Sunday, March 3, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 3/3

 Happy Sunday to all.  I hope this finds you all well and safe on this first Sunday of March.  Northern hemisphere is now in meteorological spring and southern hemisphere is entering fall.  WOW!  Some of you are getting blasted with snow and cold still - bummer.  I am having decent weather here in my area.  Looks to be 50's and 60's (maybe 70F) this whole upcoming week.  This morning the sun is shining and the birds are singing!
I go out to feed the critters each morning and I get serenaded by a couple cardinals, a red wing black bird, a woodpecker and a couple of blue jays - every morning!  It is just lovely.  Sitting here typing, I hear the birdies singing on the front porch!!  It sounds like spring.
I have an abundance of perennials popping up through the ground.  Every kind of lily I have, daffodils, tulips, poppies, even some red sprouts popping their noses out on the peonies!  It won't be long.

Had the owner of the house next door (where former friend lives) call me.  I guess L gave notice of moving at the end of May.  That was a huge surprise.  The owner lives in Italy at this time, and just amazed me that he called.  He worries about me a lot and is such a good man. He is not sure if he will try to rent again or sell.  That always make me nervous as you don't know what you will end up with.  BUT, I kind of feel exhilarated as well - I know that may sound crazy.  I started making plans yesterday for the yard and house for this summer.  Made my first call on getting estimate of a new fence around the yard (it so needs replaced).  I want this to be the year of changes for me.  It may cost me some money, but it is an investment - so looking forward to it.

This week:
  • Went out the first of the week to the feed store for a few critter supplies.  I also bought some onion sets for planting.
  • Stopped and topped my gas tank off - so as to use my points for a discount before they expired.  Paid 2.09/gal.
  • Ran in Kroger and got a gallon of milk, a pack of tomatoes, and a discounted loaf of multi-grain bread. That was it - NO other shopping this week.
  • Got to air the house on 4 different days (there was cold & rain in between)
  • Paid everything I had
  • Going through more papers to get ready for next weekends shred event
  • Used up all the odds and ends of cheese and other items in meals this week.
  • Froze some leftovers for future meals  
  • Cooking from home
  • Doing all the basics
Meals this past week:
Leftover baked spaghetti and salad
Chicken/veggie wraps
Bacon/veggie bagels (warm day didn't want to cook)
Harvest potato casserole and fresh veggies on side
Leftover harvest potatoes and green beans
Multi cheese mac w/burger added and leftover green beans
Mac n cheese and a smash burger on multi grain bread
SNACKS - muffin cake, pickles, tomato juice, nuts
(I have been craving tomato juice and my brother's home canned is the best ever.  I have been enjoying homemade & store bought pickles from frig.)  **I get weird cravings sometimes! LOL

                              Toasted bagels topped with cream cheese, bacon, cukes, tomato = yum!

How was your week?  Did you get to start spring cleaning yet?  How is your weather?  Any really good deals?  Look forward to hearing about your week.
I miss seeing some of you!  Please check in.

Know I pray for each of you and your families.  May you all have comfort and good moments in your days.  Prayers for those enduring bad weather and fires in their areas.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Search me, O God, and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalms 139:23-24

Lord, please help guide each of us.  None of us are perfect in any way, and we strive to do Your will as best we can. Please comfort all those hurting today.  Amen 


  1. It was a relatively low key week. My SIL broke her hip before Christmas. There was a screw loose on the original hardware! So, three months later, the hold hardware was removed and a new plate was put on, just when she was getting back on her feet. She was only in hospital overnight. Continuing in the medical vein, I now have a new family dr after being on a waiting list for 7 mos. I don't need a dr often but it's good to have one. There are 6 drs I go to: sun, fresh air, nutrition, rest, exercise, water. There was a lot of blowing snow last w/e & I've been slowly clearing the drifts in the yard. I made the 4 hr trip to my son's on Fri to attend the BD party of a friend who relocated near there. The trip will be extended a day as >10 in of snow fell. The BD party was abbreviated for me given the road conditions but I did make an appearance. Quality time with my DIL snow clearing & card playing. In the kitchen last week: roast chicken & root veg; stuffed meat loaf; peanut butter cookies.

    1. Glad things are fixed for SIL and she is back home. Sounds like you have the same doctors I do!!!! I don't do real doctors - I just really try to be natural in every way.
      Gosh the weather sounds frightful. So glad we have had such little snow this winter. Glad you made it home safe and sound.
      Mmmmm - it all sounds tasty.
      Have a wonderful and safe week!

  2. Spring is coming on quick here as well! I hope the fruit trees will hold off for a bit so they don't get frozen.

    Baked spaghetti sounds so good! I may have to do that and stock the freezer with some as well.

    1. I know - I sure hope things don't bud too early. I hadn't had baked spaghetti in ages - it sure was good and more in the freezer now.
      Have a great week.

