Sunday, September 10, 2023

Weekly Wrap-Up 9/10

 Hello and happy Sunday to all.  Here we are starting another week, and getting closer to fall.  Time is just flying by.  
We had a couple of good rains this week - which we needed.  The first one was a big old storm that came through just about at dusk on Tuesday - and boy did it blow and rain.  Didn't last real long - but it came with a punch.  Then on Thursday we had a soft rain off and on all day!
The temps have cooled some.  No longer are we in the 90's.

Some of the trees have leaves changing color and dropping - but most are still all green.  Some trees in my area always change early - depends on the species.
I have seen many white wooly worms - a good sign I am hoping!  I have been watching the younger squirrels play.  Oh, my I wish I had it recorded!!!  Hilarious!  There is one who plays all by itself, running, flipping and flopping, wrestling with sticks, pole dancing with the clothesline pole - just so fun to watch.
My pepper plants are getting lots of new green leaves and they have started blooming and producing new small bell peppers!!!  Tons of green tomatoes yet.  Cukes and zucchini look pretty darn done and haggard!  There cherry tomatoes are about ready to be pulled out.

This week:
  • As reported earlier, I have been delving into the storage/catch-all room!  Over stock pantry is all straightened and categorized by products now
  • Paper - my nemesis!!!!!!  Geesh.  I have so much paperwork and stuff to either burn or shred.  Way too much to shred here with my little shredder.  So I will either burn when the garden is done or wait for a shredding event close by.
  • Found pantry items I had forgotten about and also came across things amongst all the papers that I have either been looking for or had forgotten about!  I found a Siman and Garfunkel CD that Glen had made for me - another copy of the family CD - some childhood books I knew I had, pictures, and yep, you guessed it - more money!  This one was me!!!!!  I remember going somewhere, and taking out my 'gifted' funds from my purse (to not lose!) - and it got stuck in with receipts.  GO THROUGH things - it could have easily been thrown away!!!!!
             The 'special items' tin and the overfloweth mess that came with it!!!!!!!!!!  BEFORE
                               AFTER first purge!!!!!  Much of this will be given to others as well!
  • I received a gift in the mail this week - a total and wonderful surprise.  Thank you Frances!!!!
  • I harvested a zucchini, a cuke and many tomatoes and grapes (grapes frozen until I make jelly)
  • Neighbor brought me 2 more zucchini brownies - yum!
  • I have been refilling lots of jars of stock, spices, etc. from my stock
  • Lots of laundry and used dehumidifier water
  • Doing all the regular stuff - cooking from home, cleaning, purging, using what I have, etc.
  • Windows open and airing the house!!!!  Shouldn't need AC at all this week.
Meals this past week:
Mac n cheese topped with bacon and cherry toms, corn and cukes
Mac N cheese, baked beans and salad
Cheeseburger and leftover beans
French bread pizza 2X - and fruit
Chicken strips, corn and sliced toms

So mainly for me has been cleaning and purging.  Oh my, some much stuff and that is just one room and haven't even done the file cabinet and one book shelf!!!!!
What have you been up to this week?  Are you getting ready for fall?  Harvesting still?  Finding any deals?
Give us a shout out.  Love hearing what everyone is up too - I think it often motivates us all to do other things!!

I hope this finds each of you well and safe and on the road to recovery for those that have been under the weather.  I pray you each have a wonderful week and lots of wonderful days ahead - full of beauty and fun!
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Fret not yourself because of evildoers, and be not envious of the wicked; for the evil man has no future; and the lamp of the wicked will be put out.
Proverbs 24:19-20

Dear Lord, help us to take care of ourselves, our families and our homes, and not worry about what the evil people are doing.  Let us not worry about the fate of our future, because we know we will be with You in the end.  Please guide those doing things for all the wrong reasons and those just doing evil things to a righteous path.  Thank You for Your protection and love.  AMEN


  1. Good morning Cheryl! Congratulations on your purging and cleaning. Today I am packing up my closet for the house renovation…into three or four piles I think…stuff I need for the next few months of renovation, keep longer term, toss and giveaway. We shall see how much extra stuff I still have (I did a huge purge when I moved in May). Oh, I cooked a meal and had friends over the first first time since my DH passed last December. It was a lovely meal and I really enjoyed a home cooked meal…so maybe, my desire to cook is returning!. Wish me luck packing the closet. ;). Have a good week, Hilogene in Az

    1. You're still in my thoughts/prayers, Hilogene. I'm glad you had a nice home cooked dinner with friends. Wishing you luck packing the closet. I think no matter how much we purge, we always seem to be able to find more that can go, don't you?

