Sunday, May 12, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 5/12

 Happy Sunday to all. Happy Mother's Day to all moms - whether your babes are human or fur!!!
Hope this finds everyone well and safe.  I know some of you have been in the areas so affected by the storms this week.  Hope all of you, your families and your properties are safe.  There has been so much devastation.

It has been cooler here this past week.  Not the heat we had last week.  Next week looks to be nice as well.  We had some rain, nothing like the storms in other areas.
We lost power last Sunday for a while - not storm related.  It appears someone hit a pole - the sirens were almost deafening.  It is nice to know that my generator kicks on when needed!

The dandelions are now gone, and the clover has started up.  It really does smell good.  Mr. G Hog was sighted strolling down the alley this week!!  LOL.  I sure hope he stays out of my yard.  I think that is why I had a bumper crop of poppies this year - no g-hog in the yard (last year he ate the buds).
The poppies and the peonies are just about done.  They came on fast and fierce and then done!
The climbing roses are all blooming and my oldest bush rose (at least 40 years old) had 10 blooms at once open this week!  The clematis is blooming - things are sure alive.
NO the garden is not yet in - but hopefully by next weekend.  This old chick is slowing down!!!!!

My week:
  • Mowed and trimmed - of course it is in need again
  • Picked many, many bouquets of peonies and roses (gosh they smell good)
  • Paid everything I had come in (including property taxes for the year)
  • Tons of laundry
  • Lot's more weeding and yard clean up.  I have 2 wooden whiskey barrels out back (yrs. old) and one was done!  I removed all the dirt and took it apart and cleared that area.  Whew!!!
  • I washed down the front porch and the side covered area - they both collect dust
  • Got the glass storm doors all cleaned - they look so nice!
  • Went out one day to do errands.  Got gas in the can for summer mowing.  I took some coupons to my niece's house for her birthday event today (nephew wants KFC).  Stopped by Kroger for specials.
  • I got Eggland Best lg. eggs for 1.99 doz.  1/2 gallons of milk were 1.29.  Vidalia onions 3 lbs. 2.99 - some of the sweetest I have had in years!  I got fresh veggies galore - using many in today's pasta/veg salad I am taking to nieces.  AND by walking the store (I know!!) - I found 3 types of cat food shreds I have a hard time finding anywhere.  One that I haven't found in 2-3 years!!!  Kitties happy!
  • Hard boiled some eggs
  • Aired the house - no A/C or heat at all this week (no need for lights either)
  • Cleaned the hummingbird feeders and refilled with homemade nectar
  • Helped the side neighbor with water this week (1 1/2 days).  They had their water turned off (SMH) and I ran the hose over the fence for them to fill buckets with.  He was talking about going out to buy gallons of water - I mean come on - you haven't paid the bills, and you want to buy water??  Some people amaze me.  Anyhow they seemed appreciative.
  • Dug a huge lamb's ear plant and potted for a neighbor who loves them
  • Got some neighbor visits in with people I haven't talked with much this spring
  • Just all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Blk. bean/beef combo nachos/taco salad
Mexican style rice bowl
Potato cakes (freezer), pan seared fish, veggie salad
Beef/potato/cheese bowl and salad
Grilled ham/cheese sandwich, onion rings, fresh vegs
Burger and salad
Dirty rice w/sausage and side salad

Well, that sums up my week.  Nothing exciting.  I need to get my bum a bobbing of getting the garden in - it is just a lot of work!  LOL
How was your week?  Please let us know you are OK from storms.  Did you get stuff planted?  Any good deals this week?
I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day, however you desire to spend the day!!!!
I am going to another birthday celebration this afternoon for a 10-year-old gr. nephew, and I need to get busy making my side I am taking!!

Stay safe and healthy.  Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home!

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
Proverbs 31:30-31

Lord, we thank You for all the strong women in our lives, both past and present.  May we all work together and learn from one another.  Guide each and every woman in her daily life and journey in this world.  We give thanks for all blessings.  AMEN


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you Cheryl!

