Sunday, September 1, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 9/1

 Happy September to all!  Happy Labor Day weekend as well.
I hope this finds everyone healthy and safe.  
It is a beautiful morning here.  Nice and cool this morning.  It appears that the heat and humidity bubble finally broke here for a while.  Looking forward to some days without that awful humidity.
I know those that work get a long holiday weekend - so enjoy that.  For me, they are all the same.

We got a lot of rain on Thursday evening and again Friday night.  Had some boomers on Friday night and wind!  Yesterday was cloudy a good part of the day - all good.
The rental next door is getting new people.  They are the ones I showed the house to last weekend.  A family.  They have been moving small things in for a couple days.  Not staying there yet, but I am sure soon.
Boy, I tell you cleaning out the flower bed closest to the house out front the week before, sure made my walk to the basement different!  I removed all the ivy and vines from in front of the glass block window there - and my goodness, it is bright walking down the steps now!  Wonderful!

My frugal week:
  • HARVEST - grapes, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, basil
  • Refilled many containers with things I had in stock.
  • Finally cleaned & organized the deep pantry (my store!)
  • Started my fall/winter stock up.  Got mainly non-perishables.  Lots of TP, Stevia, disinfect wipes, cat treats.  Got Ritz crackers on a good sale.   Cheese, corn on cob, melon & fruit
  • I also got a gnat 'trapper'.  After talking about that early in the week on here, I received a coupon from Kroger for $5 off a Zevo trap in an email. (tell me they don't 'listen' to conversations!!)  Well, it works great.
  • Paid everything I had on hand
  • Did a root touch-up at home
  • While out - filled gas tank - got .40 off per gallon w/discount
  • Gave myself a 'spa' night at home
  • Neighbor brought over 2 huge bunches of bananas.  Still pretty green.  His work was delivered tons more than ordered and the driver wouldn't take them back.  So, they gave them away and he gave me a bunch (17 big bananas)
  • I went out Friday and had lunch with the friends from grade school.  Always such a nice outing and so much catching up with each other.  We celebrate monthly birthdays as well.
  • While out - I left early and went to the cemetery.  Glen, mom & daddy, and brother.  Decorated graves with silk flowers I had.
  • I also bought chances on a queen size quilt one of my childhood friends help make.  I saw pictures and it is beautiful.  Spent $20 on that
  • Made more hummingbird nectar and refilled everything
  • Been working on canning salsa
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Hard shell tacos and a banana milkshake
Zucchini/pepper/onion/chicken skillet over rice & cukes and tomatoes
Frittata using the leftover veg/chicken skillet, sliced tomatoes
Tuna patty, fried corn/zucchini, tomatoes
Tamales over rice
Out to lunch - Baja fish tacos (Arni's)
Smoked sausage sandwich, leftover fried corn/zucchini and sliced tomatoes

Not a lot to report or exciting, just a normal kind of week (except no yardwork!).  How was your week?  You do any canning or freezing of goodies?  Any deals this week?
Everyone finally started coming out of the woodwork yesterday as it was cooling some outdoors, so lots of catching up with neighbors!

Just a reminder for everyone - starting a new month - if you failed some during last month - this is a NEW start for you.  You can take a "do-over"!  There is always a way to start again.  Don't fret.

Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.  Stay safe and healthy.  I hope those that have events for the holiday enjoy their time with family and friends.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

And let us not grow weary in well-doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:9-10

Dear Lord, we thank You for this glorious week.  Help us each to keep the faith and promote Your word.  There is much strife in this world today - please help us to lend a kind word and ideal instead of negative.  We pray for those who are losing faith for various reasons.  May their health and lives turn around.  We give all glory to You.  Amen


  1. I love do overs! A new month gives us all a chance to do better than we did last month! We could sure use some rain here! I was out yesterday and it’s dry and dusty. That’s neat about removing the vines lighting up your path to the basement. My bil’s landlord cut a tree down in his yard one day and he said it lit up his kitchen! Your meals sound delicious as usual. We received a lot of apples this week, so I’m thinking about making apple nutter for Christmas gifts. I hope you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow. Like you, it’s just another day here. 😂

    1. Dang, I wish you would get some rain - our was a pretty healthy rain and much needed.
      Yep, we can all start over - and that is good. Some days, weeks or months are better than others!
      The basement stairs seem so bright - amazing how I always forget that! A whole tree would make a huge difference.
      Oh, that would be wonderful and a much-appreciated gift. Have fun with that!
      Have a wonderful week.

