Sunday, March 2, 2025

Weekly Wrap Up 3/2

 Happy Sunday!  Happy March!  Hope this finds all well, safe and healthy.  Can you believe it is March already?  Time is flying by.  Heck, next week - many of us have to change our clocks again (forward).  It is now meteorological spring.
This morning doesn't feel much like spring.  It is a cold and frosty morn.  We had such warm weather for a few days (60's) - this morning is in the teens.  It is to improve again this week - so the frigid feeling cold, lasts a shorter time with each rotation!  Heck yesterday, a couple times I looked out and saw flakes coming down!
I have my first red winged black bird of the season back again. So, each morning I am greeted by cardinals, bluejays and now the red wing and 'big red' (woodpecker).  So cool.
I did a walk around the yard, and there are lots of different types of lilies coming up, hyacinths, and daffodils.  There are even some red nubs at the peonies!
It won't be long!
My frugal week:
  • I used a piece of older cabbage in a dish this week.  It sure did last a good while in the frig. I love getting veggies that have a long shelf life
  • Got to air the house a few days
  • I visited with sis 2X
  • One visit with sis, after I stopped at Menards and looked around the garden section - getting in the mood and getting ideas - free entertainment
  • I used the Soda Stream this week for carbonated fruit flavored water
  • Changed out the bedding - comforter down (except kitty blankie) for a new look for spring
  • Stopped while out at 2nd visit to sis, and got oil changed and Blazer serviced.  I knew my tires were down a bit - but man what a difference it makes in driving to be fully inflated!  LOL
  • I got to the end of 2 dressing jars (I make my own), so on the ranch I added a splash of milk to stretch it, and the Italian got a splash of vinegar to stretch
  • It has been very windy for a couple days - so picked up blowing trash and downed limbs
  • Did a couple small repair jobs in the house
  • NO grocery shopping
  • Using leftovers and food from freezer and pantry
  • Just all the normal stuff, cleaning and doing a little decluttering
Meals this past week:
Fried cabbage, corned beef (freezer from NY) and fried potatoes
Tuna patty, leftover rice/beans and salad
Breakfast - 3 mini pancakes (last from freezer), scrambled eggs, and ham (freezer)
Baked potato (topped with cheesy broc. soup - freezer), smoked sausage
Fried potatoes, BBQ lil smokies (freezer) and slaw (home canned)
Fried chicken legs (2), green beans fries and salad
Homemade lasagna soup
SNACKS - fruit, popcorn, milkshake, nuts

Really trying to use things from the freezer that need to rotated and used.  It is fun coming up with some new ideas.
How was your week?  Is your weather changing any - or are you still in the grips of winter?  Making plans for spring?  Any good deals this week?
I love hearing what you are all up to.  Missing many - check in please!!!

I hope you all have a super week ahead, and that this finds you all well and safe.  Hope you are beginning to enjoy signs of spring!
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24

Dear Lord, again we send thanks for all the blessings in our lives.  We ask that we each pass kind words, thoughts and deeds on to others.  Help us all spread positive vibes.  Guide us each one in this coming week, to live our best lives for others and for You.  Amen


  1. The snow is melting leaving ice to traverse in the mornings. I've walked 10 miles this past week. I had some "body work" done - reiki, massage - and an annual medical appt. The dr assured me that he wouldn't drop me from his caseload because I'm not a "frequent flyer." Social - a lunch reunion with an old work group; a tea meet up with a friend; a house concert at Ebon Fae. You could check out their music on youtube if interested. I finished the book, The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. In the kitchen: egg roll bowl; homemade yogurt; roast chicken; gnocchi; chicken chili. I'll make a pot of chicken noodle soup today. Bring on March. Have a good week, Cheryl.

    1. Glad the snow is melting. Good for you on the 'body work'. Sounds lovely.
      It sounds like a very lovely week of fellowship. Your cooking sounds very good. I really like eggroll bowls.
      Yes bring it on!!!!
      Have a fantastic week.

  2. We had a couple of days in the 60s, so nice. After 3 years and 3 months my youngest is finally saying mama. I'm just over the moon with it.

    I failed at staying out of the stores. I went to Aldi's for one thing I really wanted (a puzzle board) and of course they never got any in. I stocked up on some snacks while I was there, their brands are all dye free so I grab stuff there for the kids. Went to Kroger and got lucky with the .99 produce bags. .98 for one green pepper or .99 for 3, all in good shape? I ended up with three bags of peppers and three bags of apples. Also found a bunch of clearance soap and chocolate milk. I used my Kroger points for filling up the vehicle. Hung a load of laundry on the line.

