Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Weekend is Coming

 Ending this week simply.  Fall is near and the weather is changing - thus the seasons are in the midst of changing again.  Just like life.  
The air is cooler, the colors are changing, the animals are busy making "home" and stocking provisions, the air is fresh and clean, and we seem to settle into a slower pace and all is good.
As the animals do - we all need to be thinking of 'making home' as well.  Make sure you have the stock you will need for the changes that are coming.  Winter will be here in a blink!
Think about your holiday pantry needs, your upcoming gift items, your medicine cabinet, and your bedding and jammies!!!! 
GET IT ALL READY starting now - this is the time!

I do enjoy this time of the year - except for knowing what follows!  Oh heck, even that can be pretty and has its moments!
Now is the time for the last of farm markets, orchards, hayrides, walks in nature, just watching nature, campfires, smores, apples and cider.................all fun and wonderful things.

Oh my is this me!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Flawed for sure - not sure about fabulous - but I know I am not perfect and that is just fine - because I am ME!

So go out there this weekend and be 'your' totally beautiful version of flawed and fabulous!  Have some fun and enjoy life a little.
You be you and I'll be me and that is a perfect family!!!!!!!!

Have the best weekend and just take some moments to enjoy 'the best' of the world we live in!
Blessings to you all!


  1. Thank you, Cheryl. Love this post. Fall is surely my favorite season of the year. This year I'll be watching it from inside. We have 6 steps up to the front door. Knee scooters don't work on steps. LOL! I have to go down the steps on by butt and climb back up on hands and knees. It'll be another month before I can walk with a special boot. Hospital bill arrived yesterday. What insurance doesn't cover is just over $2k so far.

    We are, however, well stocked now for wood pellets for the pellet stove. The pallets were delivered. We went in with our son to have just one delivery fee. He's ready, then, too. I'd been working my way through freezer stock, but there's still plenty of meat in there. GOOD news, as prices are on the rise again. The pantry is full, too. Cold weather bedding and clothes are ready in closets and drawers. Not at all ready for the holidays.

    OT, but I just have to share that the dress form my sister adorned with jewels, called "Pearl", which is my Christmas and b'day present from her, took 1st prize at her county fair!!! I'm so proud of her and grateful for her. --Elise

    1. I hope you'll share a picture of Pearl. She sounds lovely!

    2. Elise, I would love to see "Pearl" also.

    3. Realized I haven't really updated re. foot surgery. Probably TMI, so feel free to skip.

      The stitches won't come out for another week or so. There are 6 incisions; 4 small ones (calf, shin, heel + top of foot) and two long ones (from sides of ankle to top of foot); the small ones are healing well. The large ones are healing, but more slowly. My foot and ankle are still very puffy, but swelling has gone down; it no longer looks like a strange balloon at the end of my leg. Most notably, the bruising is fading fast. There was a LOT of bruising as they had a tourniquet on my leg for the whole surgery. My 4 black toes are now more flesh colored.

      Have decided NOT to shower until stitches are out and I know the skin has knit together. I've had some serious post op infections in the past I'd prefer to avoid having again. When our youngest was born (c-section) I had a septic infection and it took 5 months to heal.

      Pain has eased up a lot, though I do get a good deal of throbbing if the swelling intensifies. Amelia, you'll get a kick out of this... I'm watching sodium now. God has a sense of humor! Never did have much sodium in my diet, but it effects the swelling, which effects the pain. Speaking of swelling, the PA said last week that I'll have swelling for 9-12 months post op. Taking nothing for pain but Tylenol. Lesson learned there.

      The out of pocket costs have been higher than we expected. We pay $1300 mo. for health insurance. By FAR our biggest monthly bill. So adding a couple of grand out of pocket is... well... it is what it is. I say that because IF I ever get surgery on the other foot (and I honestly hope I never need to), it would have to wait until I'm Medicare eligible. Even so, not sure I'd want to go through all of this again. Still a long road ahead for *this* surgical recovery. Working hard to keep an attitude of gratitude, but doing anything (from getting out of bed to getting dressed, etc.) is tiring. Thank you all again for your prayers. I know many are going through much worse, and you're in my prayers, too. --Elise

