Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 4/21

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds you and yours all well. 
It is a sunny, yet chilly morning here.  Going to be below normal for this week - decent, but cooler.  May have frost by morning.  

This coming week (on Tuesday) will be 5 years since I lost my true love.  Exactly 5 years - day and date.  A Tuesday morning I will never forget.  I have finally started to grow a bit on my own, but I do miss Glen terribly every day.  It would have also been my mommas 113th birthday!  Daddy would have had a birthday on the 24th - he would have been 110.  Isn't it amazing how life works?  We go forward and grow and continue doing life - what we are supposed to do, when we first thought it couldn't happen.  My faith has been my rock.  Not looking for sympathy - just sharing my world, and to let others know we do get through and go on.
I went to my great nephews wedding yesterday.  It was a very small wedding - about 40 people.  She looked like a princess for sure!  It was south of me in Greenwood, and the dinner/reception was on the far north side of town in Carmel.  (Parents planned places without talking!)  I rode with a nephew up north - I would never drive up there, even more so now that I have actually seen the growth and crazy traffic.  It was a very fancy girly froo-froo kind of place - but it was lovely.  Good dinner and fellowship.
Each person picked a kind of cake (from 3) instead of having a big cake.  I figured a piece of cake - well it was a 3 tier slice (8" tall) and HUGE!  I bought mine home!
Got home about 10:30 last evening - very late night for me!  Kitties were ready for me to crawl into bed!

Now that this event is over, I feel safe in really getting busy with yard work.  I have a lot of poison ivy in the yard, and didn't want to risk getting it.  I take precautions, but still didn't want to have poison going to a nice event!!  LOL

My frugal week:
  • I did do a little weeding and trimming early in the week.  TODAY most definitely a mowing day!!
  • Blackie has gotten brushed and brushed this week - boy is he shedding.
  • I did get one rain barrel out.  The 2nd one is going to get a spout before I set it up.
  • Paid everything I had the first of the week.
  • Tons of dusting - having windows open makes for a lot of extra dust!
  • I ran out to get a wedding card and a 9V battery - and stopped to get milk at Kroger.  Milk was 1.29/half gallon.  I also found ground sausage on markdown.  Got a couple for the freezer.
Cards are so expensive and batteries were crazy at Kroger - so I ran to Dollar General.
  • Dollar General still has .50 and 1.00 cards here (not Dol. Tree - but DG).  I found a lovely card for $1 and I got a battery for half the price of Kroger (brand name).
  • Went out to lunch of Friday with grade school friends - our bi-monthly lunch.  It was a good group and a lot of laughs.  We went to Lotus Gardens - Chinese.
  • Doing laundry and lots of cleaning - washed all the furniture covers (kitty covers!)
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • just a normal week - doing all the basics - nothing exciting!
Meals this past week:
Crispy chicken/veggie wraps
Club sandwich and a pineapple milk shake
Smoked sausage sandwich and hard boiled eggs
Burger, onion rings and sliced cucumbers
Spaghetti and salad
Out to lunch - Chinese
Salad at home early and then out to dinner for evening wedding (grilled salmon, asparagus and smashed potatoes)

I had a lot of fellowship with family and friends this week - which was nice.  
How was your week?  Any deals?  Any planting yet?  Give us a shout out and let us know what you are up to.
I hope each of you are healthy and safe.  Have a lovely week ahead.  Blessing to you and yours from my humble little home.

My nephew read this for his son's wedding yesterday - it is lovely.

Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.  For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.......................So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-10 and 13

Lord, guide us each in these coming days.  Help us to love and care more and to never forget those who come and gone.  Let us each live our best lives to represent our loved ones in an ongoing and beautiful way and help us to live our lives as You guide us.  Thank You for love and memories, which often sustain us.


  1. Good morning Cheryl, what a lovely post today. Thank you. In my world, I finally got the last of my major renovation purchases done and paid for, so that made me very happy! While I still need odds and ends, the condo is done and I am very pleased. I drive by our old home and thank my lucky stars that I sold it, I was initially concerned I would still think I should have stayed there. But what I miss is my husband, not the house.