    1. Those 60 days are just fantastic. I sure enjoyed mine!
      YAY on 'mama'. Kids start talking in their own time - they will when ready. What a beautiful sound that had to be.
      I do like the Aldi snacks. Also much cheaper - and yes, being dye free is great.
      Glad you found good clearance at Kroger. They truly have some of the best clearance in my opinion. It sounds like you got good deals - so well worth the spend.
      Laundry on the line - it is getting that time!!!
      Have a wonderful week mama!

  3. Yes, today is much colder but it is sunny. Supposed to be warmer on Tuesday and then colder again Thursday, a see-saw! We've been under a Red Flag Fire Weather advisory for a couple of days, with very dry air and wind. Maybe some rain later this week?

    Yesterday was an all day hymn sing at a small community center, a lovely day singing with friends and enjoying good food. This is our 15th year of meeting in early March to sing. Fortunately the hurricane did not do damage there, even though a creek is nearby. :)


    1. Yes, a rollercoaster for sure. At least the cold stays less time from here on out. I have seen all the warnings for your area with fires. Geesh, not something else - you sure have had enough destruction in past months.
      The singing sounds like a good time for you and others. Nice way to get together.
      Have a blessed week.

  4. Hello, I am currently doing the freezer challenge as well. This is going to be a busy week. We are having our roof repaired ,so I'm pulling some premade meals ( chili, chicken bog, and stuffed cabbage) from the freezer. I will serve cornbread with the chili, asparagus with the chicken bog, and mashed potatoes with the stuffed cabbage. I also plan to make a pot of leek and potato soup.

    1. Good for you. It just makes since to rotate the goods we have. We sure don't want freezer burn and ick on our good food we paid good money for!
      Good luck with the roof repairs.
      Potato leek soup sounds hearty and yummy. It all sounds so tasty.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. Proverbs is a lovely and wise book. When I was a wee tot, we would go to Whitestown to buy honey from an old man who had hives in his backyard. Gotta watch what you buy in the stores. Some of it is mostly high fructose corn syrup.

    Hope the temps don't plummet and bite your budding plants. I haven't been in the backyard to check on things. One year the Japanese maple in the backyard really got bit and suffered. The sun is pouring in the windows and doors, which really brightens (no pun intended) my day. The wind was something else this past week. I'm surprised we didn't lose a lot of limbs.

    The mattress pads (yes, plural) are being washed today. If it were warm I would peg them on the line. Used both washing soda and borax in the wash water. Nothing like fresh linens on the bed.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. You really do need to watch honey - it isn't always what you think.
      They won't be hurt - the lilies and daffies were green tipping a few weeks ago - and survived that last cold. Just green poking through - but so good to see.
      I am loving the sunshine.
      Yes, a fresh bed is so comforting! Line dried is the best.
      Have a beautiful week.

  6. Good morning! I've seen one red-winged blackbird, and that's all for our seasonal birds. No robins, no cardinals, no finchs, just the one red-winged blackbird and a couple of ducks and geese on the pond. Hoping to start seeing more in the next week or so. I needed a couple of staples and checked all (ALL) of the grocery ads before I went shopping. Even with the new grocery store opening and still having their Grand Opening specials, there was great variance in prices -- seedless grapes ranged from 0.99 to $2.49/lb; ground beef, $2.99-4.99/lb. I went to one store, the one that had the lowest prices for what I needed and got mostly fresh produce (lettuce, broccoli, grapes all at 0.99; strawberries were $1.99, whereas others had them on sale for $2.99 or 2/$5; peppers @ 0.69; roma tomatoes 2#/$1; Yoplait yogurt 3/0.99) and figured out if I had to pay more for something else, it would be off-set. I've been running back and forth to Michigan this past week (3 trips! and at least that many this week, a family member took a spill, had one surgery, and one to go this week), and I just didn't have the energy to shop multiple stores. Speaking of those road trips, gas is at least $0.30/gallon less in Indiana and Michigan, compared to Illinois. Topped the tank off on my way to, and refueled on my way home. By buying gas on the road, I'm saving at least $5 a tank. Saving where I can, and trying to keep my sanity!

    1. I have cardinals all year and house finches as well. I hope your birds show up soon. They are just so pretty.
      Those were some good prices - I would have purchased to at the lower prices.
      Yes, gas has gone down some here - prices are getting much more reasonable. Glad you got some savings after doing all that travel. Sorry for all the trips and family trouble.
      Have safe travels as you go.
      Have a good week.

  7. Awesome deal on pork shoulders at $1.49/pound. I bought...wait for it......34pounds. It was seasoned last night and is on the smoker today. We will shred it, vac seal all but 2 meals, and freezer. Weekly meal for how many months? Also, my favorite dark chocolate was 50% off. I've got 3 weeks servings on hand.