    4. It sounds like you are prepared for fall. Open a window and sit and enjoy the air and breezes.
      Glad to hear the pain, swelling and bruising are all doing some better. That just had to be so painful. You take care and follow docs orders (I know you are).
      Have a great weekend.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Anyone interested can see "Pearl" here:[0]=AZV9QAjFJxwL--7Wy7dMk3r9PxivOEJ_khaqkYx328x8OG_Yo-jdMSY4SiFC2htFJKm8hF47YVyNKTOQgA9EEeP_v35wLxGMe81Pi5zKiOZj5Q&__tn__=EH-R

    7. You're going to love the cost of Medicare. (While it's still afloat) We too had "decent" insurance when we were working. Before the "affordable" mandate, we didn't have too many complaints. Afterwards, I could rant too, but one brief example, my inhaler THROUGH insurance was SO expensive I opted to buy through an over seas pharmacy for 1/3 the price. Same product. Sigh!

      I'm so glad you are improved. Hopefully each week will just get better!
      Central Az

    8. Yes, Ellie. I deleted my rant but it's terribly disheartening. In Jan. my S.S. kicks in, which will help. We're still a few years away from Medicare. And yes, we're buying our own CPAP supplies via online sellers, I got the knee scooter from Amazon (renting one would've cost $75 per week!!!). Our insurance costs first doubled from before to after the ACA, then tripled... now we're paying twice as much for the two of us than we had a family of four, with higher co-pays and larger deductibles. My foot surgery was outpatient because of the insurance coverage limits. Still, I know it's a blessing to simply HAVE insurance at our ages. Hubs is on the phone now trying to find something with less of a monthly increase for 2024. Fingers crossed. --Elise

      P.S. Thank you!

    9. My goodness Elise, that was some surgery. You must have lots of stitches to heal. Good luck and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. Cindy/WV

    10. Thank you for the wishes/prayers, Cindy. I probably have around 100 stitches total. There are plates, pins, screws and metal wedges in that foot now. Two tendons were cut. I'm very grateful to be past the worst of the post op. --Elise

    11. Elise, glad to see you are getting around better with less pain. It sounds like you are taking care of yourself and doing everything you can to promote healing. Of course, you are in my prayers.

    12. Thank you, Frances. Indeed I am. I truly appreciate those prayers, too. One thing has become very clear... I'm not as young as I once used to be. Go figure! LOL! --Elise

    13. Oh man all that sounds so painful EM- I hope you feel much better soon and are able to get out. I had to go see pearl -so pretty and congratulations to your sister on the first place win!

    14. Thank you, Vickie. From the start, my sister said she was making it for me, but she's had quite a lot of offers from people who want to buy "Pearl". I'm honored and she'll have a special spot in our bedroom. At some point we'll travel to AR to get her.

      The worst of the pain of foot surgery has passed, thankfully. One month to go before I can weight bear on that foot and walk again (with a special boot). 6 weeks with that and then I should be healed up in time for the holidays! --Elise

  2. I have one more trip to make to stock up on a few things for winter and then I'll be ready. It's supposed to be cold and snowy here this year. We shall see.
    The squirrels have been burying everything they can in our back yard this week. All week at any given time I look out and see four or five hummingbirds darting all over, fighting for the feeder.
    We are going to a fundraiser lunch on Sunday for our VFW's amazing fried chicken dinner. I am looking forward to that. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. I thought my hummies had left - didn't see them for about 24 hours - but no they are drinking like crazy. Same with the squirrels here - burying those nuts. Not too concerned about corn now - they have a walnut tree in the alley, and I serve peanuts and sunflowers seed too!!!!
      Your luncheon sounds nice. Good cause. ENJOY!!!!!!!

  3. And a recipe to get you in the mood for the season:
    No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars (copy and paste the link in your browser; there are adaptations for special diets)

    1. Oh my, does that sound good. I just need some gluten free graham crackers or that nut crust she mentioned in the recipe.

    2. Thank you Elise! I love easy recipes.

    3. I'm all about EASY recipes. They're my favorites! I hope you both enjoy it as much as we have. --Elise
      P.S. I'll be making this for Thanksgiving in leu of traditional pumpkin pie.