    I was sitting on the patio this morning listening to the birds sing and was thankful for the life I have now. Not what I would choose, if I could have my husband back I would chose that. But it is a good life and I am fortunate.

    I do love your blog, even if I don’t comment all that often, it is like sitting having a cup of tea with a friend. Hilogene in Az.

    1. Hi Hilogene - so happy to see you. I am glad you are done with renovations and have truly started a new life. Ye indeed, we would want them back if we could (not in a suffering kind of way) - but that can't be. We have wonderful memories we can keep alive in our thoughts and by speaking of them often. I used to cry when I talked about Glen, now I smile. 33 years wasn't enough - but I was blessed to have that. I know you feel the same way.
      I love seeing you say life is good and you are fortunate. These thoughts help so many others!
      I am so grateful to have you here. Keep in touch more often!!
      Have a wonderful week.

  2. It's hard to believe it's been 5 years since you lost Glen. You're right, we need to continue doing life as it's what we are supposed to do. We have to go on for the other people in our lives if we are fortunate enough to have them.

    The wedding sounds lovely. The weather sounds chilly like it is h ere this morning. Great deal on the sausage!

    1. Yes mam - we go on and that helps keep them alive in some way. We have all been so blessed - we have all lost much - but yet we are blessed.
      It was chilly last night at the wedding - I wore a wrap I forgot I had - so that helped. It is turning into a nice day.
      Enjoy your week and have a great one.

  3. Cheryl, I am terribly sorry for your loss but at the same time I rejoice that you do have so many wonderful memories. I can tell that the love you and Glen shared was a strong, true love that many do not ever get to feel. You also are living your life and helping so many, your parents would be so proud of you.
    Your wedding sounds lovely, three cakes sounds such great idea, no one can be disappointed there!!! What flavour did you choose???

    1. Thank you - but yes I have been blessed. Just blessed to have had him in my life. We all know death is part of life - we just don't like it! Nor should we.
      Thank you, that is so sweet.
      It was a sweet wedding - she was just gorgeous and he was so handsome. I had lemon blueberry - with lemon curd and a lemony cream icing. I ate a little this morning with milk - oh my goodness!!!!
      They had triple chocolate, confetti, and the lemon blueberry.
      Have a blessed week.

  4. I found your blog shortly after your DH had passed away. It seems impossible it could be five years and I'm sure there were many days when you thought it would be impossible to reach this point. Although, I didn't know him through your blog, it is clear to me that he would be so proud of how you have continued to honor his memory in your strength and perseverance.
    The passage read at the wedding is one I've heard many times, may those words be remembered throughout their marriage.

    1. Well I am glad you found your way here! Yes, it did seem impossible that I could possibly live a good life again. He was a fine man and had a huge giving heart. I hope to make him live on in many ways.
      I had heard that verse before - it just really hit yesterday. The young folks have been together as a couple for a long time now, I home the marriage will last a lifetime for them. They seem happy!
      Have a good week.

  5. Lovely reading Cheryl, the wedding sound wonderful.
    I understand your grief and longing. I lost my love almost 2 years ago(June) and am finding the memories help me in life today.
    Very chilly here today and this week is supposed to be cool also, I prefer warmer but will take what we get LOL.
    Trying to use up what is in the freezer so it can be refilled again.
    Have some cold crops out and am so anxious for salad greens.
    Salad with iced tea on the patio is my best meal.
    Take care,

    1. Thank you - it was just a perfect little wedding in my opinion.
      I am so sorry for your loss - we all have so much to offer each other and to others. Memories are the best - I am so thankful we have that ability!
      Chilly days yes - but it isn't snow and ice and it isn't raining today - yep, I will take it too.
      Good for you - be prepared to spend more to stock - gee prices are nuts. Hope you find bushels of good deals while restocking.
      Salad and ice tea sounds like a perfect meal.
      Have a fantastic week.