    Carter's clothing BOGO. I have 2 nieces arriving in June and they are getting DOUBLE gifts! :-)

    I got a pair of exercise shorts for $7.99 at Ross.

    I walked 140 miles in February and I'm feeling good. Not easy to do in winter, snow, ice but I'm determined and quite stubborn ;-)

    I received a box of unfinished quilts from a friend who had a stroke last year (I offered to finish anything she wanted to send). I now have 5 tops awaiting quilting. I found complimentary fabrics in my stash-WIN!

    Sunny and a glorious 54 today. Lovely walking ahead of me :-)

    1. Super price! I don't blame you and smoked - oh yum.
      Good deals on the Carters. You have been on a roll this week with good deals. That is a huge amount of walking - you go gal.
      Oh how sweet to work on your friends quilts.
      Happy walking and enjoy that sunshine and warmer temps!!!

  8. We are cold and sunny this morning, quite a change from earlier in the week when it was low 60's and breezy.
    I was able to hang some clothes out to dry on the lines this week, oh how I love the smell of line dried sheets!
    All meals from home and I had a lot of variety, lo mien, roast chicken, burgers, boiled eggs, ham and chicken on salads.
    Pup had a vet appointment for his annual shots and look over. All is well with my pup!
    Made a loaf of bread because I was getting low and didn't want to go in town, used some almost sour milk in it and have to say it is some of the best I have ever made.
    My August lilies are poking up, I swear those things can survive about anything. However it would appear that my Lenten roses have been eaten off by the deer.....I hope they come back.

    1. Yes, it was a big change today from Thursday and Friday! Line dried just smell perfect in my opinion.
      Meals sound good. Yay for puppers!
      Good for you on the bread - I bet it was good.
      I am so ready for spring and growing things. I hope your roses make it.
      Have a special week.

  9. I took the plunge and cut my own hair! I've trimmed my bangs for years. My hair is straight and I thought I could manage a couple inches just below my shoulders. It looks fine! If I ever want it shorter I'd have to get that done because I think getting that even would be harder.

    Last Monday I prepped a bunch of veggies, quinoa, rice and hummus. Then I made bowls all week for lunch or dinner or both! Lol. It was sooo good that I didn't mind having it everyday. What was left went into soup last night.

    For Lent I'm going to do what I did last year. No grocery spend & eat out of the pantry/freezer. I will however grocery shop for my husband as needed (but I will look to the pantry first). I'm more adventurous and willing to eat different things or do without than he is so I may need to pick up a few things he likes.

    1. Good for you for taking the plunge! It sure saves a lot of money over the years.
      I bet all that was tasty. I could eat veggies every day! Then soup - good job.
      That is a good Lent challenge. Some folks are very picky - glad I am not one of them. You have to please the hubs!
      Good luck with it.
      Have a good week.

  10. Sounds like a good week. I'm glad you were able to visit with your sister. I'm sure she always appreciates seeing you.
    The weather has been like a roller coaster. We were 72 degrees Friday and then 32 for a high on Saturday. This week will bring a lot of wind and rain with temps varying.

    1. Yeah, I am over the up and down ride! LOL. Just ready for spring.
      I do enjoy my visits and so does sis. We often don't have a bunch to talk about - we are both not doing anything exciting - but we have fun. Just nice seeing her.
      Have a lovely week.

  11. While I was cleaning in the yard this week I saw that they hyacinths and daffodils are coming up. I can't wait to see them in bloom.

    I don't know why, but I thought Indiana did not change times.

    Your meals sound delicious, especially the BBQ lil smokies.

    The weather here is nutty, one day it's in the upper 70s and today its cold at 42. LOL

    I hope you have a great week, Cheryl.

    1. It sure is exciting to see the flowers sprouting up. I am so anxious to see color. Oh yes, we change time - I hate it. I wish they would just pick one and keep it. It is so annoying.
      Yes mam, the weather is off its meds I do believe!!!! LOL
      Thanks, you have a great one as well.

  12. I'm back in the winter mode - I was out chipping ice off the driveway this afternoon. It is lovely at around freezing with the sun shining. It's supposed to cool off for a few days but warmer weather expected by next weekend. Fingers crossed!

    1. Oh goodness - what a welcome home that is! I could handle warm weather most of the year I do believe.
      Have a great first week back!

  13. The sun was shining and actually the temperature got much warmer than predicted. I did some project work, nursed a very sore back, decluttered a bit (even though it was only one object) and am continuing the clean out of the one basket in the fridge freezer. Day two down.

    God bless.
