Sunday, February 18, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 2/18

 Good Sunday morning to all.  I hope this finds you well and safe.  I woke to another very cold morning here - it is in the teens.  We went from a warm (open doors) kind of weather to cold and snow in a matter of a couple days.  We got our biggest snowfall of the entire winter on Friday!  At my house I got about 4"-5" of snow.  It is pretty!  Yesterday despite being very cold - my drive pretty much melted with all the sun we had.  I made a few swaths across it with the shovel and it heated nicely and melted.
It is supposed to warm this week again, so just a roller coaster of weather.  SOON warm will be here to stay!
I saw my first red winged black bird of the season last Sunday and it has made an appearance every day since.  The chickens are back!!  Yep, they showed up again, and back to wondering.  They did stay home once the snow came - but I am sure they will be roaming again soon.

Isn't this pretty?  It is a Valentine that Cookie made for me.  I love the depth/dimension of the card and it looks so old fashioned. Thank you again!

This week has been emotionally frustrating.  I have learned a keen lesson, that you can't please all the people all the time.  It was just frustrating, as I was asked to be precise with an answer and I tried to answer as delicately and honestly as possible - and it still upset people.  Maybe to the point of leaving.  Worry does not suit me well - it only frustrates me.  So, I choose to concentrate on my many blessings I had this week.  God has a way of showing us things and turning things around - so I intend to move onward and upward with head up and shoulders back. 

My week:
  • Lots of laundry including ALL the bedding.  Used dehumidifier water in the laundry.  Changed out bed linens completely - nice to have a change of scenery!
  • Had lunch with many of my old friends from high school.  That is always fun. Even met a couple new people.
  • Went out and picked-up trash that has blown all over the place.  It has been windy, and people do not secure their trash properly - so I picked up from all around my area. Nice exercise too!
  • Got to air the house a bit this week
  • Scoured all the watering holes outside - the birds and stray cats sure do appreciate the water, especially in this cold
  • Ran out and got 2 cards and gift bag at dollar tree.  They still have some cards 2/$1, but many are now 1.25 ea.  Still cheaper than elsewhere.
  • Ran into Kroger to get strawberries on sale.  1 lb. for 1.88 and they were beauties!  Huge, red and sweet!  I found 6 bagels on clearance for .99 and 2 huge Portobella mushrooms on clearance for 2.39.  That was it.
These were just so pretty and tasty

  • I put the spring door decorations out on both doors - then 2 days later it snows!!!  LOL
  • Changed out a couple missed/forgotten batteries.  I usually change out at first of year - missed one smoke alarm (it let me know), the thermostat started flashing - so changed that one, and my bedside clock started running slow.  Had all the batteries on hand.
  • I received a letter this week and I wrote a letter in return.  We just don't do as much snail mail as we should.
  • I went to a bridal shower/brunch for a soon to be new niece!  It was a lovely family get together.
  • Just doing all the normal stuff we all do - cooking, using leftovers, and cleaning
Meals for this past week:
Stir fry leftovers and slaw
Dbl. cheeseburger and oven fries
Out to lunch - McAllister's - had a club wrap - boy was it tasty!
Made a charcuterie board for one - fun and good
Sliced beef sandwich and fresh veggies (beef from freezer)
Brunch at family's house - 3 different quiches, potato casserole and lots of fruit and goodies
Red beans and rice with little smokies

                               Charcuterie for my meal - meals can be fun, easy and tasty too!

How was your week?  Did you get snow and cold again?  Any good deals?  
I hope you are all had a good week.  Please check in and let us know how you are doing.  Linda at Practical Parsimony - hope you are OK.  Haven't seen you post any replies or new things since Wed.
I look forward to seeing what everyone is up to.

Have a lovely and safe and healthy week.  Prayers and thoughts to all who are undergoing personal problems in their lives and health issues.
Sending blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.
Love you guys!

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

Lord, help us keep our hearts full of understanding and compassion and love.  Help us each grow and not get weary of doing good. We all have our best intentions questioned at times, and we often grow weary - help us all stay strong.  We know we are never alone, as You are with us.  Thank you and the harvest we reap will be the reward we receive for being faithfully Yours.  To Your glory, Amen.



  1. What a lovely card, Cookie is one clever gal. Those strawberries are mouthwatering, such a deep colour.
    After a few weeks of slim pickings on the bargain front, this week I’ve had a loads, enough to restock my depleted freezer.
    This week we picked up the keys to our new property purchase in a town about two hours away from our home. We spent four nights there sorting out the legals, and it was lovely to have some nights away, a great break. And I accidentally discovered that a girl my eldest daughter went to school with has opened a real old fashioned diner in this town. So that’s my coffee needs sorted when I’m there.
    You are in my thoughts Cheryl, I hope you find peace and calm this coming week. Be true to the path God has put you on. Take care, Louise.

