Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trash to Treasure - Getting Creative

 Hello all.  Happy Tuesday.  Hope this finds you well and safe.  It is a very rainy morning here.  Breezy and rain - makes for a real chill!  Just glad it isn't snow.

You all know I had my last holiday gathering Sunday.  It was a blast.  Oh, we had some fun.  I again, got so many lovely gifts from my family.  My niece and both nephews MADE parts of my gifts.  They added in store bought - but each got creative.  I love it!
One nephew made a wreath tree.  It is something like a coat tree - not as tall and has a hanger for a lovely big wreath.  I got a wonderful homemade wreath from them a couple years back.
Another made a beautiful candle holder - wood - hand whittled and wood burned.  It almost looks ancient - like Aztec or something.  I will have to take pictures of both of these items to display at a later date.

My niece made me a gnome!
He is adorable!!!  
Now, I told her I was going to post - so others could make one too.  She used a laundry soap pods container to make.  She has also used coffee creamer bottles, Purex bottles, coffee containers, fabric softener bottles, etc.  You can use anything - depending on the size and shape you want. (you would buy baby/children hats instead of adult for skinnier ones.)

This is the back.  She painted the container white - I might have painted to match the 'hair' - but you can do it either way.  She got the caps on clearance - and the 'hair' she bought at WM and you can get at any craft store.
She added the nose (1/2 of a craft wooden ball) and the little ornamental sprig.  She has done in all colors.
Add a bit of glue to hat to hold in position.  Everything is just glued.

He is just the cutest thing.  I can leave it out all winter, not just a Christmas decoration.
I just love using one's trash to make a beautiful treasure that can be used for years to come.  I will start saving my laundry detergent bottles, (or any plastic container that could work). I want to make some of these over this coming year for gifts.
Now would be a good time to find the hats cheaply - but you could buy next fall as well.  
If you don't have bottles, have family or friends keep theirs for you.

There you have a great trash to treasure project.
Give a lovely gnome to someone as a gift!  Get creative and maybe make them to have a summer/hippy look too! ****  I am thinking colored 'hair' or a bandana - so many options!
There is no limit to what you can do!

Have a great day!


  1. Love the gnome. An excellent trash to treasure recycle.

    God bless.

    1. Isn't it? I think it is just the cutest! I plan on making some.

  2. AWESOME!!! I love it!!!!!!! About 5 years ago I started collecting gnomes when one (on clearance) at TJ Maxx told me he wanted to come home with me. I know. Hubs didn't believe me, either. But I swear he just hopped into the cart. I can't wait to try one of these!!! I'll start looking for the bobble knit caps on end of season clearance. Can you see my huge smile?!!

    You have such a creative family! I love getting homemade gifts. When our oldest was a baby, Hubs' maternal grandma made a baby quilt for him out of flannel cloth, tied off instead of quilted. I still have it--a cherished gift and reminder of her. I think of that blanket when you make blankets for the littles in your family. --Elise

    1. After you mentioned gnomes the other day - I knew you would love this idea. So easy and just darling.
      I have one I need to make for a niece - she is the baby momma and want one with baby clothes. I have it all here, just need to get busy figuring out a design.

    2. It's an adorable idea, Cheryl, and would be great in a baby theme for a nursery! You've activated my craft button. LOL! Good, too, because I forgot to mention... it's 3 degrees (F) this morning! The dogs are IN. Snow won't be melting today. --Elise

    3. Glad to have pushed your button!!! Yes, so cute in baby/child theme as well. Brrrrrrrr - that is cold!

  3. The gnome is really cute!! I'm glad you had a nice celebration with your family. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you on both counts. It was lovely. I wish I could see them more often.

  4. The gnome is adorable! You're right, so many different things could be done. Do you think your kitties will think it is a plaything? Erin's cats would probably have it down, playing with it.

    So happy that your visit was good. Family events, even those infrequent, leave good, warm feelings. I am thinking of the last time I saw my niece and her daughter and what a good visit we had.

    Cold and gloomy! A gratitude that I posted in my faith planner is that I was grateful it is rain and not snow. We are headed to Fresh Thyme to buy some fresh garlic. Making chili...good day for it! The rain looks like it has let up for a while. Have mending to do today and hemming my new pajama bottoms. I think they were made for Nephilim. ha! Stay warm, you and your bitty kitties.

    1. LOL - it is up high and they haven't seen it yet!
      Family gatherings are the best.
      Yes, not so much cold as very chilly, damp and gloomy! SO happy it isn't snow. Maybe overnight?
      Chili sounds wonderful - good day for it.

  5. I love homemade gifts that use everyday things and turn out so cute. How fun your family enjoys that. My goal for this year is to do more of that for gifts.

