Thursday, June 2, 2022

Peace and Solitude

 Peace and solitude - we all strive for it.  We all need it.  We all do what we can do have it.
I don't know about you, but for me it only takes the simplest things to bring me peace and happiness.  Nothing fancy, no real money, no need to be on the go, nothing big.  Just simple things.  That is nice.

I love my pets - they give me much joy and happiness.  I can feel sad or depressed, and a nudge, a kiss, or a hug from them makes me smile!
I love nature in all ways.  Listening to the birds gives me a sense of peace.  It sure does.  I love watching the squirrels play - so happy and joyful.
My home and yard make me happy.
My family and friends bring me joy.
My faith, my Bible, the Lord, gives me comfort and happiness.  I always have a feeling of love inside of me.
These are no special order - just things that bring me happiness and joy.

As odd as it may sound - this is one of my favorite views in my yard.  Looking up through the trees.  I love sitting beneath it and just staring up.  It is old and big.  It is majestic.  It is strong.  It contains life.  It just allows me to see things from a different perspective and somedays we all need that.  
I seem to gain strength and power from this view!!!!

I love to sit on the porch in the early evening, as the world is slowing down and folks are on their way home.  They houses look nice and calm, the smells of the flowers and air, the birds chirping, maybe a kitty coming to sit as well.  It is all good.

I spend time every single day of the year outdoors.  365!  Cold or hot, ice or rain, it doesn't matter - I am outside every day.  It may not be for a long time, but that fresh air makes a difference.  Knock wood - it seems to keep me healthy.
I know it keeps me as one with nature.

We each have to do what works for us to maintain peace and solitude in our lives.
Maybe it means just sitting and praying and meditating.
Maybe it means unplugging from media (can be huge).
Maybe it means just listening and watching more.
Maybe it means living a simpler life.
Whatever you find that works, DO IT!
It is soooooooo important in this crazy world, that you find your special peace.

What brings you joy, peace, solitude?  I love that we all connect and share special things - that is neat to me.  Have a blessed day my friends.


  1. I love everything you wrote. Silence for me is so therapuetic. I find myself almost daily sitting on my front porch just listening to nature and getting very disgruntled when it is interrupted by the occasional vehicle going down the road. However, since we live on farmland, we don't hear that interruption too often.

    1. Silence is important for us all at times. My street is pretty busy, wish it weren't. How nice to be out where you don't have to hear the city noises.

  2. I love looking up through our trees while swinging on the swing. We enjoy the birds and wildlife in our woods. We eat in our screen porch most evenings and we seem to be the only ones outside in the neighborhood. I don't get it! I want to go door to door and tell people to turn off the TV and go outside!

    1. Neat - glad to hear that I am not weird looking up through the trees!
      I see people every where, so stuck with their faces in their phones - WHY? Nothing is that important. Look around and interact with REAL people and things. I have neighbors I have never seen! It is crazy.

    2. Debby in Kansas USAJune 2, 2022 at 10:01 AM

      I have so many pictures that I've taken looking up into the trees!!! Even in youth, I have one looking up into the giant California Redwoods. They are so glorious and majestic!

    3. Oh, I would love to see the Redwoods. It will never happen - but they are just so awesome.

  3. Debby in Kansas USAJune 2, 2022 at 9:58 AM

    It's so funny you mentioned this on this morning! We got another 5" of rain Tuesday and Wednesday. When it stopped, everything was soaked and so green! I pulled a chair up to the back slider and just took in the incredible beauty. Door open, chair to the edge, feet on the wet step! The sounds of dripping, glistening leaves, the twittering birds. I looked up into the trees and deeply inhaled the fresh air. I was thinking about how I must surely be getting old to have such deep reflection and peace. And I realized that in youth, there's so much going on, so much stimulus, that you flit like a hummingbird but rarely sit and just rest. That was true for me. I no longer take it for granted that it'll always be there or that I will! Not in a sad way, but just that it's a good healthy thing to do and so enjoyable! My doggy sits next to me and we're both in our own zone, but together! My husband is still a twitterer!! I'll get him to settle down one of these days!!

    1. Some days things just hot me - and I write. Not sure why - I call them "God" moments!
      Your view sounds wonderful. The rain just bring things to life and makes things so clean. Yes, we need to slow down and enjoy each moment - nothing is guaranteed for us.
      You and your pup have the right idea!!! Teach that hubs, that isn't what is important!

  4. I love this! I am always in awe of all the shades of green God created! Yesterday, a family member posted a video tribute to John Cornett's song... Different Share of Green....amazing photos by my cousin and wife of beautiful green landscapes. Go check it out...His channel is Brad Herndon.. I think he's only posted four or so videos...all beautiful. You will be carried away.
    I also have to mention we had a double rainbow here in southern IN yesterday evening. Oh my, goodness...biggest I've ever seen. Just breathtaking!
    I am with you also on sitting with my Bible and reading and meditating.
    I am in the love to gorgeous!

    1. I have commented to others so many times, that there must be a 1,000 shades of green! It is amazing.
      I will check that out for sure. Thanks.
      I love rainbows and have only rarely seen a double. How wonderful.
      The Bible gives so much solace. I would love to live in the country! Enjoy it.

  5. I needed to is called Different Shades of Green. My bad! John has noteriety...just a humble man praising God in song.

    1. Thanks - I figured that! Sad he passed. Sounds like he lived a good life.

  6. I loved looking up in the trees in my yard as I sat in my swing. Here, there is nowhere to sit outside and no view up into trees. I like the sounds of nature, the birds, my chickens when I had chickens. We go to the lake and the park to get my nature fix.

