Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weekly Wrap-Up Date 3/9

 Happy Sunday to all.  I hope this finds everyone safe and healthy.  There is still much in the way of weather, that is causing problems for people.
It is a lovely morning here, after a pretty day yesterday.  Still a little on the cooler side - but it appears that will be ending this week.  It looks to be such a nice week - I am ready to get outside for a bit.
First, I saw a robin, then two - now bunches.  In just a day or so, lots and lots of robins have shown up.  Always a good sign in my book.
This morning outside I heard the distinctive calls of Big Red, the woodpecker and the bluejays.  All the other birds were happily singing.  Music to my ears.
I hope all that needed to, changed their clocks!!!!  I had a little harder time getting up this morning - not sure which time I wanted to follow!!  LOL
Nothing much exciting happening this week.

My frugal week:
  • I froze several bowls of leftovers for use at another time
  • My neighbor brought me a new yard flag as a gift - a pretty Easter one
  • Made my own homemade 'Spanish' type rice
  • Got to air the house a couple times 
  • Visits with sis
  • I did stop at Kroger after a sis visit and got fresh fruit and some veggies (on sale) and just a little stock up of other things - should be all I need for March + longer
  • I also stopped at the thrift store.  They have really rearranged it, and it looked so much nicer.  I didn't find a thing I needed, but they did gift me with a bag of sourdough bagels.  Everyone got a bread just for going in
  • I have been working on spring cleaning daily
  • Lots of laundry - sprucing up
  • Using what I have and eating all meals at home and using leftovers in new ways
See, nothing exciting at all.  I do look forward to this coming week, as there will be open windows daily, and most likely no heat needed.  It is to be near or above 70*F all week!
I look forward to working outside and cleaning things up a bit.  So ready for spring.

Meals this past week:
Lasagna soup and garlic toast
Chicken and dumplings, green beans
Spanish type rice w/beans added and ground beef - made into 2 burritos (froze the remainder)
Tortilla pizza and salad
Corn/garbanzo beans/pepper/onions fried together topped with bacon
Omelet with leftover veggies (from above) added
Chicken tenders and salad

Just snacking on fresh items I have on hand

How has your week been?  Are you getting warmer temps or are you still in the deep freeze?  I hope none of you are near the fires out East.
Did anyone get any special deals this week?
Check in and let us know that things are OK with you.  

Prayers for all - that you are safe and healthy.  I know there are many who are quietly going through things (alone) and could sure use our prayers.  We just never know the trauma that another endures - so it is always RIGHT to be kind and have kind words.  Concentrate on the things you can actually do something about and realize that life is full of other things that just are.  We will endure and get through it all in some way or another.  
Be kind, be joyful and be helpful.

Prayers for you and yours from me at my humble little home.
Blessings to all.

Dear Lord, we come to You in thanks on this beautiful day You have given us.  We also send prayers for those that are hurting and going through unspoken issues.  Give us each and every one strength to get through our daily worries and calm them.  We know Your will be done, and that we must have faith.  Let us not falter in doing kindness for others and living as we know You want us to live.  AMEN


  1. I have two lasagna noodles left, plus a bit of ricotta. I was thinking a tiny lasagna, but now you got me thinking to try your soup. I can't wait to hear birds- nothing yet. Then when I'm walking the dogs, they get an extra stimulant to the squirrels.

    1. I make lasagna in small loaf pans and they are perfect for 1 or 2 -- one for dinner, and one for lunch the next day (single person household). A great way to use up some of those bits and pieces, for sure. :-)

    2. The soup was very good - tasted just like eating lasagna. It was my first time trying it - I found it a win, as it made lots and I didn't need the oven.
      I hear birds all year round - there are so many here. I just love hearing them.
      Lori is right - you can sure make a small batch of baked lasagna as well. Super easy.
      Have a lovely week.

  2. I love reading your blog posts, Cheryl. I love how you loved the Lord. 💕

    It was beautiful here yesterday. I sat outside and listened to all the birds including a woodpecker, and felt the breeze and enjoyed the sunshine getting my vitamin d in the natural way. I throughly enjoyed myself.

    I just realized it’s an hour later than I thought it was. 😂

    One of our thrift stores does the bread thing too. It’s so neat!

    1. Thank you Belinda. The Lord has truly been my savior in life - I really don't know how I would have survived without Him there.
      It was pretty here - a couple more days and it will be porch sitting weather. So ready for that fresh air and sunshine - medicine for the body and soul.
      LOL - I bet a lot of people missed the clock thing!
      It is nice for the thrift stores to do that. This one has lots of other items for folks to take as well - they just need to sign in - but that is what the store is about. There funds go to help the hungry and homeless. Super neat for those in need.
      Have a beautiful week.

