Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Grow"ceries - the Waiting Begins!

 Happy Wednesday to all.  I sure hope you are all OK.  There were some more fierce storms yesterday - so sad.  Iowa sure got hit badly!  Lets us know you are OK.  DEBBY are you OK?  Haven't heard from you in a bit - and I know there has been bad weather in the past week or so in your area.


It is going to be a bit cooler from today onward.  It was hot for a few days - but that is to be expected.  Less humid today as well - sounds lovely.
I am pooped!  I got the garden in, and all the plantings done.  I have more I want to do - funny how I just keep making work!
This year my garden is sort of a square foot garden - (maybe a little larger).  I have planted more variety than past few years.  Why not?  I have the area to use, might as well use it.  I planted several big pots as well.  It will become very good and healthy food for me and others.
I have a good 'farmer's tan' going on! LOL.  I need to work on a bit more after I get stuff I want done!

Well, this was after removing weeds.  My Mantis tiller was leaking gasoline, so I need to get that repaired.  SOOOOO, I did this all by hand!  I pulled weeds like crazy - about a foot tall and the garden was covered with all sorts of viny stuff.  Then I worked the ground by hand.  See why I am pooped?

My two favorite tools for the garden.  So, this year is a no-till year, but everything got turned and loosened up.  It was a lot of work, but I got it done.
My neighbor has these tools at the moment, as he is planting a tiny little garden of things in his yard.

It seems the work never ends.  I still have a big section of the big perennial bed to work on.  There is a lot of weeds that need to come out as well as poison ivy!  UGH - I hate that stuff.  I have sure pulled a lot already - so far so good - not many spots.  I do take precautions.
I have other areas to work on as well.  PLUS - I have set up a couple 'new' sitting areas for myself.  It seems when I go out on the porch in the evenings, some think it means "conversation".  Sometimes I just want to sit and reflect and listen and see.  So I set up a couple areas that are somewhat secluded for ME time!

Not sure what today brings.  I am tired, yet I slept pretty good last night.  I still ache in spots I didn't remember having!  BUT at least I am still going!  I am sure there will be some project tackled today.
What are you all up to this Wednesday?

Gals in the stormy mid-section please check in if possible.  I sure hope you are all ok.
Have a wonderful day to all.


  1. I'm crossing fingers that my minimalist gardening approach yields a few things this summer. I need to spend a lot of time weeding the side yard or I'll never get to my raspberries come August.

    1. It is always something it seems. Weeds just grow like crazy!!! Hope you have great luck!!

  2. I hear you on the aches. I weeded around my roses and iris beds yesterday. I'm going to plant some lavender and marigolds in the side yard to deter mosquitos. We do have our tomatoes in. I'm still debating zucchini cause I hate those squash bugs. It's cooler here today but it's been very humid. Prayers for all in the path of the tornados.

    1. Those crazy weeds grow and grow and it doesn't matter if it is hot or cold! Rain or dry! Hopefully that will help with mosquitos!
      I don't like the stinking bugs either - I read planting squash close to squash helps with squash bugs - so I did that this year. We will see. I usually have enough squash by the time they hit bad any way.
      Those tornadoes have been so awful.
      Glad you are cooler. We are pretty breezy - so that is nice.

    2. Which type of squash do you plant to deter the bugs?

    3. Sorry I meant to say cabbage next to squash. Supposedly the cabbage helps deter the bugs. Cabbage!! I need to proofread before I hit publish - LOL
      Not sure why - but I guess the cabbage repels the squash bugs.

  3. The storms have been ferocious this year. We have been blessed with the bad stuff passing us by.

    I worked on my red raspberry patch yesterday, weeding and trimming the dead from the bushes. Little tiny green berries so far. Everything else the Farmer has planted is going great guns. We decided to send the chickens home with folks who live by Greencastle in the country and love all sorts of critters running around their property. Some of the well-fertilized soil that was in the run has been used for planting. The Farmer read about a lady who loved zukes and such and planted some blue Hubbard seeds as the squash beetles love that particular squash and will swarm it and leave the other varieties alone. She has had great success with that process. Worth a try.

    So happy it is cooler today. Going to help the Farmer take down the run and the chicken house. The fellow who took the chickens said he would take anything we won't use out of the materials.

    Enjoy your day and rest a bit. You worked hard yesterday!

    1. The storms have been something. wow, you got rid of your chickens? Hope they like their new home! Hope he can use the coop.
      Good tip on the squash - thanks!
      Today is much nicer. I am doing easy stuff today! My reprieve!

