Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Enjoy Your Day

 Happy Wednesday to all.  It is Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday.  
I do not celebrate V Day - haven't for many, many years.  I have never attended Ash Wed. services.
I know many do celebrate and I wish you all a great day.

If you celebrate with another - have fun.  You can keep things simple and lovely at the same time.
A meal at home, a special dessert or just cuddle time.
If alone, do something nice for yourself.  Give yourself a spa night at home, or buy yourself some flowers at the grocery, or make a yummy you don't usually have.
As for me, I will be home just chilling with my kitties.  Nothing special going on.

Years ago, we decided to stop spending good money on the many days that indicate we do such.  They seemed to be money traps to us.  We bought what we wanted when we wanted.  We had no need to wait for a special day.
And for showing love - that should be an everyday thing.

If you desire to do something special - look at doing something for someone in need.  Donate to thrift stores or shelters, help with a food pantry, donate somewhere.

Have a lovely day to all!

My mission is to promote the older ways of living and to lead others to a simpler and somewhat frugal lifestyle.  If this isn't for you, please let us that do - enjoy ourselves.  We do not need to defend or explain ourselves to others.  Thank you for following along and for your 'positive' ideas.


  1. Hello Cheryl! Just wanted to let you know how many of us enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for the reminders of the joys we each had before life got so fast. With social media, there are always people who will disagree & let you know, but please don't let them get to you. Many of us are loving your posts! Please continue just as you have & we look forward to reading what you have to share!

    1. THANK YOU! That means a lot to me. There are just some days that my patience with people gets short - I hate that, but I am human. The thing is that they don't get it!

      I try to keep this place happy and positive and spread the word of life BEFORE life 'got so fast'. We all need to slow down and enjoy a little more.
      Thank you for your sweet words today - I needed it.

  2. So sorry something happened that you had to put the 'reminder'. You shouldn't have to do that but I know some people just want to argue or slam others. I honestly think some people can't handle happiness or positive communication. It's sad but it's not your problem. Thank you for all that you do here. Enjoy your day!!

    1. Thank you. Some people seem to think this is THEIR private forum. It just gets aggravating. I agree with you and it seems that their homes lives may need something more.
      I appreciate your kind words.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Cheryl. Like you, we do not celebrate the day either. There is no reason for us to spend money on such a day as this. Although I do admit to buying a Reese's peanut butter chocolate heart yesterday. LOL The holiday ones are always so fresh.

    1. Yep, sometimes the 'special' candy of the season is just fresher. No problem buying a goody now and then! I do too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Elise, such good news about your mom!

    2. Have a lovely day with your son. Wonderful news on your mom. That is quite a blessing.

    3. Thank you, Cheryl. Snuggle those kitties! --Elise

    4. Oh my gosh, Ellise! That is *wonderful*!!!!! I so get it! PTL PTL PTL. I've been a-prayin'. Thank God. ~Amelia

    5. So good to hear your mom is moved in and doing well. Definitely answered prayer!

  5. Happy Valentines Day to you. We don't celebrate the day either. We know we love each other!

    1. Absolutely! That was our logic too. Have a lovely day my friend.

  6. Elise, I'm glad to hear this news about your mom. That's a happy Valentine for sure! :)

    Cheryl, thank you for this place. Coming here makes me feel that I'm among freinds. :) Some folks just gotta gripe and be downers. Thank you, God, for the DeleteKey!

    The old gentleman I worked for used to wait until the day *after* Valentine's and then we'd hit the shops for half-price candy. Worked for me. :) He was always giving gifts anyway, and I felt so appreciated just for coming to work! Fun job.

    Elise, those prices are *amazing* - I've not seen anything like that in years.

    Happy Day to all.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mary, I think the real holiday should be the 15th - cheap chocolate day!!! LOL
      How nice it was of him to buy all the goodies.

    3. I too love it here and many here have even helped with questions offering suggestions, care and prayers with this crisis with my mom and our little pets passing away, things that break my heart. Your blog, Cheryl is an answer to prayer.

      I too hope I haven't appeared to use it here as a private forum or come across like that, I'm long winded and type fast so I'm sorry if I've over-done anything, Cheryl. ~Amelia

  7. The greeting card people and others who make special holiday things are making out like fat rats. Chilling with your kitties sounds like the perfect day to me.

    Do you approve comments before they are published? I know some bloggers do that. It's a shame that has to be done.

    1. Personally I don't see any other way of running a public site. It will slide into the sewer if someone is not actively vetting everything. Pity. Remember "if you can't say something nice then don't say anything"? Apparently that's a lesson the 21st century has quit teaching. :(

    2. They sure are - that is where the 'interest' comes from - those making lots of money.
      No I do not pre-approve comments - that is something I have been considering. It just seems like more work for me. But I am considering it.

