Sunday, April 28, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 4/28

Hello and happy Sunday.  I hope this finds everyone healthy and safe.  My mind has been on all those people living in the plains states - I hope you are all safe.  I have been watching the news and have seen all the tornadoes and damage in the central part of the country.  Goodness, some of those tornadoes were huge - the one in Iowa was massive!  Check in and let us know you are OK.

I like this little picture - I know it is still April - but really close to May.  It reminds of the May Day baskets of old times.  We used to make little paper woven baskets at school and pick wildflowers (weeds) to fill for our moms!  Mom would always act so surprised!

Well, I made my 'wedding' cake - that huge piece I brought home - last 2 days!  It was so yummy and just about the best bite of cake I have ever had.  Couldn't waste it - now back to no sugar.

My sis, had to have a surgery this week.  She fell last weekend and broke her wrist (2 bones) and had to have surgery on Thursday.  Scary stuff at 93.  She did well and is home recuperating.  Gladly it was her left and she is right-handed.

We had cooler temps and lots of wind for a while this week - then it got warm!  I think warm is here to stay.  Seems the wind is too!  Geesh, it is hard to get things done in the wind - it just wears me out.

My frugal week:
  • I mowed and trimmed early in the week - sure needs it again.  Everything is growing like crazy.
  • I had my finance guy come for a meeting, and made a few positive changes in portfolio
  • Cleaned the ceiling fans - very needed!
  • Changed out the furnace/AC filter
  • Made up a bunch of pancakes for freezer
  • Got to air the house the last part of the week
  • Pulling weeds and doing yard stuff
  • I ran to Aldi to buy a birthday gift!!  Yep.  They had some cute kids items this week - and I needed a present for a 3-year-old!  Found what I wanted at a very good price.  Bought some fruit and pimento cheese while there.  Their pimento cheese is cheaper than other stores around and it is GOOD!
  • Did stop at D. General for a card and gift bag, found microgreen seed packets.  Got 2.  I know I could use other seeds, but I thought this was fun!!! $1 (reg. seeds are 4/$1).
  • Just doing all the normal stuff we all do.  Nothing exciting this week!
Meals this past week:
Homemade pizza and salad
Pizza and salad again
Philly beef and Swiss and steak fries (made with gr. beef)
Pancakes and fruit
Beans and rice, chicken strips and asparagus
Leftover beans & rice, egg and bacon sandwich
SNACKS - fruit, fresh veggies, cheese & crackers

How was your week?  Any good deals?  Have you started your gardens?  I will be getting pots and garden ready in the next many days - probably planting mid-May.
It is 67* at the moment (it is 8:25 AM) - going into 80's today!
I am going to a 3-year old's ( niece) birthday party this afternoon.  They are having goodies and a taco bar.

I hope you are all well and safe and healthy, and hope your families are as well.  Check in and let us know you are OK.  Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Keep your heart with all vigilance; for from it flow the springs of life.  Put away from your crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you.  Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
Proverbs 4:23-25

Dear Lord, please help us all have peace of our minds.  We need rest for our bodies, and we need to have rest for our minds and our spiritual well-being.  Help us to understand that You walk with us each and every one on a daily basis, and that we are in the best hands!  Thank You for all our many blessings.  Amen


  1. Taco Bars are fun, my niece had one at her wedding in March. I hope you have a good time at the birthday party today. I'll have to try the pimento cheese from Aldi as I don't think I've tried it before. I'm glad your sister is doing well and recuperating at home. We were able to air our house out too this week and the breeze felt good. I hope you have another good week, Cheryl. :)

    1. Thanks. I love taco bars - well I love anything Mexican! The cheese is really good and they have a jalapeno flavor one too! In little tubs back with the cheeses.
      The weather is getting so lovely.
      Have a great week.

    2. Debby in Kansas USAApril 29, 2024 at 7:15 PM

      My cousin had his reception at a Mexican restaurant. Best wedding food I ever had!! Beats the heck outta the standard chicken and rice pilaf!! Here in Kansas, they do a lot of BBQ receptions - pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, fried apples, etc. And CHOCOLATE wedding cakes! We did our wedding all wrong 😂.

  2. Enjoy the time with family! I'm sure the three year old and other youngsters will be very entertaining.
    Glad your sister is recovering well from her surgery.