  3. Life turns on a dime. My cousin/friend experienced a ruptured aorta (!) 5 days ago. Her partner doesn't drive so there have been 2 trips to the heart institute 2/5 hrs away. Our hearts are heavy waiting for the postsurgical outcome. I managed to remember to turn the clocks ahead. I try not to think about what time it was yesterday; that just messes me up. I walked 8 mi this past week - fresh air, sunshine, exercise, meditation. Temps are 0-10C in NE Alberta. Snow is melting. The geese are back. Social: a visit with my neighbor & cards with a friend. In the kitchen: chicken noodle soup; biscuits; homemade yogurt; baked penne pasta. Have a good week.

    1. Prayers for your cousin. We're looking at something very similar for my boss-lady but it's not an emergency this time thank heaven.

      I feel very confused about the time. Every year I hope this will be the last one for time changing. In my dreams, I guess.


    2. Mona so very sorry to hear that about your cousin. Prayers for a good recovery. That is just so dangerous.
      I just heard geese flying over a minute ago! Funny you mentioned that. Glad you have been out and getting that free exercise.
      The time changes always mess me up for a while. I was looking at the TV menu last night - and zoomed out a bit and noticed it had listings at 1:00AM and then 3:00AM - just struck me as funny. Biscuits sound good - I made need to make some again soon.
      Have a blessed week and prayers!

  4. We finally have some sunshine and warmer temps this week. Can't wait to have the patio door open and air the house out a little. This coming weekend will be our annual St. Patrick's Day gathering. Will be hosing roughly 15 friends and family members for some good conversation to kick off Spring. Where I used to live, we'd have a huge parade on the main street about 2 blocks away, so we'd always go to that and come back to the house for corned beef after. Now, we just make our own parade, wearing our green while walking the pups with their bow ties and neck scarves.

    1. I think we are all ready for warm air and sunshine. It seems like it has been a long winter for some reason.
      How fun on the get together. Your own parade sounds like a hoot. I would love to see neighbors doing that! Make sure you take pics of the doggies and post on your blog!!!
      I am sure there will be a big parade downtown on St. P. day - there always is. They turn the canal green as well.
      I am anxiously awaiting eating another Rueban for that day! I still have corned beef in freezer and all the other stuff to make one!
      Hope your week is beautiful and warm!

  5. Better weather here also although not quite warm enough to open windows....maybe this week.
    Finally had to make a trip to the grocery, out of salad stuff and I eat salad every day. Only bought sale items and picked up some meat that was on sale. The meat is portioned and frozen. I have been using reused washed plastic bags to portion meat. Saving bags and reusing is about the only way I can think of to keep them out of the recyclables and landfill. I wish I could come up with something to replace plastic.
    Meals at home and socially we made a trip to an owner ran garden center and made plans for Spring.
    Hopefully today the leaves will be blown from the flower beds. They were clean until the other day when we had wind. I swear these leaves came from the next county over!
    I noticed the deer have stripped the leaves from the holly bushes around my house, I need to research and hope I can bring them back. It must have been a rough winter for deer finding food.

    1. Good for you on the grocery shop. I tried to just get fresh stuff on sale too. I have been washing and reusing bags for years. Just makes good sense to me.
      Fun to walk through and plan the gardens, isn't it?
      I hear you on leaves. After the big winds I am always finding stems of oak leaves in the yard - I haven't seen an oak tree anywhere close by!
      I was talking to my brother yesterday, and he has a woods behind his house here in town. He said it is nothing to see 6 - 8 deer in his yard. He is going to have a big problem with the garden this year I bet!!! I hope you can save your holly bushes.
      Have a lovely week and enjoy the warmer temps!

  6. Excellent devotional! He does know our needs, our anxieties. When we try to take of things ourselves, we make a mess of it. "Leaning on the everlasting arms...".

    Sun sure is pretty today and I think we all are looking forward to a few days of warmth. Still don't have a lot coming up in the yard. The hyacinths and Autumn Joy are showing signs of life. This week with warmer temps should make a big difference. Last year the daffies got snowed on.

    Hope your sister is much better!

    I noticed that you had a tortilla pizza. We love those as there is very little crust. Doctor it up however you wish. Yum!

    Every time we have gone to the thrift store on Madison, they aren't open, even though we are there well after their opening time. May try again when we go to the tax man on 31.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. Yes mam, we need those everlasting arms.
      So ready for outdoor work. I am, but my back will probably be yelling at me a bunch!
      Sis is doing well, her cough is gone. She is to be leaving rehab any day (good), but has never regained the strength she had before this visit. Her kids are bickering with her about where to go now. She is not happy! Assisted living is kind of out now, as her mobility is less. I pray they can come to a good understanding together.
      I have been going to the one in Beech Grove, haven't been to the Madison one in ages. (same name). I really think they have grown so much, that they have been overwhelmed.
      Have a wonderful week and get outside!!!!!

