Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 Just taking a moment to wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you each get to spend time with those you love and just being together.  May your bodies be blessed with great nourishment.
Wishing you a splendid day and remember those who are not with this on this day by speaking of them and including their memory into the festivities!

I am so thankful for so many things in this world, and you are all included.
Thank you so much for being friends and extended family and supporting me in my adventures.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend. Love the painting with the kitten, just beautiful. And yes, let's remember those loved ones, speaking of them and special memories too. Amen.

    So much to be thankful for, your blog is a blessing to me, I was just telling my husband this morning how special it is.

    Please keep that old movie, 'Meet John Doe' in's so appropriate for this time of year. I saw it for the first time when I came home with our little fourth born baby girl from the birth center, next week will be her birthday, she's a very definite adult young woman now. The movie is in the spirit of things here, not becoming a heelot with the rest.

    Take care friend, please have a sweet Thanksgiving, in Christ's precious love and care, ~Amelia

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Cheryl! We are all blessed by your posts and the friendships that have developed because of it.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for all that you do. Cookie

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Cheryl. You are a blessing to all of us. XO Cindy/WV

  5. And the same to you Cheryl and I hope you have a wonderful day with family. XXXXX

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Cheryl. May God bless you today and always!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Cheryl! I am grateful for all the work you do in sharing your blog with us. This is a place of peace and encouragement!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Cheryl! Hilogene in Az

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your extended family, Cheryl. Enjoy your day.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Cheryl! I am so thankful for all you do in hosting this blog. I am also thankful for all the wonderful people who read and comment here and especially for all the support Husband and I have received over the past few months. You are all truly a blessing!

    Husband moved into a new personal care facility yesterday. They can provide a slightly higher level of care than he could receive at the previous personal care home. He was also enrolled in hospice and will receive additional support and care. We will celebrate Thanksgiving together today with the traditional turkey dinner at his new home.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words!
      So happy your hubby is settled now, and that there will be great care and support for him. I know this is all hard on you too - but he has lots of support there (medical) and that is good.
      Enjoy your dinner together today. Many blessings and prayers to you both!!!!

  11. Thanksgiving Blessings to all. I appreciate all of you and I'm thankful for Cheryl for creating this space. I watched Meet John Doe last night. Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. Yep, don't be a heelot. Be Thankful and neighbourly every day!
    Central Az

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you Cheryl!!

  13. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you.

    God bless.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Oven went out yesterday but we made the best of it. Hubs smoked the turkey.

    Now that the kids are grown Thanksgiving is a bit different every year. I've changed my approach on some things and other things have been the same for 20 years or so. (I took over when my in-laws moved away.)

    Tomorrow we go cut a tree. Been doing that for over 30 years! The coldest tree cutting day was 20⁰F. The warmest day was 60⁰F. I really enjoyed the warmer day-- no coats!


    1. Thank you. Great save with the turkey!
      Amazing how things change up over the years. Grow and change!!
      Have fun cutting the tree - hope it isn't too cold.
