Thursday, January 4, 2024

Lists - They Really do Help!

 Happy Thursday my friends.  Today, let us talk a bit about LISTS!  I am huge list maker.  I make lists for everything.  Yes I do.  Now that said, I am also the person who often walks off without my list for the grocery!  Yep.  I have gotten to the point, that I try to stick it in my purse as soon as I have written it - so I don't leave it laying on the table.

Lists can be our friend.  They can be used for any number of things.  I am surrounded at the moment with no less than 4, maybe 5.  I have my notebook that contains ideas, thoughts and recipes that I want to use on the blog.  I have my daily notebook where I keep track of what I do each day.  I have a list of all the things I need to remember to do before my family gathering Sunday.  I have my list of gifts bought/made for family - so I don't forget anything.  I also have a list of scriptures that mean a lot to me, that I reread often.
I make lists of all sorts of things.  When I clean out the freezer - I always make a list of exactly what I have and put back in.  Now that becomes obsolete fairly quickly!!!!  I am notorious for making the beautiful/useful list - then not marking it up when removing or adding things!!!!!  YES I DO THAT

I have tried to list pantry items - that doesn't really work for me.  There is just too much stuff.  I do categorize by item type, veggie, fruit, mix etc. & oldest to the front.  The keeps that area of my life sort of organized.

I make lists of things to do outdoors in the yard.  Garden plants/seeds I want.  To do things around the house.  So many things.
I also keep an old-fashioned calendar on the wall in the kitchen - dates of birthdays, anniversaries, luncheon dates, appointments, etc.

I have always been a list person - it was imperative when I worked!  I made so many lists at work, as there were so many facets to my job - I couldn't forget anything.  I also kept lists for home - as working made less time at home and things fell through the cracks.

I guess I learned this from the best - my folks.  Daddy always kept precise lists of everything he planted and what he harvested.  Mom kept track of all the canning & freezing she did.  She had to - as our storage area was not easily accessible - and she canned 100's of jars every year.  She was good about keeping track.  

Some people buy fancy lists.  Some use notebooks.  Some make their own pretty lists (check out Rhonda at If You do Stuff - she makes cute sheets).  Some use those freebies that come in the mail.  I use a lot of the backs of Christmas cards.  Those are my go-to for grocery lists - they are sturdy and easy to find in my purse.  Some use envelopes from mail they have received.  Some use the backs of printer pages that are not needed (I did that all the time at work).  Anything from scraps to fancy will work and you don't have to buy anything.
My notebooks I use all are purchased at back-to-school time for pennies.  I buy many and they last for a couple years at least.

Notebooks are great for journaling as well.  That is how I got my mom started.  First, I bought her a blank 'book' as a gift to put stories in from her childhood & younger days.  She filled that in no time and went on to using notebooks (lots of notebooks).  She used them as a daily diary for her very private thoughts and feelings about things. It was very therapeutic for her.  (no one was allowed to read until she passed).
IF you have lots of feelings about your past, your current situation or about anything from life - try journaling.  It is a great way to release those feelings and thoughts.  Some things are just private.  It does help!!!!!
You are never too old to start.  Mom was in her 80's when she started journaling.
This isn't exactly a LIST but in a way it is.  It is a list of your thoughts and feelings.

Lists help keep us organized to some degree.  We all want to be organized - so give lists a try.
There is nothing that won't benefit from keeping track. 

So, make your list and check it twice and DON'T forget it!!!!!
Have a good day.


  1. This week, for the first time in ages, I forgot my grocery list. This meant walking up and down every aisle in the store carefully. I got home and as I unpacked checked with my list.... I had actually remembered everything!!! I also make lists, lists of daily tasks, lists of projects/goals for the month, lists of extra cleaning. I even have a list of what I can wear with what... On holidays I have meal lists as well.

    Lists kept me on track when I was working which I really needed. I love me a good list.

    God bless.

    1. Good for you on remembering everything! I usually forget something.
      Love it - lists do keep us in track. I do lists for just about everything too. Just makes sense to me!

  2. I have always kept a journal and made lists for everything too Cheryl. It really helps to get things written down and out of your head. I would be lost without my lists. For years I only carried one notebook that had everything in it. This year I bought a 6 ring planner with extra writing paper to hopefully keep everything organized even more. Time will tell.