    4. Thanks. I am not a pumpkin fan - but will probably make for Thanksgiving get together.

  4. Good morning Cheryl! Yes...Oh fall how I love thee!

    I'm on the same wavelength, already have two large cans of unsweetened sweet potatoes I will make my grandma's Praline sweet potato casserole with, I make that every year. (Yes, Grandma used canned) : ) Christmas gifts for Littles. I'm *thinking* of a *classic* train set for the four year olds who will be nearing five years old. We love classic everything in our family! : ) A huge group of old souls! : ) Not sure for little tots, one boy and one girls...I'll see what Sam's Wholesale has too. Sometimes they have neat toys, sometimes not. ; )

    Stocking up on vitamins too...Lot's of Ester C etc. Big bottle of Wellness Formula too and on the list goes. Benadryl, yes. We need it sometimes don't we? Hubs is cutting wood too for the wood burning fireplace, he even got a wood mill in yesterday and can make plywood and all kinds of things from the trees on the land that have fallen naturally.

    I'm freezing soups now too more-so.... One thing I bought for a precaution that may keep me out of the vet's office is the homeopathic brand you use for allergies? They also offer a UTI formula too, so if my little white cat has one of those I can treat him myself. Our little white cat had one and don't want to repeat that. Benadryl is great for our dogs too when we want to be double sure and also...Keep un-needed vet visits away. I do the homeopathic pet drops first though and usually that is all that is needed. Thanks for that valuable suggestion!

    Yes, thinking of those holiday menus too. I'm learning, slowly but surely how to pull it off without being a basket case. My mom never did them, she always depended on her mom, my Italian Grandma. So everything got skipped over my mom and landed in my lap. Covered dish usually is the best I'm finding. We get what we get and don't throw a fit! lol Of course we will provide the main course usually. We're pretty casual over here. We do buffet style. My Italian grandma who grew up in New Orleans would say...."Boo-fay". I like everyone to arrive comfy in what they like to wear, no one has to be a fashion statement unless they just want to. But we're all kosher so to speak. haha.

    I love that meme too Cheryl. Yes!!!

    "You be you and I'll be me!" haha! Perfect. I have the INFP personality type, our youngest is very much like me but she is INFJ. She tells me I'm a bit more of a free-spirit and oh how I loved that.

    What a precious, uplifting post Cheryl, I sure needed it and I think I need to go get my fall decor out of the boxes too. Why not?

    I'll be making eggplant my Italian Grandma's way tonight for dinner with pasta. I will probably throw lentils in the gravy or some veggie crumbles.

    Let's all pray one for another! Thanks again Cheryl...Have a sweet and uplifting day, and btw...your husband's photo reminded me of a Elvis Presley kind of face. Did he kind of look like that? You were a doll too!

    Have a sweet almost-autumn day! ~Amelia

    1. Amelia, I LOVE Praline Sweet Potato Casserole!! I also use canned for the recipe. Yummy! I also love lentils in marinara sauce/gravy. With or without ground beef. And I always add extra veggies. Usually (canned) diced tomatoes, maybe some chopped celery, etc. I like my gravy chunky. Like me. LOL! --Elise

    2. I bet the casserole is yummy. Sounds like you are thinking ahead and getting ready too. I have all my vitamins and herbs needed for the next few months - as well as honey lozenges and such. Mouthwash for gargle and there is always salt water.
      The homeopathic stuff is great. I keep the allergy stuff around and also have one for worms (sometimes is needed). They both work great. I often add a bit of granulated echinacea to his wet food as well - natures antibiotic.
      I have a picture of Glen without a beard I will post someday. He ALWAYS had a beard while I was with him - so the picture seemed foreign to me!!!!! He looked like Freddy Prinz from Chico and the Man TV to me!!!!!
      Have a wonderful day!

    3. Elise, yes, it is so yummy... I now have to make mine without sugar but I do love that butter, lots of nuts too! I usually put a few drops of stevia with almond flour and butter and natural coconut but still good! I'm so glad I have met someone who knows about the Praline casserole! Most people do the marshmallow thing and no offense but my Italian grandpa would not have known what to do with it! lol

      The recipe should still be on some brands of sweet potato cans if anyone wants to see it! : )

      Yes, Elise, I love the canned diced tomatoes too. My italian grandma used canned whole tomatoes, tomato paste and her own seasonings. She would squish the canned whole tomatoes. I put crushed tomatoes in my eggplant for tonight, two big cans! It's-a-gonna-be-a-good!