    1. Aahhh thank you. Same to you.
      Have a great week.

  2. You are certainly not slowing down! Your list of things you set out to do and conquer is always impressive and so inspiring. I read a couple blogs or people talk about all the grand plans and things are going to do to make their lives better and they just never get off their butt to do anything or they complain about everyone else being a problem as why they can’t accomplish things. Yours is so refreshing and I am so inspired by your go go go attitude. Cheers to a lovely week!

    1. Well thank you kindly for those words. I get a lot done - but I do it slower!!! I guess that is acceptable and even expected at 69!! I keep on trying any way. No one else here to do it, and unless I pay someone else - it is me, myself and I!!!!!! LOL
      I appreciate you all being here.
      Have a lovely week.

    2. It's very encouraging to read what you've accomplished, makes me want to get up and Do Things. :) You are a good influence!

      Heard from the kids, greetings for Mother's Day. :) Made me smile. Yesterday was lovely, hymnsinging with friends, oh my, what a nice time. :)

      We lost power all day Thursday: a huge old tree came down in the storm and took out lines to this whole area. Lost nothing in the fridge, thank heaven. Just taped the doors shut and ate PB&J on light bread and drank water. Later went to the grocery salad bar and made up a container big enough for lunch and supper. I think their scale needs to be calibrated, as my salad was only $.87. What a deal!


    3. hi Mary - so glad you heard from the kiddos. I bet that had to make you smile. Today at the birthday party, they were talking about moms and said mom's go first to eat. They included me - as they said I am like everyone's second mom. Sure made me feel good.
      Thanks, I hope I can encourage someone a little. I wish I could get more done - but that is life!
      Glad you didn't lose anything with the power outage. WOW, it sounds like the scale needs calibrated! What a deal.
      Have a great week.

  3. Happy Mother's Day! My son stopped on his way out from a camp job on Tues, wanting to see me, his grandma & a friend (not necessarily in that order!). He treated me to flowers & lunch. I hadn't seen him since Easter. The lawn mowers are serviced, ready for the first grass cutting of the year. The highlight of the week was the truckload of garden compost brought home from the neighbors. Black gold! I'll probably go back for another truckload this week. Enjoyed Hugh McLennan of Spirit of the West radio program at a fundraiser dinner last night. Going to bed at 11PM is hard on this old girl. I still wake up by 6AM. in the kitchen: chicken pot pie with biscuit topping; pickle soup; puffed wheat squares.

    1. Sounds like a lovely visit for sure. Glad you got to see him.
      Yay on things being ready for the season. Black gold indeed! That will sure make things grow.
      Oh I here you. I can go to bed early or at midnight and I am up the same time every morning. Usually 6AM here as well. Bitsy will NOT let me sleep over - that kitty has a built-in clock! Pickle soup sound interesting.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Mona, my friend Linda makes the best pickle soup, but of course she is Polish, so it’s in her blood.
      It’s one of the very few recipes that she won’t share with me.
      Cheryl, you should give it a go, I’m sure you would like it. Louise

    3. I have had pickle dip - but never pickle soup. Sounds yummy! May have to give it a go.

  4. Bless you for helping out your neighbours.

    1. Thanks. I would hope they would do the same for me. We tend to watch out for each other around here.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. We are almost done with spring field planting. Farmer has 45 acres of soybeans left to go. Then some spraying and finally getting cattle to pasture. We are going to see our twin granddaughters graduate in Ohio and do not want to worry about cattle.
    We are eating from the pantry & freezers with a little shopping for dairy as needed.
    Our kids took over the garden so I'm only planting & working in the flower beds this year. I got petunias (asked for them) for Mother's Day and will be planting them this week. I need to get salvia and a mandevilla vine yet and some herbs and I'm done with buying plants unless I find some poor flowers on clearance that need to be taken home.
    Farmer is taking me out for Mexican tonight. The boys have all called or texted and gifted me earlier in the week. So it's a nice quiet day here on the farm.