    1. Thanks - it is always fun with the littles. Poor sis, she was so frustrated - she hates depending on others!
      Have a good week!

  3. Cheryl, glad to hear your sister is doing well after surgery.
    We have been preparing the garden for planting in a couple of weeks. Yesterday we went to a plant sale, it was put on by the Grants Pass garden society. We got a pot of tulips, 2 iris a white one and a blue one and a ground cover of which I don't remember what it is. So it will be a surprise.
    Have a good time at the party!

    1. Thanks. Sis gets so frustrated - I hope she doesn't try to over do it. She is our mother's daughter!!!!!
      Plant sale sounds fun. My iris have come up (that you sent), but I don't think they will bloom this year. Across the street has blooming ones already! You have to love surprises!!!!! I hope to get to the greenhouse this week.
      Thanks. Have a wonderful week!

  4. I'm with you about the wind, Cheryl. It doesn't matter if it's -30 or +30C, the wind discombobulates me. And the spring winds have been blowing hard. I'm lying in, listening to a favorite radio program - Spirit of the West. I get to see the host of this program perform live in a few weeks. Something to look forward to. The biggest accomplishment this past wk was a trip to the dump. I took a weight bench & an old exercise bike (it once belonged to my grandma!) that's been gracing the basement for far too many yrs. I placed that old exercise bike beside a newer model in the take it/leave it shed. Someone could take both of them home to hang their clothes on!! I also dismantled an old tv stand that re-stores don't want. Clearing the detritus from the physical space does something for the emotional well-being as well. There was a hair appt & a long overdue chiropractor appt & the usual time at mom's LTC. Of course, life is good, then it's bad. My son's good friend had surgery for a brain bleed & my good friend fell & broke a hip. There's always something. On the drive home yesterday, I spotted a bear high up in a tree eating fresh buds; back end on one tree & the front end on another. Quite the sight. In the kitchen: chicken/bacon ranch flatbread, chicken noodle casserole awa as leftovers from the week before. Still some rhubarb crisp.

    1. The wind has just been crazy - seems to be everywhere. It really is tiring.
      Good going with the dump haul. Yes, it feels good to get rid of unused stuff. Freeing.
      I hope both people mend well and quickly. I thought the same thing with sis - all goes really well - then boom something happens. Life is sure full of ups and downs.
      Wow, on the bear - that would be so cool to see!
      Mmm - the chicken bacon flatbread sounds yummy!
      Have a good week.

  5. Excellent devotional! Boy, do we need rest for our minds!

    Happy to hear that your sister is doing okay. She is the same age as my neighbor.

    The birthday party for the three year old sounds like fun. A taco bar would be a simple way to feed people.

    Going out to plant two herbs we bought. Need to check on how things are growing. Still windy today. My coral peonies have bloomed, they are always first. Philip, the fig tree, is sending out more shoots. One of the Miss Kim lilacs in the front yard has a broken branch and I was going to lop it off and noticed that it is budding on the broken part. There's got to be a sermon or at least a lesson there! Of course, there are always weeds to be dispatched. Need to sharpen the hoes too. Can you imagine living in a condo or a restricted neighborhood and not being able to work in your yard? We kvetch about how much needs to be done but wouldn't have it any other way.

    Enjoy the party! See you Tuesday!

    1. Yes we do need rest for our minds - they sure get full of stuff!
      My niece always comes up with a fun way to simply feed everyone. She runs her own business and helps her dad with his - so she is a busy gal.
      Peonies blooming already? Wow. Yes, there must be a lesson to learn from that! Love all the spring flowers and growth - we have that too!
      I know, I was out this morning doing a bit - always something to do.
      Thanks. Have a great week.

  6. Have fun with the Little One at the birthday.. I've got one coming up next week, 6 years old he'll be. Today I wrapped his presents: a little book about bedtime in foreign countries and $6 in rolled pennies and nickels. Makes that gift feel really heavy! :)

    Hope your sis recovers well and quickly. They make such neat wrist guards now, nothing like that when we were little, so she can protect her wrist even after the surgery. Remember the old plaster casts? I had one on an arm and all the kids wrote things on it! :)


    1. I had a blast today. Just got home. The littles had a pinata and had fun - and lots of presents!
      I even met their neighbor who is a tree guy, so he will be coming to give me an estimate to trim trees! Win-win.
      I talked with sis today and she is in good spirits. Friday she gets a brace she can remove so she can shower without wrapping. Pretty cool.
      Those old kind were so heavy.
      Have a great week.

