Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Little This & That

 Happy Tuesday and the last day of April.  Boy did it fly by.  Tomorrow is May and a big birthday month in my family!  We woke to dampness and sun and FOG!  Yesterday cooled down from Sunday's highs in the 80's and we had rain.  April has gone down in the history books as one of the wettest Aprils in recent history in our area.  May is generally wet here as well - so we set for pretty flowers!

This started to happen yesterday!  This morning there are 6 open - just so bright and cheery. I sure wish they would last longer.

We have all started doing our spring cleaning.  Inside the house we are always cleaning and decluttering.  The yard we get ready for summer.  Don't forget the outside of the house!
It always amazes me when I am out driving - how dirty some homes look.  If you do not have a power washer that is cool - use a hose!  Just hosing down the outside of the house can make it look much cleaner and brighter and fresher.  If you have a covered porch or patio - dust accumulates and makes the house look grungy.  I hose the covered front porch many times a year.  The back of the house and the back of the garage get mossy (faces north).  Without a power washer use a sponge mop or a camper scrub brush (softer) and the hose.  You can clean and get a little exercise all at the same time.  Make it a warm day, so that getting wet feels good as well! It is just a win-win.

It is hummingbird time here again.  I know some regions have those babies all the time - not here.  It is usually May - June before they show up in my area.  Oh, I love them so much.  I put my feeders in the same spots each year.  The birds will fly to those very spots (even when not out) year after year.  They truly remember.  Keep the feeders clean and never use dye in you feed!  If is harmful to the tiny digestive systems.

Click on above to enlarge.  I make my own feed and keep extra in a Mason jar in the frig.  I usually have enough made to refill feeders 2 - 3 times.

I keep seeing the commercials on TV for the dreamscicle Frosty's.  I love the orange creamy flavor of a dreamscicle.  It has always been a favorite of mine.  Yesterday I caved!  NO I didn't go buy one - I made my own version.  No ice cream was used, as I am trying not to eat sugar.  
I used milk, orange juice and ice cubes.  I added a splash of vanilla and a squirt or 2 of honey.  Oh golly gosh - it was good!!!!!  Nothing bad - no bad calories - just yumminess!

When I was at the wedding dinner over a week ago, the drink I got was a lavender lemonade.  So wonderful - not too sweet or flowery.  Well, I don't have lavender here anymore - but I wanted to try something similar and something different here at home.  I made a jug of lemonade and I added a tiny splash of raspberry extract to my glass.  It was delightful and refreshing.  I am one of those people that have a bunch of different extracts on hand - so this could be made with any flavor.  (good for tea as well).
You can also make your own extracts with herbs or fruit (it takes some time).

I do believe I will run to the greenhouse today to look and maybe buy a few 'posies'.  It is about planting time and the cold seems to be gone for now!
Then when it is finally dry this afternoon - the yard will be mowed again.  Gosh it has grown a ton!

What do you plan on doing today?  Are you getting in the mood for summer and garden and flowers?

Think outside the box a little and when you experience things that are pricey or out of your comfort zone, find a way to make them for yourself.  Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Have fun and experiment a little!!!!

Have a beautiful day.


  1. Cheryl, your picture of the poppy reminded me of when I used to make tissue paper flowers when I was a kid. I think I had a kit and made many. I have been ready to start planting my garden but am waiting for the temperatures to warm a little. The snow level in Washington state has been dropping, which is very odd, but we could use the extra snow in the mountains. Thank you for your blog! I have been a reader of yours for years. Give your kitties extra hugs today. Take care, Cheryl

    1. Hi there Cheryl! Nice to have you post. Oh my goodness, I remember making tissue paper flowers too! I think we even did some with Kleenex. Fun times - we made our own fun!
      Well, they have said no frost now through Mother's Day - and that is usually our 'get active' time! I went out and got some plants today. It was so pretty and I was just going to look - and oops that didn't happen. I just couldn't stop myself!
      Thank you for being here and following along. Please stop by and say hello more often.
      They kitties are sitting right here next to me!!!

  2. Caution on hosing a house. If the water gets up under siding, you can end up with water damage and rot. (My BIL had to completely reside his home). Powerwashers should have a wand long enough to always be washing downward, never upward.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I usually am aiming directly at it or on a ladder when using the hose. Have done that for ages when no power wash available. Learn something new every day!

  3. I need to check my gutters and sweep my deck. I've been so busy with so many different things, and those two jobs are just not very exciting!

    1. Ugh gutters! I hate doing those - but it is a necessary evil. I need to wash down the porch - I am going to do the glass door this week - so will hose the porch beforehand.

  4. Poppies are beautiful! We had some in the gardens when we lived in Lizton. Going to Cox's Plant Farm today to look at all the pretties.

