Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Reversed Meal Planning - Something to Think About

 Happy midweek!  We have a slightly overcast start this morning.  It is much more humid than yesterday.  We have storms coming in today and probably tomorrow.  I hope all of you that have events tomorrow for the 4th - have a safe day.  There are heat warnings again this week for various parts of country - you all stay in and stay safe.

Reverse Meal Planning
Yep, it is a thing.  It is much of what I do all the time!  A different name and way of looking at pantry cooking!!
Here we go.  BEFORE you go shopping - you plan your meals from what you have on hand.   I know many plan meals according to grocery sales - the cheaper way is planning meals with what you have.
Take a good look at those pantries and freezers - and get creative.  I bet many, many people can go a couple weeks or much more with just what they have on hand.
Never waste things.  

There are many sites on the computer that can help.  You type in the ingredients you have, and it gives you ideas for what you can make.  You can utilize those cookbooks that are all about simple and easy cooking (libraries have many).  You can ask places like this blog or your friends or family.
It truly pays to utilize what you have.  We have all had weeks where it just wasn't in the budget to go to the grocery.  Those tight weeks gives good reason to get creative.

Think about ways to use a single piece of meat - even with a couple people in the house.  Chop it, chunk it and make a casserole or soup with it.  Cooked it can make a great sandwich salad when chopped and added to other ingredients.
It can be lunch on a different day.  Think of meat as an ingredient, not a staple.  You can also have meatless days - use another protein.

Fruit - use it all up.  Older fruit can be made into salads, sauces, juices, or milkshakes.  Cook up apples that may be older.  Fried apples are wonderful - or make a cobbler or pie.

Use it all up and save your budget.  So many things we can do.  Citrus - juice or salads, then use the skins to make cleaner or zest and freeze for baking/cooking.
Bananas getting older make an easy ice cream or a milkshake - the peels make great fertilizer.  Just so many options.
Sometimes you can make up a fun recipe that is very filling and can be used in a simple meal.  Meals don't always have to be several courses.  Fried cornbread - great for a lunch, a treat or a big part of a dinner.  When you are truly watching the budget and getting creative, sometimes it is just about getting FULL!
Easy-peasy snacks.  These are very good and use minimal ingredients.  Think popcorn or any other easy idea for fun snacks.  Heck, you add some melted butter and seasoning to crackers and bake until crispy again.  Super yummy.
Meals can be veggies only!  Yes, they can.  Vegans and vegetarians eat lots and lots of veggies and fruits - you can too.  I often have no meat nights.  You can use a little meat or no meat.  It is so easy to do, especially in summer.
A good summer meal - meat is not necessary at all.  I could eat this all summer long (even with no meat). Just keep things simple.
Big old salads are great as well.
Use up all leftovers for lunches or other meals, or place bits and bobs in the freezer until you have enough to make soup or casserole.

Never feel that you don't have options.  Never waste food.  Use what you have - no matter how obscure it may seem.  Get creative.
Be smart a do a REVERSED MEAL PLAN before going shopping.  I like this way of thinking about it - instead of saying 'shop your pantry'.  Change your thinking and sometimes it can change your life!  Use your dollars for other things.
Have fun with it.  You may surprise yourself and your family!!

Have a wonderful day friends.


  1. I will always shop sales whether or not we need food now. By shopping sales for things I always use, I can shop my pantry more easily. Sometimes, I have plenty of cooked chicken, but I will not pass up the bogo sale for bscb.

    There are weeks when the sales aren't for anything I want, need, or that appeals to me. Those weeks, we might spend $20. I don't buy just to spend. The next few weeks will have sales we want, so we can afford to spend a bit more.

    It took a while for Tommy to get this.

    1. I think a lot of people do that. I have so much inventory, that I can skip several weeks at a time and never see any depletion. That is why I have always done this - so if for one reason or another, I don't have to shop.
      Nice on watching the deals!

  2. I've been shopping the pantry first, lately, simply because I need to "eat down" my freezer and use up some of my pantry goods that are getting older. On another pantry note, my grocery store was completely out of the 4# and 5# bags of sugar (some brands are 4#, others are 5#), and only had one row of the 10# bags on the shelf. Don't know what's going on with sugar distribution, but it was reminiscent of 2020-2022.

    1. That is kind of what I have been doing as well. Got to use the older stuff up.
      I haven't noticed any shortages here on sugar. Last time in Aldi (where I usually buy it) - there was plenty.
      Thanks for the heads up - we can all keep watch.

  3. Shopping at home first has been a strategy of mine for years. I was rummaging through the fridge freezer the other day & found a ham bone so decided that baked beans would be on the menu. My go-to grocery store had a computer breach a few days ago & is experiencing supply chain issues so I went to another grocery store yesterday No first-Tuesday-of-the-month 10% discount there. Sugar supply has been touch-&-go here for months.

    1. That is a great strategy to have. It is a nice way to use those 'forgotten' items up and all the older stuff.
      I haven't seen a problem here - but sill sure keep watch. I still have a bunch from last year - so I will be needing to restock soon.

    2. Thats so funny, I was rummaging thru my freezer last night and pulled out a hambone and a quart of ham broth! Soaked beans overnight and have the beans simmering now in the crock pot. Used a box of cornbread mix also from the freezer and have corn bread made while mixing up 2 angel food cakes...egg whites also from the freezer! I don't care for angel food cake but the family loves it. I am just not a cake lover of any kind. I prefer pie!!
      I used the last quart or so of milk the night before grocery shopping to make some ricotta cheese. The milk would have gone bad so I made the ricotta, it will be used in lasagna or a casserole.
      The whey goes into bread, I am trying to use up stuff from the freezer so it can be refilled before late fall.
      The other night I used 2 slices of liver to make 2 meals (for me) of liver and onions....only one that eats it and I love it.
      I do have a recipe for an icebox cake that uses angel food cake, berries and pudding with some whipped cream. It won't go to waste.
      I cannot wait until the green beans come on, I want them with potatoes, onions and some smoked my grandma used to make.