    3. I tried that on my blog and I didn't care for it, it was a hassle for me, personally, I was always afraid that I would not see a nice person trying to comment. I personally just delete (and maybe block) if I see someone not so nice. ...But I have known people who do it, but some people never even post comments which I find rather 'different'; ) and not considerate of someone taking time to comment sincerely. I know you would agree. : )

  8. Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoying the blessings that are showered upon us is the best way to celebrate any holiday. Lynn Ewing

    1. Thank you. Yes indeed, we need to appreciate life and every day!

  9. I just read the Daily Dose on that's another perspective in Valentine's Day.

    We don't celebrate Valentine's Day, but we celebrate our anniversary. That works really well for us, especially this year, when
    Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting, falls on February 14.

    1. Kind of ironic how the dates/days fell this year. I bet not many fast today!!!
      You celebrate your special day and enjoy it.

  10. I am sure the slightly better than average dinner and dessert in the middle of the week aren't everyone's idea of celebrating the day but it is ours. I agree we need to show love everyday of the year instead of just on "special" days. Tonight's dinner is also one of the ways we climb out of the winter doldrums. We eat a special dinner on St Patty's day too.
    I hope the "trolls" are staying away.

    1. Nothing better than a lovely and delicious meal ANYTIME! It surely will brighten the day and they week. Enjoy it to the max.
      I usually have cabbage of some sort on St. Pat Day.
      Thank you - enjoy your dinner.

  11. What lovely thoughts. Thank you. I couldn't have put it any better. Yes, I think many people today are missing something in their own lives, and just feel the need to be center of attention wherever they can. Truly sad. The word 'tedious' is a good one!
    Thank you so much!

  12. Hi Cheryl! We don't do much on Valentines day either, maybe a card and candy, hubs will usually find a bouquet while at Sam's or Aldi and give those early on the day he's in town, he bought our youngest beautiful brightly colored pink/white mixed little carnations since the little lad went away. I feel the same way you do. : ) I love what you wrote on giving to shelters, or blessing others etc. I have a Dollar Tree tinsel Valentine teddy bear for my mom to brighten her day and I made up a couple of goody bags for the two Littles we will drop off quickly today down the road. I put some little plastic cars (from a multi pack from wally) in the bags, a little dinosaur that shoots a ball (from a multipack from Wally) and heart balloons. Just a little something to bring a smile. I was going to have bags for all of the Littles today but with my mom and all, that is not working out but I'll keep the extras just in case.

    For supper we'll have some leftover lasagna from yesterday, and I think I'll roast some frozen broccoli to go with it. I just run hot water over the frozen broccoli and put it on a pan with olive oil and garlic powder, if I want to bulk it up I sprinkle almond flour on it etc.

    Gosh, that is a shame that someone is so determined to not be nice. I had a woman do some crazy things once...She would not stop on a post I wrote and even found a way to send me two different loads of articles in the mail, one was in a big box. It was concerning that she did that to say the least! There used to even be a person delving into witchcraft, a very messed up woman who loved to try to harass. I had her I.P. number though. She finally called me 'deluded' and I knew exactly who it was. She was called out and a friend of mine, a brother in Christ also came and called her out and no more. On the first woman who sent me stuff, I *so* wish I would have blocked her through her first comment instead of deleting first. Oh well enough of that. We don't need to give those people air-time. : )

    I hope you find a beautiful bouquet of flowers for *you* today, I think it's great that you have a store with clearance flowers, my son in law down the street will get those for my daughter many times and they are just as beautiful as any other. : )

    I think the Lord really uses your blog to bless others, and I find it a delightful place! : ) Thank you Cheryl for hosting such a sweet place and a huge blessing for others. I love your ideas and your down-to-earth way of sharing life. I'm old school and proud of it, and we all need to remember that many of drifted off into the ways of the world in so many ways...just like sitting at the beach and seeing people on their rafts drift off and the people have no idea how far they have drifted.

    Big hugeroos to you and those kitties!!! : D I double appreciate you! ~Amelia

    1. Oops. That should read 'that many *have* drifted off...'

    2. So very nice of you to brighten other peoples day. I know your mom will love that.
      Most people that do that stuff, don't even seem to realize that they are. The witchcraft lady sounds scary. I know it takes all kinds to make the world go round - and yes, I am old school for sure. I don't much like the 'new' ways or modern way of thinking - I will continue with my old ways.
      Thank you, I appreciate my readers.

