Wednesday, May 1, 2024

It's Show & Tell Day

 Happy May Day to all!!!!  It is an amazing morning here.  Yesterday was glorious after the fog lifted and the sun came out.  I got so much done yesterday and I could hardly move last night!  The grass had grown so much in about a week, and it was slow going on cutting.  I think that is why my back was screaming.  A good night's sleep, I feel much better today.  So back at it, going to work outside again today!!!!  As tiring as it is, I LOVE IT!

Yesterday I ran to the nursery to 'look' at plants.  Yeah, we all know how that goes!  I went there, to super Kroger (for plants only), and then to Ollies - all within the block - oh, and got gas fill-up.
I did my running and buying then came home and started on the yard.
Let me show you a little of what I bought!

I saw so many pretties at the nursery - but my oh my were their hanging baskets expensive!!!!  Mother's Day is coming up, so they had plenty - but the price was crazy (cheapest 34.99).  Kroger was more than half the price on baskets, and they were huge and beautiful.  I always buy a couple for out front - then I make the rest of them.

The baskets at Kroger were 14.99.  I got 2 big geranium baskets, and both are a bit different in color.
At the nursery I got some garden plants and a few assorted flowers for pots and baskets. 
I went ahead and got the garden stuff - as last year I waited, and it was hard to find anything.  Lots to choose from now - after Mother's Day the pickings will be slim!
I will maybe end up with more - but for now this is enough.
I have roses that are covered with buds, peonies with buds, tons of lilies, and the poppies - so lots of stuff to bloom.  Oh, and echinacea and coreopsis, phlox and more.
                            I couldn't resist!  This came from Ollies!  It looks cute out from.
I found these at Ollies.  I don't often have or use paper plates - but thought this was cool.  2.99 for 50.  Recycled paper, made in U.S.
I also found these at Ollies.  The beans are the big size (27.5 oz.) cans for 1.59.  No sugar added.  I got 2 - I am not a big baked bean eater but thought it would be nice to have a couple on hand.  All U.S. made.
I got 2 t-shirts for 1.99 each.  Great light weight and will be good for putzing around in.  Those are under the beans!
You just never know what you might find there.  
I also got 2 new hose nozzles, one is a 9 stream, and the other is a 3 stream.  Great for front and back hoses.  I got a new pair of small hand pruners as well.  I have needed a new pair for a while.  They are all Miracle-Grow brand.  Great prices.
Pretty much all purchased was for the yard and garden - no food.

I came home and mowed and just piddled around.  Today will be trimming the yard and all the bushes.  Maybe some planting - we will see how the back holds up!!!  Getting older sure has its grunts & groans!!!

This was out back this morning.
Just one spot.  They are blooming in 3 different areas.  Look at all those fat buds!  I guess they will last a little while.  I have more poppies this year than last year - you just never know from year to year.  Less peony buds this year - but still plenty.
I love this time of the year.

So there you have it.  My day yesterday!  It was busy and fun.  People were friendly and enjoying the weather.  So many said they came to 'look' and had carts full of flowers!  I guess I was not alone in that endeavor!  I blame it on the weather!!!!  LOL

Hoping you have a wonderful day - and can get outside and enjoy the weather and get some exercise.


  1. I bought a few flowers last Friday for my mom to put out on her covered condo balcony. I usually wait to get anything until after Memorial Day as we usually get one nasty storm sometimes with hail in May and my flowers get destroyed. Well I couldn't resist while picking up flowers for mom. But I only planted two pots and if it's going to be bad I can push them under the roof line. Anything for the yard will go in after May 31.

    My daughters tell me they have no interest in gardening but I tell them when I was their age I didn't either. Too many things to do at that age for gardening to make the list. But as I got older I realized how much I enjoyed seeing flowers in the yard that I started to play around with it.

    1. That is perfect - if bad weather is expected you can put them out of the way. Usually May 10th is our go to time - being further north I can imagine it is smart to wait.
      I always loved gardening, just not the work! That took several years before I appreciated the end result. I hope they learn to embrace it!