  6. Good morning, It's inconceivable that it has been 5 years since G has been gone. 5 years since we bought this house and moved. Gone in a blink of an eye.
    *I continue to find new recipes to use up freezer food. Looking forward to planting the garden next month.
    *That was a good deal on the sausage. Enjoy your day!

    1. Good morning Laurie. I know 5 years in a flash. I remember he was so excited for you guys and we both enjoyed seeing pictures of the house and yard. I sure wish you all could have made it here before he passed. I guess life happens as it is supposed to.
      5 years in the house and you are still working at it. LOL. I love that you found it and got to a new city!
      I look forward to gardening too. Soon!!
      Thanks - you too. Have a wonderful week my friend!

  7. Five years. You've done your time adjusting to the New Normal and it sounds like the adjustment is good. :)

    That wedding sounds so nice. I'd have had a smaller wedding if it had been my choice, but my parents were paying so they got to call many of the shots. ;) Even so I look back at that day and know it was a Very Good Day.

    We also have cooler weather this week, and today we have a bit of rain. Tomorrow will be a grand day to work outdoors: cooler, sunny, and damp soil.

    That passage from Corintians is real popular for weddings, and it deserves some careful re-reading as the years go by.


    1. Yes, normal is different today - but it is that way for all who lose someone special. Never the same - but good, none the less.
      I like smaller weddings - they spent a small fortune on that meal last night I am sure - but that was a gift from her mom & dad, that they wanted to do.
      A Very Good Day - I love that!!!!!!
      I cut grass so far today - now resting a bit - trim needs done!
      We have rain coming late tomorrow and into Tuesday - it seems we all share!!! LOL
      Yes, it is a lovely passage.
      Have a really grand week.

  8. This was read at our wedding nearly 44y ago. Hugs to you as you both mourn the death of G and celebrate the life you had together!

    1. How cool is that. I love that some things don't change. I noticed yesterday that vows are not the same anymore - I guess things get 'upgraded' but I like the older ways.
      I plan to celebrate our life together as often as possible. It was great and needs to be celebrated.
      Have a lovely week.

    2. Debby in Kansas USAApril 21, 2024 at 7:43 PM

      My best friend called me after a wedding last year. She was shocked when the vow was changed from "until death due us part" or "as long as we both shall live.". The new one was, "as long as our love shall endure.". She's a pretty mellow person, but she had a few things to say about that, none of them good lol. I'm of the mindset that if you aren't committing for life, throw a party and be done.

  9. I can't believe it's been 5 years. I remember reading your post and my heart just breaking for you. The way you've handled the heartbreak while keeping G's memory alive has been amazing to see.
    I'm glad you had a nice time at the wedding. We had a small wedding and I wouldn't have done it any differently. It was a special day. That verse is perfect for a wedding. Love is the most important thing isn't it? Enjoy this gorgeous weather while it's here and have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. I know, the time gets away from us. That was the worst day of my life. I thank you and others for your kind words of the days since. I sure needed all of you to help me through and still do.
      Our wedding was us, and parents - that was it! I see people spends thousands and they aren't any more married!! And most don't stay married today. Love is everything!!
      I have been enjoying today. Take care and enjoy your week!

  10. Excellent devotion! The prayer hits all the points for loving, both in the present and in the past. You had a wonderful life with Glen.

    The wedding sounds just right...not too overblown and fussy. Your cake...yum!

    Have a good week!

    1. Thank you. It just hit me yesterday and I decided I needed to use that today. We did have a wonderful life.
      It was perfect. Oh my the cake is just decadent! I am making it last - lol.
      Have a great week.

  11. Thank you for love and memories for sure! Tuesday will be my Mom's first birthday since she died last July. Grief is so cunning, one minute you are handling it so well and then the silliest thing puts you right down. Yum on that cake slice! Nice family dinner sounds lovely.

