Tuesday, June 25, 2024

SIMPLE Such a Joy

 Good morning to one and all.  Happy to have you here today.  I hope you are all well and good!
A bit of an overcast morning here - maybe some rain coming.  YAY!  We can use it.
I have fed the babes, been out to feed the critters and picked a huge bouquet for my neighbor to take to work.  She works at a nursing facility and has a couple hospice patients that get no visitors (so sad).  So, she will divide the flowers between them - hopefully it will make them smile, if just for a moment.

FYI - Hey kids - 6 months from today is Christmas!!!!!  LOL

We talk about living a simpler life and living with less.  Living BELOW our means, and just using what we have and being happy.   Well, I think many of us who have been around the block a few times get it.  There are newer folks here that may not.

You truly don't have to have all the fancy stuff and the newest devices.  You don't need the biggest house, or the fancy car.  You don't need tons of clothes or brand names.  You can keep your meals simple and be healthy and full and happy!

I read this recently and love this.  No name was given for the quote.
"You can't change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destination."
Boy is that true.  
You have to decide what is important to you and then make a plan to get there.  It isn't an easy trip, and it takes time and some work.  When you live a simpler life, it doesn't take as much time to get there!

You truly don't have to do without things to live a simple life.  You just adjust.  You can have a nice SMALL home with fewer nice items inside.  You can have many a great meal, using what you have and being creative.  You can have nice clothes for you and your family for less - think thrift stores and yard sales.  There is NO shame in this.  HONEST!
You can actually have more - by living a simple life.  More happiness, more joy, more funds, more creativeness, more family time - more PEACE.
You will learn about yourself and what it truly takes to make you happy and what it takes to feel content.  You may be very surprised!

No matter how many designer clothes you have, how fancy your house or car, or how much money you save - you aren't getting out of this life alive!  No one will be remembering those things at your funeral.  They will remember your kindness and your love.

The reason we 'prep' or keep a stocked pantry and freezer, is so we can just use what we have, no rushing out or spending on the spur of the moment.  We buy things on sale, on clearance and for the best price we can - so we can have that stocked pantry.  We grow anything that we can - even if it is just lettuce or some herbs.
We glean if possible.  We learn 'old time' ways of canning and freezing our abundance.  Making a few jars of jelly is so satisfying and it tastes so yummy.
If you or yours enjoy hunting or fishing - you have a resource to free protein and you do something that you find enjoyable.
All of these things allow us to have plenty and to eat quite well.
Yard sales and thrift stores allow us to decorate our homes with little money, or to have some clothing items (basics) for little.  They can help with our crafting as well - cheaper yarn, material and craft supplies.
Children outgrow clothing so fast and get bored with toys quickly - no problem when you are buying them cheaper.
Start a clothing, toy or book swap in your neighborhood.  You know you aren't the only one looking to save a little and live a little simpler!

As many of us get older, we are going for a simpler lifestyle.  It just feels better.  We have finally realized what matters and what doesn't.  Many younger folks and those just starting the frugal journey, haven't learned this yet.  Maybe this will set the idea in someone's head.
Simple is lovely!

Be happy and content and do it with less stuff and more JOY!
Have a wonderful day.


  1. Simple is key! I would say our life is simple and we have no one to impress ( why would you want to do so?). I always say when someone has a fancy new car, why would you want to drive your money? Some folks are like that, "look at me, look at what I have, look at how money I have". Pinned both your quotes! I follow several gals on Instagram who show how to buy at the charity shops and how they use the items in their homes. Most of them are young, clever ladies.

    Going out to weed, pick green beans, peppers, tomatoes, trim plants, whatever else needs to be done. I'm counting on rain this afternoon! Enjoy your day!

    1. You are so right. I could not care one bit less if someone is impressed by me. Don't like what I have or do - well, keep on trucking!
      We got rain a couple times and WIND!
      So jelly of you picking garden already! All I can say is yum and ENJOY.

  2. A simple lifestyle is easy to maintain. When you try to impress, there is no end to the stress and expense of keeping up with trends.

    1. Agree totally! I mean who the heck doesn't like easy?!
      Simple is the best.

  3. I love our simple lifestyle here. We have all that we need and get by just fine, great blog post, Cheryl. :)

    1. So happy for you. Yes, you zoomed in on it - NEEDS! What we need and what we want can be different.

  4. Simple works for me. :) I love simple food, and have great trouble enjoying going to a fancy restaurant - the offerings are full of things I cannot even identify. Spending half (or more) my weekly food budget on a meal out, it had better be *great*! :)

    I've hung up a bunch of catfood can lids around my veggies. Hope that keeps the deer and bunnies out. Time will tell. It looks kinda pretty, all that flashing and movement, I like it. :)

    Last evening there was a big coon behind the garage. Pretty animal, but made me sad for my beans and squash (if they ever fruit in this drought). The last rain I could measure was 1/4 inch on June 3rd. And it's been pretty hot since then. No real rain in the forecast either, only slight chance of occasional thunderstorms. Grumble grumble...