  2. Happy May Day! Your plants and flowers look so pretty this morning! Love the poppy's. We are expecting rain for a few days so not much going on in the garden. DH did get the garden spot amended and rototilled up. Have a great day!

    1. Happy May Day to you!!!! Thanks. I do love the pretty poppies.
      That means you can have a little rest from all the work you have done!! That is cool. I have been working again today, and will tomorrow as long as weather permits. We have some rain coming in too. Friday will be busy with other stuff - kind of looking forward to a day of rest!
      Have a wonderful day!

  3. Debby in Kansas USAMay 1, 2024 at 11:55 AM

    So many pretties! What were the orange ones in the last picture?

    I love geraniums. They're perennials in Cali and my Grandma had oodles of them. We had a whole bed of them in our last house. They smelled so good.

    I was just telling hubs that I thought it was time to plant some flowers. Especially with all the rain that really makes them grow.

    We had crazy storms move through again last night. And the hail!! My gosh, the hail came down for so long. Hubs will have to assess on Saturday to see if we had damage. Some of it sounded pretty big. I'm glad the cars are garaged. They certainly would've been damaged. Tis the spring season and this is peak time of it.

    Getting some more stuff bagged and out the door for donations. I have a bag full of ink pads and stamps for hubs to drop off at the school.

    Yikes. The house behind us has painters on ladders under the eaves of the second story. 😱😱😱 That just freaks me out. I hate heights!!

    1. Poppies. some manage to hold geraniums over here - but in the house. I think it is time!
      i hate storms, especially hail storms. We have had to have roofs and siding replaced twice over the years. I hope everything is OK at your place. Glad you are all ok.
      Good for you and more decluttering.
      That would scare me - I don't like heights at all. I can see pictures that make my belly flip-flop and the anxiety levels go through the roof!

  4. Your flowers look beautiful! I'm getting antsy and really, really, really want to get planting. But I'm holding off for a couple of weeks for two reasons. Typically, here, there is still a chance of frost until mid-May. This year has been uncommonly warm, and it's probably ok to start planting, but I really don't want to chance it. A couple of weeks won't hurt. AND, we had our HOA meeting last week and there were tons of complaints about our landscapers. So, the HOA board is going to do a walk-around with the owner of the landscape company and evaluate what needs (and must be addressed) for them to keep the contract. That is scheduled for 5/14, so I don't want to do ANYTHING to the front garden, until it's been reviewed and I know the plan going forward. They did not trim back my waist-high hydrangeas until 2 weeks ago. And, some still have their dead flower clusters left from last year, and most are full of dead-wood. Once I know what's going on, I'll decide what I want to plant out front and what they may handle. (Front gardens are supposed to be 100% maintained by the HOA, with the exception of annuals. That's not been the case in recent years.)

  5. Pink geraniums are my favorite!

    1. I love the pink and salmon - such pretty colors.

    2. Lori I can understand waiting. Weather is so unpredictable. Smart to wait on the new HOA stuff to find out. No sense to waste the money and work - if they don't want them out there.
      I hope you get to plant and enjoy them!!!!

  6. You found some beautiful bargains! Love the bed with the poppies...such pretty foliage. You have planned your gardens very well...they are very inviting to look and sniff. It is a perfect day for working in the gardens. My coral peonies have bloomed and on their way to being spent. One other peony bloomed in the front garden and the ones in the back garden are just about to pop. The Miss Kim lilacs are bloomed out and are so pretty. One of them is at least ten feet high and just as wide. Didn't think they got very big. My Texas daughter misses the peonies and lilacs.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. It is kind of a grow where you wany type garden! But I like that. No peonies open here for a bit. I love lilac - my neighbor used to have a huge bush and always had me come and cut them for myself. It has now gone bye-bye.
      I bet she does miss them!