    1. YES. We all have things in our heads that just shouldn't be or we don't want to share - and a journal is perfect. Unloading one's mind is wonderful at times.
      That sounds perfect. I bet you can section off and keep all kinds of info in there.

    2. Debby in Kansas USAJanuary 4, 2024 at 1:12 PM

      Gah, what was that whole mini notebook system called in the 80s?! Whatever it was, I would've died without it lol! I was working multiple jobs and crazy busy. My whole life was in that 6 x 8 notebook. Calenders, goals, expense lists, grocery lists, things I needed, wanted, and on and on. My grocery list was on a pad that I just tore off when I got there. I never left home without that notebook. I once forgot it in my desk at work and spent the night staring at the ceiling in withdrawal!!!

  3. When I was first widowed, my memory was virtually non-existant for several months. If I didn't write it down, I didn't remember to do it. I've always made lists for shopping and had a set routine for housekeeping, but all that disappeared. List-making is what helped me survive, both personally and professionally. It gave structure to my day. Although it's been 10 years and I'm now retired, I still start each morning with a cup of coffee and my list paper -- what do I want to accomplish today and how am I going to proceed in order to get most of the items checked off my list by the end of the day. And, what is critical enough to carry-over from yesterday's unfinished tasks. It works for me!

    1. I hear exactly what you are saying. Grief and death makes us lose a lot of what we normally did and remembered. Lists were a Godsend to me as well.
      We sound a lot alike. I write first thing everyday as well.
      I love that it works for you even 10 years on. That means it is meant to be!

  4. I have several journals that I usually would pick up at thrift stores or garage sales. But a lot of times I just use the backs of printed paper. I never thought to write down my thoughts, I never kept a Dear Diary when I was a teen. I'm very private even to myself.

    1. They can be had cheaply if one doesn't want to spend a lot of money.
      Maybe think about writing down some stories of your childhood or early memories with the kids - they might really like that someday. You mentioned to me the other day about not knowing a lot of family medical history - that might be something to do as well. Things that help others someday.
      I have probably shared too much over the years - I am trying to more protective of my life = thus journaling.

  5. I have made lists. But I'm not a list maker.

    I have recommended to one of my daughters who occasionally gets overwhelmed to make a list of things on her mind and just pick something to accomplish. She's found that just writing it out is often therapeutic in itself.

    When I was in school I had my planner with me all the time. But my real world required me to account for my time in 15 increments as we billed by the hour and when I quit to stay home with the kids I stopped keeping a planner. I was done with accounting for my time! I kept everything in my head.

    But when the number of activities & appointments got too numerous as I had more children I did start using a free calendar.

    I was jealous of my youngest's beautiful, fun planner in 2019 so I bought one for 2020. Needless to say I didn't use it. My other daughter bought me a nice one last year for 2023 and I gave it a go for a few weeks. For this year I am using the housekeeping checklist from Tireless Retirement. It's not looking too promising for the new year so far. Lol. We had a small fire contained to the oven that required fire department assistant to put out on Tuesday (they sent FOUR trucks! They were super.) And yesterday I spent all day at the ER with my mom (we left after 7 hours of waiting without being seen).

    1. Hope your mom is okay. You got the royal treatment from the fire department. Several years ago the Farmer got choked on some food and two fire trucks and the paramedic truck showed up and they all tromped into the house. The Farmer was fine and we were grateful for the quick response nonetheless. That's good to know if a dire emergency occurs.

    2. Oh Margaret you are very fortunate indeed to be able to keep it all in your head and not lose anything. I walk into a different room and forget why!!!! LOL
      I don't account for my time, so to speak, I just plan and want to remember things.
      Goodness on the fire. Sounds like they took all precautions. I sure hope all is OK with your mom. That has to be scary and aggravating to wait so long.
      Sometimes setbacks happen - but wishing for a bright tomorrow.

    3. Argh, Margaret, that's so frustrating!! My mom had that happen to her, as well. There had been a gang shooting and the whole staff was sewing stupid fools together that essentially did this to themselves. What a waste of everything.
      My friend worked in an L.A. ER and said that was typical. They spent their time saving the lives of people that didn't care about it in the first place.

