments, watermelons, all kinds of things to watch for!!!!  Take advantage when you can!

Not my picture.  I looked outside first thing this morning and saw one of these babies at the feeder!  This is only the second time I have had one here.  Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  Isn't it gorgeous?    I see so many types of birds out there in my little piece of the world.  If you just pay attention and watch - it is amazing what you can see.  What a great way to start my day!

I saw this today and thought it was so true.  A garden can be more than food - it can be wonderful flowers and herbs as well.  It can sure be restful for the soul.  I love to sit out back or even on the porch and just watch and listen.  To me, fingers and toes in the dirt is healing.  It kind of places us one on one with the earth and all the wonderful sights and sounds we can enjoy.
I hope you plant something - even if you can't have a big garden.  Flowers are wonderful - herbs can easily be grown in pots (and are useful), maybe get a birdbath or a feeder.  Just do something that puts you a little closer to nature.

It is also time for yard sales to be popping up all around.  I know some of you get to enjoy them year-round - but in this area it is summer destination!  You can find so many wonderful things for home, beauty, clothes, toys, garden, etc. for pennies on the dollar.  Keep your eyes open and maybe make a stop at a sale or two this year.  You may be amazed at what you find.

Enjoy your May and your day.
I am off to plant and trim some more!!!!
Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Debby in Kansas USAMay 2, 2024 at 8:53 AM

    A blessed Thursday to everyone!

    May really is full of stuff, isn't it? I'm just chomping to get some pretty flowers in, myself!

    It's also that time of year when the menu goes 2 seasons. We don't do soups in summer, but in May? Could be soup on Monday and salad on Wednesday 😂. Yesterday was warm and stuffy, but today is expected not to hit 70. We had tuna sandwiches for dinner last night with carrots and celery. Tonight I'm going to saute some onions and peppers for some burrito bowls. The cooked rice was in the freezer, the cooked chicken was in the freezer, so that's all that really needs cooking.

    That Grosbeak is a beauty! My prettiest visitor was a Bullock's Oriole a couple of years ago. I gasped when I saw it. Stunning orange. And it had a personality! My doggy was laying by the back slider screen and the Oriole actually landed on the top step, just the screen separating them! They went nose to nose a couple of times and neither seemed to think it was abnormal!! It was so cute and went on for about a minute. And off the birdie went.

    We're experiencing the not-so-fun part of May for the next few days.... unsettling weather, when any day could be crazy. That's when I distract myself in my craft room and listen to a book on CD about a CIA Assassin lol.

    1. Yep, May has a lot of good stuff - including a lot of family birthdays.
      I am with you - my menu changes too in the summer. A lot more easy fixes, salads, sandwiches. I like cooler things. The comfort food of winter sometimes seems to heavy for summer.
      Oh how wonderful on the Oriole. I have never had one. That would have been quite a show with the birdie and the dog.
      Hoping your area is safe from any bad stuff. Stay safe.

  2. May is a wonderful month. We have Grosbeak's that visit this time of year often. I love watching all of the birds that come to our yard. Spring also brings one or two bunnies that are frequently running around out back. Binx loves watching them. I hope you have a wonderful day.

    1. Gosh, how lucky to have them often. I have been blessed with a sighting twice now. Sweet bunnies. I hope I see some this year - usually do. But there are a couple of new cats in the area who don't play as nice. Enjoy

  3. This is a beautiful day to work outside or just sit and enjoy the beauty around us. The grosbeak is beautiful. Don't think we have seen of those here. I have some annuals to put into pots this morning and also spraying the roses to keep the bugs from munching on them.

    Lots of stuff going on in May around here. I can remember one year at race time that we had some really cold weather. Felt sorry for the people who travelled to Indy and just about froze. They were camping so that had to be miserable.

    Got some good deals on meat yesterday at Meijer. Divided up the stew meat and froze in quart bags for later. Cooked the ground turkey and put in bags for Jake's breakfast. Lots of other sales and $7 off in points.

    Enjoy your day! Hope it is a productive one for you.

    1. It is beautiful. I have been out most of the morning, and came in to rest my back. I got a lot done in a short time.
      I have camped in the cold, and no it isn't pleasant. People never know with IN.
      Great on the good deals. I haven't been grocery shopping at all - so maybe tomorrow.

  4. What a beautiful little bird. I love watching the birds in my garden. They provide hours of entertainment.

    1. They sure do! Such beautiful nature and most people don't even notice. Bird & squirrel watching are my favorite things to do any more!

  5. This is one of my favorite times of year, not too hot and not too cold, when I can get the grill fired up and begin to eat lighter meals than in the dead of winter. I'm seriously thinking about my planters and what will go in them this year, and also thinking about potential changes to my front garden (supposed to be HOA maintained, but never is). Love being able to sleep with the windows open, as well. I sleep so much better with the fresh air. I saw a pair of cardinals on a bush outside my garage yesterday. That definitely made me smile.