  2. Drove home through a Torrential Thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. Had to pull off the road altogether at one point, into a parking lot, as I could *not* see out the windshield at all! Oooof. When I got home, my deck was dry. No rain here, although I sure could use it, but not a gullywasher like that which would all run off in a minute.

    September - school is in session, the littles have started already. :) I hope they have a good year, 1st and 3rd grade.

    Love the Bible quote! Yes indeed we shall reap what we have sown, so we'd better be sowing good stuff. :)


    1. It sure is funny how nature works. Places so close together and so different. Glad you made it home safely.
      I like watching the kiddos walk down the street to school (older ones) and the littles getting off the bus. I hope they all have a great year.
      Yes mam, life has a way of giving us back what we have done. Good and bad.
      Have a lovely week.

  3. We're cool here this morning, just 7C (45F), but we're expecting a high of 27C (80F) by late afternoon. I'm planning to head out to work in the yard again, but will wait until it warms up slightly.
    Your lunch with friends sounds lovely. I remember, too, when long weekends were a thing. Now I can't tell one day from the other.

    1. Your morning is very cool. We were low 60's this morning. This will be the week for yardwork for sure. Cooler is better.
      Yes, we always got excited about those long weekends - now not so much. All days the same here as well.
      Have a beautiful week.

  4. Such a good devotional! I wonder if some who "move their feet" away from the Master are weary and feel like giving up. I firmly believe we are the last generation, and it is important to stay the course. The Farmer and I are studying Revelation, along with watching some teachings on it. Some I have trouble understanding but it will all be clear when we are there! "Oh yeah, that's what that meant".

    I will be back later after I have a nap...your days wear me out...ha! It's great that you meet with school chums for lunch. Doesn't it feel good to tidy up our "stores"? We are still finding stuff in our freezers and cooking the older items. One thing we have been doing is making chaffles. So easy and there are several ways to make them. We made a savory recipe that called for parsley, so I cut fresh parsley from the herb bed the Farmer made. That raised bed is so convenient.

    This morning is very pleasant. The Farmer bought some blackberry plants and while he is working on those, I will try to finish the last of the weeding. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be in the 70's... bliss! The rain was very welcome. I noticed that the front yard has a layer of fallen leaves.

    I can hear the cars from Clermont at the National Drags. We are in a location to hear the dragsters and cars from the 500 track. You are right..those of us who are retired don't pay as much attention to time off. Used to look forward to it and dreaded going back to work.

    We haven't been shopping so no bargains. Lots of harvested squashes though. Enjoy this nice weather and I will see you on Tuesday!

    1. I had a friend the other day, say she feels God has abandoned her - she us going through a lot of health issues and pain. We set and talked a lot, and I assured her God hasn't given up on her. I have increased my prayers for her - both spiritually and physically.
      Finish the weeding??? Oh my, I haven't been out except to pick this week - so no weeds pulled here.
      I am not a sports person, but always loved the drags. I forgot it was this weekend.
      Having 'grow'ceries to use is the best.
      Have a fantastic week.

  5. Love your weekly prayer, wonderful meal ideas and reminder it’s a new month for starting over. over spent my August budget by $467 but am the happy owner of a new mattress (old one was at least 25 years old) and a new bike that I absolutely love for exercise - rationalized that your health is your wealth - Mary

    1. Investments in your health are great ways to "overspend". I think you had your monies worth from the mattress!
      I agree - keeping healthy is the most frugal thing we can do.
      Have a wonderful week.

  6. It's been a miserable week, pushing 100 several days and one day breaking the hottest temperature for that day on record. Had a night of rain and storms and it's finally cooling off.

    I hit up a twice yearly kids consignment sale in the next county on the last day which is half price unless marked as no discount. $55 got me (mostly in the next size up for them to grow into) 4 pairs of pants, a shirt, a pullover sweater, a Harry Potter robe which the oldest is Potter obsessed and loves, 6 pairs of shoes (2 which look like they have never been used), a hat, 6 video games, and several toys that are being well loved.

    I redeemed Pampers rewards for a free pack and received $2 cash back for it, a really nice Playdough set on clearance put up for the toddlers birthday, a huge banana box of about 50 cans of soda for $2.19.

    1. That heat has been so oppressive. I am glad you are getting a little cool down too.
      You did very well at the consignment shop. That is a lot of stuff for the money. I love buying from those kinds of shops - no need to put more items out in the world that no one is using. Get better prices and things that can be used and if stained or something, it isn't the end of the world.
      What a deal on the sodas!!
      Have a great week ahead and take care of the youngsters!

