Thursday, February 15, 2024

Kitchen Tips!

 Good morning to all.  Hope this finds you well and hope you enjoyed your yesterday!
Just a couple meme's on some kitchen tips.  Always nice to have these useful ideas on hand.

It is always nice to have a new tip, recipe or ways to do things.  These are not the only ways - but a good sampling.  Hope you find something you can use.

Those of us alone, often don't want to make full recipes.  You can cut down any recipe for a smaller batch. (click on pic to enlarge).
I cut back a cookie recipe last week and made a small batch.  You can reduce just about any type of recipe.

Homemade dressing is so easy and tasty.  No chemicals or preservatives - just your ingredients.  You can adjust and select the ingredients you use.  These are basic ideas - but always remember that nothing is written in stone.  Adjust the herbs and flavors to your taste.
I have done oils and vinegar with seasonings for years.  Just so flavorful.

I have done every one of these at some point.  
I think the pasta trick is just super helpful.  I can almost bet every single one of us has over cooked pasta.  Just a bit of oil (regular or flavored) and fry the pasta up.  Gives it back some texture.  No need to waste - when there is a fix available!
These fixes are just using what you have at home and can remedy a bad situation!

So there you go.  Waste not!  Have fun with your cooking and your food.  

Have a lovely day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kitchen tips are always good. You just never can tell when you'll need one of them. I've taped some to the inside of kitchen cabinet doors where I can always find them quickly. :)

    1. LOL - I do that too. Dressing recipes and mixes (use of), etc. Inside the cabinet doors is just dead space - so might as well use it.

  3. When my kids were still at home one of their favorite leftovers we called 2nd day pasta. I'd fry the spaghetti that was already mixed with the sauce from the night before in some olive oil. It made some of it a little crunchy. They loved it! It tasted some much better than just warmed over pasta. Once they asked for it and there was no leftover pasta. So I made spaghetti, mixed in the sauce dumped it in the skillet and then fried it up. Lol. But honestly I think the 2nd day it's better!

    I'm printing out these tips. The 1/3 of a recipe will be especially helpful.

    I've halved a recipe more than once only to realize halfway through the recipe I'd added in the full amount of one or more of the ingredients! Usually when I've been baking. So I end up making the whole recipe and freezing part.

    I like the website "dessert for two". She has recipes for small batches. Everything I've made has turned out good. My grandson wanted to make cookies for his parents and I didn't want to be in the kitchen all afternoon so we used a recipe that made 12 cookies. I used her chocolate chip cookie recipe to make 6 cookies once.

    1. I love fried pasta. I am a fan of baked spaghetti as well. Always used leftovers with an egg and extra cheese and baked it. G like it that was best - said it was less messy!
      Glad you found something you could use.
      Thanks for the site!

  4. Thanks for those pasta salad recipes! They look great!

  5. Saved your tips on cutting recipes down. Joanie at One Dish Kitchen has some fabulous recipes already portioned out for one or two. I looked up Dessert for Two and she has some recipes for two also. I'm so used to making too much food like I'm still cooking for a family. The family is just the Farmer and me these days.

    Warmish day with a few sprinkles. Going to go out to salt down an area where we don't want anything to grow. Enjoy your day! See you Sunday!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have to check out that site myself. I just usually cook like I always did, and freeze future meals. Some things I cut down.
      Yes, had a bit of rain - but it didn't last long.

  6. I have a chocolate chip cookie recipe for 1 cookie. when I found it, I thought it was a waste of time and energy. But that recipe saves a lot of resources. I saved the how to half a recipe and it will come in handy.

    1. I have received a gift of a 'pan' cookie before. Just a large cookie you bake in a tiny iron skillet. Fun. I have made mug cakes in the microwave before.

    2. Amelia, go to 25 of the Best Easiest Christmas Candy Recipes and the truffle recipe is there. That's the recipe I use as I always seem to have the ingredients needed on hand. Cookie

  7. Thank you Cheryl, I like the idea of fried spaghetti and the baked sounds very good. My Americani great aunts married to Italian great uncles would make spaghetti baked in a bundt pan, sometimes savory with black pepper and Italian cheese and sometimes like a bread pudding type of thing. (no pasta gravy of course in either of those).

    Cheryl, don't mean to be a bug but can you clarify what you mean by folks turning the blog into a forum? Are you talking about the not so nice person or just in general? I don't want to go over boundaries here in any way, although I must say the interaction has a been a huge blessing. I have interaction at home of course, but it's nice to have girlfriends who are going through or have gone through some of the same thing difficulties or even blessings and can pray. Just asking, I won't know if I don't ask. Our old pastor once said, we taught Sunday school at a round table, and he said he found that if he corrects the class for over-sharing, usually the nice people think the teacher is talking about them and become more quiet and the ones who do a bit much of talking just keep talking! lol

    Have a good one, ~Amelia

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do use sauce in my baked spaghetti - never thought about making it without for a meal.