      Thanks for chiming in Elise! Love it!

    4. Hi Cheryl! Yes, I need to get the one for worms too, just in case, I like that line of homeopathic drops for pets, they think of everything don't they? So great. I love having my supplies ready to go. So much to think about right now before the change in temperature arrives right? Although it's still very warm-hot here, the allergies are horrendous because of drought conditions. Although we got some rain today, thank God!

      That's funny about Glen, how photos can look so different of people, I'll have to look up Freddy Prinz, I remember him somewhat and hearing about that show too. I look forward to your beardless photo!

      Excellent idea to put Echinacea in the pets food! Colloidal silver and probiotics are good too!

      I hope all is well, have a great evening Cheryl! ~Amelia P.S I need to order some more

    5. P.S.S. I even have a Charlie Brown Christmas cd ready for our Little Grands! Ordered from ebay for a few dollars without the case! Yippee!

    6. Your "gravy" sounds yummy, Amelia! Mrs. Santini, the wife of one of Pop's employees, was from Sicily and made hers the same way your grandmother did; I learned how to make it in her kitchen. She cooked BIG. So, when Hub's and I were newlyweds, I made spaghetti and homemade sauce/gravy... that we ate for a week. LOL!

      I know you can't do Splenda, but I now make the Praline Sweet Potato Casserole with brown sugar Splenda blended. And YES, the butter makes it taste so good! My mom did the sweet potatoes with marshmallows. I learned to make the Praline casserole when we lived in TX.

      In leu of probiotics, Blue and Poppy each get a teaspoon of yogurt 2X per day. To them, it's a special treat, but it sure does help their digestion. Blue's is especially sensitive. Hadn't thought of echinacea. I'll ask the vet about that when Poppy is spayed this fall.

      Lentils are a favorite of mine because they can substitute ground beef in any number of recipes, from Tacos to Sloppy Joes. Our sons used to love it. Hubs isn't much of a fan. They sure do help stretch food dollars while filling bellies, though. --Elise

    7. Elise, Isn't that something that your Italian friend made it the same way? : ) My grandma was from Naples, my grandpa was from Bisaquino, Sicily, neighbors of Frank Capra's family. Haha...Lot's of butter makes everything taste so good especially at Christmas time!

      Cheryl, Just got home from Sam's and got three adorable Christmas color plaid button down, collared (little man) dress shirt sets with khakis (all cotton) Carters brand for our little men. Just ten something each set! Our little gal will get a four piece (two stretch pants and two snap bottom tops, very cottage core look) adorable stretch cotton knit set that is cute as a bug for the same price. Four pieces, Carters brand. So we still have room for a nice toy too for all Littles. I even got my mom something for Christmas! Isotoner red indoor outdoor memory foam slippers! She loves red. $12 something, I also had purchased a Susan Winget "The Lord is my Shepherd" beautiful quality calendar that she will love. She loved hers last year and was so proud of it! So I'm set on my mom. Woot!

  5. Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I just wish it would last longer. I love the cooler days - my mom called it sweater weather - and fall colors, pumpkins and apples. It'll soon be time to put my little deck garden to bed for the winter. Our CSA veggie box goes through October, and I've frozen and dehydrated some of the veggies to use this winter. It's just the two of us, so the amount of veggies we get is just right for some fresh eating and some preserving for the winter months. I was thinking about my post yesterday and just wanted to clarify that my husband is doing well after his heart attack which was two years ago. He's probably healthier than I am! In fact, he has exercised regularly for many years, so it was so surprising that he had a heart attack. And he still is faithful about exercising. I'm thankful for the ER doctor and the cardiologist who saw him the day he had the heart attack. Other than having what felt like heartburn, his blood pressure and other vital signs were great. But the cardiac enzymes were slightly elevated and they kept him overnight. The enzymes kept going up, and the next day he had a stent put in, was in the hospital overnight, came home and started cardiac rehab less than a week later. He did really great, and I'm so thankful he's still here with me. It definitely was one of those times the Lord was strengthening my faith through a difficult time, but I sure didn't like going through it!