    1. I love it and have always stressed that with the kids. They know how I am - we have all talked so much over the years about money - they get it! I just love homemade

  6. Debby in Kansas USAJanuary 9, 2024 at 3:19 PM

    Cheryl, your gnome buddy is adorable!! I made a gnome family as a gift, as well. They were also a huge hit. My friend's son is autistic and fell 8n love with gnomes when he was very young. Though he's officially 22, his mind is forever 7 or so. I made them a gnome family in shades of blue for a January decoration. I included a garland made of snow capped mountain tops for the mantel and a story about them. My friend told me that the gnomes disappeared before Christmas day was done. She found them on her son's nightstand!!! Apparently he loved them so much, he heisted them for himself. Naturally, I was thrilled because I made them specifically because of his love for the little guys.

    I look forward to seeing your other gifts, Cheryl.

    Lastly, we had rain all day yesterday and woke to serious blowing snow. All the schools are closed. The streets are treacherous because the rain froze a layer of black ice and then it snowed on top. It's all heading NE so I suspect the upper Midwest is gonna get this one even worse. And I hear subzero temps are next. 🥶🥶🥶

    1. Thanks, I think he is pretty cute. Oh how sweet. He must have really loved them. That is so neat.
      Stay safe and in!!! We are having rain. Temps stay decent until the weekend then it is supposed to get pretty darn cold. Maybe some snow overnight and then back to 40 tomorrow.

    2. We're out west, Debby, and another snowstorm is due Thursday. As with all of our winter storms, it'll head east. Sorry. It did warm up to a balmy mid 30s today from a low of 3.

    3. You may keep your snow and not send it east!!!! We don't want it. LOL

  7. I just love homemade reused stuff like that!

  8. Cheryl that gnome is so cute, I can just see him sitting somewhere with two cats next to him.
    Stay warm, Louise

    1. LOL - well, they may attack it - not sure. Bits loves stuff animals! But that would sure make a cute picture!!!!

  9. What a nice gift! I've made gnomes before using fuzzy socks but I've never seen one made of a plastic container before.
    Stay warm!

    1. I bet those would be cute. This is just so 3 dimensional - I love it.

  10. So glad you had a lovely Sunday, Cheryl! Family time is precious.

    We had rain today, torrential rain, thankfully no snow. Flooding on the roads and roadsides, but by late afternoon the sun came out. :)

    At work today they had an extra lunch so they shared: a soft taco with beef, lettuce, cheese, tomato. It was good. :)

    Also there was a sweatshirt that came in an order but is a second, it's not stitched right, so they gave it to me because "they knew I'd do something with it". For sure it will be a challenge. Thick and soft, it will be warm when I repair it.

    Stay warm and dry, folks!

    1. How nice, MaryB! The lunch and the sweatshirt. --Elise

    2. Well, at least it isn't snow MARY! That is good. I always think about how much snow there would be for the rain! Stay safe! Nice on the lunch and the free sweatshirt. Heck yeah, you can always doctor up a sweatshirt and for keeping warm around the house - it doesn't really matter.

  11. Hi Cheryl, I'm so happy for you that you had such a grand time with the family! The gnome is so cute! : ) That is such a sweet and thoughtful gift, especially since it's homemade like that. When I was in I think the first grade, the teacher had us bring empty clorox bottles. She cut the top part off and stapled orange cloth and a drawstring on top. She let us put felt eyelashes and lips on the front like a lady's face. They were for us to give to our moms for Christmas to put their curlers in, I wish I still had that! I love foam curlers and it would come in handy! That same teacher had us bring a tuna can. She or her husband cut a slit down the side and bent the corners down. They painted them white and we put red felt on the bottom and a red felt bowtie at the bottom of the slit. That was for our dad's for Christmas.

    I think you are going to have so much fun making all kinds of gnomes! Yippee!

    Have a sweet night! ~Amelia

    1. Thanks. Those are cute ideas. It seems people have always been recycling. How cool.
      Glad to see you post - was worried about the weather down that way.

  12. P.S. The tuna can gift was for men's tie tacks or cuff links etc.

  13. Isn't that precious?!? Such a neat idea! I love that you can leave it out all throughout winter as well. Very cute!

    1. I love it. She did a really good job and it is just too cute. Yes, a lovely winter decoration.

  14. This one made me smile! Fun!
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  15. You can sew a fleece hat and use yarn for the pom pom. Or, you could cut up an old sweater for the hat. I want to make gnomes for my yard next Christmas.

    1. Those are great ideas. There are always fun ways to do things. I want to make a summer gnome for my porch too!

  16. Happy New Year, Cheryl! Your gnome is so cute. ( Little Penpen)
