Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Simple and Little Ways to Save in 2025

 Hello to all.  I sure hope you are all warm and snug.  I see many who do not usually (or ever) experience snowfall - got it!  Enjoy it for a few minutes.  Take time to play a little.
Both front and back thermometers said 1*F when I got up this AM - up to 4*!  I am really looking forward to the 20's!  LOL We should be above the freezing mark this weekend, thank goodness.  It has been a while.
What a glorious sunrise we had this morning.  The colors were bright and just beautiful.  The backyard was full of cardinals right about sunrise.  Blackie and Bitsy were both in the bedroom waiting on me to get up this morning.  Just sitting there staring up at me.  It is the little things, that make me smile.

I am going to list a few ideas that can help save a little this year.  Most of us probably do a lot of them, but we always have new folks here that are in need of ideas on how to stretch their money.  Little changes don't save a lot at any one point in time - but if you add them up, it can be nice.  May be a way to pay extra on a bill, or it may be a way to save in an emergency fund for perhaps car repairs, medical bills or household expenses.
  • IF you use credit cards - get cards that have % of charges in cash back.  That cash back can be used to help pay for things.  Pay off monthly if possible.  Interest can kill your bank account.
  • Look at your insurances - especially home and vehicle.  Maybe get new quotes to get a lower payment and also look into raising your deductibles.
  • Many of us still have landlines.  If you don't use it - get rid of it.  I want to keep mine, as people can easily find me if necessary.  Cell lines - I have a minimal fee and a simple phone - for emergencies only, basically.  No fancy phone here.  BUT if that is what you chose to have - check out getting bill lowered.
  • Take advantage of FREE movies, music and books.  It may be on the internet or it can simply be the library!!  
  • Reduce your energy usage.  Shut it off or turn it down.  Whether it is lights, heat or water - use less.  Look into getting on a 'budget' plan if your utility companies offer it.
  • Senior discounts and digital coupons.  You can save a lot.  Last year I saved $1700 on digital coupons just at one store.
  • Clearance and manager specials - always look and get what you can.  It can be a HUGE money saver
  • Find an outlet store close to you if at all possible.  Look at ethnic stores for many specialty items
  • SAVE something every month!!!!  Have it direct deposited if possible.  You truly need to save something (at least 10%) if at all possible.  Consider it untouchable!
  • Cooking at home vs. eating out, using up what you have, mending instead of replacing, learning new things like gardening or crafting
  • Check your fees and subscriptions.  Many people are paying a monthly fee for something they don't even get or use any more.  It may be as little as a couple dollars - but it adds up.  Cancel things you don't need or use.  Do NOT pay late fees - always pay things on time!!!
  • Make lists - don't go out and impulse shop!  Shop by a list and stick to it.  Don't make many shopping trips a week - shop once and be thorough.
  • Think about making extra income.  If you are younger, think about a second job.  If you are retired, think about a part time job if you are able.  Sell things you don't need or want.  Offer services for a fee.  Sewing, mending, gardening, cooking, pet sitting, tutoring, etc.
  • Make do or do without!!!!  Wants and TRUE needs are 2 different things.  Look around for something else that will work to solve a problem for a while.  Learn to use substitutions when cooking.  Learn to get creative.  If funds are low this month - repurpose!  I guarantee you there is always something in your home that can be used in place of something new!!
  • BE AWARE of your spending habits.  If necessary - keep track of every single purchase you make.  Down to that pack of gum or that coffee out.  Track it all for a good month - you will see where your $$ actually go.  This is truly eye opening for many.  We did this for years and it was amazing the stupid stuff we spent on.  It caused our mindset to change drastically.
Odds are not one of these will save a tremendous amount each month - but it all adds up.  Like $1700 in coupon savings!  If you can save $500 or a $1000 a year on a few things - that adds up to a nice emergency fund, or extra payments of CC's or mortgage payments.
PAY IT OFF as soon as possible - that is for everything.  Every payment you make is saving interest.

Do you have other ideas?  Give us a shout.  Like I said, many of us do these things on a regular basis, but it sure helps people out who are struggling and just learning new ways.

Have a safe and warm day.  Spring will be here one day soon!!!
Give a helping hand today.


  1. This is a great blog post, Cheryl. There are so many little things we can do to save money that it does add up in the end. Enough savings to make a payment on something is great.

    It was cold here this morning too, 6 degrees last time I checked. Stay safe and warm!

    1. Thanks Belinda. Yes those little things do add up and quickly. An extra payment on anything is a plus or a little into savings is great too.
      We start a warming trend which is nice. You stay warm - I know you aren't used to these cold days!

  2. So grateful for the woodstove! :) Helps to burn up the old wood I have now so next winter I can burn some of this hurricane wood - right now that's too green.

    I wish I could get my shopping organized better, but there's always something I'm running out of - milk, bread, fresh vegs, or fruit. I'm pretty careful about impulse shopping unless I see a great sale on something I use often, then I'll deviate from my list for backup supplies.


  3. My recommendation for credit cards is, if one can't pay it off each month in full is to put it away and only use it in an emergency.
    I recently contacted my cell provider to add US calling while I'm here. I was thrilled to learn i could add unlimited texting and calling, plus an increased data limit for what I was already paying. And it isn't just for the period I'm in the States.

  4. We've had several friends have their landline phone number transferred to their cell and then could get rid of the landline. Win, win!