    1. Forgot to sign my post - Wanita

    2. Wanita, thank you for sharing that story. I'm so glad your husband is doing so well. While I've always been grateful for my husband, I'm even *more* grateful in our retirement now. I get to spend each day with my best friend. Still. How great is that? And in the tough times throughout my life, I've often prayed (simply), "This one is too big for me, Lord. Please pick me up and carry me through." --Elise

    3. Elise, The older I get, the more I realize how much I need the Lord's strength. It's a lesson I wish I had learned when I was much younger. I was 21 when I accepted Christ as my Savior, and at 73, He's still teaching me and working in my life.

    4. Wanita, because of VBS, even though a Catholic child, I began walking with the Lord early in a way that wasn't taught in the church at that time. My problem? I always felt *I* had to be strong. But there were a few times I easily could have died (medical stuff), and little by little I learned I'm just a human after all. Still learning that lesson today. I seem to be a little slow. ;-)

    5. Yes, the Lord continually teaches me too, Wanita. It seems the smarter we start thinking we are....Well, the Lord shows us there is far more to learn! lol Thank God for His leading and love for us.

      Thank God your husband is doing so well, that is so great and how God came right in giving you Peace and Strength.


  6. Autumn is definitely in the air here. The leaves are changing quickly, and the nights are cooling off considerably. Still no frost, thankfully but I expect we'll see that here soon.
    We had a nice rain last night, so no watering needed today. I'm off to visit my daughter and grandson, since it's likely the house will be back on the market next week.

    1. Yes it has cooled some here as well. No pretty leaves yet - but some are falling. I hate the thought of frost!!!
      Glad you got rain. Have a wonderful visit with your daughter and grandson. Safe travels!!!!!!

  7. We are having one of those cool, crystal-clear, beautiful days that belies the fact that winter is coming. Reviewed my "To Do Before the Snow Flies" list this morning. I want to be prepared well before winter hits. It's supposed to be colder and wetter than usual.

    I finally got the lawn mowed yesterday since the yellow jackets are (mostly) gone. The exterminator came last Friday, sprayed and then destroyed the nest. It was a big in-ground one.

    Seeing a few migrating hummingbirds per day at the feeder. Will be cleaning up and putting out the seed feeders in another few weeks.

    Got my annual haircut for winter. I have it cut in a medium bob which covers my neck when it is cold. As it grows out, I can put it up in a ponytail when the weather gets warmer, and it still looks good.

    Tried to find some winter clothes at Goodwill on Monday but had no luck. Everything small is designed for teenagers. I don't want to wear sweatpants with "Juicy" emblazoned across my backside! I think I'll be able to make do with the clothes I have.

    I'm not stocking my pantry as deeply as I used to. Between Husband's swallowing difficulties and my stomach problems we have had to give up a number of foods and are still figuring out exactly what we can eat. My stomach is feeling somewhat better. Controlling stress is the key. I'm still slowly losing weight but am working on turning that around.

    My garden is down to tomatoes and sunflower seed heads I plan to harvest for the birds. I need to do a lot of cleanup, perhaps this weekend.

    Husband had a nice, quiet 92nd birthday yesterday. I baked chocolate chip cookies (his favorite) and one of his daughters called. Back to PT this afternoon, where he is making very good progress.

    All things considered, I think we'll be in pretty good shape going into winter.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Frances, I can't tell you how much I laughed when I read, "sweatpants with "Juicy" emblazoned across my backside!" I need that laugh! I'm glad you're feeling better. Trying to figure out what you can eat is a challenge for sure. And right along with that is the challenge of changing eating habits after years I eating a certain way. Going gluten-free six years ago was really hard. I have a gluten sensitivity, not celiac, so it's not quite as critical if I unknowingly (or sometimes knowingly 😏) have gluten.But it's definitely better for me to stay away from it. I pray you'll be able to figure things out and get a handle on the stress, also not an easy thing to do in this crazy world! Glad the exterminator took care of the yellow jackets. That must be a load off your mind!

    2. Thank you so much for the update, Frances. I know it's hard to buy clothes online and judge if they'll fit, but have you tried online outlets or online resale sites? Can you take a guess at what size you might be now? My clothes shopping is almost exclusively online because I'm a short, potato dumpling. Opposite your problem. LOL!