    1. I am with you on not spending a fortune on getting a meal with either things that I can't pronounce or that just plain isn't all that good. Usually home cooking is just so much better.
      Hopefully the shiny objects will keep the racoon out of the crops too. Of course they are usually out at night, so maybe just the movement. I sure hope you salvage something from the varmints!!
      Sorry for no rain, we had a small one today. I gladly take it all. Gosh, then there are some places flooding from too much.
      Weird weather.

  5. Simple Living makes every aspect of life 'light' and 'joyful'. Home is restful. A bit of stuff, not too much. It all has a use/gets used or makes me smile. 95% of decor was made by friend, fam, me or is family photo. Food is simple and not wasted. Needs are met and I want for nothing.

    The best part of this? When I do want something, I can have it. We don't fret about a fabulous meal out to celebrate our birthday/anniversary. We don't fret about plane ticket. We don't fret when the car needs new tires or needs replacement (seldom as my nearly 9yo has only 38,000 miles on it). We can travel to family weddings. We can buy tickets to a concert.

    It's not that we never leave home, it's that we have the resources BECAUSE we live simply. It's a low stress life!

    I've had my morning 5.6 mile walk by the river and now it's time for brunch!

    Happy Tuesday everyone :-)

    1. I so agree. Your first paragraph says it all!!!
      YES, that is why we save. To do things without the stress and worry.
      I love it. There is so much to be said about NO stress. It makes everything 'light and joyful'.
      It is a good life.

  6. Another nice day here, though cooler and it is starting to cloud over. The forecast says no rain. I got out early to grab a few groceries, bread and eggs, and stocked up on cat food and treats for Saku. Can you say spoiled kitty? :)
    I've mowed the lawn, and cleaned up along the driveway, and finally cleaned the car mats. I was supposed to do that on Saturday but found something else more interesting to do.
    Speaking of thrift stores, I'm about to head to the store for a quick look around. I could use another pair of capris but beyond that I really don't need anything....especially yarn!
    Enjoy your day! I'm sure your flowers will brings some sunshine to the patients.

    1. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Yes, I know about those things called spoiled kitties!!! They do get pampered.
      I hope you find just what you are looking for. So nice to have that alternative to not spending a fortune on clothes and things.
      Thanks. They make me smile, so I hope they make others smile.

  7. Simple living is what we do too. I don't like a lot of 'stuff' around the house. The older I get the more minimal I become.

    1. It is lovely and so calming. I still have a lot of stuff even though I keep sorting through. But it always feels a little lighter to get things gone.

  8. Yikes, I must have neglected to hit publish on the comment I wrote this morning. The gist of it was that simplicity is key.

    We picked green beans, cucumbers, zucchini and I pulled the last of the green onions for cooking. Red raspberries are still going.

    You find the best quotes and they went to my Quotes board on Pinterest.

    Hope your day was a good one!

    1. FOUND IT - and published!
      You are so fortunate to be picking in this area. Not many are. I am a long bit before having produce to pick.
      I will salivate about thinking of all that freshness!

  9. I have always grown lots of food and made my own pickles, relish, frozen the extra veggies as well, jams and jellies. At first it might seem counter productive to a simpler life, but really it isn't. It is very satisfying to know where what you are eating comes from and one gets a great sense of accomplishment.

    Kind of like some people think I am a bit crazy to make my own lip balm, or salves. Yet I am using things that many others think of as weeds and as I walk down the back alley I pick what I know can be medicinal. After all in years gone by most people used herbal ointments.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, I think some people figure that isn't simple - but it sure is. Also being able to know you can be somewhat self sufficient is just wonderful. If IT all goes down the tube, we will know how to take care of ourselves.
      At one time all medicines came from the earth - not sure when we swerved from that.

    2. That is me - not sure why it is anonymous! Cheryl

  10. "All things happen for a reason - maybe you both needed this time together." Cheryl, I wanted you to know that this really resonated with me. I have to think of this time with my mom as a gift, not a burden.

    1. Yes mam it is a gift for you and probably for your mom as well. We never understand the why - but that is OK. Take in every moment.

  11. This was the week I needed to read this :) I've been on a bit of a spending spree lately. Do you ever have those moments? I hope I'm not the only one :)

    1. I think it happens to all of us at times. I tend to go on binges of buying groceries! I love to shop at the grocery. That is my vice. But if you are going to use the things, then you are ok.
      I think that is why we do what we do with being frugal - so now and then we can have a spree!

    2. Thanks for this :) Mostly I end up buying things for the house and then craft items for me :)