    1. It sounds like you have a full plate of things going on. I think with all the other stuff - I would give the garden to the kids too.
      How wonderful on the graduation - congrats to them both.
      Sounds like you got a lot of useful to you things that you wanted. Mexican out sounds tasty to me.
      I love hearing that you all have had your kids reach out.
      Have a great week.

  6. Hi Cheryl,
    Glad to see you had a lovely week, your flowers sound wonderful. Here in Phoenix, we have had a lovely May so far, and not as hot as we expected, so the windows and doors are open until mid morning, and we all sit outside and marvel at the good weather. I expect folks who live in Alaska have similar thoughts when their winter is delayed ;)

    Otherwise a good week, lunches with some girlfriends and a nice lack of catastrophes! Next week will take a trip, so am looking forward to that. Have a good week, and I hope your ground hog stays away! Hilogene in Az,

    1. Yes two extremes of the weather - so I am sure it is enjoyed thoroughly when nice out.
      Hope you have safe travels and enjoy your trip. Your week sounds perfect.
      I hope that bugger stays away too - I have the live trap ready just in case!
      Have a fantastic trip and week.

  7. My upcoming plan for the week is to make it to the last day of work, which this week falls on Saturday at noon. The goal: Not to get sicker and keep getting better.

    Your last week sounded busy, busy. Here's to a wonderful week ahead for you. Cheers and boogie boogie.

    1. Hope you make it through the week just fine and continue to improve that health!
      Thanks. You have a great one!

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you Cheryl. It has been lovely here the last few days. Harvey is working on getting the veggie garden in and I am looking forward to starting my planting as well.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. I love that you have not got the weather to get things out. That is great.
      Have a blessed week.

  9. Excellent Scripture! I always thought of vain as proud but actually it translates to foolish. Who knew? Your devotional reminds me of the graduation card I got for Zoe, my granddaughter. It says "Girls do it best".

    Hope your day was a good one! A ten year old birthday party for a young man would make it special.

    It was certainly beautiful outside. Glad Mr. G. Hog is nowhere to be seen!

    Erin gave me some kitchen towels and one says "Happy Fur Mama Day". Thought that was so cute.

    The Farmer just about has all the garden planted that he is going to do. The area that had potatoes last year has potatoes again. We don't eat them because of the glycemic index so when Erin came by I showed her what would be her potatoes. Probably more than she would use so she can share with coworkers. Green beans are up, turnips are growing like crazy and rutabagas (swedes) look good.

    Age is only a number, you know. Of course some days, it seem double. ha!

    1. Thanks. Heck yes, girls do it best! Too cute.
      He had a friends party Friday night and today was family - so quite a good year for him!! He got lots of money and loved that.
      Oh what a sweet towel. I wonder where she found that?
      Wow, good for you on having the garden in and things coming up. That is something. I asked my brother today if he had anything planted and his was a big nope too! All in time. A few days won't make much difference.
      I agree - my head says 30's still - my body says......well.....some days are worse than others! LOL
      Have a good week.

  10. Hi Cheryl :) You have been busy! I have to comment on your neighbor who needed water...his arrears could have been caught up for the amount he will spend buying water in bottles! When I worked in the church office many, many years ago, I was always puzzled at the people that would come in asking for bill assistance, but they smelled of booze and cigarettes. Life is all about priorities, isn't it?
    Anyway, you're a good neighbor! Have a great week :)

    1. Hi Debbie. Well, that was exactly what I thought.
      He spends on everything, except bills! Truly - he has a gambling problem, he goes to the grocery everyday, he smokes like a chimney, he regularly brings his girlfriend home flowers, and then there is the FACT that she does not contribute any $ to the household. The other roommate is paid up in his share for almost 2 months - due to the other needing $$. He has no idea how to budget! It truly is sad.
      I wish people could just get IT!!! Oh well, I guess he paid up - because water is back on.
      Just doing the right thing - hoping someone would help me if I needed it.
      Life is truly priorities!
      Have a wonderful week.

  11. I don't know where that picture came from
    But it gave me the creeps!!!

    1. Flowers and a happy mother's day sign??? Not sure how that is creepy - but everyone has a right to their opinion.
      Have a good week.
