Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Thing or Idea or Two!

 Howdy to all.  Here we are at Thursday again already - the last one in July!  It is a cooler, yet sort of damp and muggy feeling morning.  We had rain yesterday - 3 times at my house.  The last rain, in the late afternoon and early evening was such a good soaking rain.  It was nice.  Things are a growing - weeds included!
Late last night - 11:30PM - I was awakened by what sounded like an explosion!  One loud, house vibrating boom.  It scared the stuffings out of me.  No idea what it was.  Never heard a siren after - so I guess an illegal firework (?).  It sure did arouse me from a nice sleep!  Nothing on the news this morning either.  It shook the house.

Just an idea or two to help in life! I love things that make life easier.

Have you seen this?
Using your canning lifter as a baggy holder.  I saw this on the computer - and was like duh!  I tried it and it does work.  Sure beats trying to keep a bag open by just holding it.

Have you heard that the recommended 10 and 2 has been advised against.  Not sure if this was universal or not - but we were always taught to hold the steering wheel at 10 and 2 (according to a clock) for safe driving.  Now my insurance company is saying we should be holding at 4 and 8!  This is to keep your hands, wrists, and arms safe from exploding air bags.  The lower point leaves less chance of your arms to fly up and back - even hitting you in the face.  It makes sense.  These points should be used even when turning (per recommendation) - keeping you safe.  As much as air bags are for safety, they can be very harmful as well.  I have been keeping my hands lower for a long time now, it takes some getting used to - but I feel a little safer.

I know I mainly use just the grating side - but a box grater can be used in many ways.  This is a standard tool in my kitchen - has been for years.  I have a very tiny one as well - it is great to use for things like nutmeg or just grating a small piece of hard cheese.

This is a basic at my house only I use regular milk.  You can leave out cocoa powder and add another type of fruit for a great milkshake. 
                                                      No cocoa and using strawberries!
 I also don't add quit so many ice cubes - but this sure gives a good starting point.  Nice and refreshing on a hot humid day!  It can be made into milkshake or firmer for an ice cream type treat - no sugar needed.

Ever used an Ulu?  We got this for Glen.  He had a hand that had fingers that just didn't want to work well - this helped so much.  When cutting up food with a knife and fork - it takes 2 good hands.  This allows you to cut with one hand.  It is very sharp.  It is a great tool for someone who has a bad hand.  I love it for cutting pizza!  I like it better than using a pizza cutter or knife.  It also works wonders on a cucumber or carrot or for handing chopping cabbage!  You just rock it back and forth and it cuts away!
They come in many sizes.  
Many hunters have larger ones for preparing their harvest.

So there you have it - just a thing or two.  Maybe you see something that makes life easier or safer.  Do you have any special tricks that you use to make life easier?  We always want to know.  Who doesn't want things easier?

Have a fantastic day and enjoy it to the fullest.  
Hoping you all have a great weekend as well!


  1. Great ideas! I'm sure gonna use my jar lifter that way. So clever! Also that no sugar added milkshake is something I'm very much looking forward to making as I'm trying to limit added sugar.

    I don't comment frequently but read all your posts. Look forward to them and you sure bless my life! Thank you very much!

    1. Hello Linda. I thought it pretty darn smart too! I tried it and it worked.
      I have really tried hard to cut sugar out for the past several months. The milkshake is so good - almost like ice cream. If you want a little added sweetness - a squirt of honey works.
      Glad to have you here and thank you so much for your kind words.

  2. We haven't had any rain in a week so I'm hoping we get some soon.
    It's back to being pretty warm and humid again but it is still summer. I started making the banana and fruit smoothies for TBG years ago. He loves them and they are so healthy. A new tip that I recently tried was to take the pointed end of a metal or wooden skewer and poke the end of a lemon and rotate it around a little. Then remove and squeeze out the juice. It works wonderfully. Then you can refrigerate until you want to use the rest. I was impressed. Enjoy your day!!

    1. Wow, I figured you got rain too. Sorry.
      I love them - it sure makes for a nice cold treat. What a neat idea - something so simple and you have juice! I will most definitely try that. Thank you!

  3. Wow, I learned a lot this morning! I am all about efficiency and working smarter, not harder. The jar lifter idea is genius. I use only one side of the box grater. Have to try the rest. Pre-keto, when I was making smoothies, I used frozen fruit and didn't add ice cubes. Think I'll try to make a smoothie with the goat milk kefir we use and strawberries. Looked up ulus on Amazon and put one on my wish list. It would be a very useful tool in the kitchen.

    Rain off and on yesterday. It is actually a pretty nice day, just a bit humid. Doing laundry and need to tackle some weeding. I swear that weed seeds fall along with the rain. I noticed the smell in the air this morning that reminded me of late summer when I was a child, right before school would begin. It's interesting how smells can trigger memories. Enjoy your weekend! See you Sunday!

    1. Well, I am glad to be of service!! Glad you learned something new. I think many of us just use the grater part - so many other uses. I love the Ulu - it really does work well. A very handy kitchen gadget for sure.
      Yes, it is nice out but a bit humid. Earlier there wasn't a cloud in the sky!
      Smells and sounds take me back. Music especially - I can go back to a certain day! Kind of neat.