    4. Sending up a few prayers for you and your family today, Margaret. (((Hug))) --Elise

    5. Thanks for the prayers, Elise. I asked my daughter last night to pray I had a boring day today!

      Mom's ok. And I spent some time today cleaning up the rest of the mess from the oven fire.

  6. I had to smile when I read your comments about the list of freezer contents. I have always tried to keep lists of what food items I have in my cupboards and also what is in each freezer drawer. Since my husband retired a couple of years ago he has been doing a lot more of the shopping and cooking. I don't know how many times I have reminded him to cross something off the cupboard lists if he uses it so that we know when to restock. I abandoned the freezer lists completely as he changes stuff around constantly in order to get things to fit in. This morning he announced, as he was doing just that, that he thought it would be very useful if we kept a list of what was where in the freezer. MAJOR tongue biting required from this lady! Sometimes you have just got to fight to keep your face straight!

    1. OK, I have to admit I was laughing out loud by the end of your story. That is a guy for you. You can mention and mention and BOOM one day it is THEIR idea and seems logical. How many times that happened here.
      Hey, let him make the list - maybe then he will use it. Walk away with smiles and snickers!

    2. Somebody should really write a book with stories about retired husbands. Oh, have I heard some humdingers!! Laughed so hard I nearly wet myself!! My favorite was a wife who informed her husband on DAY ONE that he was not to bother her about lunch. She had everything made in the fridge and to help himself when he was hungry because she ate at different times. She was in her sewing room making a quilt. Okay. At around noon, she hears him walking back and forth by her sewing room door. "WHAT?". "Oh, good. You're ready for lunch.". "No, I can't concentrate with you pacing. ". And she closes the door. It's quiet for a couple of hours and she hears him pacing again. "WHAT?!". "Oh, good. You're done for the day. So am I. Are you coming downstairs?" And with that, she marched downstairs and out the front door. He had been raking leaves in the yard and she saw him leave the bags at the curb. She hoists up both bags, drags them thru the house and out the back slider. Tears them open and throws them all into the sparkling pool! Drops the bags and tells him to clean the pool and vacuum the mess inside and goes back upstairs!!!! The following Monday he started reading to blind seniors at the JCC!!!

  7. We must be sisters from another mister as I love lists! I used to tell my girls that if it isn't written down, it won't happen. There have been times that the list(s) are left on the table. If we have multiple errands, I write a list for each store. Getting better about putting completed list(s) by my purse so it isn't forgotten. Blank sheets of paper are saved for various uses. I have a stash of notepads that come in the mail. The cute planners and bullet journals are tempting but so far I use what I have on hand. Too many of the planners have features that I wouldn't use.

    Another overcast day but it's to be expected this time of year. The Farmer turned on Fox59 to get the weather but gave up after listening a lot of sports and other nonsense.

    1. LOL - I love lists too. Pretty much the same here - if it is going to happen, it better be written down or I forget.
      I don't have a formal journal - like you, a lot I wouldn't use.
      Yep, cloudy and gray. Pretty darn chilly too.

  8. I have always kept lists - both for work and for personal use. I have just started making entries in my brand new Moleskine Weekly Planner - I get a different coloured cover every year. This is for appointments - work related things, especially if they are date sensitive and personal tasks - I love seeing them all ticked off!
    For purchases I keep a small notebook in my purse - it's 3".5" and that is where the grocery list is kept and I have a master list of things that I want to purchase throughout the year (ie. new sheets, a slow cooker etc.) - that way I can keep my eyes open for good deals. If things need a specific measurement I make sure to mark that down as well as my memory isn't what it used to be!
    I will even send emails to myself as reminders - especially if it's something I just think of and want it recorded before I forget. I have always found lists to be my friends.

    1. "Lists to be my friends" - yep!!!! Your planner sounds nice. I like you keep things all together like that. I do have a little notebook in my purse for rugs sizes, window sizes, paint colors etc. - just in case I see something I want to change or get.
      Sounds like you have a good method. Whatever works - is a good method!

