Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Uncomplicate it!

 Howdy to all.  Hope you are all well this morning.  It is kind of muggy feeling here this morning.  It is supposed to rain (storm) later in the day.  I think today will be a stay indoors kind of day for the most part.  Next couple days are supposed to be much cooler.

Today is just a reminder about life.  I know many of us try to live a basic and simple life.  For all those starting out - there is a reason for us to do so.  
Just living a simple and balanced life - keeps the stress down, keeps the finances intact, and uses less of the world's resources.  It truly is a WIN-WIN!

You may have a huge home or you may have a very small home - you have a home!  Make whatever home you live in comfortable and pleasant - that really takes no money.  Just use what you have and keep it nice and live your best life.

Modern life wants to complicate your life.  If you watch commercials or many programs - you will see things to entice you.  Don't fall for it.  There is someone in every place we go or on everything we see or hear, trying to convince you that you need more and bigger and better.  You don't.
I am one of those strange birds - that if I see a commercial for something on TV - odds are 99.9% I will never buy it!!! I despise commercials.  I don't like that they think I am stupid.  I don't like that they try to make even the most serious things look enticing and fun.  I just don't like them and I will not buy their product.
That is my simple solution!!  LOL.  I know not everyone feels that way - but it works for me.

You can live and thrive and still have a simple life.  We just try to complicate everything.  
Be grateful for whatever you have.  Be grateful if you can pay your bills.  Be grateful for any help you receive or can receive.  Be grateful for a warm bed or a meal.  Be grateful for a cold drink of water.  SO many in the world would love your life!

If you want more - go for it, work for it.  All people can do is say no - and they may say yes.  You have to try.  
Never give up - no matter how hard it gets.  Anything worth having is worth fighting or working for.  Plan your work and work your plan - that is what my G used to say.  Boy, is that right.  ONLY YOU can set things in motion.  Work hard, do your best and go forward one day at a time.  That is all any of us can do.

But most importantly - you need to keep life simple and balanced!
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I love the quote about simplicity. At my age that is what I want the most out of life.

    1. I understand. I agree, at this age all I want is a simple uncomplicated life.

  2. Grateful every day. If anyone had told me back when I was 25 that my life would be in the position I am today, I would have never ever believed them. The cliff edge of bankruptcy (we didn't) is a deep dark place.

    That song: "I learned my lesson and I learned it well" :-)

    1. So true. Our 25 year old selves would have never imagined the same wish we have today. I am thankful that we have grown and learned. Life is good.

  3. Simplicity and gratitude...words to live by. I despise is anything that is a "trend". In other words, give me your money. One thing I have noticed on the shelter and lifestyle blogs is the move to embrace using what you have, whether it is garage sale, thrift store purchases or old family items. I follow several ladies on Instagram who show their thrift store buys and how they use them.

    Enjoy your day! We are headed to Costco to pick a prescription and a couple of other things before it rains.

    1. Yes, I used to watch a lot of HGTV shows and for the most part stopped. I do like the ones that just help and old cabin or barn - but none of the stylish shows. They try to make us think we are 'out of it' if we don't follow along.
      Nice to know that there are more and more people going to the use it, find it, barter it lifestyles. That is encouraging for the world as well!

  4. Speaking as someone about to turn 70, I’d advise younger people not to collect “stuff,” whether it be kitchen gadgets, decor, crafts that you aren’t going to do in the next 60 days, clothes, linens, etc. etc. My cousin must have 100 Hummel figurines and 500 pair of earrings. Thankfully I don’t have those things but I still have far too much. If you are fortunate enough to have extra money beyond living expenses and savings, spend it on experiences. That’s what your kids will remember. My mom always said “You spend the first half of your life collecting things and the second half getting rid of things.”

    1. P.S. The commercials I hate the most are for Rx. These should be banned in my opinion.

    2. YES...the RX commercials should be banned.

    3. Some commercials are downright embarrassing! I'm glad the kids are grown because some would be hard to explain or not be red faced.

    4. Same here, almost 70 and you are so right. I wish I had known then, what I know now!!! I have been trying to get rid of stuff for ages, and it seems to still be here! LOL
      That phrase sums it up well in my opinion.
      Yes RX and personal hygiene are my 2 HUGE pet peeves. They are embarrassing and downright derogatory!