  7. It's going be around 70 all week here. Love it. I love when I can open up the windows and when I can take the kids out without having to be bundled up

    I did a grocery pickup this week to avoid going in the store. And then I went in the store a couple days later anyway because I needed a couple of things to work on the house. I only bought clearance items besides what was needed. Toys that have been put up for a birthday, pajamas to grow into, and a gift for a baby shower.

    My youngest moved into the next size shoes. I buy larger sizes when I find a super good deal on them so I already had several pairs and won't have to buy any.

    I borrowed books and DVDs from the library and got a free pack of peppermint sticks they were giving out. Got a puzzle and board game at a free little library. My mom gave me some leftover donuts and cinnamon bread and gave the kids a couple of toys she had picked up on clearance. I gave the fridge a super deep clean and did have to throw a couple of things away that fell behind the shelf which then fell down behind a pull out shelf so I didn't see it. I used up all my old produce. I used my Walmart+ to get .10 off per gallon of gas. My little one, although super wild which is normal for him (she recommends giving him a lot of extra sensory input like pushing/pulling/carrying), did well at speech therapy and even repeated some sign language with her and he even ‘talked’ to a lady in the waiting room. Her son has an appointment at the same time every week and she talks to him and tries to encourage the boys to talk but they've never really interacted other than looks until then.

    I finally fixed my sectional which has been driving me bonkers for like a year since we bought it. The two pieces have never been put together so it was just constantly shoving it back together. When we got it one end would not go into the other trying to lift it in. I had suggested trying to put it on its back and shove it in that way and in stereotypical male fashion, the husband kept telling me it wouldn't work, the things weren't lining up right (which in his defense did look that way just looking at it). I got tired of it and decided to try it this week anyway. That sucker is heavy and it was a pain, but it worked and now it's fixed and not shoving around in two pieces. I'm just super happy about it.

    1. Love that you can let the kiddos out to enjoy the great outdoors. That is the best play time.
      You do such a good job finding deals and getting things for the littles and saving for later. Also in finding free or near free things for play and entertainment. You should be proud of yourself. You add encouragement for others who may be in the same situation. There is always a way!
      YAY - YIPEE of the communication of your son. That is wonderful!!!! Hopefully it just continues to grow. My gr. nephew went forever and didn't talk at all - did sign - then one down out of the blue said a couple words and now he is just a gabby butt!
      Good for you in fixing the couch. Sometimes women just aren't given credit for having the answer! Good job.
      Have a fantastic week - hope the kiddos enjoy the outdoors!

  8. The temperatures as sitting at about the freezing mark and it appears it will get slightly cooler over the next week. Even so, I'm happy for the melting that is happening, as the sun is warm.
    I'm sure your sister appreciates the visits. I hope her family can come to an agreement about where she might live. The uncertainty likely isn't good for her health.
    Enjoy those robins. I don't expect to see them here for a few weeks yet.

  9. Cheryl, Our windows are cracked and we grilled some chicken kabobs too! Not exactly as warm as you probably but 54 feels like a heat wave haha. Love going to the thrift shop too..not too many estate sales going on lately. Garage sales will be nice soon. Have a great week.

  10. We've had a few warmer days, with lots of sunshine and the temperature up around 14/58 - very impressive for northern England in March - but we are back to Winter again over the next week or so. I was pleased to get 2 sessions in the garden this week. It has done me and the garden good.

  11. Sounds like you had a pretty good week. Our back yard has been filled with birds as well. You can tell Spring is right around the corner. I don't care which time is chosen I would just love to stop manipulating it with the back and forth. I'm glad I planned ahead this year and have tomorrow off because my body is seriously confused by losing the hour. Enjoy the weather this week.

  12. Had a bout of gastritis this past week. I'm fine now but it did slow me down. Kind of bummed me out but I reminded myself I'm not in a competition. Things will get done when they get done.

    I did color my hair last week. And the donation bags (all books) got dropped off for the library sale.

    I also went through a few kitchen drawers and pulled some things out for the thrift store. There's nothing like opening a drawer and being able to lay my hand on something and not have to paw through a dozen things to find it!

  13. Hi Cheryl,
    Your comments are very welcome today, many people are under stress and we can’t see inside them. I Went to a class this morning and the presenter was making the point to be kind and caring to each other. She said to consider the word “responsibility”. It can mean the usual…or you can look at it as…
    Response-ability. Where we have the ability to adjust our response to each other. Loved that idea.

    Have a good week, Hilogene in Az.