      Glad your stomach is feeling/doing better. Stress really does take it's toll. You and your husband remain in my prayers every day. I'm glad to hear he's making progress, too.

      Eat whatever you can. There really are no rules. Grandma Griff used to say she had a protein (meat), 2 vegetables, one fruit (often canned), some bread and milk every day, and then anything else she wanted. On Sundays, a man from her church she called "Hamburger Bob" brought her a Carl's Jr. burger that she halved and ate over 2 days. Once a month she'd get a small pizza. She loved Jell-O with fruit in it and a dollop of whipped topping, and also enjoyed chili dogs. Grandma lived to be 100. (((Hug))) --Elise

    3. Wanita, my sister developed a pretty severe gluten sensitivity a few years ago. That really is a tough one. Because I'm an online shopper (have been since the late 1990s), I get top rated GF foods sent to her throughout the year. We haven't found a bead, though, that tastes good. Any suggestions? --Elise

    4. Elise, How kind of you to send GF foods to your sister. Bread is a really hard one. My husband went gluten-free with me (except when he's eating out), and we both like Canyon Bakehouse Multigrain bread. We buy it in a two-pack at Costco, and the latest price is $9.79. But, we always toast it because it's definitely better toasted. I always make stuffing at Thanksgiving to take to my daughter's (and gravy), and then I've found with my recipe that I can use any cheap(er) gluten-free bread from Aldi's or Trader Joe's or wherever. It also makes great bread pudding! Hamburgers I always eat without a bun. But if I have a brat, I treat myself to Schar ciabatta rolls, toasted, of course. I also like the ciabatta rolls heated up in the oven to use as dinner rolls, but the price keeps going up, so I mainly use them if I'm having family or company for dinner, because even the gluten-free crowd likes them warmed in the oven. I haven't ventured into baking my own bread. I'd like to do that, but just can't get motivated. I spend so much time in the kitchen as it is because I cook most of our meals and bake any treats we have. I've gotten pretty good at muffins and cupcakes, now that I've finally realized making my own flour blends works the best. I don't have a severe sensitivity like your sister, but I can tell a difference when I eat gluten. I have problems with eczema on my hands, and my hands will start getting itchy if I have much gluten. I've had times I've thought about saying forget it, but I know I'm better off without gluten.

    5. Thank you so much, Wanita, for sharing. My sister gets GI upset. Badly. I'll tell her about the bread. They have no Costco, but maybe Sam's Club carries it. No Trader Joe's there, either. She lives in a small town in AR, never was much of a cook or baker, and there are limited choices in her stores. Once in awhile they go to Little Rock to stock up. Anyway, that's why I have food sent to her. Crackers. GF baking mixes. Pastas. Etc. Her husband has type 2 diabetes now, so I keep that in mind, too. It can be a challenge for sure! Thanks again. --Elise

    6. I'm making the gluten free bread recipe in my bread machine from Little House Living website. Now I'm not going to say it is full of flavor. But hubs and I both eat it with peanut butter or jelly, usually toasted. You don't have to make it in a bread machine, but its nice to not heat up the oven in the summer.
      Cheaper than store bought and it tastes fresh. You can add a handful of raisins and some cinnamon. I also like the gluten free bread mix sold by King Arthur. But it's pricey. And yes, I buy the Canyon one at Costco if I have to. Pamela's gluten free grahams are good. Some other brands we've tried are miserable. Indeed, it is a challenging diet.
      Central Az

    7. Thank you, Ellie. I've sent quite a bit of King Arthur mixes to her and she likes them. I'll look into that recipe at Little House Living website to share with her. --Elise
      P.S. For GF mixes (King Arthur, Krusteaz, etc.) keep an eye on Amazon's grocery deals. Every now and then you can get a case of mix (8-12 boxes) at significant savings over store prices. Still not cheap, but less than reg. retail.

    8. Frances, I am so happy to hear the yellow jacket guy came. I sure that is the end of them. I laughed out loud at the "Juicy" comment. Yes, it is hard to find clothes for us 'real' women!!!! LOL - that is women of a certain age. I don't want to young kiddo fashions either - and it seems that is about all there is anymore!
      So glad you hubby had a great birthday.
      I am sure it will take time to get it all figured out with the diet. Like mentioned above, whatever you can eat - EAT IT! As much as you want!!!!!!!
      Removing and managing stress is huge - you have done so well.
      Have a great weekend and I send my regards to your hubby as well.