  9. I only make two kinds of lists. My husband was in the military before we married so I have always been in charge of the finances. One is bills and expenses. The other is shopping lists when I usually remember.
    Our eldest grandaughters makes lists for everything. She likes to be organised but does not have a great memory. She is the ideal person to go on holiday with (I have several times over the years) she is great at planning an agenda.
    I don't meal plan as such but have ideas in my head before I shop.

    1. You have the two most important lists covered! I think that is my thing - I just want my head organized - not much else in the world is!
      I had a permanent list when we went camping - it sure kept me from forgetting things.
      I have never been disciplined to meal plan either. I do plan a big meal for a lot of people - just not normal meals.

  10. I make list too and always have, but now I use more technology to help me.
    For grocery shopping, my Google mini keeps a "shopping" list for me. I just tell it to add to the list, as I run out of something or realize I need to get something in particular. I use the Flipp app to identify which of the items on my list are on sale and mark these too. In the store I open both apps on my phone and mark off items as I find them. I can comparison shop at the same time.
    In my Keep App also have a list of things to be done around this house - some we can do ourselves and others we'll have to hire out. There was a list of items to take to my daughter. The Google app and my calendar allow me to set reminders for events and appointments.
    But I do have paper based notes as well. I keep track of appointments (even with the reminders on line I find having written it down, I'm less likely to forget), tasks I've completed, and special moments. When I was selling the house, I made a list of information to share with the new owner - I left a welcome letter behind when we moved.
    Lists are great, especially if one remembers to add to them as needed and mark off as completed.

    1. Goodness gal you have embraced technology for everything. Good for you! That is not for me. No fancy phone to do all that stuff here. I doubt if I would anyway. I am just an old fashioned kind of girl!!!
      You have all the fancy apps to work it. Good for you. I love when people find new ways of doing things and utilizing what they have.

  11. Like you, Cheryl, and others here, I'm a "lister" too. It started in the busy years of my life. Back then I wrote lists on anything paper. Recipes were written on the backs of can labels. LOL! On my list of things to do this year is keep another small notebook in my purse. Right now I use 3 X 5 cards or scratch paper for grocery lists and other notes. Like Maebeme, I also use some tech for appointments and such. --Elise

    1. P.S. We also use Excel (have for 10 years) to track bills and spending. I highly recommend it. It makes it easier to make adjustments as needed every month... like January, 2024. I was up all night with tooth pain. That means dental work. Which means an unplanned expense. Did I mention we're having a snow event? The GOOD news is no dinner out for our anniversary tomorrow night; can't quite do steak. So... savings??? --Elise

    2. I have recipes written on all kinds of things in my little recipe books! It is amazing what works.
      G used to keep a spreadsheet online for every expense we had or made. he kept track of it all. I have stopped that for myself. I have just regular utilities and insurance bills - so not much to pay. I have X amt. of $ for my spending (allowance) for a couple months. I spend cash on most everything. My life is pretty easy to keep track of.
      Hope you have a nice evening in for your anniversary. Eat something you like that is easy. Hope the pain subsides.

    3. Happy Anniversary, Elise! Ours was Oct. 13, and Husband was in the rehab hospital, so no special dinner, though I did spend part of the day with him. The important thing is that you are together. Hope your dental pain is quickly remedied and the financial 'pain' is small.

    4. Thank you, Frances. I remember that. (((Hug))) Thankfully, I have a dentist appointment on Monday morning. We're on a discount plan this year, so it was tough to find a dentist that takes it. Also thankfully, we dug out the pain pills from after the foot surgery and I halved each pill to take before bed so I can sleep. Otherwise it's been Tylenol. And I'll deal. We might enjoy breakfast for dinner tomorrow night with scrambled eggs. ;-)

      In the grand scheme of problems, this one is small. If painful. Oddly enough, I never had a cavity in my life until 2020; then it was an abscess w/root canal. Hoping this is just a cavity! --Elise

  12. I have a neat "thing" that my s-i-l made that hold a roll of adding machine paper where I can write down my shopping list. So as days go by after my last shop I write down needed things. When I go again.. I rip off the list and take it with me... Bob also writes things down...either Bob or I often have weird items that I need so a list is great!!

