Thursday, March 30, 2023

Todays Bits

 Happy Thursday all.  Here we are at the end of yet another week and month!  Amazing.
Today we are to have a lovely day here - but tomorrow brings storms.  It looks like there are some pretty nasty storms west of here (and will be south) - I am praying for everyone's safety.

Just a random post of odd and end things today.

I am missing many of you.  Debby, Frances, Penny, Rhonda and many others.  Haven't seen some for a week or so, and others for much longer.  I do pray you are all well and safe.  You are always missed.

My yard is waking up.  It is very green and growing.  Amazingly, after the freezing nights, my daffodils are still blooming.  The magnolia trees around have bloomed out again, and they are beautiful (until the storms hit).  They started to bloom a little, and then froze - so I figured they were toast this year.  But, lo and behold they came back.  All kinds of perennials are popping up - not blooming yet, but there are 100's of shades of green outside.

My red bellied woodpecker through my window and screen.  Not a good picture - but man oh man, is it pretty.  Such a majestic bird.  It is really a decent size as well.
Not my image, but this is a clear picture of the above bird.
The bird is out there every day - and it sure does love peanuts!  It is something to see it and the huge blue jays sitting at the feeder together.

I walked through the house the other day, and noticed a big bird in the neighbors front yard.  I grabbed the camera and stepped out the front door and got a quick pic.  It was a turkey buzzard!  That thing was HUGE - when it flew off, I know the wingspan was every bit of 4' to 5'.  The picture doesn't do it justice.
It looked to be bigger than a turkey.
For living right in the city - it sure is amazing the nature I get to experience!!!!!

Today will be doing odds and ends outside - before the storm hits.  I will surely being airing the house - did that a bit yesterday as well.

Just a little reminder - my weekly words of wisdom!!!!!
I know we all care about others, nature and the world - we are just a fleck of dust amongst it all.  The grandeur we can see each day (if we really look) is amazing.
Look at everyone and everything with 'child' eyes!!!!  Then you will see the beauty if all things.

Many blessings to you all.  Prayers for safety for all in line of the storms and prayers others are safe after last weeks storms.  Spring storms can be so nasty!
Spring is here or almost here - depending on where you live!!!  
Days are brighter and warmer and all is coming to life.

Wishing all a wonderful remainder to your week!


  1. We are inline for those storms tomorrow (friday) I pray they are not bad for either one of us. It has been so rainy and cold here. In my neck of the woods it is all mud an ick can't wait for flowers and green grass. Has a great day and be safe.

    1. Stay safe! I sure hope they peter out!!! Lots of mud here too - just so much rain this year. Guess we should be happy it wasn't snow!

  2. Here in Phoenix we are having a cold snap, yesterday was 80, today’s high will be 61. Lovely time of year here, so I am doing many walks a day with my dog! She is over 14 so does better with shorter walks, but more of them ;). Happy Thursday, Hilogene in Az.

    1. 61 is still pretty darn nice! We strive for that now!
      Neat that you can get out with your pup and walk. Good for both of you!

  3. Wonderful post, Cheryl. I, too, miss those people that I don't hear from for a while. I always worry that something has happened to them. Great bird pics. We have snow coming here (rain and then snow). I am ready for winter to be over. xo Diana

    1. I know, when you are used to people, you do get worried when you don't hear anything.
      Yuck on the snow. I bet you are ready - I know I am, and we didn't have that much snow.

  4. Today is the day to do something outdoors. I thought about hanging clothes on the line and may still do some. The sun is shining which is always a joy. The backyard is just now drying up and we certainly don't want more rain.

    1. Good day for line drying - nice breeze too.
      I don't want it either - but I do believe it will come in spite of our misgivings!

  5. We here in the PNW are having the best weather of the year so far. We have had a very cold March. Like the coldest in 20 years. We have had just a little over normal rainfall. We are still feeding the hummingbirds as we are just now beginning to see blooms on bushes and trees. We had to remove our dogwood tree that had died. We tried to save it after it fell in a bad wind storm in September of 2020 and in bloomed the next year but was struggling but I really think the heat dome the next year was to much. We replanted this spring after we (meaning my husband) removed the trunk. It is looking like it will bloom soon. While returning home yesterday afternoon I saw a wild rabbit running down the street. We have had several in the past so bunny season is about to begin. We have a green space near out house. We know we also have coyotes living there.
    Looks like today we might get to the mid 50’s with more rain coming and cooler temps this weekend. This is spring break for the Oregon grandkids. They will have had two dry days. Washington grandkids have break next week. It is suppose to be nice toward the end of next week. Who know maybe a nice Easter. Nancy in Vancouver WA

    1. Nancy, we have a family of wild rabbits on the vacant 3 acres next door. I was surprised to see them all winter! We've got coyotes, fox and bobcats nearby, too. Hubs said someone on a local FB page showed pictures of a bobcat that had entered the house through the doggie door and was in the dog's bed. Yikes!

