Thursday, July 11, 2024

And the Surveys Say.......

 Good morning and happy Thursday.  Hope it is a lovely day where you are.  Hope you are all staying in and cool in those blistering heat areas!
It is quite lovely here this morning.  Sun is shining and not too hot yet!

I have been reading a lot of surveys being taken by various places, and it seems there are many food items that people have suddenly discovered are better to make at home and cheaper!!!  Go figure - there is a thought!  LOL
There are several basics that seem to have made the list.  It seems, as prices continue to raise, people are finally getting it.  Homemade and scratch is so much better and generally less expensive.

Here are several that were listed:
  • Coffees, cold brew, and iced teas (flavored)
  • Mac and cheese - a little mac, butter, milk and whatever cheese you have/like
  • Oat milk - oatmeal, water - blended and strained and a little sweetener added
  • Hummus
  • Fried rice - rice and any leftovers around
  • Spaghetti sauce - sooooo easy
  • Herbs - dried and crushed.  Pesto - so expensive at the store almost $0 at home
  • Breakfast - meals, sandwiches, pancakes, waffles - going out for breakfast can easily be $10-$20+
                  This would cost a bit at a restaurant - homemade pennies - having all on hand.
  • Pizza or loaf pizza - can be made for pennies using what you have
Delivery pizza is a fortune anymore and not that great - making your own with it being 'loaded' for pennies at home
  • Pickled items or fermented items
  • Soda Pop - many are using a Soda Stream for carbonated drinks - use fruits to flavor
  • Mexican foods - tacos, burritos, enchiladas - so many options
  • Calzones, hand pies, quesadillas
  • Sweets - cookies, cakes and sweet breads & muffins
  • Fries - regular or sweet potato
  • Veggie burgers - instead of the new no meat options (and less ? ingredients)
People are deciding they want fewer questionable ingredients, they are looking to save some money, and they seem to be deciding home cooking just tastes better.
We have been preaching this forever - but it finally seems to be the 'new' best thing!  Hey, whatever it takes to get people to start eating better - is all good to me.
Folks are using air fryers and Instant Pots and slow cookers more and more and finding they can get as good of or better results at home.

New trend?  Whatever you want to call it - it is great to hear.  I hope it keeps on going and more and more decide to do this.  It sure can save money from eating at restaurants and buying all those highly processed goods at the grocery.

Keep it simple and keep it affordable and keep it tasty!!!!
Have a lovely day and weekend!!


  1. I couldn't agree with this more. I've pretty much always done this but I'm happy to hear others are starting to also. When they are labeling items with 'may contain bioengineered food ingredients' that should be a wake up call for everyone. It doesn't take 15 ingredients to make a loaf of bread.

    1. How right you are! I make bread in all flavors and even with buying the different ingredients it is still cheaper and so much healthier overall.
      Anything you can buy that is pre-made or processed had to have come from someone making it home made in the first place. French fries did not always come in a bag frozen and ready to use....people made their own, just like other foods.

    2. Lori - I agree. Sad thing is that 'bioengineered' ingredients have been around for decades and they have only recently had to start labeling that.
      The simpler the better in my opinion.

    3. JC - bread is so easy and so many never think they could possible make. My mom always made homemade fries and even potato chips. I make my own fries as well.
      I have always felt we had to go BACK to move forward!

    4. Bioengineered food is something one could go down a rabbit hole with. Some seem to be absolutely wonderful, others, not so much. One could have a real debate about Golden Rice, but it's a sure thing that in some countries people are Hungry and and some countries the diet is Limited so that not all needed vitamins etc are readily available. We are fortunate to live where we do and having a limited diet is by choice, not by necessity. The idea that children go blind because of lack of certain vitamins, that's just sickening. We are so blessed.


    5. Very good points Mary. Yes mam, we are so blessed to have choices.

  2. I refilled a spice jar from the bulk section of Winco. $0.51 instead of $5. I fully admit to buying pizza-ready to bake. We eat one perhaps every 6-8w. Let's face it, I just want the melted cheese and I can do that with a tortilla in a skillet (a bit of butter on the downside of course ;-)

    I LOVE that it's the NEW thing 😊 whatever it takes right?

    Happy Thursday all. New record 108 Wed and we're over 100 for at least the next 8d. This will be a new record of consecutive over 100d which is currently 9.

