Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Change - the One Thing That we can Count on

 Good morning to all.  Here we are on Wednesday - mid-week again.  It is a lovely morning here.  Looks like it will be getting warmer from today on.  At least the humidity hasn't been bad.

A somber morning for most people.  Remembering the horror of 23 years ago, is almost too much.  That was for sure the day the world changed forever.
I wish those things hadn't happened, and that those families were still intact.  THAT was one of those days, that I remember the entire day - that we were talking about yesterday. 💔

The one constant in this world is CHANGE!  It is basically guaranteed in every aspect of life.
Much change is hard to handle, and we don't always understand it.  Regardless, it happens.  It may be your finances, your personal life, your home, life and death, health, your community and YES the world.
Change can be beautiful IF we learn along the way.  We truly need to learn.  Nothing ever stays the same.
As much as we would like to, we can't go back in time.  BUT we do get second and sometimes third and fourth chances.  
We have all had those moments in time when money was tight, and we weren't sure what to do.  Well, kiddos, we put on our grown-up panties and go forward and just try and try again.
We can start again and make the ending of our life a different story.

When you think you can't tighten the budget any more - sit down and write every single thing (ALL) you spend money on.  I mean every penny!  That pack of gum, that coffee, that lunch out, that junk food you buy, the cable bill - everything.
You will most always see where you can CHANGE some things and stop spending on them.
If you need to, get help!  Everyone needs a hand up now and then.  You can seek help with utilities, you can go to food banks, you can maybe find things to sell, you can maybe get a part time job.......
Do something.  There are good people out there, that can help.
Once you have received some help, you have stopped spending on anything unnecessary, you can start getting your finances in order and heading upwards. 

Life is full of challenges; it always will be.  We just have to have a mindset that we want to improve.
Whether it is improving your life or TRYING to improve the world in some little way.  If we all did a small, kind, and loving thing each day - what a difference that would make.

You can do it.  Make improvements, small or large, and move forward and upward.
Change is tough - but it is inevitable.

Have a blessed day my friends.
Spread a little love today and every day!


  1. Excellent post, Cheryl. Whatever the situation may be, there is usually something we can do to improve it. :)

    1. Indeed - it may seem like the worst day or event ever - but we can improve anything with work.

  2. I don't remember the whole day, but I do remember finding out... My friend and I just sat and listened to the radio in shock. We could not get our heads around it. We prayed. There seemed to be no explanation, just *crash bang burn*. The next day I was in a class and the break room had that darn video of the impact on rerun all day long. I sat with my back to the TV as I didn't want to see that again ever in my life.

    Yes, change is always with us. Sometimes the best thing to do is "do something" and sometimes the best is "do nothing". If we jump too fast we might not have the info we need for informed decisions. Always a challenge!


    1. I have seen the images over and over the years - it never lessons in sadness. Such a horrific day in history.
      I live in a flight path of the airport - and remember the extreme silence overhead for days.
      Something or nothing - we just do what we think is right. Life is indeed always a challenge.

    2. Yes, the silence - and NO contrails. So strange. My kids (young adults then) had just the day before returned home from accompanying their aged grandparents to Hawaii to visit family. How fortunate they were to get home before air travel was shut down. There was no money to stay elsewhere, they would have been "camping under a bridge".


    3. The hand of God was protecting them. It was all so strange and quiet. BUT I also remember people were so very kind for a week or so after. Just extra nice. Wish that would be the ways of today!

  3. Oh Cheryl, you have hit the nail on the head exactly. Change is all we can be guaranteed of, but it's how we accept it that is the test.
    I was back at the mens shelter today.....where interaction between volunteers and clients is only to be kept to a minimum. WHAT????
    I disagree with that on so many levels, so that will be the last time I attend. I could carry on for paragraphs about how disappointing this is to me.
    We are having some light showers today, not predicted so my washing is out there getting another rinse. I was planning on doing some weeding, but at least it will be easier tomorrow after this rain. Oh thats another thing that can be guaranteed, WEEDS!!!!
    Take care, Louise

    1. LOL - yes weeds too!
      That must be very disappointing for you. That really makes no sense. I would think they would a friend in life.
      I hope you find some other endeavor to occupy your time and something is helping others. I know you will.
      Enjoy the rain - we sure need some.

  4. Thank you for talking about and remembering this day. It is indeed a somber day in our home today. It was my husband's first day back to work, after we had been on a vacation of a lifetime in Italy and France. My husband was one of the first reponders to the Pentagon that day. It is a day that we shall never forget. Cookie

    1. Oh my goodness! What a return that was. Can you imagine had your visit lasted one more day? - you wouldn't have come home for a while.
      My heartfelt thanks to your husband and to all the other selfless people who rushed in to help.
      So much bravery that day and in the days that followed.

  5. Life is very good at not going to plan.

    1. Boy oh boy is that the truth! We learn 'when life gives you lemons'.........

  6. I do not believe the 9/11 narrative. There is an interesting movie relating to the Twin Towers called 'Man on Wire' which is incredible. Frenchman and friends string a tightrope between the towers and he walks back and forth for quite a while while the police wait to arrest him.

    1. Well, many think different things happened - all I know for sure is it DID happen. Lives were lost and families broken. That is so very sad. It most assuredly changed the world.

      I have seen people walk the 'wires' between some crazy things. I don't understand the thrill they must get. I always said they must have a secret death wish!

  7. My daughter called screaming so that I did not know who was calling. And, I was expecting her to call and wish me Happy Birthday. I was horrified at her terror.

    1. It was a terribly scary and sad day for so many. I can not even imagine actually being in those places/cities.

  8. My daughter was in a plane on her way to Germany for a mission trip. Back then we were able to be with her until she got on the plane. Now that's prohibited. It was sure frightening but she made it alright and called after she landed. Diane

    1. Oh my goodness, how scary that had to be for you! She may not have known what was happening until she landed, but you sure would have.
      Thank goodness for a great ending.