      Sounds like you'll have lots of fun with the grands. --Elise

    2. I saw that too. Sqeakers the dog was mauled by a bobcat who came into the house via the doggie door. It was north-west of Tucson. The bobcat took over the dog's bed. This little dog is recovering and will be fine according to the article. That is one cheeky bobcat!
      Central Az

    3. Nancy I am always amazed at the weather in PNW - I always figured it to be cold and snowy - it seems to much more mild that I figured and so much rain! I have a friend in OR and they get excited for snow!!!
      Hope your tree does well. I have seen wild rabbits a few times in the past month or so. Thank goodness no bobcats here (in my area). Hope you get to see the grands and spend some time with them.

      I saw that too about the bobcat coming in!!!! Geesh that is something. I would be afraid to have a doggy door in my house - anything could enter.

    4. It's why we're not putting one in, Cheryl. --Elise

  6. Interesting post this morning, Cheryl! We are on the same page. My Facebook post this morning was about the spring awakening I'm seeing in my neighborhood. Although we haven't had any blooms yet, my hyacinths are up and should be opening in the next few days, but the trees are still dormant, though buds are swelling. But, we had both ducks and geese on the pond for the first time in months, and our sandhill crane has also returned. So nice hearing the bird chirps and sounds from the waterfowl in the early morning. Hoping I can get some deck furniture out and get the deck-rail planters amended soon. Enjoy your day!

    1. I just love the world as life comes back. It is so pretty, clean and cheery. I have geese fly over a couple times a day - love to hear them.
      The chirps and songs are truly a lovely 'good morning'.

  7. Do stay safe Cheryl! This wild weather has been something else this past year.
    No green here yet, so I'll live vicariously through those who are experiencing spring.

    1. Thanks - I sure hope it isn't what they predict. It has been something.
      Your green will come soon (hoping). It is such a slow wait each year!

  8. Debby in Kansas USAMarch 30, 2023 at 10:36 AM

    Im here! Thanks for missing me! I posted a big one on Sunday and the internet ate it!! I was so mad that I wanted to kick the internet. Alas, kicking into the air is about as smart as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. No insults intended.

    In a nutshell, I found $3.50 in errors on my market receipt and I was given a $6 coupon discount even though my groceries didn't quite reach the $60 reqd. It never hurts to ask!

    We're having crazy winds and fire danger warnings. We need rain!! We get the same woodpeckers! They're very pretty. I finally got my first big bouquet of daffodils!

    I'll be back soon. Too much extra stuff is interrupting my life lol!

    1. Good to "see" you, Debby. You've been on my mind.
      Hugs! --Elise

    2. Glad you are OK. I will look - but I did the other day and didn't see any "lost" posts.
      Good for finding a mistake! It all adds up.
      I wish we could send you some rain - I would be happy to. Wind is scary - but fire is terrifying.
      Take care.

  9. It's been a few days of beautiful weather here, a gorgeous dawn and then sunshine, but the wind has picked up and rain clouds are moving in. Hopefully not too much rain today; Hubs is still in process of digging for drainage. I'm glad to see the 1st daylily sprouts, but no budding yet on the lilac bushes. We can get snow through April and even into May. I'm hoping snow is done for the year. Looking forward to Spring's full arrival! --Elise

    1. Glad you have had some nice days. Digging for drainage sounds like NO fun!!!
      I hope your snow is over too. Yes, the full arrival of glorious spring is such a lovely treat!

    2. Spoke too soon. We've had hail, rain and now snow. All before noon. :-( --Elise

  10. Love the woodpecker! He's pretty big! Just beautiful! The turkey buzzard is a very big guy too. We have some huge birds here too.

    We have large birds here as you can imagine, love those woodpeckers and owls! We too have, bobcats, coyotes and even cougars. : O

    Thanks for sharing and great quote, it's true.

    Have a great day Cheryl, thank you for sharing today! : )

    1. I just love the birds - so neat to watch. I am glad my immediate area doesn't have any big cats or coyotes.

  11. The dogwoods are blooming here. My favorite! We have a hawk here in our woods this Spring. I like seeing it soaring over the tree tops.

    1. Oh how pretty - dogwoods are so lovely.
      I have hawks too - they go for my smaller birds. They are gorgeous creatures - I just wish they didn't go after the critters!

