Happy Sunday! Happy March! Hope this finds all well, safe and healthy. Can you believe it is March already? Time is flying by. Heck, next week - many of us have to change our clocks again (forward). It is now meteorological spring.
This morning doesn't feel much like spring. It is a cold and frosty morn. We had such warm weather for a few days (60's) - this morning is in the teens. It is to improve again this week - so the frigid feeling cold, lasts a shorter time with each rotation! Heck yesterday, a couple times I looked out and saw flakes coming down!
I have my first red winged black bird of the season back again. So, each morning I am greeted by cardinals, bluejays and now the red wing and 'big red' (woodpecker). So cool.
I did a walk around the yard, and there are lots of different types of lilies coming up, hyacinths, and daffodils. There are even some red nubs at the peonies!
It won't be long!
My frugal week:- I used a piece of older cabbage in a dish this week. It sure did last a good while in the frig. I love getting veggies that have a long shelf life
- Got to air the house a few days
- I visited with sis 2X
- One visit with sis, after I stopped at Menards and looked around the garden section - getting in the mood and getting ideas - free entertainment
- I used the Soda Stream this week for carbonated fruit flavored water
- Changed out the bedding - comforter down (except kitty blankie) for a new look for spring
- Stopped while out at 2nd visit to sis, and got oil changed and Blazer serviced. I knew my tires were down a bit - but man what a difference it makes in driving to be fully inflated! LOL
- I got to the end of 2 dressing jars (I make my own), so on the ranch I added a splash of milk to stretch it, and the Italian got a splash of vinegar to stretch
- It has been very windy for a couple days - so picked up blowing trash and downed limbs
- Did a couple small repair jobs in the house
- NO grocery shopping
- Using leftovers and food from freezer and pantry
- Just all the normal stuff, cleaning and doing a little decluttering
Meals this past week:
Fried cabbage, corned beef (freezer from NY) and fried potatoes
Tuna patty, leftover rice/beans and salad
Breakfast - 3 mini pancakes (last from freezer), scrambled eggs, and ham (freezer)
Baked potato (topped with cheesy broc. soup - freezer), smoked sausage
Fried potatoes, BBQ lil smokies (freezer) and slaw (home canned)
Fried chicken legs (2), green beans fries and salad
Homemade lasagna soup
SNACKS - fruit, popcorn, milkshake, nuts
Really trying to use things from the freezer that need to rotated and used. It is fun coming up with some new ideas.
How was your week? Is your weather changing any - or are you still in the grips of winter? Making plans for spring? Any good deals this week?
I love hearing what you are all up to. Missing many - check in please!!!
I hope you all have a super week ahead, and that this finds you all well and safe. Hope you are beginning to enjoy signs of spring!
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24
Dear Lord, again we send thanks for all the blessings in our lives. We ask that we each pass kind words, thoughts and deeds on to others. Help us all spread positive vibes. Guide us each one in this coming week, to live our best lives for others and for You. Amen