      I love the comradery here as well - prayers and joys and sorrows are always better when shared. Lots of people here do care about each other. That makes me so happy. I miss people when they aren't here for a while.

      Many of the ladies here have their own blogs and share a lot on them. I love giving them a platform to share their blogs. I visit them and they visit here. We have a great give and take. I just have had some that seem to want to make this their personal blog. (IMO)
      There are many creative minds and personal life (past) stories - and some of that could be shared on personal blogs.
      I have truly missed you writing on your blog. You are such an eloquent writer, and you just paint a picture with words. Everyone here likes the stories and holds you as a friend, but I bet many of your regulars on your blog miss you. Actually, I had a friend (who reads here) ask me yesterday why you haven't posted on your blog lately. I figured it has just been busy life!
      Others have so much info (good) in their heads - that they need to share in 'their' style on something more personal.
      I have my own style and way of 'teaching' and often it seems like it is disregarded/overshadowed with things that I am not trying to promote many times.
      My ways are the older ways, frugal ways, and simple ways - and I shouldn't have to explain them to others.
      Not trying to offend anyone - and I hope I didn't muddy the waters. I am just over the feeling of butting heads with some people, simple as that.
      Thanks for asking, I appreciate your caring.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    4. Cheryl, I'm glad you like my blog, I appreciate your encouragement on that. Point taken.

      The reason why I have not posted on my blog is because I am not in any condition to do that with my mother and all that is going on, and the pain that is going along with that. I'm sorry to have over-shared here. I saw this as a place to share with sisters in the Lord, perhaps some online friends, ladies who are close to my age and understand. I have no siblings, no sister in laws, nothing of the sort. I do have a precious husband who thinks all blogs should be a forum when I asked him about this this morning, and he does provide a listening ear, our daughters do as well but they are younger and have even valued your opinion in the past when it came to Christmas dinner etc.

      My mother is being difficult not that I want to share anymore about that. It has been a nightmare even today and certainly, I have stopped sharing because I know people may be tiring of hearing about it. And on my end, I have tried to lend mercy and grace and even advice to others, certainly never intended on taking over another's blog. I never intended any harm at all. I just have a lot on my plate, it's quite full to the point of things falling off and I saw this as a place of fellowship not just homemaking tips, it brought joy since I'm not plugged into a church at this time.

      What a Friend we have in Jesus. ~Amelia

    5. Correction: I do have one sil but she is on a completely different wave length.

    6. Glad it's not Amelia you were referring to. She's a very sweet lady. Lent is a good time to focus on good. I believe the intended got the message and will honor it.

    7. You asked if you were oversharing...yes you are. You have a blog of your own you are able to share your personal issues on that. I think this blog is more for shorter comments on particular topics, saving money one of them. I just skip over yours because they are so long or don't relate to the topic being presented.

  8. Cheryl, thanks for the tips. I do what you do and that is cook the full recipe so that there are extra meals for the freezer. For us that comes in so handy when the day is really, really busy. Cookie

    1. Those extra meals sure do help on a busy day. It nice knowing the lager is always full!

  9. Cheryl, Thank you for the tips. I printed them out.

  10. I love tips, especially the pasta one. I have used some of the others over the years, but it sure is nice to be able to print them out.

    God bless.

    1. The pasta is really good that way. Glad you enjoyed them.

  11. Thanks for the hot tips!!! I love anything that makes my life easier. I have printed out the salad dressing one and added to my recipe box.

  12. Great tips, pasta salad dressings sound good. Inside cabinet doors is also my place for conversions and temperatures for meats. It should be simple enough to remember what beef, pork and poultry should be cooked to but it's also simple to open a cabinet door and check.
    I don't like to have comments screened by bloggers so I appreciate your system Cheryl. Often people sharing their point of view are called trolls and perhaps there are trolls but there are also differing points of view. Having a blog implies inviting participation. If the reader has views so opposite to the blogger, they need to butt out in my opinion.
    If we are just sharing information, there is no reason for conflict. If we are sharing opinions, look out!!
    Have an awesome day; it's spring somewhere.

    1. Thanks. The inside of my cabinet doors have lots of info on them! It is out of sight and wasted real estate!!
      I do not want to regulate comments - have thought about it. I agree with opposite ideals. Sometimes others know how extreme their views are - not everything needs to be verbalized. I love the ideas and thoughts people share 99% of the time! Info is good - but yep on opinions! LOL
      It was spring here for a few days - expecting snow today! UGH!