  12. My grandson and I have been keeping an ear out for the birds. Today he says I hear the birds!

    I need to clean up the bird feeder. I haven't used it in years. But my grandson loves to look outside for wildlife so it needs to go on my to- do list.

    We live in a suburb but next to a county park which is next to a river. We see deer, coyotes, hawks, owls, possums, skunks, woodchucks, woodpeckers, different birds. Years ago I heard a bobcat. They aren't common here any more but apparently they may follow the river from their habitat. Only heard it once. My children were young at time and I was happy to learn they weren't common.


    1. He would love keeping an eye on the feeder.
      It is amazing at how many different wild animals live in the suburbs and close to city. Being by a park and the river, I bet you see a lot.

  13. Although our winter was quite mild, it just isn't warming up now it's spring. The only sun we've had has been accompanied by bitter cold winds. It's not boding well for a decent summer.

    1. I sure hope things turn around quickly for your area. I hear we may have cool temps through April - but at least things are coming back to life. Hang in there!

  14. Still cold, but the sun is melting the snow which is a very good thing.

    The last few years we have had Turkey Buzzards here as well. They are even nesting in trees in the valley.

    God bless.

    1. YAY - at least the snow is melting.
      They sure are a bazaar looking creature!

  15. Both your bird pictures are really good! It looks like the turkey buzzard has something in its mouth. They are interesting birds and do a great service by cleaning dead up. We are getting snow later tomorrow. I can do without that! Stay safe in the storms.

    1. Yes is was eating something. Not sure what - probably another bird. It is amazing how nature works.
      Oh no, snow? Hopefully it is the last and won't be bad.

  16. Today was the first time I had left the house for two weeks, thankfully it was lovely weather as I had a lot of places to call into. I had a lovely lunch out and headed home with a loaded car. Just as I got home torrential rain hit with very strong winds, and got drenched unpacking. All four seasons in one day.
    Have a lovely weekend. Louise.

    1. Two weeks in - would make for many errands! Sorry you got drenched! We are expecting some of that weather here today.
      It is amazing how we can have so many ups and downs in a day. March - glad it is over!

    2. Definitely this March, I am glad to see it gone, it was like it was in a bad mood and couldn’t make up its mind what it was doing.
      Two weeks at home was a good chance to really get stuck into some cleaning and sorting. It also ran down some items that needed using.
      Stay safe and roll on April.

    3. No it couldn't make up its mind. Sure was something. Ended with a bang as well!

  17. We had light thunderstorms overnight but it's clear now. We are under a severe wind advisory from 1pm today until 1pm tomorrow with possible strong storms this evening into the night. Why does this keep happening on Fridays?

    1. I know right???? The weather guy this morning said this will be the 8th Friday in a row!!!!!!!! Crazy.
      We are to get the storms later and the wind starts tonight and goes through tomorrow! We have already had rain a few times today. So gloomy!!!! Spring - we either love it or hate it!

  18. I love the birds ..a turkey buzzard thou sounds a little scary. I'm glad you were able to let in fresh air. We might be able to do that today after we had quite a storm here last night that brought in warmer air. Probably have to pick up more limbs from the big tree this morning.
    We got into the husband's side of the closet yesterday and so far filled 3 garbage bags and we still have a lot of work to do. The grandson grows overnight I believe and is now taller than me so we were able to give him some of the tshirts. Gave the rest to charity. Good thing to do on a rainy day. Have a great weekend Cheryl.

    1. It was something to see - they are just huge birds.
      I am sure there are limbs down in my yard too. It sure was scary for a while. Didn't go to bed until it was all over! My goodness the wind was horrible. My area was blessed compared to some.
      Good job on closet cleaning!!!!! Have fun!

  19. Oh, your woodpecker is just beautiful! I occasionally see those in our yard and I just stare at them in amazement. I love seeing birds we don’t normally see! You’re right…there is so much beauty around us!

    1. It is majestic! I just love nature and the songs they all sing- heavenly!!!!!
      There is beauty all around.

  20. Glad to read that you are safe. We had intermittent heavy rains with wind gust of 70 mph. Then the sun came out and we had 76 degree temps that fell to 40 by the next day. The Bradford pears and cherry blossoms were in beautiful bloom before the storm. Amazingly there are still some left on the trees. It sure is crazy weather. Prior to the storm we took several boxes of useful items to the rescue mission for their thrift shop. Hubby got some books while we were there and I got a very large pyrex bowl that I'd been looking for $4. Got Easter cards and package for the grands mailed out before the storm. Cookie

    1. Thanks - you too.
      So glad there are still some blooms to see. Trees have sure taken a big hot in recent years - especially fruit trees.
      Good deals!!!!!!