  7. I love good hunting deals! I've been meaning to have hubby try those beans. The flowers are pretty. I think I have some soon to bloom in the front garden bed. i got geranium seeds last year because my one gram used to always have them in her garden. The joy reminds me of her. Okay, about to publish comment. Hope I don't end up in spam. Cheers, lvy.

    1. I like a deal too. Old time flowers are my favorites. Most of my perennials came from mom & dads. You showed up!!!!

  8. My brother is in town and we went to Costco as he has a membership. We picked out flowers for mom then I couldn't resist and bought 2 hanging baskets. I usually do my own but the price was great and they were grown locally.

    1. Cool. When you get a good price - why not? Easier and just saves time.
      Enjoy the!

  9. I asked Harvey if Canadian Tire had their plants yet... Nope. I hope they get them in this weekend, but I have to make my list up on what I want.
    Your garden looks lovely, those poppies are gorgeous.

    God bless.

    1. I bet it won't be long = most places get plants by Mother's Day. Make your list and make your plan - soon!!!!!! Thanks

  10. A very nice show n' tell, I too have enjoyed buying some flowers. We bought a beautiful pot of yellow Begonias with ivy around it, and I bought a pot of deep, deep red Gernaniums at Home Depot, the Begonias were in a large, nice decorative pot for $14.99 and the beautiful red Geranium was $7.98. I immediately repotted that in a clay pot and placed in our front flower bed with other potted plants. The Begonias are setting atop a pillar on the front porch.

    I like those Geranium baskets, lovely.

    God bless and be with you.

    1. Pretty colors and decent prices. Glad you are getting started and enjoying some of the beauties of nature. I just love all the color that summer brings - a nice refresh after the dull of winter months.

  11. Hi Cheryl, Love all the flowers you found! This is my favorite time of year, just being outside makes me happy. I'm in Arizona so we've had warm weather for a while. I got lots of petunias for pots on the patio and a geranium for the front door. Prices are definitely higher than in the past at Lowes and Home Depot, I need to check other places but they're all looking great now so it's worth it. Love seeing the pictures of your yard!

    1. My favorite time as well. Just being outside in the fresh air and nature is wonderful. And color!!!!!!
      Yours sound very pretty. Yes, the nursery was higher this year, but I always try other places too. Kroger still had their baskets the same as last year - so that was nice.
      Thanks - enjoy your pretties!

  12. I saw all those things in Ollie's ad, and they tempted me. I am waiting on the big huge hanging baskets of flowers. I need at least one for out front where I can see it from my chair.

    1. This was actually the last one I could find in the store! But it was perfect. I hope you find a basket soon. With Mother's Day coming up - flowers should be everywhere.

  13. I bought two red geraniums to hang this week. I haven’t had geraniums in years and they look so pretty. You bought some pretty things, too! (Little Penpen)

    1. Hi Penny. I love geraniums - to me they are 'smile' plants. They are just so pretty. Enjoy!!!

  14. I love this time of year also. No veg garden this year as the kids have taken it over. I told them I will not plant, water, weed or harvest, but I will help them can/preserve. I'm holding firm to my resolve so I can concentrate on flower beds. So far I've cleaned up a small bed and planted day lilies and hostas in the front beds. I bought 2 lush hanging geranium baskets to transplant in my front pots with petunias. And I got 2 pots of something that looks like small petunias for in front of the garage.
    I have 2 big pots to fill. One will get a mandevilla vine again and the other will be r/w/b petunias.
    I have a long flower bed by the garage that has died back to almost nothing due to the drought. I plan to mulch it heavily with our free wood chips and if I can get cheap or free perennials, they will go in that bed.
    The herbs will come after our last frost date for the patio. And several more beds will get mulched and new borders. Lots to do this summer.

    1. You do what works for you! Oh goodness, that all sounds wonderful. I bet your front will look beautiful.
      I think there are so pretty annuals - and we all need a few. I like the look of beds all freshly mulched - they look so neat and clean.

  15. I so love those poppies...they are just such a bright spot in the day.