    9. Ellie & Elise: I'll have to check out the Little House Living bread recipe. Thanks for letting me know about Pamela's GF graham crackers. I'll have to get some to try Elise's pumpkin cheesecake recipe! And for both of you, Vitacost has a lot of good prices, or at least lower prices, on GF items including King Arthur mixes, Pamela's products, Bob's Red Mill, and various gluten free flours and mixes, We really like the King Arthur GF pancake mix.

    10. Thank you, Wanita. I'll look into Vitacost. I'll look into getting that pancake mix for my sister, too! --Elise

    11. Frances, you have your hands full, so many changes right? Have you tried ebay for sweatpant sets? Many times the seller gives measurements. Also Wally has the boys and girls departments too for small sizes. It seems you had written you do something like that already though.

    12. Elise, Ellie and Wanita, there are recipes with almond flour and eggs using baking powder or soda, eggs, oil, butter etc. It's actually pretty good, very moist. They will usually pop right up online. Many gf people like my mom can't have rice or corn so the almond flour recipe is great. It almost has a pound cake like texture.

    13. Thankfully, my sister can have rice and corn, Amelia. Just not wheat. It came up all of a sudden a few years ago and took several months to figure out the gluten issue. She's the queen of packaged foods; my niece tells her friends if it didn't come out of a box, can or freezer, her mom didn't cook it. LOL! So it was a HUGE change (obviously). Her husband is a good cook and has risen to the challenges. Dumb question, but what does your mom do for starches in her diet? --Elise

  8. It was in the 50's this morning when we left at 8:00 a.m. to take the Farmer to his eye appointment in Carmel. I usually cut through the neighborhood to 10thStreet to get on 465. The traffic going east was so bad that I turned around and went back to Rockville Road to take 465 north. Traffic was packed on the interstate. Everybody and her uncle was out today.

    It's almost time to swap out wardrobes. Some folks wear shorts in cold weather. This is a perfect day to air out the house.

    1. Today is just perfect weather. Yes, this morning was chilly! I got out a sweatshirt (zip kind) this morning when I went outside.
      For a good 30-45 minutes this afternoon (around 1PM) there was a helicopter hovering between my place and west of here - wonder if there was traffic problems or an accident or something. Something was going on!!!
      I don't wear shorts in cold weather - but many do. I guess whatever feels good!!!!
      Have a good one

  9. I had to laugh at the last picture, I wasn't sure what it was? Mushrooms? Then I realized it was feet.

    1. Yep - feet. Be crazy and kick those tootsies up a bit!!!!!!!

  10. YES MAM - we have to take care of ourselves! Those with families need to do the same - but us single gals have no one to fall back on.
    Good you are getting things together. I would like a new pair of snow boots (mine are years old). I have fuzzy lined boots - but last years they seemed to leak some - not good!
    Making those lists and checking them twice!!!!!!! Good job.

  11. We call Fall Autumn in the UK. Yesterday I took Freddie for a walk at a local park and we both loved walking through crunchy leaves, although many trees are still green. I love home made soups, the cool smell in the evening, changing the summer clothes for something more cuddly. The Autumn colours of items in the shops, maybe not the Christmas goods in display already though.
    I did smile at Frances post about the 'Juicy' sweatpants as granddaughter no 2 had a pair a couple of years ago.
    Oh no! I have mentioned the C word and Cheryl, you mentioned snow!!!

    1. Some here call it autumn as well - fall/autumn - kind interchangeable. We have some leaves falling but still a lot of green as well. I like the autumn colors and scents.
      LOL - I am not ready for winter at all. Never am.
      But I am enjoying these cooler days and fresh air. Hope you are as well.

  12. Summer is still in full swing here. The only way I know a change is coming is that the sunset if officially before 7 pm.