  3. Your prayer was needed for BIL was recently diagnosed with glioblastoma. It is grade 4. Death sentence for sure. He's had 3 brain surgeries, is getting rehab now, and will be sent home to get chemo/radiation. He's only 72. My sister is a mess. I am trying to come up with ways to help her. Fortunately 2 of her sons and families live in our town.

    1. So sorry to hear such awful news. I bet your sis is a mess. We all would be. Hopefully he can still have a long while of relative decent health to enjoy his family and make some memories. Just letting your sis know you are available to help and to listen -will help her immensely.
      Prayers for your family.
      Have a good week.

  4. Happy Sunday Cheryl. It sounds like you had a really nice week with really good meals as usual. I'm glad you're starting to do a few things that you want to do that you've put off. I hope you enjoy your week ahead.

    1. Hi there. Thanks, I finally feel like I am getting back to myself, and I just want things to be comfortable and nice. Onward and upward.
      Have a great week.

  5. Hi Cheryl, glad to see your post and that all is well in your world ;). Everything good here, this past week I paid the general contractor the last bit of money and he is done! Townhouse looks great and I am mostly settled in…doesn’t feel like home yet but that will take time. Lovely weather right now here in the desert, lots of breezes and sunny skies. Everyone here knows to love this time of year because summer is coming up soon! Have a good week, Hilogene in Az

    1. So glad to hear from you! Glad you are getting done and all things new for you is getting settled - including you! I am sure it will take a little time to get used to all the newness - but it is a huge step. You have been an inspiration to me, and I thank you.
      Sounds like lovely weather. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Beautiful day here today! Sun, and warm enough to be outdoors without a jacket, even to leave a window open to air the house. :) Daffodils everywhere, things popping out of the earth, it's great.
    Prayers for y'all whose families are suffering.
    Love the psalm verse, much needed.

    1. Glad it is pretty there as well. Soon all new life will be spilling forth in all our neighborhoods. The wonder of spring - so my favorite time of the year. Rebirth!!!
      Thanks. Enjoy that sunshine and have a lovely week.

  7. Oh, I'd dearly love some of your weather today. We've had about-6 inches of snow so far today (we shovelled) and there is more coming down as I type this. The forecast suggests 3 1/2 more inches before it is done.
    I'm happy to hear spring is on its way - it will eventually get here too.

    1. Oh dang that is yucky. I sure wouldn't want to live any further north for that reason. Sorry you have to still be dealing with it. Sooooooon - spring will come! Soon you will be a ship in the tropic!!! ENJOY
      Have a fantastic time and week.

  8. You have been busy! This nice weather wakes all of us up. We worked in the gardens for a bit this morning. The Farmer moved a raised bed with strawberries and blueberries. I got the red raspberries weeded.

    Hope you get a wonderful new neighbor!

    1. I just love the nicer days - it gives energy! Good for you - sounds like a good project marked off the list.
      I do too Donna, I do too!
      Have a lovely week.

  9. I absolutely agree, a new fence is an investment. It adds value to your property and security gives you peace of mind. It will also be good to see the back of your neighbour.
    Prayers and thoughts for everyone here who has had a difficult week, hoping things improve for all your loved ones.
    Looking forward to seeing what great topics come out of your mind this week Cheryl. Take care, Louise

    1. I figure this may be an expensive year - but many things need to get done - I have put off so much. I want the value of my property to stay up - helps neighbors too.
      Thanks! have a great week.

  10. It has been a rather laid back week here, which was lovely. Spring will be awhile yet here as overnight and most of today we got about 15" of fresh snow. Seems as if winter just won't let her claws out of us. I will probably start spring cleaning this month and get a few things sparkling clean.

    God bless.

    1. 15 inches!!!! Oh my gosh - that is more than we had the entire winter. You Canadian gals have grit - I give you all that!
      Spring cleaning just always seems to lift the spirits. Shining and sparking just makes us smile.
      Have a blessed week.

  11. Sounds like a good plan having a new fence around your property, you will be able to enjoy it and like you said, keeps up the value of your home. We have the Steve the painter here at present finishing off what seems like a long old refurbish of our house. He is a lovely young guy with two cute children who lives very close to us.
    It was husband's birthday on Saturday, him and his twin sister are now officially retirement age. Did some fun things with family the past three days.
    My husband's cousin is having a hard time with chemotherapy at present, he has cancer of the tongue which has spread to his neck. The treatment is making him so sick, he has to keep being re admitted into hospital. Thoughts are with Lejmom and family.
    Hope you have a good week Cheryl.

    1. I think everything I plan on doing will help with the value. I am so glad you are getting all things done and are close to being done. You have been on a long journey with it all. I bet it feels like a new home!
      Happy birthday to your husband. I am glad you had a lovely weekend of fun.
      My goodness, that poor man. That has to be miserable. Prayers for his healing.
      Have a good week.