    Outdoor maintenance can make a big difference. Dirty and bedraggled houses look sad. Only one house in our immediate neighborhood looks like just possibly a hoarder lives there. No judging but we need to care for the blessings the Father has given us.

    The Farmer said we got exactly an inch of rain. It's too wet to work in the gardens today but hopefully tomorrow, to catch up with the weeds! Enjoy this last day of April! Time sure is whizzing by like a freight train.

    1. They are pretty aren't they? Such bright pops of color.
      I went to Dammann's today to look - oops I bought!
      Yes, just maintaining the yard, and cleaning the outside of a building makes such a difference.
      Well, my rain barrel won't be blowing over anymore!! It got rain! Never a shortage of things to do outside!

  5. I got my seedlings planted in the garden. Still need to do some flowers. My kids were able to play in the kiddie pool, my youngest stayed 2 hours. It's rare for anything to entertain him more than just a few minutes so that was nice. Unfortunately, seen the first snake of the year yesterday by my kids basketball goal. Massive thing (and I am terrified of snakes). Luckily my husband works from home and was able to take care of it.

    1. Good for you on getting things planted. Nice when the kiddos can entertain themselves.
      YIKES on the snake. I don't like them either - I can handle most anything but snakes.

  6. I saw our first hummingbird last week. He flew up to the patio window fluttering around. I guess he was letting us know they're back and time to put the feeders out. lol

    1. YAY!!! I put mine out yesterday! I have heard from other that they are back. Gosh, I love those little buggers.

  7. Cheryl, glad you made your own orange drink. We went to Wendy's specifically to get theirs and it was awful!

    1. Wow. Well that's a very good thing to know, before the rest of us spend $$ on it! Thanks for the heads up. :)

    2. WOW - thanks for letting everyone know. How disappointing that had to be. They sounds so good.
      Mine was the bomb! You could make it as orangey as you like too!!! The ice cubes just made it like a creamy shake.

  8. Was it a creamsicle or a dreamsicle? It's been so long since I had one; so yummy but then the cones with chocolate and chopped peanuts were pretty good too. We stopped at McD's for soft ice cream last week and were amazed that a huge soft cone was $1. and that's Canadian money which is worth about .65 American. We'll do that again!
    It is so pleasing to add shots of color in beautiful flowers in one's garden. I'm sure the little wild guests appreciate it too. I no longer put out hummingbird food but I have a pair that return each year for the flower nectar. I had a bear come in and broke or tipped each feeder; kinda irresistable. There will be lots of food for the hummingbirds right here in my garden.
    Regarding snakes, I know they just creep most people right out but if you can identify it before you deal with it, you may find that you have a beneficial ally who will help rid your property of mice and rats.
    Goodbye April; welcome May!

    1. A creamsicle/dream is on a stick like a popsicle - vanilla ice cream inside and orange popsicle like stuff on the outside. They are just so good. Wendy's has come out with a Frosty and I keep seeing it on TV. SO I made my own Frosty - which according to anonymous up above, was a good decision!
      What a deal on the cone! That is fantastic - I didn't realize they were still that cheap.
      I have lots of color for the birds too - but we don't get bears! I can understand not putting out a feeder with bears. I even put mine where squirrels can't really get to it.
      Garter snakes and garden snakes do a lot of good, yes indeed. I have never had one here - now watch I will go out and find one this week!

  9. Beautiful poppy. My grandmother had her front yard a mass of poppies. I loved to see them blowing in the wind.

    I keep watching my tulips just waiting for them to bloom.

    God bless.

    1. I have quite a few this year - more than last year. They just spread and spread. You haven't had tulips bloom yet? Goodness, our have been done for a while. I hope yours pop open soon - and enjoy them!!!!!

  10. We're just learning what might be coming up in the various flower beds. I'm positive we have a couple of Oriental poppies in the one. There may be tulips or irises, or possibly day lilies. It is too early to know just what those green shoots will be.
    I have a task ahead of me as the front enclosed porch windows need to be scraped and repainted. I had hoped to do them before I leave for the city in mid-May, but suspect I'll have to work on them in the fall instead.

    1. How fun to see all the shoots coming up and playing the guessing game. It will be much fun for you both to see what you have.
      That does sound like a task - as busy as you have been lately, I would say wait till fall. Time for a little break gal!

  11. I love that you made your own. last year or so the Ninja Creami went for a great deal. Fantastic machine for me because I don't use cow or Sheep milk and I don't use cane sugar. Soooo easy to make ice cream that has real fruit, oats, chia seeds, anything I fancy. This is a tool that for me, well-worth it. Love the pretty flower!

    1. Thanks. I love easy ice cream. Yours sounds perfect. Frozen fruit can so easily turn into 'ice cream' and people don't realize it. It is fun to find tools that really work for us.