    1. We are having much cooler days here. WOW 7PM! It is still a bit after 8PM here for sunset.

  13. We've finally had enough rain that everything has greened up. I thought we would be cleaning out the garden as everything seemed to have been done, but lo and behold since we've had the rain the green beans are blooming again, the butternut squash has blossomed again and has baby squash on the vine, and the peppers are blossoms and baby peppers on them once again and the chard is huge, although the gold finches have been pecking away on the leaves.As far as prep for Fall and Winter, "all is gathered in". As usual, my friend is raising our turkey for Thanksgiving. Everything we need for baking for the holidays is in place. Freezers are cleaned and organized. New spices arrived yesterday. Today we will go out to the farm to pick up a few odds and ends and a half bushel of apples for applesauce, cobblers, etc. Fall and winter birthday cards are in the process of being made and I hope to get started on making Christmas cards soon.

    FRANCIS -- I have the same problem in finding clothes that are age appropriate and small enough. I have found that if I wait and then go to the fashion clearance site on either HSN or QVC when they have a free shipping day I can find some extreme bargains in extra small. I also shop in the children's department of WM and Target.

    AMELIA - I don't know if you have discovered this website yet, Elana' It's one of my favorites. All of her gluten free recipes are made with almond flour and/or coconut flour. They are absolutely delicious. I have all of her cookbooks as well. Be sure to try her banana bread, sweetened with just bananas and only one tablespoon of honey for the sweetner and her chocolate chip cookies. You might also like . We use her almond flour stuffing casserole all the time, sometimes even as a main dish. It tastes just like real stuffing and is so easy to make.
    Have a blessed day. Cookie

    1. You go girl - you are really prepared! That is wonderful. Congrats of the 2nd garden phase. Hope the weather holds out, so as to get produce again!!! My peppers are starting round 2 and I have lots of tomatoes still. Not a lot else.
      Good tips to the other gals. Thanks.

    2. Cookie, I'm a short 1X so shop the same way you do. Wait for clearances and free shipping. You could also try department store websites like Belk (dot com), Penney's or Kohls for a good selection of x-small in clearance; those stores let you stack coupons with clearance.

      I love the idea of a Thanksgiving turkey raised by a friend. How wonderful! And I love the idea of homemade cards, too. Might have to get back into doing that. --Elise

    3. Thanks for the shopping tips, ladies. Lots of good ideas.

    4. Thanks for the info, Elise. I love making cards and doing all sorts of paper crafts. This year for some gifts I've made folios tied with a ribbon with handmade note pads and and notecards inside, little boxes that are decorated and hold varieties of tea, and all sorts of other things, all made from cardstock. If you've never watched it check out Posh Paper Lady on Youtube. She's amazing. She has thousands of videos on box construction, hacks using items from the Dollar Store, bag making. Just unbelievablely beautiful things with no die cutting machine needed. If I could figure out how to upload photos of my pictures on my android tablet I would post them there but so far it's a mystery to me. I'm very technically challenged . Cookie

    5. I will check out Posh Paper Lady for sure, Cookie. When I was doing a lot of photography, I made photo note cards, which then led to stamped note cards, then... you get the idea.
      ;-) --Elise

  14. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too, Cheryl. I’m loving this cooler weather.

  15. You have a wonderful weekend.... Now that we are home things will get done that need doing in preparation for the colder, snowy weather we will be having.

    I will be planning holiday baking, menus, and gifts. Warmer clothing will be put out and the summer clothing put away. It is time to start nesting.

    God bless.

    1. Glad you are home and safe. The time is near to get those things all taken care of! Yes - 'nesting'

  16. Hope your weekend has been good so far. I've been canning the last of the garden green beans. I had a couple of cans explode when I lost my grip getting them out of the canner. What a mess. Just one small burn on my arm that I'm nursing and that's it. Oh but the ceilings the walls and floor .. Mustard greens are coming up nicely. I just realized I should be planting garlic. I'll get busy today with that. Next week Cheryl we are going to have another little summer. I love that -we need to get things buttoned up more for winter.

    1. Oh my goodness, what a mess that must have been. So glad you got no serious injury! Timme to get all those goodies canned and frozen. Enjoy your week of warmer weather. Life sure comes quickly - ugh - winter!

    2. Oh, dear, Vickie. I've done that before. In my case it was cranberry sauce; another time it was jam. Glad it was just a small burn. --Elise