  7. Have a wonderful time at the Birthday party. I LOVE a taco bar but of course I love all Mexican food.
    I'm glad your sister is on the mend. I hope she'll take it easy for a while. But I know that's easier to say than do sometimes for people that are so independent.
    Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week!!

    1. Thanks and me too! It was great. Just got home.
      Sis pretty much has to take it slow and easy now. Hope she listens. she sounded great today.
      Have a lovely week.

  8. Sounds like lots of good things going in inside your home. I love that! I don't love hearing that your sister hurt herself though am very glad she's on the mend. Here's to more of that good stuff!

    1. Yes, a good week except sis. she sounded great today and is in good spirits.
      I think the next few weeks sound good if it all works out! Thanks.
      Have a great week.

  9. Hi Cheryl, sorry to hear your sister had an adventure but thankfully is on the mend. It is alarming to break anything at 92 ;(. Glad she is right handed. All good here, nothing exciting, just life. I decided to get an air fryer (combination thing that toasts, bakes etc), and bought one used from Amazon, so fingers crossed it will be in good condition. Free returns, so there isn’t any risk, just aggravation if it isn’t in good shape. Wish me luck learning to air fry ;). Have a good week, Hilogene in Az.

    1. Thanks. She was telling me today how hard it is to get pants and such on. I told her to wear dresses or a robe for a while. She laughed and said - even panties are to get up with one hand!! Guess so, never thought of that.
      I hope it is a good one and works well for you. Mine is just a frier and I like it. That one would be nice since it does so many things. You will love the air frier! No more greasy stuff and nice and crispy! YUM. Good luck!
      Have a wonderful week.

  10. Cheryl your devotional really speaks to me today. Excellent words for me this week.
    I’m pleased to hear your sister is doing well, I will include her in my prayers.
    Your week sounds full, not much sitting around for you…… and I agree Aldi does have a great tasting, reasonably priced cheese range. I find myself replacing more and more of my grocery list with Aldi brand, seems once I would only pick up the odd thing, now I get a whole cart.
    Also agree with you about the wind, as I get older I am finding on windy days I have trouble hearing conversations.
    Those micro greens look great. They are fun to grow and good for you, so that’s win in my book.
    Have a great week, Louise

    1. Some things speak louder to one than another. Glad you liked it. All prayers appreciated - thank you!
      I love the Aldi cheeses and the price can't be beat. They really are getting better and better in my opinion.
      The wind just tires me out.
      Thanks - I though it would be fun to try!
      Have a great week and tell Linda hello!!!

  11. Harvey planted his radish and the potatoes, Need to wait a bit longer for other things. So sorry about your sis and her broken wrist. I first broke mine playing softball and then broke the same wrist when I slipped and fell on ice a few years ago. No surgery, but the doctor said the second time was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
    The week passed by very quickly and I still have lots of spring cleaning to do.

    God bless.

    1. Good to hear you have something planted - good for you.
      She had a plate put in her wrist - broke 2 bones. Nothing fun about breaking anything.
      This month has passed very quickly - it is amazing.
      Have a blessed week.

  12. We were able to rebuild the chickens exercise yard with some used chain link dog kennels we found on FB marketplace. They are replacing the green plastic fencing that is sagging badly (after only 4 years and many children leaning over it! 🥴) Hubs is good at “reconfiguring” things so we took a couple days to disassemble and alter sizes, strengthen the materials and fasten it into place but it is wonderful (imo) and sturdy enough to last a long time. As we’ve been aging, we are focusing on projects (mostly DIY) that will be one-offs that will be easy to maintain without the expense of replacing in the near future.
    I bought 3 twelve packs of chicken drumsticks for $2 each on Flashfood, gave 2 packs to my friend with big family and we tried a new crockpot recipe with our twelve pack. Oh my goodness! It was wonderful and we figured that our dinner for the 2 of us- chicken drumsticks (we had 2 each and went back for a 3rd one because they were so good! 😉), brown and wild rice pilaf (60 cents from salvage store) and green beans (free from a friend) cost us a total of $1.60 (80 cents per person) and it filled us up! When we see the crazy prices of groceries these days, we worry about how people are getting by. The impact on us personally has been minimal because we have built up good reserves of food- canned, dehydrated, frozen and fresh from the garden. Fingers crossed- our fruit trees bloomed incredibly and now I see that our apricot tree is covered with ball bearing size fruit forming! Our potatoes are coming up through the ground. Our strawberries are blooming and we are determined to make use of every bit that comes our way and also share what we can with those that don’t have the time/resources to build up their pantries or even just have enough for good hearty meals!