    2. Good luck packing and purging - gosh so soon after doing it the first time. Hoping this is the last time for you. It will be worth all it with all new changes coming up.
      How wonderful that you made a meal for friends!!! That is huge!!!! You are making great strides my friend. Just keeping taking those baby steps!!!!!!
      Have a lovely week.

    3. Thinking of you, Hilogene. Having friends who are your support system is very healing. And cooking for them is good therapy, too. Like Cheryl, I've been through it, too. Sending you a virtual hug!

  2. Good morning! And what a beautiful September Sunday morning it is here. As I type, Blue and Poppy are chasing each other all over the house. Who gave them each a Red Bull? LOL! As you can guess, what a difference a week has made; it was a rough week, but I got through and am doing so much better. I'm getting around better on the knee scooter, too. Hint: be patient, go slow. Could be a motto.

    So glad to hear your garden is still producing, Cheryl. As always, your meals sound delicious! Happy to report Hubs has done amazingly well with cooking this week. We've had simple, tasty, healthy meals: spaghetti with meat sauce, leftover beef burgers w/mashed potatoes and corn, taco salad, chicken salad, and (last night) ravioli with marinara sauce. Snacks of crackers with PB or cheese and fresh fruit. Today, when son comes over, they'll make a beef pot roast w/carrots and canned biscuits. It doesn't have to be fancy to be GOOD.

    Wild sunflowers are in bloom everywhere in our area, I've seen some flocks of birds flying away in formation, and we've heard the first few calls of male elk as rutting season begins. Fall has arrived here. I'd love to see those baby squirrels, Cheryl. It sounds so darned cute!

    Thank you for the verse and prayer. Amen! --Elise

    1. Glad you have had a better week Elise. Love the sound of Blue and Poppy chasing each other around the house. We previously had two Springer Spaniels, Biscuit and Declan who used to do the same. Freddie is a laid back dog, the owner of doggy day care where he goes one day a week has commented, he's not a morning dog several times!!!

    2. So happy to hear that you are doing much better. Yes mam, slow and patient and steady is a great motto for all things in life! Sounds like yummy meals were provided all week. You are right - doesn't have to be fancy to be good. I do nothing fancy - but I do enjoy my meals!
      I have some sunflowers coming up in front from the feeder. They are sure stocky and getting bigger by the day. I love that nature has a plan!
      The pups have sure made friends. I love that.
      Have a wonderful week.

    3. Good motto for many things! "Be patient, go slow".

    4. Thank you! Heather, Blue and Poppy are both heelers--Blue looks to be purebred Queensland Heeler, and Poppy is a Texas heeler. High energy dogs! Which is why it's so good they have each other to play with. And once the property is fenced, they'll have an acre to run on. Love the names of your dogs, btw.

      Yes, Cheryl and Donna, absolutely! I've been through so many medical things in my life, including DCIS in 1999, that I underestimated how rough the 1st week post-op would be at my age now. I'm learning it's okay to be human after all (grin) and far better to pace myself. Not just medically, but in general terms. Pushing myself hard for years led to the need for this surgery. --Elise

  3. The first full week of September is in the books with .7in of rain & dark settling in by 9PM. There was a heavy frost Monday night; thankfully, I had covered the tomatoes. Three projects accomplished: clean car interior; dug out small poplars creeping in & mowed; went through a box of Partylite decor with more than half of it to go in the next rummage sale I come across. I'm not opposed to regifting & there were a number of votive holders that will make good Christmas gifts for the health care staff at the assisted living residence where my mom lives. There was a playdate with the neighbor little; always fun. In the kitchen: borscht & tomato soup (some in the freezer); Swedish mashed potatoes for the freezer; banana loaf; tzatziki; baked beans (shared with friends) with bbq smokies. Today we're off to watch pony chuck/chariot races & Indian relay races. Fun with friends.