  5. I am with you Cheryl, I hate commercials and I feel like they are intrusive. The ones that try to make a person feel dumb or "less than" because you don't have their product.....well the jokes on them because I will NOT want their product LOL.
    Muggy and overcast here also, bugs are out and things are growing and I am just enjoying my home. It's a good day.

    1. Yes mam. They are intrusive and some are just downright disgusting. I will never buy those products.
      Same kind of weather here today.
      It is wonderful you love your home and all that surrounds it! It is a good day indeed.

  6. I'm grateful to have no TV. It broke years ago and I hadn't money for fixing or a new one, so...... no TV. Amazing, the amount of time that suddenly appeared in my life.

    I do have a small collection of china, and I enjoy it very much, but it is old stuff and I seldom add anything to it. Hard to find and usually expensive: that's enough to fall off my list right there. ;) I am looking for a home for it when I can no longer keep it, another interested collector.

    Gratitude is a great comfort to the soul. It's like Lidocaine on sunburn, soothes pain.

    1. You are smart - TV is addictive. I do like certain programs, but I could probably learn to live without it.
      You love your china and that is why it is special to you. Nothing wrong with that at all. When the time comes it will be nice to share.
      I like that "gratitude is a comfort to the soul".

  7. I have always strived for a simple and uncomplicated life. At my age it would be impossible to persuade me to do differently. I think it may be more difficult for the younger generations that have grown up with social media and so many 'influencers'. Have a great day Cheryl.

    1. You make a very good point. Younger folks have been bombarded since day one with 'the noise' out there.
      I sure wish we could convince them simple and uncomplicated is the place to be!

  8. I'm on your side, avoid commercials and advertisements as much as you can. Especially those that say, limited time offer or only a few left in stock. It's all b.s., for lack of a better term.
    Simple is definitely an easier and less complicated way to live.

    1. They all lie and yes it is B.S.!
      It sure is easier to live without all the distractions. That is why I DVR almost 100% of anything I may want to watch. I fly right through the commercials!

  9. Nancy H in Vancouver WAJune 5, 2024 at 3:09 PM

    Sounds like you are getting the weather we had over the weekend. We are beginning a warm up today. We will hit 90 by Friday. A 30 degree jump from Sunday and Monday. I continue to work on the downsizing. I can remember the last time I bought something from an advertisement, my downfall is thrift store finds. But they are getting so expensive I haven’t been buying stuff there either.

    1. Come tomorrow it is supposed to cool for a few days - so that is good.
      90 is uncomfortable.
      I do the same - it seems to be an ongoing project. I haven't been to the thrift stores for a long while - and yes they are getting expensive too. I did do a neighbor yard sale last summer, but that is about it. Just not a big shopper any more. Guess that is good - don't need anything!

  10. I am striving towards a simpler lifestyle, but sometimes it seems just out of reach. However my projects, my books (on the ereader), and getting things we no longer use out is helping in that area. Our home is small in comparison to many and we make the most of it. It is warm, cozy and welcoming, it might not be the neatest (due to ongoing projects) but it is what it is.

    God bless.

    1. I love that you are going for simple! We just have to keep trying. I find it so endearing that you call your home warm, cozy and welcoming. That is what we all want and strive for. It doesn't have to be big and fancy - just home!

  11. I disagree. I like commercials. I can go to the bathroom or the kitchen for food when they are on. I would have to buy something to be able to record them.

    They are good for a sociologically study. I do that when I see them.

    Plus, learning to resist is a good thing. Learning to view a commercial with an eye for critically viewing is good.

    When my children were little, they loved commercials and wanted all the cereals for the toys. I told them the little cars did not zoom around, that they were zooming on tv to make children want them Once, I bought a cereal to show them the toy. They were so shocked! When a commercial came on, they told me why it was trying to trick them with a toy. I made them mostly commercial proof when is a good skill to have.

    I still like commercials and can critique a good thing without buying it. Sometimes, I even want the item and still can find good reasons not to buy it.

    1. Well, that is certainly another way to look at them.
      But we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I think they are a scourge on society! LOL
      Many serious medical conditions are treated with frivolity - I mean why sing and dance to promote medicine for a serious condition. Ridiculous.
      I have cable and that allows recording. Nothing special needed.
      That is MY opinion and it isn't going to change, for any reasoning.