    1. Lana our mommas shared a birthdate! Those firsts are very hard - I send you big hugs! You are so right about feelings. You can go from great to a blubbering mess in a nano second.
      I wouldn't change those memories though - would you? They give us joy and laughter and sadness and tears. But they are golden.
      I hope you have a good week and again, I send you hugs.

    2. Hugs right back at you! Yes, I will keep the memories!

  12. Cheryl, your prayer is perfect. So true that the memories that initially bring us to tears eventually bring us comfort. We humans are a tenacious lot made to persevere. It is a choice every day. The green grass is just starting to poke through. The first of the yard work was done, i.e. clean up around the wood pile. I stayed home Fri/Sat & did some "hausfrau-ing" - cleaned the porch, cleaned under the washer/dryer, defrosted the freezer, made cookies & GF lemon poppyseed cake. Another sign of spring - traded the flannel sheets out for cotton ones. And the big news - a baby boy was born to my nephew & his wife this past week. Hugs to you this coming Tues. What will you do to commemorate this special day?

    1. Yes we people are a tenacious lot! life is full of ups and downs. I will probably just have some quiet time and reflection.
      Sounds like you have been very busy. That is a huge start. Good for you.
      Congrats on your new great nephew! Oh a baby - such joy and sweetness.
      Have a lovely week.

  13. I thought I'd share what I did today with those new to being frugal.

    Last week I bought chicken legs on sale. It was a family pack so way too many for one meal for us. I cooked them all for lunch today. Once they were done I took out what I needed for lunch, browned them in the skillet and brushed on a honey mustard sauce. My husband thought they were delicious. The rest of the plain ones I wrapped up in individual servings and put in the freezer. Now when my husband gets in late and I don't want to cook that late I can take a serving, heat up in the skillet and add any sauce I want. I can use a different sauce each time. I keep leftover sides and a loaf of homemade sliced bread in the freezer too so it's so easy and fast to give him a nice meal. And it's really not any extra work as it's all things I cooked for a meal and just froze the leftovers in serving sizes. It beats getting take out!

    Hugs, Cheryl. I hope you have a blessed week.

    1. What a great idea. Having things made up sure does make dinner a lot easier at times. I bet they were delish - they sure sound good. Love having leftovers in the freezer.
      Thanks for offering this idea.
      Thanks!! have a good week.

  14. The wedding sounds absolutely lovely.

    Just made some soups for the freezer and Harvey smoked some extra burgers which are in the freezer as well. Spring cleaning was happening (though I did have to rest every second day, resting today as well). Set out my various pots and stands in the backyard. There are a couple more that need doing, but I will need some help with those. Made up a few lists for next month, and will probably do up my May menu tonight.

    God bless.

    1. You gals are sure getting the goodies all made up and in the freezer for THOSE days we all have and don't want to cook. I love it. I was reading about your soups and yum.
      Getting ready for summer! Little by little here as well.
      Have a blessed week.

  15. Qummy on the wraps. I have those coming this week as well. Very, very sorry that it's been five years date to day that you lost your true love. Big huggs.

    1. I love wraps - they are good no matter what you put in them.
      Thank you so much for your thoughts and words.
      Have a lovely week.

  16. Debby in Kansas USAApril 21, 2024 at 7:55 PM

    It doesn't seem possible that it's already 5 years since you lost your Glen. You should be proud of yourself, Cheryl. I think he would be happy to see that you're thriving in your little world. I know I would be in the same situation. Happy, I mean...not sure about the thriving.

    I haven't been to a wedding in more years than I can count. 1997? Hubs has a huge family, but the young people have started doing immediate family and friends destination weddings. They take parents, siblings, a bestie, and say their vows on the sand in Aruba or somewhere. I can't fault them because of the family size. When the family was less than half this size, we had 53 of his side on our list from the start. People suggested we leave out the kids, but that's not our thing. I like the kids more than some adults lol.

