Sunday, October 1, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 10/01

 Happy Sunday to all and happy first day of October!
We have had really nice weather for most of the week - we did get rain one day - and then we have had fog and more fog in the mornings!  This week starts as summer feeling weather - then we slide into some fall type weather for the second half.  I guess it is time.
The moon has sure been big and bright - goodness even with the fog, it has been so pretty.
My hummingbirds have gone south, I sure hate when they leave.  The New England Asters are now starting to bloom, that is my fall flower.
Sink bugs galore are flying around and clinging to things!  YUK!  It seems the excessive spider webs have slowed too.  Gosh, for a while you walked into a spider web everywhere you walked!

Well, I went to the reunion last evening and may I say there were sure a lot of 'old people' there!!!!!  LOL!  Seriously, there were some who appeared to look older than mom did when she was 90!  Others, well - I want to know what kind of secret pill they are taking, because they looked fantastic!
It was a good time - lots of fellowship.  Saw many old chums from as far back as grade school - those were fun talks.  Talked to people I haven't seen in a few decades and talked to some that I had never before met.  We had the biggest turn-out of any reunion EVER from our high school.  Pretty darn amazing.  I even sat at the same table as my childhood sweetheart (grade school)!  It sure was fun getting to catch up with people.  There was a lot of variety in education, employment, families, lifestyles, etc.  I do believe a good time was had by one and all!

This week:
  • I had a virtual meeting with my insurance rep about home and car policies.  Learned some new things about the policies, which I had not known.  I did make one small change - but basically all is good.
  • I cut my hair and did a root touch up
  • Washed all the windows on the outside
  • Had a luncheon with gals from grade school, to welcome home an old friend from CO.  That was nice
  • I got 3 huge bags of things in the trash (mainly paper) for last weeks pick-up
  • Working on more trash to go out this week - oh, so much paper!!!!!!!
  • Still harvesting lots of tomatoes - pepper plants are doing well, and there are several small peppers hanging out there
  • I did run to the store (Kroger) first of week and picked up a few specials from last weeks ad - but mainly got clearance.  I got 3 caramel apples for 1.05, 18 count eggs for .65 (spec. coupon), choc. chip granola bars for .65 box, cider was 1.99/half gal. (dang it is tasty), fresh Brussel sprouts marked 1.19/lb.  I also got flour for 2.49/5 lb.
  • While out I topped off gas, so as to use up points - saved .50 gal.
  • I also stopped at WM (cringe) and bought myself some new undies and a new bra.  Boy oh boy, nothing cheap anymore!
  • I received a gift in the mail from LaurieS from OR - it was iris roots and a few gladiola bulbs, all from her garden!  How cool - will get them planted today!  THANK YOU!!!!
  • I won a door prize at the reunion - a $30 Visa gift card!
They are starting to open!!!  The one at the back has 14 buds on it.  I doubt they all bloom, but it sure is something to see.  Thanks to the birds!

Meals this week:
Pinto beans over rice topped w/cheese
Hot dogs and a salad
Fish and fries and a side salad
Out to lunch - had a cup of cheesy potato soup and 1/2 of chicken club sandwich
Cube steak, mac n cheese and sauteed Brussel sprouts
Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Reunion buffet

I am sitting here feeling a cool breeze come through the window, the sun is shining, and I can hear "Jay" the blue jay just carrying on outside!  Things are waking up on this glorious day.

How has you week been?  It know there have been ups and downs for several of you.  I hope you got to enjoy some times too.
Any deals or bargains?  Harvests or is your garden done?
I get back to some much needed yard work this week - avoided it last week - didn't want to take a chance of getting poison ivy with the reunion coming!!!
I look forward to hearing from you all.

May you have a wonderful week and have good health and stay safe.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.
John 12:46

Dear Lord, watch over and keep us in Your embrace.  Help guide us each through hardships and heartbreaks.  We know You can heal us through Your love.  Let us have understanding in the daily dilemmas we face, that we may better get through them and help guide others.  Amen


  1. Sounds like a good week for you, Cheryl. The reunion sounds like it was a lot of fun. I look at people I went to high school and get the same reactions, some as young as ever as some seem really old. 😂

    Stink bugs are here too and driving me nuts as usual. I’ve been thinking of a winter garden this year, but time will tell. I’m glad you are still enjoying yours.

    Pinto beans over rice with cheese sounds good and I have some pinto beans cooked and ready in my fridge. All of your meals sound delicious.