    1. Yes, Cookie is one clever and artsy lady. The strawberries are just delightful.
      Yay, on getting the keys. That has to be exciting. So happy you got all stocked up and found some good deals. That is always a great thing. When will you be moving?
      That will be nice to have a place to visit where you already know someone. What about Linda? What does she think?

      Thank you.
      Have a wonderful week ahead.

    2. This new property is an old leather tanning factory built in 1900, my partner has BIG plans for it. It has been empty for 25 years, so you can imagine the condition. It’s a real long term project, so no moving for me.
      I have had to be quite stern with Linda this week and tell her that at her age she has no business being up a three step ladder.

    3. How cool. I always thought it would be cool to find an old building and turn it into a home. Glad you don't have to worry about moving. You will have to advise us along the way of reno.
      Please tell Linda I said to be careful - ladders are scary!

  2. Indeed it is true we cannot please everyone.

    Please know that many of us are *very* pleased with you and this site. :) I love coming here and seeing what you have to say, reading the responses from others, feeling connected and sympathetic, learning new ways of dealing with issues that come upon us as we get older. Some of these ladies show amazing strength and courage, I'm not sure I'd be up to their level.

    That's a lovely card Cookie made for you! :)


    1. Thank you Mary. I love having you here. Yes, there is a lot going on with many - life sure can deal some unpleasant hands to folks. We have to use each of them for growing in some new way.
      Wishing you a fantastic week.

  3. Although the weather is springlike, I won't decorate for spring for a few weeks. There's a star with lights hung on the front deck that has stayed on continuously since Christmas. Probably time to take that down with the extended daylight hours. The sun comes over the horizon a whole hour sooner from its lowest point. It's been another full week with appointments & activities scheduled every day but Monday. I got to watch a granddaughter's ringuette game, followed by lunch with her & her dad awa my cousins; celebrated my SIL's BD awa my mom's 91st BD; play date with the neighbor little while her parents "valentined" each other; coffee catchups with a friend & a cousin; hosted brunch for 2 cousins. Nothing scheduled for today & I'm looking forward to a day at home. Home is where I rest & rejuvenate. In the kitchen: roast chicken & salad; chicken chili. Enjoy the coming week, Cheryl.

    1. We had springlike too - so just decided to freshen up the doors (they were still Christmas wreaths). The longer sunlight is sure a joy - morning and evening.
      You are one of the busiest ladies I know. You are so very active and having fun things to do. Keeps you young!!!
      Glad you have a resting day. We all need to have a breather now and then. Thank you! Have a great week!

  4. Good Morning Cheryl! We got the same amount of snow and cold and it was beautiful. I'm sure the cats were looking outside and realizing they are so lucky to be in a nice warm home with you. Plus, you didn't have to go out in it.
    No, we can't please everyone and unfortunately sometimes we are reminded of that. You just keep being you and doing what you're doing because I think you're pretty awesome.
    Glad you had a fun week. Wishing the same for the coming one.

    1. Morning. It was cold out and snowy. Bitsy was looking out this morning and chattering - I sat and told him just how lucky he was to be in here!! It is just such a relief.
      I did go out and feed the squirrels and birds - but just so relieved to have my babies inside and safe.
      Thank you! I appreciate that - I plan on staying the path. You are too sweet.
      Thanks - this week should be fun too. Have a wonderful week.

  5. What a busy week you have had and that charcuterie plate looked very good.
    We had to travel on Tuesday and the roads were mostly bare and dry. Wednesday the snow came down and dropped about 10 inches; then the cold hit. minus 20 Celsius. I was so thankful to be safely back home and keeping the fires burning.
    So, the chickens are back! I am glad to hear that. I must admit that if there were free ranging chickens near my yard there would be chicken stew in the pot on Sunday!

    1. Thanks - it was tasty and just a simple dinner.
      Glad you made it home safely. That is a lot of snow and that is cold! Yikes.
      Yep, chickens are back. I kind wondered if that hadn't become their fate! The past couple days since snow - I haven't seen. Guess they aren't totally dumb - staying where they can probably find food for sure. SMH
      Have a great week! Stay warm and safe.

  6. Other than the frustration this week, it sounds like you had a good week, Cheryl.

    That was a lot of snow! I know the cold is still with us for a little bit. It is 22 degrees here this morning. I have my Muk Luks on and a jacket. I would have some gloves on, but can't type with those on. LOL

    It's so nice to get all the bedding washed and sleep in a freshly laundered bed.

    We also picked up trash in our yard this week that had blown into the yard from somewhere.

    Sounds like some really good deals at Kroger, those strawberries are beautiful!

