Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Simple, Saving Subs

It is getting to that time of the year in the States that winter will be closing in soon.  Weather can change at a moments notice, and if you are like me, you hate going out in the ice and snow to buy groceries.
We all need to keep our pantries full, but we must also realize that there are any items that can be used in place of others.  There is no reason to make a store run for 1 missing ingredient. 
Most times I am right in the middles of my recipe when I notice I am out of something. 
I am working on being more organized before baking - so that doesn't happen!!!!!  I just love having the knowledge to switch things up a bit.

Substituting ingredients is not only easy, but it is also cost effective and CAN BE healthier as well!  WIN - WIN - WIN!

There are many substitutes for oils in BAKING:
Applesauce can be used cup for cup of oil
Butter can be used cup for cup
ANY fruit puree can be used cup for cup
You can also substitute yogurt (plain or flavored), sour cream, mayo, or buttermilk
Avocado puree can be used cup for cup for butter
Pumpkin and winter squash puree can be used as well

You may need to watch the texture of your baking mix before baking, and adjust the other wet ingredients a bit - but all of these work.

You also have olive oil, Crisco, butter, coconut oil, Ghee and oils made from just about everything.  You can find just about any kind of oil you so desire at the grocery.
I just love knowing, if by some chance I run out, I have other options at my fingertips.  I generally have several types of oils on hand at any given time.  You can also create a lot of yummy new taste sensations as well by experimenting.
**TIP - I always use olive oil in brownies (most people use other oils), and my brownies come out so moist and tasty.  I always get compliments.

Oils for FRYING
My favorite is bacon grease - I keep all bacon grease in a container in the frig.
You can also drain and keep beef fat (from ground meat)
Grease from any type of meat can be drained and kept in containers in the frig or freezer.  Fats from ham, steak, pork, etc. can be rendered down.
There are lots of options for your frying needs as well!  
**TIP - I have even been known to 'pan fry' pork chops or b/s chicken in a water base - no oils at all.  There is also oven 'frying'.  No oils and both options are MUCH healthier - yet still yummy!

There are lots of subs for eggs as well, and many you wouldn't even think of.
1/4 C of Tofu  = 1 egg
1/4 C egg substitute = 1 egg
1 Tbsp. oil +2 Tbsp. water = 1 egg
1 Tbsp. cornstarch + 2 Tbsp. water = 1 egg
1 Tbsp. tapioca flour + 2 Tbsp. water = 1 egg
About 1/2 of a mashed banana (1/4 C) = 1 egg
1/4 C applesauce = 1 egg
1 Tbsp. chia seeds + 1/2 C water (let it set for 15 minutes) = 1  egg
1 Tbsp. ground flax seeds + 3 Tbsp. water (let it set 5 - 10 minutes) = 1 egg

IF you are short just 1 egg for a baking recipe, add 1/4 cup extra oil. 
OR short an egg - add 2 Tbsp. water + 1 Tbsp. oil + 2 tsp. baking powder
**TIP - Always keep a box of egg substitute on hand.  Mix with water.  Found in most baking aisles!

I would suggest if you are replacing oils with purees or dairy TRY NOT to replace eggs with another ingredient.  If you start replacing too many things in one recipe - you will definitely change the taste and texture and the chemistry involved in baking.

It is just fun knowing that we can always bake or cook with what we have on hand AND not make an extra trip to the store.  We all KNOW - NO ONE every gets just one thing at the store!!!!!!!  You save time, wear and tear on your vehicle, gas, and money.

Hope this helps in that moment you run out - it happens to the best of us!
Baking season is here!


  1. Thanks for the tips and substitutions! Some were new to me.

    1. You are so very welcome.
      Could be fun to play with!!!!

  2. Great tips! You're brilliant!
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

    1. Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the tips.
      I have lots of resources!
      Be blessed.

  3. I pan fry boneless chicken and pork chops with a water base too. So yummy!!

    1. Glad to hear someone else does that. Most people don't believe me that it is good. Moist and juicy with a nice caramel color!

  4. Thanks for posting this. Good information to have on hand.

  5. Great tips! Your right last winter I went kind of wild with too many substitutions and it was not good. I love to substitute or make buttermilk with milk and 1 tblsp of vinegar-I never have it available when I need it.

    1. Vickie, I love making buttermilk that way. I now have powdered buttermilk on hand. It is so much more frugal to make your own - unless you like to drink it. We don't and it would always go to waste.

  6. Great advice on substitutes, Cheryl. Thank you. :)
