Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Getting By and Getting Ready

 Happy Tuesday to all.  I sure hope this finds you all well and safe.
It is a lovely morning here today.  Woke to 50*.  Yesterday was gorgeous.  I worked on some spring projects that I wanted done.  More of the same today.
Sitting here listening to the birds sing.  I have a feeder on the front porch and the birdies just sing out there.  It is great kitty "TV" as well.  Out back I have all kinds of birds, but in the front it is mainly the little fellows and of course robins in the yard.

The chickens two doors down have sure been enjoying being outside most of the day!  This isn't them (not my pic), but they roam all over the yard.  There are 2 black ones, 2 brown ones, and 2 that look to be a combo of black/white.  They have a young dog as well, and he acts like a herder - lol!  It is fun to watch.
Yesterday was a beautiful day.  I got some work done.  Spring is in the air, and I am ready.  
I got the two security door windows cleaned inside and out.  What a lovely difference it makes.  The front door is a toughie to do, as it is one solid window from top to bottom and you have to take it out to clean the outside.  The doors have a lot of wrought iron fretted work on them - and you can't clean around it.  But I did it!  My back was screaming at me - but that is part of spring.
They just look so good.  Noone else would probably notice but I do!!!  
That is the thing - do things for yourself!!!!  You don't have to care what others think when it comes to your place - do you!  Do what makes you happy.  Do what brings you joy.
I had this piece from a broken car window cleaner in the Blazer.  I got it out, cleaned it with a little vinegar - and used it on my windows!  I just held it in my hand.  I am sure somewhere in the garage there is a handle that will fit it (I will look) - but yesterday it worked great to clean big windows!

Being a beautiful day - it was a line drying kind of day!  I have a clothesline still in my yard.  I need to re-line it this year.  I have everything to do it.  I think I have the only actual clothesline left in the neighborhood!!!  Seriously.  Other improvise though.  I love their ingenuity.  A couple of younger couples do what they can to use the great outdoors and the free air!

2 doors down.  (the chicken house).  She hung the little ones clothes out to dry the best way she could.
This was taken a couple years ago - 2 doors over the other direction.  You do what you can with what you have!!!!!  She still does this with towels, covers and jeans.

I got these solar lights at Christmas as a gift.  After cleaning the front flower bed this week, they will be going out there!  There is a hummingbird, a dragon fly and a flower.  I bet they will be so pretty lit!  I got a huge decorative pot for Christmas as well - that will soon make its way to the porch.  It will be filled with some pretties for sure.  It is fun to get these things out that have just been stored for a while.

After cleaning the doors, I put out my spring door decor.  It always looks so cheery.
I also got the bedroom windows cleaned yesterday.  Today I will be working on all others.  That is a job, but it makes me so happy when done.  I just love a CLEAR view!  I also washed the screens down too with a wet and soapy rag - then rinsed with the dampened rag.

Airing out the house makes me happy as well!!!!!  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  I just love fresh air.

There are so many things you can do to spruce up things and they don't have to cost a cent!  Just washing down the house with a hose or cleaning the windows, makes a huge difference.  Wash the windows and screens and the window coverings.  Change out the bed coverings or add a cheery afghan or pillow.   Little things can just make you go "aaaaahhhhhh".
I wish more of my neighbors would 'pretty up" their yards - but I can't control that.  As long as they keep things mowed and trimmed, I am glad.  I just love doing all the little things - to me it makes a house a home!

I know you gals up north in Canada are still in the deep freeze.  I saw a map yesterday showing weather - and dang gals - you aren't catching a break!  It is lovely down this way for now.
I hope all of you that can - get out and do something to enjoy this fresh air and sunshine and warmth.  Get that free vitamin D!!!!
Like I said above - do things that make you happy!  Get creative and have fun with your home and yard.  It doesn't have to cost a penny if you don't want it to.

Enjoy this day you were gifted!!!!!!


  1. Opening windows to let the fresh air in for the first time feels so good! We are in southern Ontario so still aways from spring but a lot of our snow has melted and we have grass again! We had a lot of snow and so signs of spring make me very happy.

    1. YAY!!! Glad you are getting some fresh air inside. Oh, it does feel good.
      Glad you are melting and seeing the grass! Huge accomplishment! Those little bity signs can sure lift the spirits.

  2. Love the little solar lights you are going to put outside. Free vitamin D is wonderful! After being captive in the house all winter, it is good for the soul to be outdoors, and open up the house to chase away stale air. I'm going to peg some clothes on the line this morning.

