Thursday, June 6, 2024

Nature - Take Time to Enjoy

 Happy Thursday my friends.  It is a cooler morning here.  Once the dampness dries from the yard - I will be out and about the yard.  We had a really good rain yesterday and things got watered.  Rain barrels are both full - and I watched the birds sitting out in the rain, fluffing their feathers bathing.  They were so cute.  Nature sure is amazing to me.  Things of beauty to see, things to eat, and just so much to see and enjoy!
I hope each of you will get out and enjoy just the beauty of things.  All things are finally growing and getting just beautiful.  I am always aware of world events, but I turn off the news many days and just enjoy life.  The news is depressing.  Truly not much I can do to change anything - so I will spend my time on earth partaking in the beauty!

Here is a view out front and all the sunflower plants that got 'planted' by the birdies.  There are over a dozen out there and I look forward to blooms again this year.  Last year they were gorgeous!  So much just gets dropped by the critters and then it grows into beauty.
Years ago, I started with a small little clump of Tiger Lily from mom & dad's house.  Now they are in several locations around the yard and covered with hundreds and hundreds of buds and flowers!  The original plants from which these came were older than me!  Dug at the side of a country road decades ago.
The rains have been a blessing to the grapes.  The arbor is just loaded - on all sides, hanging thick with grapes.  I look to make jelly and juice - IF they keep going to maturity!  You can click on the picture to get a good view of the bunches!

Too funny.  Sometimes I think this is true for many people!   I have had trouble in the past with groundhogs and with racoons - but not bunnies. I know nature's critters get in a lot of gardens and they can cause havoc.  My brother lives with a huge woods behind him, and he fights nature at every turn.
I hope those that garden, get a good crop this year.
I so look forward to going out and picking 'grow'ceries.  That first tomato or that first zucchini - those are always my favorites.  I have some lettuce ready to pick now, but that is it at the moment.  SOON!!!
I pray for the farmers everywhere - I know many areas have flooded and others are hot and dry - the farmers are a wonder.  A good crop for them means food for the country and it means an income for them.
May your gardens all do well and thrive - big or little areas (or pots) - it is all food!

I hope you can all get out this weekend and just enjoy nature and the beauty in the world.  Turn off the ugly on TV and look at the beauty!  Go to a park, walk around the neighborhood, breathe the fresh air, dance in the rain, play in the flowers and garden - just get out and enjoy!

Have a tremendous day and weekend!


  1. Your flower beds are lovely! I've never grown sunflowers but I may try at the new house.
    It looks like we'll get some sunshine over the weekend and a walk in the park sounds like a great idea. :)

    1. Thank you. I have so many lilies blooming now and soon the phlox will be blooming. I love summer.
      I sure hope you get to enjoy sunshine and a walk!

  2. Everything looks nice at your house. I hate it but I'm hurrying through the things I have to do outside until these nasty cicadas leave. I'm hearing another two weeks.

    1. Thank you. I don't blame I would do the same if they were here. Just started seeing lightening bugs - that is it here!
      Hope your buggers leave sooner than later.

  3. I'm trying to disconnect after work each day. It's hard though to not know what's going on. While I can't change everything, I want to know what I might be able to have some influence on. Fool hardy of me perhaps.. I do totally agree nature is amazing and I hope to soak up all the good days I can.

    1. I see more than I care to see about the world - and really not much I can do, except take care of me and mine. If someone pops off the big one - well I'm going be gone anyway - so there's that!
      Nature is just so restful and calming.

  4. We need the beauty that is at your house! Your gardens look lovely and healthy. The grapes are fabulous! You should have enough to make jams and juice. We have picked several peppers and have green tomatoes. Herbs, green onions, broccolini, and Chinese broccoli are doing well. Green beans are about to bloom. The red raspberries are doing well and we will plant some blackberries for the Farmer. Strawberries are gone for now but I think one variety is an everbearer. Plant tags are still being pulled up by some critter or maybe a bird. He found two of the tags in the front yard. Mystery!

    Enjoy this beautiful day, a perfect gift from the Father!

    1. Thank you! Things are growing well. Sounds like your garden is growing well. Gosh, nice to be picking already and it sounds like you will have a good crop. It sure is an exciting time. It is wonderful out today - I just came in to rest!

  5. Oh yes, Nature is such a Gift from the Lord. ...Just the nature sounds when we walk in it and work in it...So soothing. Just this morning I was taking my walk and was tempted to ponder upon some ugly things people have done in the past several months and it was "Nope, God is too good to me to even spend one second on the nasties." God will take care of the nasties.

    Yes, I agree. We need to pray for our beloved farmers. God bless them.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Nature does have such a calming effect on us all. It is so soothing and it is like walking hand in hand with God in my opinion.
      Our farmers keep us all fed - they are just so important.
      Have a blessed day.