    3. Good for you JC! I go down every now and then and look around the freezer. There is much that needs to be used before anything gets gunky. Don't want things getting too old - so we need to rotate, rotate.
      You made some really good uses there and they will all make some tasty food and goodies.
      I haven't had liver and onions in years and years. I do love chicken livers fried up too.
      I am so ready for fresh items from the garden. My favorite time of the year.
      Smart moves!

  4. I mostly shop from my pantry and freezer. But right now one of our local grocery stores has been having backed beans on sale and I have bought a few cans.

    1. It sure makes life easier doesn't it. No rushing to go out and spend and no need to fight crowds. The prices were probably better on what you have there as well!
      Beans are nice to have back. I got several over Mem. Day when there were sales. Good going.

  5. I have a large pantry of staples and well stocked freezer and rarely run out of anything so this is basically how I cook too. I only shop when I need to add items that are getting low. I just remember to rotate and to not stock up too much so nothing goes to waste.

    1. Rotation is the key. It sure makes life easier having a stockpile on hand. sounds like most of us are on the same train!

  6. Excellent tips! A tour through the freezers usually yields something that was forgotten about and will make an good meal for possibly more than one day.

    It is gloomy today and I hope we get the predicted rain.

    1. Thanks - yes, I can always find something different that needs to be used.
      Rain yes, no storms!

  7. What I run out of is fresh stuff. Like Milk, Cottage Cheese, lettuce. So I'm at the store right regularly, but I've learned not to buy on a whim. If I see something for my stockpile on a great sale I'll snap it up for sure, but I can live off the stockpile for quite a long time I think.

    Thanks for the heads-up about sugar. I've not needed any so haven't been looking but could lay in another 4 or 5 lb bag of it. The hummingbirds make quite a dent in my stash over the summer with their sugar-water. :) Then in winter I make a dent in it with Christmas and Birthday cookies.

    Most of my meals are Reverse Meal Planned. Only occasionally do I plan ahead for some dinner. I buy ground beef on special and separate it into individual servings to freeze, but if I want a meatloaf for my nephew, then I'll buy for that.

    Praying for rain to dampen the ground and foliage before the fireworks freaks start up. They don't seem to care a bit about drought and fire hazard. :(


    1. I need milk and fresh once in a while - but I can stretch even that. Nice to have the stockpile!
      I may watch for sugar too - as I do make a lot of hummingbird nectar and then there will be homemade jelly. Yep, then comes Christmas goodies. I always try to have 40-50 pounds around but I may be way below that now.
      I hope you get rain too - no the crazies with the fireworks don't care. I actually hope it just rains the whole evening!

  8. Definitely a good concept. Why buy more when food is waiting to be used in the fridge/freezer and pantry? My grandson is autistic and has preferred foods, so some items are a must to keep on hand. I would note his mom has a rule when trying a new to him food. He must touch it the first time he sees it, touch it to his lips the second time, and take a small taste on the third. Some foods never get past the first taste, others become new favorites. As a result, the variety of foods he prefers is larger than many autistic children. Texture is often as important as taste.
    Enjoy your July 4th holiday! I do hope the weather cooperates.

    1. That is a smart way to introduce the new foods. Glad that sometimes it works for every one's benefit. Yes, texture is very important. There are some things I won't eat, just because of that!
      Thank you.

  9. Chopped citrus peels can help deter neighbors cats from using your garden beds as their litter box.

    1. I did not know that. That is good for a lot of people to know. Natural too!

    2. It isn't 100% effective, but it does help. You have to replenish it often as the aroma fades. I used to use plastic forks in the ground but it is ugly, it could potentially hurt animals if they step on the tines and I alsowant to avoid plastic as much as possible. Happy Independence Day! Dee/NY

    3. Hey - it is natural and if it helps deter some, that is good.
      I agree with staying away from plastic. Thanks Dee.

  10. This way of shopping has been my new normal since my injury. Meals have been super simple, and often in combinations that don’t really match, but everyone is fed and full. I do wish the men of the household understood that you don’t need meat at EVERY meal. Thanks for the inspiration, Louise

    1. Good for you. Hope you are healing well. Simple is good. Doesn't match? According to who? If it tastes good - it matches to me. Thanks and you take good care.

  11. This is excellent advice, Cheryl. It's the way I've done things for years. I think it helps tremendously with the food budget.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. It sure does help with any budget. I have done it too - but like giving things new names to maybe entice someone new to try.

  12. This is a great way to meal plan. I love using up what I already have on hand. It just feels good :) Every now and then I like to browse the aisles for new products or new ideas, but that gets expensive, real quick!
    Cheryl, I would love to see a post about budgeting, if you have any great tips. I love personal finance, but not a lot of people share their methods.
    Have a wonderful 4th of July and a great weekend!

    1. I like using what I have too. Gosh, who doesn't like browsing the aisles? I sure do. You just never know.
      I will think on that. My strategy is very basic and very simple - but may do a post about that soon. Thanks

  13. I'm all about eating down the pantry and just buying what we need and using up all the ingredients. Though we don't call it reverse meal planning either. Also, we've been on low-spending and the result as of this day is 14K saved for the new place!

    1. It is just something I do - never called it that myself. But it tends to look at something with new eyes. Sometimes that makes all the difference to people.
      You have done fabulously!! BE proud!!!!!!