  4. Our driving handbook now says 9 and 3 instead of 10 and 2. And never to cross one's hands when making a turn.
    I don't own a box grater - the one I have is flat, but does have the ability to zest. I do have a small electric chopper that is great at shredding I like the idea of the rocking knife though, as pizza cutters often don't cut entirely through the crust. I'll have to look for one.

    1. That is interesting on the 9 and 3. Whatever moves the hands and arms further from the top is good. Yes, now they say not to cross over with your arm when turning here too.
      I guess a grater is something I have always had as an adult. Before all the other stuff.
      The Ulu is really nice. I love the way it cuts through pizza.

  5. 8 and 4 just did not work well for me. I did not feel I had good control of the steering wheel. 9 and 3 is ok, but as you say, it takes a bit of readjustment to avoid 10 and 2.

    I've put baggies in/over a big mug to hold them open. My canning lifter is misplaced, have not seen it in some years!

    There are many clever ideas out there, and I thank you for sharing some. :) Oh, we got *another* inch of rain!! Everything looks so green and happy, unfortunately including the weeds. ;) I took another load of stuff to the charity shop, still "weeding the house". More to go for sure.


    1. I took me a while to get used to 8 and 4 - but I am now. I can understand needing more control.
      I never even thought about a big mug - duh! I love learning new things.
      Yay on the rain. Yep, those weeds grow regardless, then top them with rain and well.....
      Good for you - love the de-cluttering.

  6. What an interesting way to use a jar lifter!!! must try that out. I have my hands at nine and three like Maebeme, though they sometimes slip to 10 and 2 as that was what I learned.

    God bless.

    1. I thought it was pretty neat too.
      9 & 3 sounds pretty good to me. I learned 10 & 2 as well. Years of that has been hard to break.

  7. When I fill a freezer bag, I use my large funnel for filling a regular size canning jar to fill a freezer bag, especially quart bags. I put the funnel in the top and hold the bag around the funnel with my left hand. It works for me.
    My recipe for a cold smoothie is to use no ice cubes. Use frozen fruit to get it cold. I always use about 1/3 cup yogurt and 1/3 cup of orange juice and the rest fruit.

    1. Huh, never thought of using the canning jar funnel for filling freezer bags either. Good idea. Sometimes I hear things, and think why didn't I think of that.
      Your smoothie sounds good. I don't usually have yogurt on hand, thus the milk. Frozen fruit is great to use.

  8. I bought a mezzaluna (rocker knife) when I broke my right wrist three years ago. It comes in very handy at times

    I learned 10 & 2, but tend to put my hand just above the cross-braces in the wheel with my thumb close to the horn. I do try to keep my seat as far back from the steering wheel as is comfortable to minimize the impact of the air bag.

    1. The knives really are useful. They really do help with any disability and they just work in general.
      That would be comfortable - as your hands are kind of resting at the braces. Good idea to have the seat back as far as one can handle.

  9. Ok, I NEED to get my mama an ulu! That is so awesome. I may need to get one for myself as well! I can't imagine what woke you up, but it must have been very loud! Yikes! Glad y'all are getting some rain. We are too, finally. It has been SO hot and dry here. It has certainly cooled things off a little. My poor grass and plants needed it so bad. I naturally drive at 4 and 8, so this was good to know. I always tried to catch myself when I thought I should be doing 10 and 2, so now I can drive worry-free! Yay!

    1. If your mama has hand problems it sure would help.
      I have no idea what it was, but I have also noticed things being knocked over on shelves - so the vibration was noticeable and the sound - WOW!
      Glad you are getting rain and that it has cooled a little. I think many need that. Things are sure growing here.
      It is how I learned , but now I have been doing 4 & 8 long enough that it is natural.

  10. So many interesting things today. That boom would have scared me, too.

    1. Thanks. It was scary, and still have no idea what it was. Neighbors all heard and felt it as well.

    2. How interesting about the BOOM! Last year we had a series of such BOOMs and never did figure out what they were or who was setting off what. The whole neighborhood woke up. This went on mostly at night for weeks, very irregular - sometimes early, sometimes late, sometimes wake-you-up late, like 3AM, some nights nothing at all.

      Guess our BOOMer moved out your way. :)


  11. (Little Penpen) Hi Cheryl! The bag holder thing would be great. I’d probably knock it over. Never heard that about the driving position of 4 and 8. It’s always something, huh? The cutter looks like a neat gadget. I haven’t commented in awhile, but I’m still here and reading. :-)

    1. Hi Penny - so glad you stopped by. I have been wondering about you. I hope things are going well for you.
      Well, being the clutz I am - I would probably knock it over too!
      The knife is really cool.
      Take care of yourself and stop by when you get a chance.

  12. We've had so much rain this week, it is unreal! I love the idea of using the canning jar lifter for a baggie holder, what a great idea!

    1. So sorry you have had so much rain. Hopefully it was needed. It has been a few days since rain here.
      I thought it was a good idea too.


    Here is a site for reporting fireballs aka meteors which can break the sound barrier. This is probably what you heard. It would be unsettling.

    1. I don't know - but it sure was scary. We are still all talking about it around here. Thanks.

    2. I looked at the chart and there was nothing close by or even remotely close to here. I don't know what it could have been.