  4. I got all my container garden plants in on Monday and set my deck rail planters on the deck floor late yesterday, in anticipation of high winds overnight that never materialized here, but went north and west. I've got mostly lettuces (romaine, buttercrunch, spinach) on the inside and flowers on the streetside. Tomatoes, and peppers are in large pots on the deck. I asked a farmer friend about amending the soil and he just said to get some Miracle Grow for tomatoes and use it according to package directions. Since I never remember, I put it on my phone's calendar as an appointment, so it will "ding" and remind me. For the HOA's ground level gardens, they're not going to do anything until he cicada's are done -- and I have yet to see even one!

    1. Glad you got your pots planted and safe from 'prying' eyes! I listed a Miracle Grow substitute on here. A recipe you could use that is more natural. In the whit search bar - just type in Mireacle Grow.
      I have not seen or heard a single cicada wither. We usually have some by this time and this year nothing. Guess maybe they all went elsewhere!

  5. Yesterday I planted the seeds for pole beans (Kentucky Wonder), yellow crookneck squash, and green zucchini. The parsley seeds have come up but the little plants are not growing. :( I need to pull up your homemade miracle growing stuff, Cheryl! I had some milk that went sour. Diluted and poured it on things, and added crushed eggshells to all the pots. Now if the bears will not tip pots over and the deer won';t eat the tops of plants off, and the slugs will stay away I might have some veggies some time in August!

    Gardening is sometimes a victory of hope over experience, don't you think? ;)

    Today I poisoned some poison ivy I found on the way to take the trash out.

    1. You are on your way. It is always nice to have some things in the ground. I sure hope the critters leave your stuff alone.
      Yes it is kind of a crap shoot - you never know from year to year. I have little cages and covers around many things, so they don't get eaten by anything.
      Buy yourself a beer and put some saucers of that out - it will get the slugs!
      Yep, the Miracle Grow stuff works!

  6. The weather certainly hasn't cooperated here. I was planning to do some weeding this morning, but it was too cold (just 2C/36F) early on in the sunshine, then it clouded over and has started raining. Maybe tomorrow.
    Good luck with the poison ivy!

    1. Dang it - you just aren't catching a break! That is cold for May.
      I guess there is always another day. Weeds aren't going anywhere!

  7. We were fairly cold as well here (a bit farther south than Maebeme), but the sun came out and it really turned into a lovely day. Harvey helped me fill the pots and such. Now just to hope for a bit warmer weather to be able to plant. Perennial bed weeded, down the side of the house weeded as well.
    Harvey pretty much has my trellis ready to go so I should be planting that kiwi vine very soon.
    I worked on a few things here in the house, and tomorrow I will be cutting meat and getting it stored to be used during the summer months.

    God bless.

    1. You Northern gals sure have a short growing season. I am glad that you will be all ready to plant when it warms.
      Keeping busy seems to be no problem!

  8. I love the purple flowers, it must be "purple week". I bought some dark purple petunias the other day, and last week some purple and white petunias. You are working very, very hard! I hope your prayer and thinking hideouts prove to be a sanctuary for you. Have a peaceful weekend.

    1. Thank you. Those are my clematis vine. They are always so pretty. I love purple flowers. I have a few purple petunias too.
      I hope so, sometimes I just like to sit outside in nature to reflect. I know I can sit inside - but love being outside.

  9. I like to sit and watch flowers, chickens, and clouds and to think. I had two swings, two benches, along with two tables with chairs, and a picnic table. I did not want company.
    It was 90F here today, so warm enough for gardening. We had pretty, rain free weather here for about a week. Now, we are due for stormy weather. I always dread the storms.

    1. Sometimes just sitting outside and being amongst nature is just what the soul needs. I love the outdoors.
      90 is hot. Stay safe. We have had lovely weather this week, even with the heat. It is supposed to rain on Sunday! That may ruin a lot of holiday plans. I agree storms are scary - rain OK - storms ick!

  10. Oh my, no wonder you are tired!!!
    How nice of you to lend out your tools.
    When we were just starting out we used to borrow from Linda and her husband all the time. Eventually we got our own tools, but it took time. That is very generous of you. Take care, Louise

    1. Yep, this gal has been busy! Just so much to do - there is always something. They are renters and have always lived in apts. before - so no real tools. I am glad to help them out. We have pretty good neighbors around here.