    McAlister's has really good iced tea and I love their BLT on a croissant. I also like their potatoes and their potato salad is good too. Mom liked their grilled chicken sandwich on a croissant.

    I hope you have another good week this coming week and stay warm and safe.

    1. It really was a good week with lots of dun stuff. It is the most snow we have had all winter - kind of amazing. I wish people would contain their trash - but (sigh) they do not. Sounds like you got free exercise as well!
      Girl turn the heat a little - don't freeze yourself.
      I was amazed at the looks of the strawberries.
      That was my first McAllister visit and I was impressed. I may have the opportunity again to go back - will try something different.
      Have a blessed week.

  7. Ha! Maybe if you put out some nesting boxes the chickens will leave you some eggs! We talked to the card stocker at D Tree a few weeks ago and she said the 2/$1 cards are probably going away completely. We bought a bunch of cards that day but should probably go get more.

    1. Ha - I never thought of that! I wonder if any of the other neighbors have had that thought?
      Yes, I heard they were going bye-bye. I have a lot of cards here - just didn't have the 2 I bought. It is still going to be MUCH cheaper than other stores. I looked at a very plain and simple one at the grocery and it was almost $7. That aint happening with me!!!
      Good going stocking up.
      Have a great week.

  8. Good morning
    Even in sunny Florida I have my "Welcome Winter" flag up. I will change it to a spring one in March.

    Another way, besides Dollar Tree, for inexpensive cards is through Current. I like to stock up when they are on sale and free shipping. You can get 8-packs of sympathy or birthdays or any other occasion and they come out at like 30-40-50 cents each when they are on sale.

    Totally out of the blue, my young brother in law (70) was diagnosed with glioblastoma (aggressive brain cancer). He was fine till he wasn't. It has rocked the family for sure. Prognosis is not good.

    Today is a rainy-all-day scene and that is fine. We don't get those that often. I will catch up on my books and perhaps a movie with my husband.

    1. Well, it IS still winter - I just jumped the gun!
      Haven't heard of Current. I do have several boxes of mixed birthday and all occasion cards. Thanks for the info.
      I am so sorry for that horrible sounding diagnosis for your BIL.
      Prayers for healing and comfort.
      Enjoy your day of rain. Have a lovely week.

    2. Prayers for your BIL, that's one heck of a diagnosis. I *think* I know what *I* would do if it were me, but ... well, you never know 'til you get there. I hope his family is grown - no young kids - youngsters really need their daddy. In my life, at 70 I was beginning to get used to seeing serious/terminal illness in friends and family. Grim.

      I didn't realize Current was still in business! Back in the 1970s we used to get the neatest cards and notes and even recipe cards from them. Thanks for the suggestion - and for the memories. :)

  9. Love the Scripture from John! These day we definitely need peace to sooth our troubled hearts.

    Sorry about your issue with whomever took exception to your opinion. I'm sure you were delicate in your response. If folks can't handle someone else's opinion, then don't ask.

    The Farmer said we got 3.5 inches of snow. It is melting and with the warmer temps this week, it should be gone. I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine today.

    That is an egg-cellent idea to put out some nesting boxes with some scratch or seeds. Nothing like fresh eggs.

    The $1.25 cards at Dollar Tree are nice and still cheaper than anywhere else. I used to work in a Hallmark store and stuff was high back then in the mid 70's. I used to buy lots of stuff from Current.

    Enjoy this pretty day and give a snuggle to the bitty kitties.

    1. Yes, we all need peace in life - too much going on in the world.
      Sounds like you did better snow wise than me. It came down hard and fast here. It is melting with the sun today.
      I had never heard of Current until today! Amazing so many have. Yes $Tree is still cheaper than Hallmark - oh good golly they are expensive.
      It is sure sunny out there. Kitties and I just took a short nap together!
      Have a lovely week.

  10. Hi Cheryl. Sounds like the passage from John is apt for you this week. Sorry you have had an upset, it is difficult having to give an exact answer that does not please everyone.
    We very rarely get snow so I will say lucky you, although not really keen having to travel around in it.
    My husband shared his 'man flu' with me this week so I have been coughing like a chain smoker (I don't smoke) it seems to be doing the rounds here.
    What a beautiful card you received from Cookie, what a clever lady. We saw our youngest granddaughter for a few hours on Monday, she is 4 and a real sweetheart.
    Hope you are having a peaceful Sunday.

    1. Yes, it was apt. I would be happy to send you the snow if I could! It is pretty - I just stay home.
      So sorry you got sick too. Dang it. Those coughs are the worst. It makes everything hurt. I sure hope you get to feeling better quickly. Glad you got to visit with your little sweety this week.
      Have a great week.