    1. Frost - already? Yuck. It is getting dark much earlier here - about 8:15PM.
      Glad you accomplished some goals. I think if we just keep plugging away at it each day - we can make great headway!
      Good idea on regifting. Partylite had a lot of pretty items. My niece used to sell it.
      Your meals sound good.
      Have a super fun day with friends!!!!!
      Have a great week.

  4. Good Sunday Morning! Sounds like you had a very nice week. Good for you on the purging. No matter how many times I do it, I still find things I'm ready to get rid of. Not a bad thing, I guess. I've been stocking up for the winter here. I don't like going out much in late fall/winter. I love Rod Stewart. You will enjoy that CD. Wishing you a wonderful week.

    1. Lori, I'm like you. We had a major purge last year and I know another is coming when we tackle the last unmarked boxes in the barn shed. My theory is it must multiply while we're sleeping or something. I keep finding things I didn't know I still had!! --Elise

    2. Purging has become my new middle name I do believe! There is always more - and we often change our minds a lot as we get older. I love him too - the gals were talking about how soothing this particular trac was - and it is!!
      You have a great one!

    3. Elise I think it does multiply, especially papers.

    4. Lori, I don't like going out much in the winter, either. It's not as bad during the day, but I really don't like being out after dark, not only in the winter, but any time of the year. Yes, Elise, things do multiply while we're asleep. No matter how many times I purge, I keep finding more! The funny thing is that I have a bunch of boxes with stuff in my guest bedroom/office that was supposed to be in a garage sale weeks ago at my daughter's house, but it was just too hot, in the upper 90's, to do a sale. Now I'm not sure when we're going to do it. This week isn't looking good for me, and next week hubby and I will be getting ready and going on a bus trip. I guess the good thing is that we have found more to put in those boxes. Really, if I tried just a little harder, I could probably fill another box or two. Why do I hang onto this stuff?

    5. WANITA that is the big question!! Why do we do it? I do not like going out after dark at all. Not only do I have night blindness when driving - it just isn't safe today.
      Hoping you get to have that sale soon - if not you are ready for spring!!!!
      Have a good week.

  5. The weather has been hot here, not quite in the 90s but us Brits are not used to temperatures approaching that and most properties have no AC. Last night we had a lot of rain which cooled temperatures down.
    Well done with sorting out lots of paperwork and finding some more $$. I have never heard of a shredding event. Nice to find some treasured and what a lovely gift, I like Rod Stewart too.
    My husband had a melanoma cut off his arm which proved to be cancerous so had to have a deeper cut in the next couple of weeks to make sure they have taken it all. Then on Tuesday he has to go to the city and have eye surgery. He can catch the bus there and as it's day surgery and As our eldest granddaughter has the day off work, she can drive and collect him as I have physio at another hospital that day. Poor man will be climbing the walls on light duties and no driving for a few weeks.
    I have picked a couple of aubergine this week and the first decent sized pepper. We have been eating a lot of salad or veggie based dishes this week. One day we had burgers on top of cheese and tomatoes on toast as I had no rolls, it was pretty tasty.
    We are breakfast our with my sister and brother in law this morning, it was good to have a catch up. As we left the dog at home, we have just taken the local woods and walked round a trail in the shade, he is now crashed. We say lots of butterflies on our walk and some bees still busy on the autumn flowers.
    Tomorrow I am going to blitz the bathroom. We have been doing lots of outside jobs recently, so some house springs called for this week.

    1. Will be praying for your husband, Heather. Men have a tougher time (it seems) being limited in activity.

      What are your favorite recipes for aubergine (eggplant for us in the U.S.)? I'm thinking they'd be great in a tomato sauce to add bulk in place of meat. --Elise

    2. Heather - I guess the weather feels differently depending on your location. We get so used to something that when it changes it throws up for a loop.
      I hope your hubs does well with the eye surgery and hoping the can get all the bad cells from his arm.
      I go on binges of eating mainly veggies too.
      Yes, sometimes there are 'events' for shredding - the city hall or park may have a shredding truck come and do all the shredding on site. I usually costs nothing - just a nice public service.
      Have a great week.