    1. What a neat idea! Adding machines are kind of a thing of the past so there may be people with those rolls hanging around. I like that - write it, pull it, rip it. Cool. Thart is a pretty clever idea. Thanks.
      Glad to have you here!

  13. I started list keeping when I was 8. I remember because it was my first trip to camp. They mailed us that general list of things like sleeping bag, flashlight, 3 pairs of jeans, and so forth. I went into details with my favorites. Green shirt with daisies, new Levi's, etc. By the time I was 11, I had a master list for camp that my mom made copies of at work. As an adult I had Sports road trips, vacation in summer, winter, family, etc. And with that, every kind you can imagine at home.
    My husband still teases me about a weekend trip we were making to a church young adult conference when we were dating. He called early, ready to go. He said I panicked and said, "I m not ready! I'm still making my list!". I don't remember, but it sounds like me lol.

    1. WOW, you did start young! LOL
      Hey, it seems to be a good habit that stuck - so A-OK. So many things can benefit from a list.
      Not sure about dates!!!!! That is hilarious!

  14. I am a huge list maker!!! I make a weekly list with to-do items for each day. I have Groc list, project lists, stuff to take to my dad or daughter, hubby’s clothing sizes, med lists, symptom lists, AND MORE! on my phone.
    I use a dry erase pen to write freezer contents on the actual top of the lid of the chest freezer. I keep inventory lists on the inside of cabinet doors and on lids of storage bins. You’re speaking my language, Cheryl! -Carol

    1. Goodness, you are organized. Now I like that idea of putting inventory on the lid of the chest freezer. You could do the same with an upright too. I like that. Inside cabinets doors and lids of storage bins never occurred to me.
      Hubs and I always had lists of meds, doctors, health situations, etc. It was all kept together in a folder, let me tell you it was a relief to grab that the day he went to the hospital. I didn't have to remember stuff.
      Sounds like there are many of us list makers!!!

  15. Yes, I too am a list maker, I have lists for lists! hahaha!

    I, like you, love my spiral notebooks, I too pick them up at back to school time! I need to check my supply so I can make a list to buy more if I need them! lol I have a notebook where I have a page of where my grandkids gifts are, because we think we are going to remember and we don't! It's a bad feeling! Yikes! Especially if you are like me and take gift giving very seriously! I buy early so I need that list.

    I use whatever in the kitchen, I have blank envelopes, magnetized lists and a wipe board on the side of my fridge where I jot things down fast to later write in my notebook list before I go to the store!

    I see people use their phones in the stores and I feel so much more comfortable using a spiral notebook. If I lose my notebook it's okay but if I leave my phone in the cart by accident...Not okay. I left my phone in the cart just answering it and being in a hurry and we liked to never found it. they had it in the courtesy booth under papers, very suspicious, they swore they didn't see it so hubs rang my number, thank God the ringer was on! Now I keep my phone attached to the inside of my purse with a makeshift case and clipped fabric cord. It works. Looks like I'm poor as a church mouse but it works.

    I journal now-a days a teensy bit, when i take my blood pressure I write what happened the day before to see what is affecting what and what foods I ate for the supper before. And end with thanking the Lord. I do have a special journal for that, not too pricey because they are not going to last but several months or so. But cute ones. I suppose one day that will turn into a spiral too. : )

    Take care now, it's nice to see you are on the same level and style of list making! Can't beat the old school for stuff like that! Right? *big smile* ~Amelia

    1. I agree - I am old school for sure. I keep a cell phone strictly for emergencies or texting - some call it. It is flip phone - so no lists for me. I keep it in my pocket.
      It is a good idea to write meds, foods, and feelings for medical conditions. That is a very important list! That's a good one. Maybe that tip will help someone else. Or if one is feeling poorly - keeping track of all they do on a daily basis - may find an answer.
      Your blog is a bit of a journal as well. You put a lot of your inner feelings and thoughts there - so that could be considered journaling too.

  16. List maker here! Permanent list for out of town travels, music camp, singing conventions. To-do lists, grocery lists... shoot, I even write down what I have mailed at the PO - because I'm only too likely to forget and spend the day searching for some bill that went out last week! :D

    1. You are organized. Good for you. I keep my bill receipts/stubs in a folder so I know what I have paid.
      It just seems to work and it seems many of us do a lot of the same things. Good company!