    Gardenpat in Ohio

    1. Hi Pat - good to see you here. You always do so good on stretching things and reusing things. You are a good example to all. Great price for a meal!! I love figuring out fun food to eat that costs very little. I agree with the prices today - we all need to figure out new ways. It is fun too.
      Thanks for always being on spot and doing such a good job - you teach a lot of people.
      Have a wonderful week.

  13. I bet that wedding cake was good...I'm trying my best with the no sugar also. It's very hard sometimes! I'm so sorry about your sister's hand and i'm glad she is doing better.

    1. Yes, it is very hard - especially when one keeps getting invited to special events! I guess each day we manage is a success. Thanks - she is feeling pretty good.
      Have a great week.

  14. I'm in Nebraska west of Lincoln & SW of Omaha where some of the damage was from the tornados. Thankfully we have just had light rains. Which is exactly what we needed for the fields and pastures.
    I gave my veg garden to son & daughter-in-love. I look at it and report to them what's going on but stated quite clearly I am NOT weeding nor planting nor watering nor harvesting. I will help them can anything but that's it. We are eating ketovore these days and I don't eat much for veg.
    But I am enjoying playing in my flower beds. I spent some time yesterday cleaning up a small bed by the patio. I weeded it and put down wood chips. I planted a pink clematis by my windmill stand. I will be getting a few more day lilies to fill out the bed. I can see it from my kitchen window and it will be lovely later this summer and in the following years.

    1. Hi Kay! I am so glad the bad storms missed you. It is such a scary time of the year - so many storms start firing up.
      Sounds like you have a good plan on the food gardens. Nice that you help them can. I love flowers too. Sounds like you will have a wonderful view from your window. Pink clematis will be gorgeous!
      Have a lovely week and stay safe!

  15. Debby in Kansas USAApril 29, 2024 at 7:30 PM

    I had a really blah week because the weather/pressure changes wreaked havoc on my bad knee. I was pretty happy to just keep up with laundry and get dinner cooked every night. Lots of catching up this week. I scrubbed the kitchen sink silly this morning.

    I was busy all weekend with a charity thing at church. Kept our eyes on the weather, but the worst of it passed just south of us. Close enough to keep an eye out, but lots of rain and crazy thunder. Sounded like a cannon battle between pirate ships!!
    So much damage. Gah.

    My husband's co worker gave him a little pot with a black eyed Susan in it and he planted it for me. I hope it grows. They're so happy. We've been so busy that we haven't even planted our petunias in the whiskey barrels. We get a flat every year and split them between the 3. They are so bright and spill over so beautifully. Maybe on Saturday. $15 of colorful happiness!!

    We also have at least 7 bunnies living close by. All of them were playing one day last week and I so enjoyed all the leaping and darting around! I'm sure there was canoodling 😂, but not when I was watching.

    1. Hi girl- I was worried about you. Glad you didn't have any of the nastiest weather at your home either. That is great. Sorry the weather affected your knee. Tornadoes just do so much damage - it is awful.
      How nice on the flower gift. It is amazing how much flowers can brighten our days.
      Oh bunnies! That would be fun to watch.
      Hope you knee is feeling better. Have a lovely week!

  16. Glad to hear the prognosis for your sister is good. That is so scary! No bad weather here in Mississippi, thank goodness. Just a little rain and warmth. Thanks for the reminder to clean my ceiling fans! 😁

    1. Thanks - I just hate it for her. Such an inconvenience on doing things.
      Glad you were spared bad weather. It is that time of the year - ick. It is amazing how dirty those blades get on the fans!
      Have a fantastic week.