    I hope you have another good week. 😊

    1. It was a good week - thanks. A mish mash of all kinds of people for sure.
      I can't stand those bugs and they DO stink when you smash them! A winter garden would be nice!
      Have a great one!

  2. I'm glad you had a good time at the reunion. Lucky you, winning a gift card. With Christmas coming, I'm sure you'll find a use for it.
    Continuing rain and cool weather here today, so I won't be doing the yardwork I should be doing, but we can use the moisture. Enjoy your lovely fall weather!

    1. I was surprised - as I never win things! Yep, first thing I said, that goes for Christmas!
      Fall is definitely approaching!
      Enjoy the day and have a great week.

  3. Husband in ER. Went into afib and fell this morning. Afib still not stabilized. Prayers requested.

    1. Frances, Praying for your Husband.

    2. Prayers for your husband...

    3. I'll be back Cheryl later, but Frances I'm praying for both you and your husband. God be with you both and praying for the doctors and nurses that their hands would be God's Hands.

    4. Frances - prayers sent up. I sure hope all goes well. Huge hugs and I will continue to pray.

    5. Prayers for your husband and for you, too, Frances. ((Hug))

    6. Prayers headed to you and your husband. Hilogene in Az

    7. Prayers for you and your husband.

    8. Me too. Prayers being said now.
      Central Az

    9. He's been added to my prayer list.

    10. Praying for your husband and for you, Frances.

    11. Prayers for you both, Frances. Cindy/WV

  4. What a FUN week you had, Cheryl. So happy you had the opportunity to connect with old friends and enjoy your reunion. Good job on clearing out things, too. I love sunflowers... so cheerful. Ours were spent, so Hubs pulled them out this week.

    We finished up the prep-food in the freezer (from before surgery). There's still plenty of food in the chest freezer, but there were some good sales at Safeway. Called son before his dad went to the store (he's 1/2 hour away). For $36.90, Hubs got 2 boneless pork half loins, 2 dozen large eggs, 4 boxes of ice cream sandwiches (they'll last us awhile!), bread, rolls, etc., saving $26.88. Son took one pork half loin and a dozen eggs, and brought us a $10 off $40 coupon for Dollar General. There, Hubs got PB, crackers and stocked up on OTCs, getting a $5 off $25 coupon for next Saturday.

    I used store rewards + sales + coupons to get my mom nice slacks and a sweater from one store website, and a fluffy robe from another for Christmas... ZERO dollars. My kind of shopping. Free shipping, too. It's been my thing for years and years.

    Throwing out a (((Hug))) for all who need one today.

    As always, thanks for the verse and prayer. Many blessings for the week ahead. --Elise

    1. Thanks - it was a fun week. Old friends, new friends - fellowship.
      What deals you got. That all sounds great. Nice you all help each other out like that.
      Hope you are continuing to heal well. Have a great week.

    2. Re. healing, I'll know more on Monday, when the last stitches should come out. Crossing fingers/saying a prayer they'll do an x-ray and I'll be given a walking boot. We'll see. I think Hubs is about ready to have me cooking again. LOL! And while I'm adjusted to the knee scooter by now, I'll be happy to be able to walk again.

      Our son picked up pizza on his way over last night; there's enough left for the 3 of us for lunch today. That's how we do things. And I taught him how to cut those half loins into pork chops and cubes--from the ends--for stew. Might have him do that with ours today, or just cut it into 3 pork roasts for the freezer. --Elise

  5. Frances, prayers for your husband and you!

  6. Good morning, Congrats on the winning the gift card! Glad you had such a good time at your reunion.
    We have had a couple of foggy mornings here and this morning it's 41 here. I have my heavy bathrobe on, brr. We haven't done any yard work this past week, things have slowed down out there. The grass is still growing tho. It has rained a couple of days. My fall allergies are here.
    We bought a winter jacket for our GD and I got that mailed out last week. The weather is changing fast.
    Went to Costco and did a big stock up. I'm hoping I won't need to go back till almost Thanksgiving. I'm doing a roast w/carrots and potatoes for dinner today. Looking forward to leftovers!
    I also did some Ebay shopping last week and paid for the items from my Paypal acct.
    Have a blessed day.

    1. Thanks - I was surprised to win something.
      Brrr - we may get in 40's at night by the end of the week. Yes, things are slowing.
      Stock up are always nice - just helps out so much. Your roast and veggies sounds wonderful to me. One of my favorite comfort foods.
      Hoping you have a blessed week my friend!