    We got a bargain on organic, grass fed hamburger at Meijer yesterday, $2.97 a pound. It was individually wrapped so it went into the freezer. We were at Costco to pick up a prescription and checked the eggs supply; not a an egg to be found.

    Enjoy this beautiful day! I admire your work ethic, I still have to do some window and door washing. Not my favorite but it sure looks nice when it is finished.

    1. I think they will be pretty too. Good going on laundry outdoors. It sure does smell good after.
      What a deal. I hope you bought plenty. I have heard that same story time after time about Costco all over the country. I hear Sam's has them, but nary an egg at Costco.
      Thanks - just me, so I do what I can when I can. Nobody else to do it! It sure is pretty - just came in for a rest.

  3. Put up spring door decor also - even though we still have 2 feet ofsnow on the lawn up here in Northern Vt Just love your blog and read it several times a week

    1. Hey, at least you have a peek of spring amongst the snow! Yuck, I can't imagine 'just having 2' left". We don't usually get that much at all! Do what you can to get in the spirit.
      Thank you - glad to have you here. I love hearing from all the folks that lurk and read. It is fun to see new people post. Hang around - plenty to come!

  4. I actually worked outdoors in the sun for about an hour before lunch and will go back out very soon. What a gorgeous day! I'll open the windows too. :)


    1. It is just wonderful to get out and get busy. Glad you could as well. Yes, if you can, open those windows.

  5. Our windows here in the city need cleaning badly. Even though the Ring Road is a couple of blocks away, I swear the dust and dirt from the vehicles passing by makes it to our house (we are #3 on the street). But I won't be doing that until June, when I'm back in the city. I agree with you, a clear view and clean windows always make me happy!
    It cooled off last night to -15C/5F with a bit of snow. After my two months down south, it felt darned cold! I guess my blood thinned while I was down there. :)

    1. I have gravel on each side of the road out front - and my front seems to be a prime turn around spot for some reason. I agree with you on the dust. It just clings to everything.
      Yuck - that is cold. You got so used to that warm weather. I'd be ready to go back!! LOL

  6. I bet you were sore! There are some neighbor hoods where you can't hang out laundry. Can you believe that?

    1. It is a good sore! It amazes me that some places don't let you. I bet with racks on patios or in garages you could manage around that silly rule. I guess some places don't let you catch rain either - CRAY-CRAY!

  7. I love airing out the house! And sprucing things up also makes me feel good. I've used a fence row or two to hand clothes on for a yard sale before. Definitely use what you have.

    1. So do I. There is just something about fresh air and sunshine - what a mood lifter.
      I have done that in the past as well. It worked pretty well.
      Yep, if there is a will there is a way.

  8. I can hardly wait to throw the windows wide. Yesterday was windy and cold, today we are getting snow (we got a bit yesterday as well). Spring is a long way off yet I guess. Good for you getting windows cleaned.

    God bless.

    1. I am sorry. I wish you could get some warmer weather - it is just so lovely. I could never live where it is cold so long. I like my 4 even seasons.
      Hoping soon for you!

  9. I've got my St. Patrick's wreath and garden flag out now. Toward the end of March, I'll swap it out for pastels/Spring. I've pulled dead stalks and stems out of my container gardens and pots and dropped a couple of snap pea seeds in one pot. Let's get the garden going! Because this week is supposed to be so warm, I put out the patio furniture, though I have covers on them to protect the cushions from any rain or additional snow. With having friends over for corned beef this weekend, so there's seating on the deck if anyone wants to be outside.
    -- Lori K (for some reason, it's not allowing my user name in my profile again)

    1. I have spring things out - come April - it will be Easter - then summer. Heck yes, let the garden begin! Do whatever you can now. Love you got the furniture out - I bet you will all have a lovely time together. Sounds like fun.

  10. We are coming to the end of a long hot summer here, and will have a few months of lovely weather before winter sets in. I am looking forward to spending lots more time outdoors.
    I only use my dryer for a few months in winter, otherwise all clothes get hung outside to dry. I find I only have to use a small amount of detergent as the air somehow makes them cleaner.
    I spent Sunday washing down the screened area of my porch. No one else will notice the difference, but there was a lot of dirt and it made me happy to have it clean

    1. I hope you enjoy the nice weather between seasons. I hardly ever use the drier, I generally hang my clothes in the basement and then just use the drier to fluff. I agree hanging clothes outdoors just really makes a difference. The sun whitens so much and the fresh air!
      Good for you on the porch. I agree - just because no one else notices doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy!!!!
