Sunday, June 2, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 6/2

 Happy June to all!  Hope this finds you all well.  It is now meteorological summer here, and winter in the southern hemisphere!  It sure is hard to believe it is June.  
It is a cool and wet morning here.  It started raining yesterday afternoon and is continuing for a while this morning.  A nice soft and gentle soaking rain.  I like that.  This will sure make things grow - including weeds!
My little faucet feature I put in the homemade rain barrel last week - is holding!  No leaks whatsoever. YAY!!   However, this past week, the spicket on the original broke!  It is full - so I guess I will still be using a bucket for a while any way - sigh!
The Tiger lilies and D'Oro have both started blooming.  There will be hundreds of blooms!
'THE' neighbor is 100% gone now.  I finally feel safe.  It is a wonderful feeling.  I didn't realize how tense I had been.
I have a couple fun events to attend this month with old friends.  So, some neat things to look forward to.

My frugal week:
  • Mowed and trimmed everything
  • I did go out and get a huge outdoor flower planter (at Kroger) for my SIL, who lost her brother.  I bought it and took it to their home instead of ordering flowers.  It was half the price of florist, and she can enjoy it all summer.  Our Kroger has beautiful planters
  • I cut my hair and touched up roots at home
  • Deep cleaned all the floor surfaces
  • Cleaned up, filed and cleared away a lot of paperwork
  • Paid bills
  • I worked on the house siding on the north side of house, a lot.  I have been cleaning by hand, as I haven't bought a pressure washer yet.  My north side is pretty shaded and gets 'mossy' looking very quickly.
  • Made a double batch of hummingbird nectar
  • Picked a bouquet
  • Washed some windows
  • Did a ton more weed pulling and cutting - that NEVER ends.
  • Made a batch of biscuits this week
  • Widows open and airing the house
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Chicken strips, corn on cob, baked beans (leftover)
Homemade pizza
Pizza again and salad
Pork chop, broccoli/cheese rice
Chopped steak topped with mushrooms/peppers/onion and mashed potatoes
Corn/bacon/potato cakes and salad
Sausage egg biscuits and salad
SNACKS:  sorbet, watermelon, apples & peanut butter

This week was not quite as busy as last.  I did pretty much take off Sunday and Monday (holiday) and just relaxed.  I porch set a lot and visited with a few neighbors.
How was your holiday weekend and your last week of May?  Did you get any deals?  Any yard/garage sales?  
Please check in and let us know you are OK.  I am still worried about many.
Hope you all have a safe and healthy week ahead.  Hope your June is lovely.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

For God alone my soul waits in silence; He is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly moved.
Psalms 62:1-2

Dear Lord, thank You for this life.  I put my faith and trust into You.  I shall not worry about the worldly things that try to distract us and harm us, as I feel I am in Your protective hands.  I pray we all keep our faith no matter what the evil tries to do.  Thank you for our many blessings.  AMEN


  1. Hi Cheryl. We had rain from Friday night until last night. It ranged from pretty heavy to a light shower. I'm not complaining, we can always use the rain plus it gave us a day inside to relax a little bit. It sounds like you had a nice week and it's nice to have a few things on the calendar to look forward to. I was able to meet with my friends for dinner last week for the first time in a couple months and it was really nice to see them and catch up. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Yes, we can use the rain. I have yet had to water the garden. It was a nice week, and those little things to look forward to always cheer a person. I am glad you got to get with your friend for dinner - nice to catch up.
      Have a wonderful week.

  2. He is our Rock! Without that knowledge we would be lost and in despair.

    It's nice to have something to look forward to. Enjoy time with your friends.

    The rain has been nice, just gentle rain, no storms or strong winds. A little too wet to work outside today but there is plenty to do otherwise. The screened porch is a mess! You are right...the weeding never ends! We are on thistle patrol daily as well as checking for a vine that keeps coming up and will choke a plant if left unchecked. It destroyed part of the Japanese maple and the lilac in the backyard and the lilac in the front yard. I think it is wild sweet potato vine.

    Enjoy your week! See you Tuesday!

    1. It is nice to have things to look forward to.
      The rain has been lovely. No flooding! Thistle are such a pain. I have wild morning glories everywhere. They are pretty if blooming, but the vines take over everything. Such a pain and a daily event to pull - I understand your pain!
      Have a great week.

    2. I hear you about the strangler vine! We have such vines here, mine is Oriental Bittersweet, and I've learned to recognize it when it puts out its first baby leaves from seed. I stare at the ground and pull these tiny plants by the handful. Birds love the seeds so they are *everywhere*. Dear daughter was here and we pulled them together.

      We went yesterday to a hymn singing and lunch, what a wonderful thing to do. :) I hope she can be with me next weekend as well, but she's going with her dad to visit other relatives so it depends when she returns here.

      Cheryl, that Bible verse and prayer are excellent! :)


  3. It's hot as blazes already here in LA. And it's still raining which is strange as it's past the rainy season. We didn't lose power this past week(it seems to be a weekly thing now with all the storms)so I'll call it a win. 8-)

    1. I am so sorry you are enduring such heat already. I guess it is about hurricane season - so rain is better than that.
      Yes, storms seem to be so damaging anymore - it is nice to just have rain.
      Have a super week.

  4. I'm glad that neighbour has left the neighbourhood.
    Weeding is a constant thing - like housework it is never entirely done.
    We've got sun and a bit of cloud today, with a slight breeze it is a lovely day. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Me too. It seems the atmosphere in the whole neighborhood has changed for the better.
      Yes, weeding is never done. Such a chore too.
      Glad you are getting a bit of sun and breeze.
      Thank you. Have a great week.