    2. Allergies here, too, LaurieS, and it's been windy so they're flaring up. No Costco here--the nearest is in Flagstaff--and I do miss it. We LOVE a classic roast w/carrots and potatoes dinner. I do them often. --Elise

  7. Excellent devotional! I marked the scripture to add to my cards for my scripture display.

    So glad your reunion was fun! And you got a gift card...woohoo!

    Your sunflowers are pretty. Who doesn't like sunflowers?! Ours are spent so they will be pulled out. Getting to be the time to clean up the garden. We do still have tomatoes and peppers going strong and have more potatoes to dig.

    Going out to help the Farmer with replacing the roof on the chicken run. The chickens will be shuffled to the other run connected to the chicken house and they won't be pleased. We have one bossy biddy and she lets you know in no uncertain terms when she is not happy.

    We found brisket deeply discounted at Meijer and we bought a small one. Even it yielded lots of meat. We had tacos for the Sabbath with a packet of Spanish rice from Dollar Tree of all places. I put four quart bags of meat in the freezer. Found a recipe for a brisket pizza and I think it would be good in red beans and rice also. Probably make chili with one bag.

    I am surprised at how low eggs are considering the cost of chicken feed has not gone down.

    Enjoy the almost summer-like days. One day is forecasted to be 87.

    1. Thanks - it was a hoot. Sunflowers are just the cheeriest plant ever! You have to smile when you see one.
      That sounds like a job! Bossy chickens - LOL!
      Oh that brisket sounds yummy - what great ideas to use it. You gals are making me hungry this morning.
      Eggs have really come back down in price - I figured they would when everyone was panicking.
      It is lovely today.
      Have a lovely week.

    2. Donna, I wondered about the cost of feed, because the sale on eggs this week was under $1 per dozen. Chicken has also come way down in price here. Weird, but I'll happily enjoy the lower prices! By the way, when we lived in TX, brisket was *the* beef cut of choice. --Elise

    3. Elise, it seems when a price goes up (taxes included), that it never goes back down. We have been finding good cuts of chicken at reasonable prices too. Organic scratch grains were $28.99 doe 35 pounds. Feed was $25.99 for 40 pounds. Don't know how much higher it will go.

  8. Cheryl, you'll be basking in the memories of the reunion for awhile. I had a recovery day after returning from 3 nights at my son's 4hrs away. Fall is here for sure: the garden is cleaned out with a nice crops of carrots the last to come in; 4 cords of firewood was delivered; the renter took his cows home yesterday. Fall colors are a delight in the sunshine but won't last long with a good wind. I've walked a few times this week but will count stacking the firewood as my exercise until that job is done. I spent a day away from home visiting a friend for lunch & scrabble followed by appts in town. She gifted me beets from her garden; they're still waiting for me to do something with them. My mom is failing as she ages past 90 & I'm sure it won't be long before she needs the next level of care. I've been going to her more frequently. In the kitchen: ham & lazy beet holupchi; roast chicken with beets & carrots & mashed potatoes. I've been enjoying chicken sandwiches with refrigerator pickles. Made monster cookies for the freezer. Let October begin.

    1. I think I will be too. Just keeping going over conversations!
      Glad you made it home safely and got some rest. Yes, I would say stacking wood is good exercise.
      Lovely on the beets!
      It is hard as our folks get older. They need more assistance and help - but they sure helped us along the way. Hope things go well with her.
      Your meals sound amazing too. You guys are inspiring me!
      Have a great week.

    2. Prayers for your mom and your family, Mona. My mom is at the same stage. Sis took her to the doctor last week because her legs give out sometimes. She weighed a scant 100 lbs. clothed with shoes on. The Alzheimers is getting worse, too. She lives with my Sis and BIL who are hiring more hours of help for/with her, because mom's doctor was worried about Sis. Keeping YOU in my prayers, too. It's hard.

    3. Elise and Mona, you are both in my prayers for this issue. I'm only just beginning to realize how incredibly difficult these situations can be.

  9. Frances, prayers for your husband and for you.
    Cheryl, as always, a wonderful devotional. They always seem to hit me where I live.
    Finished the last of the free pears into pear preserves. My garden is just about done although the peppers are still producing and were helped by the rain we received this week. It was very needed.
    Meals this last week were mainly sandwiches, whatever I could put between bread LOL, and salad.
    Made some rosemary hair rinse with given rosemary and also made some rosewater facial water.
    Today the DD's and I are making hot pepper jelly. I will help and instruct as it is time they learned.
    Not looking forward to cold weather but we now it is coming.