    1. I just like the taste of homemade pizza so much better. I can put exactly what I want on it and generally have it all here.
      I agree - whatever it takes to make people wake-up.
      Stay cool girl. How miserable.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks - just relaying what the 'new' thing is today. Hope people are waking up.

  4. This is a perfect post for today as we are experiencing catastrophic flooding here in Vermont and our back woods dirt road is completely washed out and impassable. We will be making our own! Thank ful to God, all our homes are fine as are we.Mary

    1. I hadn't heard of that area flooding. So happy that you are safe. I hate hearing these kinds of things. Hope all your neighbors are safe as well.
      Our pantries and freezers sure do come in handy during things like that.
      Stay well and safe.

  5. Weather can be the biggest pain! Here you are flooding away and I'm out watering everthing in pots because we don't have rain any longer in my area. :( Boo Pout. However. I am extremely grateful for cool evenings and a whole house fan.

    Simple food is best, that's for sure. There are things I want to buy because I particularly like those items but most of the time I'd rather eat at home. :) I can hardly enjoy a meal at a fancy restaurant - the price just turns me off (even if I'm not paying!) and so often the ingredients are strange.


    1. Environment plays a big part in our lives. Yet we do have our pantries and freezers and can get creative.
      I think simple is best too - pure and clean.
      I hate the price of food at restaurants - but I always wonder about the conditions! I guess I have known too many people who have worked in restaurants and they talk!
      I like my own cooking best!

  6. Make your own at home, cheaper and better. What a concept! We haven't bought any bottled salad dressing for years. When you make something yourself, you bypass the preservatives and who knows what else shouldn't be in your food. We use the large tortilla shells to make pizza. Pizza from restaurants has gotten outrageous and you pay a premium for any extra toppings and get very little for your money. A baseball bat sized zucchini was discovered in the garden so we used some to make a frittata yesterday and used some more today to spiralize with sauce for lunch. There is still enough from that one giant zucchini for another meal. We are not zucchini bread fans and wouldn't make it now anyway because of the adulterated wheat.

    Had two brief but heavy rain showers midday. Sun is out now and you know the weeds are busy at work! ha! Have a good weekend. See you Sunday.

    1. Pizza out is crazy expensive. I have made my own crust, used various breads, etc. I need to do a tortilla one soon.
      Thos 'hidden' gems in the garden can sure add some fun meals! Sneaky plants aren't they?
      Got quite a nice little downpour here for about 1/2 hour - 45 minutes. No watering today!

  7. I love knowing exactly what is in the food I set on the table or use as a snack or dessert. It also cuts down on grocery costs greatly.

    God bless.

    1. Amen to that. It sure does make one feel better about their bodies and those of their family. I think it cuts down on grocery shopping as well.

  8. Exactly why I've continued canning the way my grandmother taught me. I want to know how much sodium is in there, and don't want anything I can't pronounce in with my goods. Granted, I don't can everything, but this way I have at least a little more control. Best thing I ever did was accept a gift of a barely-used breadmaker. If you have beer or two that are getting old and stale (like, the last bottle or two from St. Patrick's day), find a good beer bread recipe. It's great for dipping into a bowl of tomato soup and for making grilled cheese sandwiches.

    1. I agree 100%. It sure is nice to know what is our food. I always heard that if grandma never heard of the ingredients - we shouldn't eat it!
      I need to make beer bread again - it has been a long while. I do enjoy the texture of it.

  9. All great ideas and suggestions. Some other things I make from scratch are specialty flours. Being gluten free and low histamine, those things can run into big bucks for a small amount. It's so easy to make rice flour, millet flour, oat flour at home. If you have a high speed blender or putting a regular blender on the highest speed, it will grind all of the above into flour. Another item that gets homemade is mayonnaise. Cookie

    1. Great ideas. Hadn't thought about flours. Thanks for suggesting that =- it sure may help someone out. Yes, homemade mayo is easy and tasty.

  10. All of your suggesstions are so very helpful. Husband went to Kentucky where they actually make great food at out to eat places. His Mom is still living but she no longer cooks (she is 90).
    Of course it's not healthy for him at all so he was glad to get back to home cooking. Being homebound for the moment I just ate leftover meals that I had frozen ahead of time.

    1. Thank you. Glad he got to visit with his mom. Sometimes we all eat out - just look for those down-home places! Hard to find healthy food out any more.
      Good for you eating at home.