    1. Trees are so mesmerizing. It is great that you have a place to go and enjoy it all! We all need our 'fix'.

  7. Being outdoors is definitely important, though I must admit I'm a wimp when it comes to our winters. In and out is the best I can do when the temps are -30C or lower.
    I have a couple of favorite spots in the yard: my front patio with it's small table and chairs is one, and my sun room when the weather doesn't permit being out on the deck or patio. As long as the sun is shining - even in January - I can often sit out there in a light jacket in the winter. It does get too hot later in the day in mid-Jul/Aug but I love I can use it almost all year.
    Another favorite place to be alone is my brother's front verandah on the farm. When they go away on a vacation, I often run out to check on the house and cats and will spend some time there relaxing and watching the birds. It is definitely peaceful with little traffic. :)
    Enjoy your lovely tree!

    1. A sun room would be so lovely.
      Your place at your bother's sounds nice. I find it neat that we all have a spot or two that we just find our zin moment!
      No traffic and country would be wonderful

  8. I love the sun streaming in my bedroom window in the morning, or the sound of rain knowing I can snuggle up longer if I want to. My grandaughter's little dog loves a cuddle (on his terms) I shall miss him when she moved out. The smell of rain after a dry spell. We live about half a mile from countryside one side of our house and a few miles from wetlands the other so we are blessed with so many trees and bird life. Nothing like an early morning walk with the mist rising and the only sounds are birds in the reed beds. Love your observations.

    1. How lovely. I almost feel like I am there. I too, love the smell of rain and I also love the smell of fresh mown grass. Makes me think of childhood. Was talking to the new neighbor last night and he mentioned the trains. I ove hearing the train whistle a few blocks away - another thing that makes me feel like a child again.
      Isn't it neat those really simple little things can be so calming?

  9. Sunshine=Vit D=good mental health. I read a book and the girl’s grandmother had taught her to go outside every day, even if just to sweep the porch.

    1. Very wise. Yes, sunshine and daylight is so natural and so healthy for us. I thrive in sunlight!

  10. Love it! I truly cherish the early morning walk with my pup, watching the sun rise, seeing the fish and waterfowl on the pond, listening to the songbirds and bullfrogs. It reminds me to be grateful for all the gifts I've been given, especially for where I live, to be able to see all these gifts outside my front door. As I regularly remind myself, open the gift you are given of a new morning.

    1. Oh how I love that phrase "open the gift you are given of a new morning"! AMEN. Each day is different and it is a blessing not given to many - enjoy it to the fullest.
      Thank you

  11. Thank you for this post, Cheryl. We won't quite reach peace and solitude until we're in our new house and unpacked, but the top reason we chose to retire here is the peace and solitude of the area. We're 2-3 hours from Flagstaff, Phoenix or Tucson; the only way to get to the White Mountains is on 2 lane state highways. Most folks don't think about piney woods or lakes when they think of Arizona. Nor would they imagine small ski resorts. We've seen elk at sunset. A bald eagle being chased by a raven midmorning.

    There's solitude in nature, but also in faith. I'm grateful for both.

    1. I would not have thought of those things in Arizona. I think desert. I love that you get to enjoy so much variety and beauty.
      Yes, nature and faith - we need them both so much now!

  12. Great post! I Love sitting on my back deck (we have 2-1/4 acres, half of which is wooded, on the edge or town) watching the birds at the bird feeders and listening to my wind chimes. I read somewhere that just sitting outside surrounded by nature for 10 minutes a day is therapeutic! It sure is for me!
    ~Laura C.

    1. Sounds heavenly. I can almost close my eyes and see it. Happy you get to enjoy so much solitude in your area.

  13. The quiet of the morning with the sounds of the birds singing, the rising of the sun, the smell of rain and the sun filtered through our trees in the afternoon give me peace.

    God bless.

    1. Isn't it wonderful? SO many little things can make such a big difference. Love it!

  14. Love your "peaceful" tree! We have a huge maple in the backyard and another rather large Japanese maple. Both trees have a sound dampening effect which is nice because of the trains, airplanes and sirens we hear. Wish it would totally eradicate the loud barking and howling of the neighbor's three dogs! ha! Silence is golden, you know.

    Being outdoors in the sunshine is balm for the soul. We still have lots of wild birds although we took down the feeders because of the threat of bird flu. Don't want our chooks to get sick.

    We have been getting sugar snap peas and I think of you when I pick them. They are so good to nosh on.

    1. I love hearing the trains - but could do without the airplanes and sirens. My house is in the flight path of airport!
      Sure enough, silence is golden - not that we get much in this busy world.
      Eat a snap pea for me!!!!!! Golly, I love those things.

  15. I love this post. Last week was a bit stressful at work, so much that I had to go sit in the bathroom and think about my garden plants growing and the sun shining on them. That helped. I go out to the gardens every evening and putter. It gives me back my peace. While in the garden I happened look up and discovered a new and delightful view I had not noticed before of our hackberry tree. Now to put a bench or garden chair where I can enjoy it more often.
    I am planning to go out to the porch in just a little bit and enjoy this quiet Sunday. Waiting on the canner to finish processing.
    Thank you for this lovely post. It blessed me. *hug*

    1. Kay so glad this spoke to you. Sometimes we just need to stop for a moment and reflect. Those peaceful garden moments are wonderful for the soul.
      I have done a lot of porch sitting lately - it is so nice!