    3. Thanks both of you. I like eggplant in moussaka or as you said any tomato and meat recipe. I also like Aubergine Parmigiana. There is a recipe for braised aubergine and butterbean curry that sounds good, but perhaps that is more of a winter dish. Hope you both have a good week.

  6. Excellent devotional! The Farmer and I were talking this morning about the wrath that will descend on the evil ones.

    Who know what is hidden away. Found money is always fun.

    Still harvesting and the Farmer will plant radishes and possibly some lettuce today. The okra is still blooming and he will let some of the pods go to seed so he will have seeds for next year. It is a purple variety and very good. We have a sunflower that is at least 18 feet high. It is at least double the height of the fence. Some peppers are done for and several are still going. I noticed some strawberries ripening. Soon it will be time to clean up the gardens and put away netting, posts and containers. Probably should do a bit at a time so it won't be overwhelming later.

    Love having the a/c off and windows open. The dogs will get a bath and mani/pedi and fresh bedding.

    Enjoy this beautiful late summer day!

    1. All I know Donna is that I wouldn't want to be some of those people!!!
      I just watched a video yesterday on taking the seed from dried okra pods. It was amazing how many seeds were in one pod! I bet the sunflower is something to see.
      Yes, cleaning up the garden is not far away. It is always sad for me.
      Have a wonderful week!

  7. Getting rid of old papers and such is an ongoing process. So good that you are working on that! I love reading about how others are decluttering and organizing. How neat that you found money in the midst of old papers !

    1. You are right, and I need to quit putting things like that off and do them regularly - sure wouldn't be the mess I have now!
      It feels good though.
      I like hearing what others are doing too. It gives others incentive!
      Have a lovely week.

  8. Always nice to find cash! I don't use it often, but I can remember sticking my hand into the pocket of a winter coat and finding $20 more than once.
    It reached 5C (41F) overnight and though the forecast doesn't indicate frost, I suspect we'll see it soon. I'm leaving out most of my annuals out for now. But I'll have to repot the ivies soon to bring them indoors for the winter.
    Your garden produce sounds so good. I used the last of the tomatoes and a pepper to make a half-pint of sweet chili sauce. I'm looking forward to enjoying it soon.
    Enjoy your lovely weather - I'll take some of that rain!

    1. I am a big cash user! I have NEVER had/used a debit card! Only use a charge card now and then and pay it off each month. I prefer cash - just old fashioned I guess.
      I think we have some 50's coming at nights this week. I hate to think about frost!
      That sauce will be wonderful!
      Thanks - you have a great week!

    2. They took away my debit card when I never used it and I've not missed it one bit.
      Unfortunately I cut the top off my remaining yellow squash plant by accident, so that was the end of that; I pulled it out. Every time I go to pull up the beans, I find another serving on them, so I'm waiting! We had some good rain (1 1/2 inches) and the weeds are growing like crazy.
      Busy weekend singing, all day on Saturday, and half day Sunday. My voice is shot! But it feels so good to sing all the old hymns. "Farther along we'll know all about it! Farther along we'll understand why!" :)
      Not long ago I found an envelope of Stimulus Money from the government! Big surprise! :) I put it right back where I found it because I want to have another such surprise maybe in the spring. :D
      Glad to read that you're doing better, Elise.

    3. MARY - I may have got issued a debit card years ago - but never activated it.
      Bummer on the squash plant. How nice to still be getting beans! Yes, weeds grow like gangbusters here too.
      How lovely to have the 'singing'. I bet you enjoyed yourself.
      It is nice to find those kind of surprises! I keep that 'gifted' money usually in a hidden spot in my wallet - I guess I was just worried about taking it someplace. That is a neat way to get a surprise each spring!!!!!!
      Have a wonderful week.