    2. Oh, I'll know that I've written the check, but *did I mail that thing???* That's my issue. :) I always go to the PO and mail it inside the building, when the PO is open. In hopes that it will get into the system before the check thieves can hook it out and fake it.

  17. I am not a list maker, but my partner is.
    He has lists of lists that refer back to previously filed lists of lists listing important lists. God love him.
    It is the source of many a joke in our family the best being when he and our youngest son were going to get chicken feed from the store, halfway there he realised he had forgotten his list, so returned home, picked up said list but then left the son who was three at home.
    When he got to the store he realised and quickly drove home to find him playing in the yard.
    Take care everyone, Louise

    1. Oh my gosh, that is a hoot! Gladly your son just had fun playing. That is a bad thing to leave. Maybe he should have added him to the list too!
      I don't make lists of lists - but do appreciate and use the ones I make. They keep me somewhat sane!

    2. Clearly he should have added “take kid” to the list.
      Seriously though, he had a job that required lists much like you, and it has continued into his semi- retired life. He likes to be organised. Louise

  18. We left home for errands this morning and the grocery lists seemed to have been left at home. Grrrrr......and of course they were found in the car when we were unloading at home after. But, I remembered it all! That was a huge brain stretch!

    1. Oh my. But at least you remembered everything! Kudos to you for that! I always forget something.
      It sure is frustrating at times!

  19. I, too, am a list maker. The contents of the large freezer are on a whiteboard that lives on the shelf over the sink so I can see it easily. I have post-it notes stuck all over my desk hutch with lists of things to do, reminders to pay certain bills, check on personal business in progress, etc. A pretty wall calendar keeps track of appointments, though I also use the calendar app on my phone so I can see what's already booked when I make appointments. I use reporter's notebooks for grocery lists. They cost less than $2 each when you buy a 1-doz package on Amazon and have 70 two-sided sheets. I like them because they have a thick cardboard back and cover. A 4 x 6 spiral notebook lives in my purse and was my information lifeline when Husband was in and out of so many hospitals. I tracked his daily medications and listed daily errands and chores in a journal book when he still lived here at home.

    I use the electronic library apps Libby and Hoopla to read books on my tablet. Both apps keep a list of books you have checked out, as does the regular library (hard copy books, etc.). I also have lists of books I want to read on each app, too.

    On my laptop, I keep the "Before the Snow Flies" list of chores to do each Fall. I have a checklist for end-of-year income tax documents to watch for. I update the list through the year if income from an out-of-the-ordinary source comes in.

    I have lots of spreadsheets: I track our expenses and numerous other bookkeeping items. Had a spreadsheet of Husband's blood pressure readings when I was caregiving at home and needed the info for doctors and hospitals.

    Frugal tip: For those who don't have the MS Office suite and don't want to pay for it, Open Office is a very good free alternative. It has all the functionality I have ever needed and will even let you save documents with MS file extensions.

    Although journaling has been recommended to me to work through my emotional issues, I'm probably not going to do it. It is rather painful to write much by hand (arthritis), and I don't want to have that type of thing on the computer. I did keep a journal in jr. high and high school, full of teenage angst and the initials of boys I had crushes on LOL! Fortunately I shredded the pages when I ran across them in the great purge a few years ago.

    1. Frances, we now have all of our meds on a list that I keep in my wallet. LOVE that you're so organized with everything.

      I started journaling in my 40s and 50s. More sporadically then than now. My journals are boring in that I write what verse/prayer was for the day in my devotional, chores, what I cooked, etc. Sometimes current events. I also list what I'm grateful for each day. They used to be more about emotions, but I found bad moods & struggles & stress (for me) seem to gain more power when do. Journaling has become a way to kind of disengage.

    2. Frances, I must say you are organized! Good golly, you have everything taken care of. For those who have never kept medical info in some sort of file - it can be very important!! Thank you for reinforcing that.
      Thank you for the info on the computer program. It is always nice to have options and free sure is the right price!
      It sounds like you keep extremely busy just keeping everything logged and added to your charts.
      Hope you are both doing well.