  11. I still get a Current catalog and you can visit their online site, too. Just type in You can probably request a print catalog.

  12. Wow a blast from the past, Current catalog. When I was working there was always someone doing an order so it would get passed around to save on postage. I have been ordering from Colorful Images for some things.
    *We always seem to have eventful weeks here. I never really remember what we did though! It all runs together.
    *Hugs, Cheryl.

    1. Seems everyone knows about that place except me! I must have been under a rock all this time.
      I have need Colorful Images either. Thanks.
      Yes, weeks can be a blur. Only reason I remember is because I write things down each day!!!
      Thanks for the hugs friend. Have a blessed week!

  13. What a surprise I got when the valentine was one of your featured pictures. Thank you so very much for the compliments.
    That charcuterie plate for dinner looked delish and has inspired me to do something similar this week for dinner.
    Crazy weather here too culminating in what was purported to be 5 or more inches but in actuality we just got a little over an inch and most got melted as the day went on. I made gluten free pita bread from a new website I found and turned some into pita chips. I've been embroidering floursack towels in the evening and now have 4 completed. They will be part of gift baskets for next Christmas.
    Good on you for focusing you your blessings and staying true to yourself. A wise person once told me, "Worry is the interest one pays on a loan that they never applied for." You are a blessing to so many. Cookie

    1. Your card deserved center stage - it is just lovely.
      I tell you, that day nothing really hit the mark as what to fix for dinner - and I had all the stuff in the frig - so I thought why not! It was good, well rounded, easy and cheap (I had it all). I may do it again soon.
      The weather is off it's meds!!!!! LOL. It has been crazy for sure. I guess we are to expect it as it is only Feb.
      Your flower sack towels sound neat. Look at you getting all ready for Christmas!
      I love that quote - my goodness, how true is that.
      Thank you so much.
      Have a wonderful week.

  14. Being kind and compassionate, I think it's time to drop the subject of people disagreeing and feeling getting hurt.

    1. I do too! I agree with that. Thanks.
      Have a wonderful day!

  15. What a beautiful card! I know that brightened your day. I'm sorry for the troubles that answering honestly brought to you. I hope you are ok. Some people ask for the truth, but I don't think they *really* want it sometimes! It sounds like you tried to answer with integrity, so I hope you will at least find peace with that. It sure does sound super cold there! Yikes! That's so sweet of you to make sure the animals are watered. I know they appreciate it.

    1. It is just so pretty - it is very dimensional like the old fashioned cards.
      It has been cold for a couple days - but it will be 60 by Wed. - the cold weekend again. The pre-spring roller coaster. There is no other non-solid water around when it is so cold - poor things need it to keep warm.
      Have a great week.

  16. It was 13 degrees yesterday! Later this week it will be in the 50s. At least snow has been minimal. I'm guessing we may have an early spring or warmer spring/summer because the cardinals that nest outside my kitchen window are back a month early. They must know something! LOL.

    Grocery near me had super deals on seafood. Buy 2 get 2 or buy 3 get 3. There was even a buy 1 get 2 free! Crazy. I stocked an entire shelf in my stand alone freezer. I don't eat seafood so I have enough to make hubs a seafood dinner once a week until summer!! I don't normally buy seafood at the grocery because I don't usually see it in the areas I shop (bargain/clearance lol). But wow is it expensive if not on sale. My daughter was texting folks she thought might be interested in the sale. Turns out everyone she texted went to get the seafood too! hahahaha Then they all texted her bad to confirm their bargains. Lol

    Hope everyone has a good week.

    1. 13 is cold!!! Yikes. You have the same up and down weather as us. I have read, all indicators are saying early spring. That would be nice - if it sticks. I sure hate it when things leaf and flower and then boom we get a cold snap.
      What deals at the store. Sure nothing like that here. Maybe because of Lent - you think? What a great way to stock. That is wonderful to spread the news and others got the goodies too!
      Have a good week.

  17. (Little Penpen) what a beautiful card! Sorry you had to deal with poo poo people last week. Keep your chin up; you help so many of us with your inspiring posts.

    1. It is so beautiful! Thank you for saying I help. That makes me feel good.
      Have a wonderful week.

  18. Hi, not sure who first mentioned this but Linda at practical parsimony hasn’t posted in days, which is very unusual….hilogene in Az.

    1. I mentioned it. I have been worried about her too. She posted Wed. - but never posted comments or anything else. Both her and Tommy have so many medical issues. If you hear anything let me know.
      Have a good week.

  19. Sorry Elise has gone missing.


  20. What a gorgeous card. Your friend is very talented. It seems no matter how we phrase something, there are those that will take offense. Shake it off and carry on as you have been doing.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, Cookie is from here on the blog - she does great work.
      Hope you are doing good.
      Have a great week.