    1. Thank you - I am glad the devotionals are well received.
      Nice to turn something free into good food! The rain helped here some too, but we sure need more.
      Sandwiches are great - I have done a lot of those and salads.
      How nice on the hair rinse and facial water. Yes, teach these young-ins the ways of preserving. I love it!
      Have a nice week.

  10. I'm so happy to hear you had a good time at your reunion and that there was such a big turnout. That's wonderful!
    I can't wait for the cool front to come in next weekend. It's been in the high 80's here and I'm ready for cooler weather.
    I hope this is a fabulous week for you!!

    1. Thank you. The head of the alumni assoc. was there and he was just amazed at all the people. People he never seen anything like it before.
      I like cooler just not cold!
      You have a wonderful week.

  11. So glad you had a good time at your reunion and were able to talk with long-time friends and those who you didn't know before and got a chance to visit with. That's the best part of these reunions -- the variety of people, including those whose paths took a jog you didn't expect (in my case, the shy guy in the trombone section who owns (owned?) one of the largest Harley dealers in one of the southern states. The last reunion he attended, everyone wanted to know who the "hot guy" was!!!

    I made a stop at our local Menards to day to pick up a few items, including a new battery for my digital thermometer (so I'm ready if/when flu season hits home). They had my preferred 12-pk of TP on sale for $3.99 - 11% mail-in rebate, so I got 3. And, in wandering through the food section, Raisin Bran was on sale for $2.79 (and I needed some), and pineapple tidbits and apricot halves were on clearance, $1 and $0.79 respectively - 11% rebate. Was not expecting that kind of a sale, but for that price, I added several of each to my cart. I also picked up Welch's fruit snacks for the trick-or-treaters at a price better than the Aldi brand, and some dog items. Now it's time to finish the grape juice and applesauce that still needs to go into the canner.

    1. It is amazing to see where lives ended up. My childhood 'sweetheart' still works for Boeing and works exclusively on space station things. He was shy and quiet in school - played the trumpet, and didn't date much. He is still quite handsome in my opinion - has wicked tattoos (surprised me) and has been married for 44 years! LOL
      It takes all kinds!!!!
      Those are some really good finds. I haven't been to Menard's in ages. I need to make a trip soon. Love finding deals like that - and then a rebate as well!
      Happy canning.
      Have a good week

  12. You got some amazing deals at Kroger. Our eggs are still $3.89 a dozen and we eat a lot of eggs.
    What a hoot that your childhood crush is now tattooed. Gosh, I hate tattoos. Sounds like the folks that go to reunions have been successful in their lives. That reflects well on your school and community.
    We've just ended the best September in years, weatherwise. No frost yet but those dang raccoons got the rest of our corn. I picked the squash in case they want to sink their teeth into those. Colors are just gorgeous. Leaves are falling from our black walnut tree revealing a few nuts.
    Wishing for those with health issues and ill loved ones to find the strength to deal with the fears and sorrow of day to day struggles. The wheel of life turns so there will be better days ahead.

    1. I did get a deal - I had a special coupon - but prices have dropped a lot on eggs here anyway.
      I guess it just surprised me that he had tattoos - he was so quiet & shy back in the day. We did have a lot of success stories (a lot) but also some that have never given up the hippie lifestyle (party life) and some that have had prison stays. But a pretty good group.
      Glad you had such a good month. Sorry about the corn, those racoons are pests! Squirrels around here have found walnuts down the way, as I keep finding hulls in my yard!
      Enjoy the many colors of fall and the lovely cooler temps.
      Have a wonderful week.

  13. Love the prayer, Cheryl. As you know, that is very fitting for me. I have had the heartbreak of suddenly losing our Missy Christmas, our little angel-girl. She is the little white poodle that was dumped here on the road in the freezing cold after Christmas. She suddenly started crying again, and couldn't stand, her body curling. An ear infection ruled out. We lost our little angel at the vet's, we felt forced to put her under because of the horrible suffering. The young vet, another young man, very empathetic. He looked like he was about to cry...He said it could be neurological or spinal due to the abuse she suffered from the past people who had this angel and dumped her. Long story.

    But I am heartbroken, I bawled my head off in the lobby and did not care who heard me. It was at the end of the day so no other patients were there, the young vet was kind enough to stand by the front counter to make sure we were seen out properly with all that went with that. The theatre of my mind is reeling and I am grieving. Trying to do life, but it has been a bit much lately.