  5. Our weather is keeping us on our toes at the moment - lovely Friday and Saturday - sunshine and up to around 70F by the afternoon but had to put on a sweater as I left for church this morning as it was only 15C (about 58F) and raining. Tomorrow is supposed to be quite nice but more rain later in the week. Of course I had the A/C installed on Saturday!

    Shopped mainly to fill in gaps this week and earned a lot of Loyalty Points as well shopping loss leaders. Other than that I mainly bought dairy and produce. I have a stuffed freezer and pantry so trying to rotate things a bit more I have also gone through my food and non food pantry and made a list of what I still need to purchase to get me up to that six month mark. So far - so good.

    Glad to read that the rather odd neighbour is gone - hopefully the next one will be a bit more pleasant.

    1. Your weather sounds kind of like here. One day can be hot and muggy - then it rains and gets cooler. I have worn a sweater a couple mornings this past week.
      So happy you have a full freezer and pantry. That sure is a good feeling. Sounds like you have got a real handle on things and that is wonderful.
      Odd is an understatement! But yes, glad he is gone and so is everyone else.
      Have a fantastic week.

  6. Congrats to your grandson. It sure is the time for graduations. I bet it will be nice to have the summer to do as you please. We used to take day trips a lot. We just wondered all over our state and saw a lot of beauty right here at home. I hope you both have a great summer of fun.
    That is lovely that you will be taking your friends kitty at some point. She must really trust you.
    It seems the downsizing is an ongoing thing. There is so much accumulation over the years. I need to get some lists made for family as well. I have my things all taken care of - but they need to know who and where to contact folks.
    You can maybe get something else to can this year. Try something new. Glad you have raspberries. They are so yummy.
    My neighbor who used to be a friend (?), really went off the deep end and started doing some terrible things to nature and people's pets. I & others complained to his landlord after he wouldn't listen to reason, and then he got in trouble and blamed it all on me. So no loss at all there. I do believe another neighbor is interested in it, so hopefully it will all work out for the best.
    I hope you will get more good neighbors. They sure are a blessing.
    Have a lovely week.

  7. Happy June, Cheryl. I enjoyed your posts this past week. Grass cutting is in full swing; the vegetable garden is planted; all the bedding plants have been purchased & should be potted/planted this coming week. I have to pull a tire off the tractor mower & the garden tiller. Sometimes I wish there was a man to do those jobs but in reality, a man is only a phone call away if I can't manage. There was a bear in the yard one morning as I came down the front steps. It ran away when I made a racket. And yesterday I saw a moose with 2 young calves along the river road. I've only seen young moose calves 3 times in my life. I enjoy listening to the chuckwagon race broadcasts on the radio each evening. The days are full. In the kitchen: hashbrown casserole w/ sausage; hot dogs & KD; pasta veggie salad.

    1. Hi Mona. Thanks. Yes mam, everything is in full swing - life is grand! I chuckled when you said you could use a man sometimes. A couple weeks ago I needed to move something really heavy, and I called my neighbor and asked if I could borrow her man - she laughed out loud. LOL
      Oh my gosh, I cannot imagine seeing such wildlife so close. A bear in the yard? Yikes. I would love to see moose.
      You surely live amongst nature. Sounds like you have been busy and enjoying life.
      Have a wonderful week.

  8. Harvey cut our grass on Wednesday and due to all the rain we have been getting it can be cut once again.

    You had a very fruitful and busy week, even though you took a couple of days off to "porch sit".

    God bless.

    1. That grass really can grow quickly. The weeds do too!
      Thanks - it was nice to do nothing but visit for a couple days.
      Have a blessed week.

  9. We had a nice rain tonight while we were eating dinner in the screen porch. That is our favorite thing of summer.

    The planter instead of flowers was a lovely idea.

    1. I bet that is lovely. Rain sometimes just makes all seem right - it is so cleansing. I bet your screened area is lovely.
      Thanks - I thought she could enjoy all summer.
      Have a great week.

  10. For the past several years we end our prayers with ...And deliver us from evil. Amen

    1. YES. I say the Lord's Prayer so many times a day. We need to pray for peace in the world - it sure needs it.
      Have a super week.

  11. All is well at Harvest Lane Cottage. We did have a small tornado come through a couple of weeks ago, but thankfully no loss of life. It was primarily trees uprooted and limbs down. Some fell on houses.

    1. Glad you are safe and well. Tornadoes are so scary and damaging. Nature is lovely, but it sure can be devastating.
      Have a blessed week.

  12. Bit late in commenting but I’m so glad your neighbour has gone, that must be a relief for you.
    Sadly it looks as though I will need to have my toe amputated. I may not comment for a while, but will be reading.
    God bless, Louise

    1. Thank you. Oh Louise I am so sorry to hear that. My goodness, that must have been some wound and infection. Please, please take care and know that you will be missed. Prayers things all go well.
      Try to have a good week.

  13. You have an interesting blog. I enjoy your money saving ideas and the topics that you write about. One thing that you should consider...not asking people to check in if they skip an amount of time not commenting. I know that I will skip a blog when a topic does not interest me, gardening and canning are two of them. Some times we all need a break from reading a blog. Perhaps we move on to other things to read about outside of money saving. People will respond when and if they want to. Don't worry.

    1. No harm in asking if she wants to. It’s a lovely idea. Also no problem not doing so. No harm done all around.

  14. I had no idea you had a dangerous neighbor! Must have missed that. Was he violent? Jan