    3. One now does know who she is.

  13. Valentines Day is somewhat special in my family. It is one of my daughter's birthday and one of my daughter's wedding anniversary. So, yes, we celebrate. Tonight we will have a better than average mid week dinner and a special dessert. I like to make my own chocolate truffles. So easy to do and we think they're better than anything that can be bought. I like to send cards that I've handmade to my friends and to supply a particular charity that gives hospitalized veterans, people staying at Ronald McDonald houses because of ill children and residents of nursing homes cards. We can use holidays that Madison Avenue might wish us to spend spend spend and share kindness and the love of the Lord instead. Whether you celebrate or not, wishing everyone a blessed day. Cookie

    1. Three times the reason to celebrate!!! Cool. that deserves something special for sure.
      I received your absolutely beautiful card today. Prettier than anything someone could possibly buy. THANK YOU! You have quite the talent. I am sure you bring many smiles to lots of people over the year. You sure have made me smile.

    2. That is wonderful, Cookie! We used to pass things out at the nursing home. It was so nice bringing a smile to faces. : )

      Truffles? Homemade truffles? Ooooo please share your recipe when you have time one day. ~Amelia

    3. Husband received a handmade Valentine card today from a young Girl Scout. Her troop made cards for the residents of his assisted living facility. It was such a sweet thing for the girls to do. I had to explain what "BFF" (Best Friends Forever) meant LOL!

    4. Oh Frances that is so sweet. I bet it made him smile. I just love that this happens.
      Too cute on BFF!!! LOL

    5. Awwwww Frances....That is soooo sweet. Very cute on the BFF! That makes me smile in more ways than one. Just so cute, I would have liked to have seen the little girl scout. Precious. Glad it brought a smile to your husband's face, that is wonderful. ~Amelia

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Happy Valentines Day Cheryl, maybe you will get a kitty hug. Our Freddie went to doggy day care today and they sent a pic via WhatsApp of him between two hearts.
    Hubby bought a supermarket Valentines Meal which was very tasty, we have left the starter for another day.
    One of my husband’s cousins has his birthday today, he is undergoing cancer treatment so we sent his special wishes today.
    Blessings and good wishes to all.
    Heather in the UK

    1. Glad to see you post. Thank you and I have already gotten some kitty hugs and kisses! Love that.
      Special wishes to your husband's cousin. Hope all goes well with the treatments.
      How cute on the doggy picture!

  15. We spoiled the chickadees with Valentine stuff. But that's a grandparents right, isn't it?
    So sorry someone is leaving nasty grams. There's always one. I guess you learn that when you go to Kindergarten. Its a shame some never outgrow that behavior.
    I'm thinking I want to move in with Elise's Mom and get treated like a queen. I bet they bring you your meals, and do the cleaning!!
    Central Az

    1. It sure is your right - love spoiling the kiddos!
      Just more derogatory to what I try to accomplish than anything. It is frustrating.
      Who wouldn't like being treated like a Queen?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cheryl, your message has been received. Never intended to be derogatory. I'm sorry.

  16. It has been a quiet day here. Went to Mass and got the ashes on our foreheads, The rest of the day has been pretty normal. No Valentines celebrations this year as it is the liquid part of Harvey's diet time. Perhaps tomorrow or perhaps not as there really isn't much that I need or want.

    God bless.

    1. Quiet days are lovely. Glad you got to church. Hope all goes well for Harvey. Save your money for a real 'want'.

  17. Happy Valentine's Day! I have spent it doing a little blogging and housework. It's very rare that hubby and I celebrate this day as he is on the road most Valentine's Days, but sometimes it works out. Not this year, though! Haha! I hope your day has been great!

    1. Thanks - a quiet day here. Sounds like you had a nice day as well - no need for big celebrations. Hug him tight when he gets home.

  18. Happy Valentine's Day Cheryl, anyway you spend it. You deserve all great days ! I really hate it when people try to drag others into their misery. Glad you don't put up with it !xo Cindy/WV

    1. Aaaww thank you. Most days are really good. There is always one or two.

  19. I sort of celebrate Valentine's Day. Tommy was having none of it. But, I bought an azalea to plant later, and a balloon. Since I bought Thin Mints, I did not think I needed more chocolate. Besides, it will be half price everywhere tomorrow. We ate at Sonic, not for V Day, but because I have been wanting a chili cheese footlong coney for ages. I made spaghetti because Tommy finally chopped and cooked ground beef.

    1. Your lunch sounds really good. If I ate a foot long coney, that would be my meal of the day. I bet it was good.
      Sounds like a nice day.

  20. Apologies for coming off as an attention seeker and being tedious. May God bless this blog with peace.