    1. It is such a lovely time of the year. I keep the windows open and ceiling fans on - nice! I hope you get to plant some useful items and some pretty ones!
      Lighter eating seems to just go hand in hand with summer. I love it. I look forward to salads and fresh veggies!

  6. Today I potted up two impatiens I'd wintered over. Also took cuttings for more plants. This year they are salmon color. So pretty! I save some baby seedlings every fall, and they are so pretty flowering in the winter window, once they get big enough to bloom. That gives me enough for the next year. Last year there were some red ones as well. Always a surprise. :)

    1. What a wonderful idea. I love that and that you over winter them. Salmon is my favorite color for impatient - and purple. I like the 2 together.

  7. I'm eager to get my hands in the dirt, but it will have to wait for at least a week or so. We've had a day of rain, a morning of sun, and now it is overcast and raining again. This weather is expected to last through to Wednesday next week. I keep eyeing up the garden centers, which have just opened, but have yet to stop and look around.
    The grosbeak is gorgeous!

    1. I am anxious for you gals up north! It won't be long. Most of our garden centers stay open all year - they just sell different things in winter.
      Isn't that just so pretty? It amazes me how different birds are.

  8. Seeing that bird is a wonderful way to start your day.
    I am totally understanding of the aches and pains of getting older, but a good nights sleep is a wonderful cure. It’s easy to overdo things at the start of spring.
    I buy my potted plants from an older gent who sells from his home. Of course I could get them cheaper but I have never had anything that I have gotten from him die as they are used to my climate. And he donates half his sale money to a Stroke recovery group, so that’s a win too. It’s also nice that he remembers exactly what I like and plants specifically for me. Gotta love that.
    Off topic, if anyone can throw me some suggestions about what to do with 20kg of onions I’d be most appreciative. I think they are too soft to keep much longer.
    Have a great weekend Cheryl, pace yourself, it doesn’t all have to be done today. Louise

    1. Yes, the birdie made my morning. I know I over do it every dang spring!!!! I get all gung-ho and in a hurry!
      How nice to have a local source for plants and that he remembers what you like. I like that part of the proceeds go to charity.
      You could chop and freeze the onions, or dehydrate - best to do that outside. You could make onion soup and freeze or can. Onion rings!

    2. French Onion Soup !!

    3. I have picked out the softest ones today and made a triple batch of French Onion Soup ( thank Anonymous ) and that all went in the freezer. I am not a great canner, I don’t ever seem to be super successful, so I think the remainder may just be frozen. I will reek for the week !!!! 20kg of free onions is not to be cried over

  9. Lots of Grosbeaks here which we love to see. Lately we are getting Northern Flickers, and the Robins have been back for a bit now.

    I have discovered working in the garden is not at all good for my back. I will need to pace myself planting this year.

    God bless.

    1. You are lucky to have such beautiful little birds around.
      Don't over do it - you don't want to get down and out for the summer.

  10. Working outdoors is not for me--allergies and back problems. But, I love the idea of it all as I remember it. I do get out in the car once in a while. Tommy does all of the pot stuff. But, I plant. I saw the first hummingbird today. It may have been here before, but the door was open for me to see it.

    I cannot do much for attracting birds because nearby is an interstate with loads of pigeons. I do not want to attract those with feeders. However, there are many, many birds in the trees that occasionally find their way to the porch.

    1. I have allergies as well - but I cannot give up on working outside. I just take extra meds. My back screams at the end of the day - but all well by morning. I know you have a bad back.
      Yay on the hummingbird - I think they are so sweet. I have 3 or 4 pigeons show up - but they clean up the ground, so I don't mind too bad. I do love bird watching!

  11. I hope you enjoy your May too, Cheryl. I love watching the birds at our feeders. :)

    1. Thanks Belinda - May always seems busy! Enjoy!!

  12. I was watching the bluejays building a nest this evening. Waiting for the barn swallows to arrive and tell me the frost is over.
    We have high school graduation and a birthdays and wedding anniversaries. And of course Mother's Day. Lots to celebrate and enjoy.

    1. Bluejays are so majestic looking. I love them - many don't. They are kind of bossy! Swallows would be neat to see. I don't know if I have ever seen one.
      Yes, there are lots of activities in the month of May it seems. Keeps us busy and gets us into summer! Good to see you stop by.

  13. Happy May! Cannot believe how fast the months go.

    Agreed, gardening is more than food. the one house we looked at yesterday has a wonderful garden space.

    I don't think I scored any deals on anything though I haven't been shopping as of late.

    1. It is flying by.
      That would be great - to get a place with a good garden space. Good luck