  7. This was a good week at Fred Meyer (Kroger)--rib steak for $6.97 and peaches for .99, limit 5 lbs. Super1 had 80/20 ground beef for $2.97, no limit. Just the sale I've been waiting for!

    So I deboned all 4 steaks, shared a big steak one night, froze the other 3 and the bones for soup. Yesterday I planned to break down the ground beef into 1/2 lb packages and freeze, but the peaches got ripe so that's what I did. I froze the slices individually on cookie sheets and later vacuum packed in plastic bags. I made a peach cobbler yesterday. This batch was much easier to get off the pits than the peaches I froze a couple of weeks ago. Last night I made a recipe with one pound of ground beef (a pound less to wrap and freeze!) and I'll get to the rest today. I bought 10 lbs.

    I picked 7 ripe tomatoes this morning. My tomatoes got too much water for about a month (long boring story) and as result put out lots of foliage that needs pruning if I'm ever going to get ripe tomatoes. I'd like to do that today--but it will probably be tomorrow. If I find more ripe ones in that jungle, I may be able to can a few pints as well as enjoy them fresh.

    That's about all for last week--and it was plenty! I hope everyone here is having a nice weekend. Yes, I remember looking forward to those 3-day weekends but now they are like any other day.

    1. Oops, that was me--Maxine aka mikemax

    2. I got some peaches too - they have been very tasty and were cling-free as well. Great price on ground beef.
      It is so wise to split the meat up and freeze smaller packets. I do half pounders too - nice size.
      Glad you got some tomatoes. I have had a good crop this year.
      Enjoy your holiday - if you do anything. Otherwise have a fantastic week.

  8. Boy did we have yard work!

    Two trees at least 40 feet tall each (and still only part of these trees) fell on our property. (Really more like sheared off. The wood was healthy. )Damaged the roof and my new car. Lost my cherry tree because one of the trees fell on it.

    Storm with winds up to 70 mph came out of nowhere. I heard a tree hit the house.I was so scared I was shaking as I headed to the basement with my daughter's dog. I thought it was a tornado. I've never heard or seen wind like that!

    Power was out for 24 hours. Hubs was out of town (he drove back home immediately arriving at 2 am) but my daughter & her husband came over & started the generator. They were kind enough to help with 2 days of clean up and bring us food.

    Had I know a bad storm was brewing I would've gone outside and moved my car to the garage. But then I might've ended up with a tree on my head!

    1. Oh my goodness! I am glad you are okay!

    2. Oh my gosh - that is horrible. Sorry about the damage and the loss of trees (especially the cherry). So glad things weren't worse. At least you still have a home and a vehicle and your LIFE. Those kinds of winds are scary - we have had them too.
      It could have been so much worse - I am just thankful you are OK.
      TRY to have a blessed week dear lady.

  9. Freezing, dehydrating here. Working on my storage to make it better and easier. I actually am pretty much keeping up with things, well except for the cucumbers which I am now giving away again to the neighbours.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds busy at your house. Good for you. It is a job keeping up with it all. I bet your neighbors love you!
      Have a blessed week.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well, I never said that at all. Chips aren't great for us, but sometimes we all need a treat. That is it.
      Have a nice week.

  11. My van decided to take a “vacation” this past week! Steam pouring up from the hood and all the dramatic things! So that will be an expense, the extent of still not completely known as it is still “vacationing” at the repair shop! But even in this, there were so many blessings! I was glad I was not left stranded, plus I had literally just come from the grocery store so even have had fresh produce in the house while I have not had a working car! In other news, I bought two cases of marked down bananas and froze them for smoothies, signed up for a free to me class, and several other things listed over on my blog at

    1. Oh no, what a bummer on the car. I hate being without a vehicle - even if I have no place to be. It is just the idea!
      Good deal on the bananas. Yes there are always great blessings.
      Have a super week.

  12. My canning and preserving adventures are guided by my harvesting. I was able to can up stewed tomatoes with vegetables. I also tried a half recipe for pineapple zucchini which I liked so hopefully will be making more. Also canned a celery-leek mix to use in stews. Dehydrated tomatoes and various herbs and I'm trying a new-to-me recipe for fermented refrigerator pickles, so started 2 jars of that. And my Fall raspberries are coming in so have started freezing raspberries. I'm going to try to keep my garden going as long as possible but first frost is about a month away. Julie V

    1. Gosh, Julie you sound like a busy lady. That all sounds so yummy. I love the zucchini pineapple! All of those things will just make winter seem a little better. I didn't realize there were late raspberries as well. Yuck on first frost in a month. Hopefully we get longer than that. But it won't be long.
      Have a lovely week. Happy canning!