    2. P.S. Love the Tiger Lilys, that is very special. My mother planted those in our yard too.

  6. Today the big bear was in my garden in the afternoon. That's scary, that's when *I* am out there working. I'd been planting some hosta seedlings and came in. Looked out the window and the bear was where I had been. I've not been out to see what he may have done, but he was digging, I could see that. Very discouraging. Always I'm told that bears come at dawn and dusk and night, not daytime. Not this bear.

    I keep telling myself that "everybody's got to eat" so he has to be able to look for food, but personally I'm nervous when he's in the garden with me, even though our bears mostly eat berries and termites and ants.


    1. Holy cow! I am seeing more and more stories about bears this year. That IS scary. Someone needs to tell the bear about morning and evening.
      yes all of nature needs to survive, but I sure wouldn't want to be by such a massive animal. Stay safe!
      Maybe play loud music or make lots of noise when out!

    2. Yes, I 'spect noise might work. :( Sad, as the quiet of the outdoors charms me most. I'll think about it.


    3. I get that. Persnickety bears need to stay away!

  7. All I can do at the moment is enjoy nature, but having time to sit is giving me time to think about how my yard can look better.
    Your yard looks so nice and tidy, you are a dynamo.
    Toe is gone, and all is well. Louise

    1. Well, God must have been telling you to slow down girl!!! I am sorry the toe is gone, but you will heal and be back at it in no time. Time for reflections is just lovely, no matter how we get it!
      Thank you!

  8. Now that is what I call a great show of grapes. I sure hope they continue to grow so well.
    I was out weeding my perennial bed just before supper, a never ending task when it rains as much as it has been. Tomorrow I will do the inner ring and then work on the back and side.
    Good thing I don't have a long list of tasks to accomplish tomorrow.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks. It looks that way all the way around. I sure hope they continue so I have a bunch to use this year.
      Weeding just never ends. Such a job. Nice that you could get out there and enjoy the fresh air a little. They will always be there tomorrow!

  9. I really miss my yard with two swings, three benches, and two tables each with chairs. I could sit anywhere in the yard and watch birds and bunnies. I miss my big windows with views through lace curtains of trees, flowers, and birds. Here, there is no window to look out. Only if I can open the front door can I see through the storm door.
    Flowers I bought are doing well in the rainy weather. Plus, some are coming back from last year. We try to go to the park several days a week to sit and watch people walking, playing ball. We eat something and sit.

    1. Sorry you don't have the views anymore. There is so much to be said about being able to see outdoors, even in bad weather. Opening blinds is the first thing I do every morning.
      Glad you are going to the park. I like people watching - I got that from daddy. He did the same thing - said you could learn much from just watching.

    2. Curious why you just never rebuilt? Even something smaller and perhaps one story only.

  10. Hi Cheryl! I've been catching up on your latest posts. You have so many good ideas :) I don't watch the news either. I don't trust one thing the media says and never will again. As far as gardening...I'm growing flowers and a few plants. But you never know, I might try food one day. Then again, I want to keep the farmers in business, so for now I'll just keep supporting them ;) Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hello Debbie. Thank you. I don't trust anything I see on TV and only half of what I actually see with my eyes! I think we just need to take care of ourselves and not worry.
      Flowers are so lovely and just add to the beauty of the earth. You are helping those farmers and that is great! You have a good weekend as well.

  11. Your yard is impressive; I'm so envious of the grapes!
    I agree that we need to focus on our own lives and try to maintain beauty and kindness BUT we are also citizens of the world and should care about our fellows. When we vote or contact our government reps, we have an opportunity to make a change. Boycott is also a way to show displeasure. When reporters are being murdered, there is a reason. If we trust our common sense and common decency, we know what the truth is and who the truth tellers are. Human rights need to be defended, even if only through conversations with friends.
    I would not want to get into political fireworks on someone's blog but I want to stay informed and have an opinion and make my little voice heard if I am able.
    Much needed rain today and all the forest and wild fruits are soaking it up. This will be a boon for preventing forest fires too.
    Mary B...wear a loud whistle on a string on your neck; it may help; my friend wears a cow bell when she walks. Bears are not predictable so take no chances.

    1. I think each of us has our way of staying alert and informed. Of course we need to care about each other, to me that is a given. Just being good people.
      Glad you are getting rain - sure hope there will not be as many fires this year.
      The whistle is an excellent idea!

  12. Your garden is beautiful, summer goes by so fast. I love my garden too but I don't think I could be a farmer with the weather. All that hard work and it could be gone in a heart beat.
    We had another bear sighting -that makes two for us. They are moving around a lot.

    1. So stinking many bears this year. WOW! I adore farmer's and all they do, but no, I couldn't do it either. They probably make less than the average Joe in wages and it is a lot of work!

  13. I miss picking scuppernongs from my 9x12 foot arbor. The juice and jelly were marvelous. Plus, I had old fashioned grapes. And chickens and hickory nuts. I ate wild strawberries, too. I never got any of the wild cherries because the birds got them first. I miss my yard!

    1. Yards are lovely. They give so much entertainment, food and work! Someone asked above - I am curious too - why you never rebuilt on your property.