    People are such zombies it seems too I noticed in various stores, I would tell them my dog was at the vet's very ill as hubs and I were in the next town waiting on test results etc. and so many....just so many....they are so socially inept these days from having their faces in the screen they don't even know how to talk to people anymore. So discouraging.

    I'm glad your reunion was good, Cheryl. That is so important and will encourage you so much in the future, I love that you had a good experience. I so value hearing that, Cheryl, just so important I think.

    God be with us all. Beautiful prayer, I reiterate, Cheryl. Thank you. ~Amelia

    1. It is a horrible experience to go through - so sad. Yes, it is heartbreaking, as they are so innocent and look to us to love and care for them. I have taken babies to the vet, knowing it was probably time - and in most cases, mine just stopped breathing on their own, and I did not have to have it done. I have done that twice in all my years and it is horrible, so I understand. They are our babies!
      People are so self-absorbed it seems today. It is somewhat discouraging. I send you huge comfort hugs and know that I am so sorry you are going through this. The mysteries of God will be known to us someday.
      Try to have a good week my friend.

    2. Thank you Cheryl, I'm so confused on it all...As you know, the theatre of our minds replay things and in my case, being a thinker, I analyze and question everything. I keep wondering if I should have just held her and let her pass in my arms but we didn't know how long the suffering would go on. It's very good for me that you remind me of the mysteries of God. I told the vet about the middle aged man in the nursing home seeing all of his pets from his life when he had died before being brought back by emts. I told the vet: I believe that. And so true Cheryl, there are so many mysteries that we will never understand until we get to Heaven. My dad would have understood too, when his beloved dog, Minniepearl had been hit by a car, my dad sat in the street holding her weeping loudly as his friend guided traffic around my dad and Minniepearl.

  14. P.S. I've never wanted to ever put an animal down, I don't take that lightly like many do, my philosophy is it must be God's Hand to take our fur baby not mine. It was the kind of thing where we brought her home and things weren't good, not at all, heartbreaking so had to return in confusion.... just horrible.

    1. So sorry Amelia, that is heart breaking. Prayers for you. Cindy/WV

    2. Thank you so much Cindy for your empathy and heartfelt prayers, I so appreciate it. And thank you for taking the time to reply too that always means so much.

  15. Good Morning, all. I am definitely on the fall rollercoaster. Hardly a moment to breathe since Thursday night. Some just appointments, some fun, etc. As is usual for October, just busy.

    Frances, prayers already said for both you and your husband.
    Amelia, my heart hurts just thinking about it. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet baby. God bless you for loving and caring for her.

    We are still having summer here on the prairie. 90s during the day, near 70 at night. I am soooo over being hot! It's supposed to drop to the 70s by the weekend, but I'm not holding my breath lo.l. It's been so hot that I'm not sure what I'll do about the pumpkin patch this year. We have one nearby, but the pumpkins are piled out there in the heat. I can't imagine they'll survive until Halloween. And I usually keep them until after Thanksgiving.

    I went to the dentist for a cleaning on Friday. I wonder if anyone else leaves the medical offices like I do. First, I HATE going. Not a little bit, but I don't sleep the night before. My dentist and his wife are friends of ours so it's not that I don't like and trust him. Anyway, my point is that if I get out of any office with a good report, Im Rocky out the front door. I have both arms in the air and I'm humming the Rocky music lol. As I age, I'm always more excited that there's no new medical hell I'll be dealing with. So, am I the only one?!

    Cheryl, I'm so glad you enjoyed your reunion! Did you do grade school through grade 6 or 8? I had my first*real* bf at 13. I actually had my choice of 2!! I naturally went for the bad boy and broke the nice guy's heart, so typical. Totally melodramatic breakup so I'd just be embarrassed to see him again lol. He moved away so I never saw him again after 8th grade. Just for the record, I did *fall in love* again, even though I said I never would 😂 😂😂😂😂. Such is a teen girl's heart. It's hilarious to think that I thought that was love 😂. I had hormone induced psychosis.

    1. Glad you had a good visit at the dentist. I am not a fan of any doctor - very rarely go for anything.
      Pumpkins last a long time - hopefully you can keep one through the holiday.
      I went grade school through grade 6. Junior high back then was 7-9, then high school. My 'friend' went to a different junior high - so we rarely saw each other until again in high school. I was still crushin'!!!!! LOL
      Oh the hearts of a yongerster!
      Have a great week.