    4. Mary, the bank stopped sending me one, too!! When I did have one, I forgot the pin number most of the time. It's been at least 15 yrs. or more. And I just got my first smart phone this summer. My voice mail says, 'Dont bother leaving a message. I won't check them. ". Good thing, because I already forgot my password lol. I'm not a fan of modern gadgets. I find most of them to be a bigger pain than a benefit.

  9. It's good to go through things isn't it? I remember my step daddy had given our girls a candy sucker still in the wrapper years ago, it was lime green, the round kind, the old fashioned kind the bank would give kids but this one was slightly bigger, it had a cellophane Mickey Mouse wrapper on it. I never could throw it away. I wonder if our girls finally did?

    It's been busy, we were watching of the grands for two nights, he's a sweet little fella but only four, he's in pull ups but does not like going potty much in the genuine bathroom. lol He's got quite the personality!

    Red grapes were 85 cents a pound at Aldi.

    Good scripture and prayer, Cheryl. If you read Psalms 37 it tells what happens to those evil doers too. My husband always reminds that the judgement is for those evil ones. There is a verse too that we can pray for a way of escape. There's another scripture that says to be watchful that that day will not come upon you unexpectedly. I know how you feel though Cheryl, sometimes we can feel it in our bones, I can emphathize, I'm very intuitive on things, kind of like a Holy Spirit radar, I may not know specifics but know to pray. I do know God has answered prayers, there are things that people didn't think would change that the Lord changed in our country. We must pray and be like the wise virgins in the Bible as I know you are doing.

    I'm listening to sweet old fashioned music with a beautiful autumn background illustration on television on Nemo's Dreamscapes on youtube in the background. Will make scrambled eggs with leftover veggies mixed in, grits and toast for supper.

    Have a sweet Sunday, glad you got through those papers, that is one of the worst kind of clutter I do believe. Good job!

    I apreciate you! ~Amelia

    1. Still so many papers to go through - it seems never ending. Will be glad when it is done.
      How fun you had the little one stay over. Potty training can be a job for sure. They can get so stubborn - then they decide to go and just do it.
      Sounds like a nice way to spend an evening soft pretty music. Your dinner sounds good.
      Have a wonderful week.

  10. Oh, on the green candy sucker, it was because we had just lost my step dad, Al very suddenly and it was very painful for us all.

    1. It is amazing the things we keep and the reasoning for it. I totally understand.

  11. Oh, I would love to see the squirrels playing like that. How neat! That is so cool that you found money again, I love it. My Mom did the same thing once. I can’t remember how much it was, but it was in the hundreds that she found in a drawer she had put in there and forgotten about. I hope you have another great week, Cheryl. I’m loving this cooler weather.

    1. Funny, we put it somewhere to be safe - well it is from us! Amazing how I can forget where I put things to be safe!!!!
      The squirrels are just a hoot to watch. That one is so cute and plays and plays.
      Love the weather too. Sure beats the heat and humidity.
      Have a great week.

  12. Hi Cheryl! You are so right about being inspired when we read what others are cleaning, purging, etc. I love knowing how others do things, what methods they use and I'm always looking for new ways to do old things :)
    I love reading your posts. They always inspire me :)

    1. Thanks Debbie. I know I get new ideas from all the gals here. Sometimes we get so used to our old ways - we forget we can learn!
      Have a fantastic week.

  13. Hiya Cheryl, I’m not lost. I follow all your blog entries. The thing is I am in Spain and have my iPad with me and of course I can now message you.
    Here is what I have been doing. In July I went to Lourdes France by myself and I met a lovely women. She was “sent” to me I believe. I met her at check in in Belfast and I had company the whole 5days. In August I went to Scotland to visit my son and daughter in law and now I am in Spain for 10days. I have been working hard in the garden over the summer as I have a bad back so I’ve been doing things to make it easier for me in years to come.
    You are a great inspirational to me and I love your blog
    Sylvia xx

    1. Hello Sylvia - Oh my goodness - what a summer you have had! How absolutely lovely! That is just fantastic to do all that traveling - and how wonderful to find a new friend to spend time with when all alone!
      It just sounds fantastic. Enjoy your trip in Spain. Safe travels and good health.
      Have a totally enjoyable week!