  20. I have multiple lists! Weekly to dos, daily, chores in the garden, organizing and sorting lists... I now keep my shopping lists (grocery, hardware store) and errands list on my phone, using the notes app. I never forget to take those lists with me!

    1. They sure aid in our daily lives - don't they? I am not a tech person, and have not wanted a fancy phone, but I am sort of envious of those of you that can keep all your info there. I just worry about the what ifs. Important info - what if the phone breaks or you lose power? My lists are still there.

  21. Add me to the list people...forever and always :) I have often advised people who can't sleep to write a list of everything on their mind before bed so they don't have to be thinking about it all night long. Jane in FL

    1. There seems to be more of us than I would have thought! Good advice. I know if I even pray, laying down - I fall to sleep. Shame on me. But I do. I pray sitting up so I don't fall to sleep. Something about going through a list or a prayer that is so calming.

  22. I love a list and have a book for a record of my life from 1966, the year I married.

    1. How cool!!! There are so many important things in life that happen and our ancestors may need to known them someday or may just enjoy the info.

  23. I'm a list maker as well including lists of books to be read, music to listen to, movies to watch , goals for the year. Lists are kept in the day timer with appointments, birthdays, reminders, etc. I record household activities in there as well. When asked, "What have you been doing?" I can reference for a quick synopsis.

    1. You are a smart lady! You gals are all so organized. I feel waaaayyyy behind!

  24. Lists I forget when I go grocery shopping as well. This morning I had to go to the store and I was wanting to use a coupon that I received for $3.00 off..thank goodness it was in my pocket. I think I would have waited till tomorrow and went back!
    I like your idea about the Christmas cards...another use for them is always welcome.
    Have a great day!

    1. Oh, $3 I would have waited. I understand that. Coupons anymore are loaded on my Kroger card - so those I have. But the list...... well!
      Thanks - so many uses, instead of just throwing out immediately. Gift tags for next year, fronts only for postcards, lists, frame for a pretty pic. On and on!

  25. I too love lists. My mom kept journals and I have them all, but I am afraid to read them. Silly.

    1. NOT silly at all. My mom passed in 2001 and have all of her journals and still haven't read most. I start crying every time. I totally understand and it is not silly!!!!!

  26. I feel better knowing I'm not the only list maker. I keep pretty much all the lists everyone has mentioned.
    Central Az

    1. I am really amazed how many do lists. Neat huh? Just keeping ourselves a little bit organized!

  27. List girl here. 1. Grocery (I write an item down when the last comes out of the pantry/freezer/fridge). 2. Errands-I like to do them all once/week. 3. Feeling like a slug? I write down everything that needs to be done AND do it TODAY! 4. I write a menu plan when I have foods that need to be cooked before they become waste (I do love to cook dinner most every day!).

    Funny thing about notepads.....Several years ago I gifted away (on the facebook Buy-Nothing group), a stack of 12". Guess what? 2 weeks ago I ran completely OUT of the notepads I had retained🤣🤣

    So now I'm using junk mail: envelopes, mail insert w/blank backside yields good usable paper. Yes, I'm weird, but I know it 🤣

    AND, I was at my favorite thrift store this week on errands-run. I actually paid for a large notepad-made of recycled paper. This thrift store specifically is a non-profit that has programs for troubled kids here in the valley (a ranch with therapists) and they support pregnant minors and provide adoption services. I have a nephew because of them! $2 well spent.

    1. I like the idea of writing something that needs done and doing it that day! Makes one feel a bit accomplished. I am a bit of a procrastinator!
      I have yet gotten into meal planning. But I do use what I have - I just kind of wing it most days!
      Yay - on finding the notepad! $2 well spent. I love that many re-use the natural junk we get and would just trash. At least it gets the most use possible before going into the rubbish bin!!!

  28. I have a list of things to do on my desk as I type this because I love lists. They make life so much easier.

    1. Yes mam they do make it easier. Hope you are doing OK today. HUGS!

  29. Rajani Rehana (above) is SPAM? One of the curses of blogging.
    All this talk about lists had me add something to the list for Dollar General today ($5 off $25)... notebooks! :-)

  30. I believe that person is SPAM also.

    1. Yep - got rid of them! Happens ever now and then.