  12. A fence sounds lovely, wish we had one....well we had a cattle fence but that gives you no privacy. But it's 5 acres and we aren't dumping any unnecessary $$ into this place as we plan our escape from Louisiana. lol Weather here when not raining(it's still the rainy season-they don't have 4 seasons in LA, just rainy and dry)has been in the 80's and they hit a record of 90F-in February!! We had windows open for 2 days but the Pollen Dump is coming very soon so that's not fun. My Snowy Egret has abandoned the yard for better pickings elsewhere it seems. sigh. Have a nice week.

    1. 5 acres would be a bit much to fence in! Wow. I have a chain link fence right now and I am considering something more private.
      80's and 90's in Feb. is a bit much!! It's all about location, location, location as the saying goes. So sorry you have to keep the windows closed due to pollen. I just love fresh air.
      Yep, sounds like a place to escape from - good luck with that.
      Glad to see you here. Have a lovely week.

  13. The weather is so beautiful right now. And I heard a woodpecker Saturday morning. They are just so neat to me. Whatever happens with the house next door, I hope you get good neighbors. A new fence will look so good! Your meals all sound delicious as does your brother's tomato juice. Yum!

    1. Love hearing the woodpeckers - rat a tat tat!!! The weather is gorgeous here today as well.
      I hope for good neighbors too - he has taken good care of things - just not a nice person!
      Thanks. My brother makes the best tomato juice I have ever had - it is so yummy.
      Have a great week.

  14. That is a surprise about your neighbor. A new fence sounds wonderful. We have been thinking of the same thing or maybe shrubs along the back yard. I'd like to have a wood fence but we have cottage stones about 4 feet up so a fence would look weird. We are still getting snow as I type this. Some big storm still coming in.
    *I have never heard a cardinal or scene one for that matter, what kind of bird call do they have?

    1. It sure shocked me to get that call. Had no idea he was thinking of moving - but then again I haven't spoken to him in months (well he hasn't spoken). I would like a wood look, but one I don't have to stain! I like that new stuff that looks like wood.
      Yuck on the storms. The west coast is sure getting slammed lately. Surely it should take care of the drought!
      They just have a lovely sweet call. I will have to see if I can find a site and copy it to you. They are just so sweet. I can tell the difference between several birds now.
      Have a SAFE and wonderful week. Enjoy your snow!!!!

    2. I think of you every pretty day we get and i can open windows to air out the house. Such a refresher.
      Went to traxtor supply today and Got 6 new baby chicks. Black copper morans. they are very docile and pullets so we don't have surprises when laying time comes. Bought a pkg of salad and that was it.
      The Forysithia. daffodils and jonquils are in full bloom. Crocus are history. this 70 degree weather makes them want to get up and share their pretty blooms.
      We put in a chain link fence about 20yrs ago and it is still serving us well. Keeps out some wildlife altho the possums and coons still manage to find a way over or under.
      I find ur way of eating interesting. U certainly won't have a problem if the worst happens, like an electrical issue.
      Have a great rest of your week and remember to change clocks this Sunday. So looking forward to longer days.

    3. I love those days of open windows! Yesterday was one. It is refreshing.
      How nice on baby chicks. They will provide you with so much goodness. Hope you get lots of eggs.
      Still nothing blooming here - but it won't be long, at least the plants are coming up. I love spring flowers.
      I just eat what I like and keep it simple.
      My fence is about 37 years old and is looking worse for wear and a couple poles have rusted out - so it needs replacing.
      Yes, that old time change. I do like the longer daylight.
      Have a wonderful week!!

  15. I wish it would get warmer here, as I want all the bulkbs I planted to bloom. But they will soon enough. Can't wait for spring!

    1. I know - I think everyone is ready for spring. SOON! It was gorgeous here yesterday, but we go back to so-so weather now. I guess we are just too anxious! We will soon be griping about the hot.
      Have a great week.

  16. The fence sounds like a blessing. I am jealous, teasing. But honestly it would be terrific to have even a fence here. I bought onion sets this past week too. I would love some baked spaghetti. It has been months since we have had any.
    The cardinal sounds like " pretty bird, pretty bird", over and over. I have always loved them.
    Thank you for the scripture and prayer. I look forward to your posts. Ann Austin

    1. Hi Ann. Most here have at least the back yard fenced - that is all I have done. My front is not fenced.
      That is a great explanation of the song of a cardinal. It is just so sweet sounding.
      I look forward to fresh green onions.
      Thanks and you are welcome. Have a great week.

  17. I also need a fence. My next door neighbors are sweet but a disaster. I have my seeds and some gifted flower seeds. Trying to figure out what I am planting.

    1. I think it is just nice to separate the spaces. I would like a little more privacy here.
      Soon it will be the planting time! Gish hard to believe it will be here soon.
      Have a lovely week.
