Thursday, May 30, 2024

FREE Fun for all Ages!

 Good morning to all.  I sure hope this finds you all well and safe.  It is a beautiful morning here and looks to be a perfect day!  There is always much to do, but a day like this makes it all better!

Today I want to talk about a few FREE things you can do at home to entertain those kiddos.   Many children are on summer break now and instead of allowing them to just sit in the house on their electronic contraptions - have some fun.  It may be your children, grands, or neighbors - you may babysit as well.  It is always fun to do things for free and also that are creative.  I LIKE that too!!!

Get those button boxes out and get creative with them.  There are so many neat things that can be done with buttons!!!!  I love the top pic of flowers made from buttons/wire - the vase is an old salt shaker too!  The hair clips remind me of ice cream cones!  I would wear those.  Love the brochette.  You could also make pretty picture frames or Christmas decorations.  No end to the creative things that could be made. (have them make gifts for others)

Find smooth rocks and paint them.  That is a neat thing now.  Use in flowerbeds, by the entry or in flowerpots.  Small ones can be turned into magnets.  Anything that can be imagined can be painted.  Make animals, bugs, sayings, flowers, etc.
                 Easy-peasy homemade play dough!  Non-toxic and you can make any color.
Of course, don't forget no-bake cookies - that can be made for pennies at home.  These are a hit with kiddos and grown-ups alike!!!!
Make sure the littles help!

Get a book from the library about birds, and then sit outside and see how many different birds you can identify.
Go for a walk.
Make a picnic in the backyard.
Teach them about flowers or have them help in the garden.
Just sit and be together!

There are so many things that can be done and that get the creative juices flowing.  Children don't need to be on electronics all the time - they need fresh air and FUN!  So do adults!!!!!!

Have fun and enjoy some creative, free, down time this summer.
Have a fantastic day!!!


  1. Thanks for the ideas...I'm going to make no bake cookies today I think

    1. You are very welcome. I love those cookies. Enjoy!

  2. My grandson loves to play outdoors - he has fence to climb, a tree to hang out under, and the trampoline too. He makes up wonderful stories to go along with his play.
    On the other hand, he does not enjoy coloring or drawing or those sorts of things. Those ideas are very cute, but I doubt I could convince him to make anything like this. My adult daughter, however... :)

    1. Sounds like he is all boy! Some kids re just more athletic than others and that is great. I think these are great ideas for adults too. Some things would make cut little stocking stuffers or office gifties!

  3. Wonderful ideas and I have a huge button box!!!

    1. So many fun things to do and they cost nothing but time and love.

  4. I have at least one grandson who would enjoy making these things. He insisted that his mom show him how to run the sewing machine and eventually she bought a simnple one from Walmart for him! His mom says he helped make me a pillowcase last Christmas.

    Your yesterday post was great! Yes, we all fall down on the job once in a while, but we get back up and start again. :)

    DD and I are having fun being Mom and Daughter. It's hard that she lives so very far away, but that makes her visits extra special. :)

    1. How cool, I love when kiddos get a neat interest like that. Hope you can use some of these.
      Thank you - we have all had our down times, but we brush off and get back up.
      I am so happy for you - enjoy absolutely every moment!!!

  5. Hiya Cheryl, I have been on holiday but I still looked in to see what you were doing. It was my 79th birthday. I came home to a lot of tasks in the garden. In so short of a time it was nearly out of control.
    I have no interest in crafts but 2 of my grands are so I got nice birthday cards. My Daughter in law is an artist. She brings out a calendar each year and it is printed in America. She lives in Scotland.
    If you like you can look at her webpage. She is Deborah Phillips.
    Sometimes it is difficult for me to comment. Maybe because I don’t have a blog. Sylvia

    1. No need to have a blog to comment, everyone can. I have trouble some days as well. Happy belated birthday. A holiday sounds just lovely.
      Those darn weeds can take over in no time at all. I will have to look her up. The calendar sounds neat. Maybe you can pass ideas on to the grands!
      Glad to have you back!

  6. Great suggestions Cheryl, some cute gift ideas there.
    I have been laid low with an infection from my injured toe not being properly cleaned at the hospital. The combination of antibiotics has really knocked me about. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Louise

    1. Thanks. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. What a shame. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. No Bake Cookies are still a big hit in this house. Love those ideas.

    God bless.

  8. Good ideas for entertaining kids for the summer. I remember getting Weekly Reader throughout the summer and I always looked forward to it. 4-H is always a good activity.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I had forgotten about Weekly Reader - I always got that too and looked so forward to it. I did 4-H as well for many years. I had such a good time back then. Younger years (before school) mom always kept me busy with something, and then there was playing outdoors.

  9. Thankfully, my children were born well before the advent of electronics. Also, to keep kids busy, I sent them to Vacation Bible School, any church at all. They don't teach doctrines at that age. Sometimes, they were invited by a friend and the mother offered to take them. So, it was easy on me.

    1. I remember VBS as well. That was always fun and in my teens, I got to help teach it. There was always something to do. Never bored.

    2. My kids also went to verious VBS. No problem. The people were nice, the songs were good, the teaching was mostly about being a nice/good/honest person, the Bible stories were universal to all the churches, most of the kids were their classmates, they had a good time. :)


    3. Mary those were fun times when we were younger. I remember as a teen teaching a class and a little girl was terrified and cried constantly. She had never been away from mom. She sat on my lap and calmed down. That was how every day started, and we made it through VBS. Her parents thanked me so many times!

  10. Our community has numerous free summer concerts, typically during the late afternoon and evening of our Market in the Park days. They also offer a free movie in the park once a month for the kiddos. If you live near a couple of different towns, check their event calendars. Our neighboring communities offer similar free activities, and I could go to a free concert 3-4 nights a week in the summer if I wanted to.

    1. That is pretty neat. The park up the road does free music concerts on weekends during the summer and of course there is also the farm market - fun to just watch people!
      A berg a little south of here, often has fun fairs for kiddos too. It is amazing how many things one can find for free if you look around.

  11. I started teaching VBS at age 14. I loved it.

    1. I was around that age too. It sure was fun times.