    1. Thank you Debby. I don't know about thriving - but I am doing and going on. I have tried to start really living again. It took a while.
      We have had a lot of destinations weddings too - I am sure they are nice, but leave back a lot of people who might want to attend. I never took it as a smaller wedding, but a 'look at us' wedding. Funny each I have seen have one, are no longer married! Oh well, their day - they can do what they want.
      I am with you on most kiddos!!!!
      Have a wonderful week.

  17. Debby in Kansas USAApril 21, 2024 at 8:12 PM

    Oh, I wanted to share a funny wedding cake story from my single days. A friend and I went to a friend's wedding. Very fancy and very expensive. We were seated with 5 single men who had no intention in wasting an open bar. So,monce they'd eaten,they were gone. So when the cake comes out, the waiter serves 7 pieces at our table...and we're the only ones sitting there. Not any ordinary cake, it's from The Cheesecake Factory!! Heaven on a plate 😁. We eat ours and then the guys never came back. Yup, we ate ALL 7 PIECES!!! There was plain, Oreo, and some kind of caramel pecan. To die for. You should know that I had Mono and I could literally eat anything without gaining an once...and still losing weight!! We still laugh about that because I was always watching what I ate and gained from aroma alone!! But that day I ate like a total pig and it did nothing. Oink. 🐷🐷🐷

    1. Oh that is funny. Sounds yummy. Mmmm cheesecake for a cake - that is different. My mouth is drooling thinking about caramel pecan!
      Fun memory!

  18. For those of you who are new, I just want to tell you that not only was G a fine man, with a huge giving heart he was also a hunk ! I've seen pictures. xo Cindy/WV

    1. Thank you Cindy! I think he was pretty darn handsome too! Big guy who looked like a lumberjack - so many people were intimidated by his size, but he was a big old teddy bear!
      There was a reason I fell hard right off the bat!!!!!
      Have a great week.

  19. I'm so sorry about Glenn being gone, I remember when he passed away and I remember when he was with you and I know this must be extremely difficult, every day must be difficult in various ways, I can't imagine but God is there.

    Yes, the love scriptures from the Bible are the most important attribute anyone who claims a Christian should have. It's not an option.

    1. Thank you Amelia. It has been very difficult and lonely - but he would expect me to go on and do good. Not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. But I smile now when talking about him, instead of crying so much.
      Love of people and the world is so important.
      Have a lovely week.

  20. It warms my heart to read how you remember and honor Glen by sharing the sweet memories that you had together. He was a remarkable man.
    Your great nephew's wedding sounds lovely. The same passage was read at our wedding 47 years ago. Have a blessed week. Cookie

    1. Thanks. We made great memories, and I will always keep him close at heart. I love sharing about our life together.
      I love so many have had that passage read at their wedding. The best things in life never change.
      Have a lovely week.

  21. (Little Penpen) smart to hold off on the poison ivy until after the wedding. Lol it sounds like a good week for you.

    1. LOL - I thought so too! I can take every precaution and I still get it. Every year!!
      It was a good week.
      Have a great week.

  22. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections. It's clear that you carry your memories of your loved ones close to your heart. It's understandable to feel the weight of their absence, especially on significant anniversaries like the ones you mentioned. Your resilience and faith are truly inspiring, and it's reassuring to hear that despite the challenges, you continue to find strength to move forward. Your words serve as a reminder that even in the face of loss, life continues and we find ways to carry on. Sending you warmth and strength during this time.

    New blog post

    1. Thank you for your lovely words.
      Have a good week.

  23. Cheryl, thank you for sharing your personal journey with us. Before I had ever lost anyone (my dad and other family), I couldn't imagine how people survived. But it was through watching others survive, that I learned that it can be done. God doesn't waste anything and will use us when we aren't even aware. You are one of those :) So again, thank you for sharing your life and showing the rest of us how to keep going. I appreciate you.

    1. Debby that is so kind of you to say. I have lost a lot over the years - parents and siblings, but nothing compared to this, if that makes sense. If I didn't go forward and do something to help others, I would be doing a dis-service to G. You are right, God uses us when and where we are needed.
      Thank you so much.
      Have a lovely week.