  16. Debby, we've been having "Indian Summer" (if one can still say that), but a cool down is expected this week. The *good* news is we had a lot of wind over the weekend, so it didn't feel as hot. I'm ready for sweater weather!! This morning is cool and just after dawn, a small herd of 5 deer crossed the road into the vacant homestead next to us, which kept the dogs intrigued for a few minutes. Speaking of...

    Amelia, I so feel for you. (((Hug))) It was wonderful that you were able to give Missy Christmas plenty of love and good care after she'd been abandoned. As much as it hurts right now, she'll always be in your heart.

    I didn't sleep well last night, nervous about today, I guess, so you aren't alone, Debby. By lunchtime today I'll know if I can get clearance to walk with a walking boot or not. Years ago, just before my 2nd lumpectomy (breast), I joked with the surgeon that I collect scars; they don't require storage space or dusting, I said, and he laughed. Well, I've now added what will be a few gnarly scars to the collection, two of which will be long and impossible to miss on my formerly bad foot, that I hope will now be a "good" foot when the healing is complete. Then one on my heel where the screws were put in, and one on my calf where one tendon was cut. The others are small and fading already.

    Trying to remember my 1st bf and how old I was at the time. I had a few crushes, and I dated throughout HS, but didn't fall in love--or think I had--until later. 19? 20? Outside of family, few people know I was engaged twice before I met Hubs. In fact, I knew his parents before I met him, and my 2nd engagement was announced in front of them not quite a year before Hubs and I started dating. I'm sure that didn't help in their opinion of me.

    Frances, I continue to pray. How I wish I could offer more than that.

    Cheryl, thank you so much for this space you've created where we can pray for each other, "chat", learn and lift each other up.

    1. My pleasure. Was thinking of that last evening. I am so happy that folks feel comfortable to air their concerns, worries and stresses, and that others are kind and sweet and prayerful for them. I love this community and the folks here. Love and compassion are wonderful traits and you all have them.
      Fingers crossed you come home with a BOOT!

      FRANCES - update us when you can!!!!!! HUGS

    2. Hurray! The stitches are all out, the x-rays were GOOD, the doc is happy with my healing, AND I got a walking boot! Still will need the knee scooter for awhile as he wants me to only have a few minutes at a time of weight bearing to start, but it's a big step in the right direction! Pun intended.
      :-D --Elise

    3. YAY!!! GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!! You'll be strutted your stuff before you know it!!! LOL

    4. Fabulous news, Elise! Great to hear it!

    He was admitted Sunday and is still in the hospital. The Afib is something he will have to live with. The doctors are trying to find the right combination of BP drugs and blood thinners to balance the stroke vs. bleeding risks. He is also having bleeding due to being catheterized. They need to get that under control and get his urinary function back to normal. This afternoon, his BP dropped to 90/57, and he was suddenly having serious dementia-type symptoms and weakness. At this point, there is no way I can have him come home. I will need to find at least a temporary placement for him at a place that can handle both his medical problems and these sudden-onset dementia issues. I'm praying the dementia is temporary. If it is not, I don't know what I will do.
    Thank you all very much for your prayers. At this point my only prayer is "Thy will be done and please grant me the strength to deal with it."

    1. Oh, Frances, I hope they can find the right combo of meds to get *everything* under control. Your prayer is a version of what I've been praying (for you) as well... what's best for him and what's best for YOU and the strength and peace to deal with all of it.

      Some nursing homes offer short term rehab. Grandma Griff went to one for 30 days after she broke her hip, and my mom went to one for 30 days when a cascade of health issues ran her down. In both cases, they got stronger and were able to go back home. The doctors can set all that up, including transport.

      One day at a time. (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. FRANCES - thank you for the update - I just got done saying a prayer a few minutes ago for you and your hubby (before reading this). Prayers for a quick resolution as to what is causing the problems and how to fix it. Also hoping the dementia is just a cause of the blood pressure and medication and not permanent.
      There are many short term rehab locations that do a wonderful job. My sis was in one for a few weeks when she fell and broke her shoulder at 90. Hoping this resolves quickly and he is on a better health venture in the very near future. You make sure YOU take care of yourself as well. You are important to a lot of people.
      Your prayer is appropriate. God's will be done - He has the answers which we may not understand.
      Bless you both and huge hugs sent from afar. Please keep us updated.

  18. Frances, praying for your Husband and for you.
