Thursday, July 4, 2024

It Isn't Always Free

 Happy Thursday to all.  It is Independence Day here in America.  The day we celebrate our independence from England.  I hope you all take a few moments to reflect on that independence (no matter where you live) while you are celebrating festivities with family and friends.

We all seem to take freedom for granted - we can do just about anything we want today.  Things our ancestors would never have imagined.
We seem to expect more and want more.  We want it now and for next to nothing.  Many children have no idea where their food comes from - other than the store.  They have no idea what sacrifices have been made in the past for them to have the life they have today.
Kiddos today don't read nor learn useful skills like we did back in the day.  They are too busy with video games.
People eat ALL the junk, not the healthy food and we live with obesity and diabetes running rampant.  We do not take proper care of our bodies or our minds.  A pill will fix it!
Everything hurts everyone's feelings.

I want to say thankful and how in awe I am of skilled workers, laborers, farmers, military members (both past and present), health care employees, small business owners - all people who work so that we can have a good life.
I am thankful for farms of all types, factories that produce items and the stores that sell these things so we can have them.
Thank you for police and EMT's that help every day.
I am thankful for all who have sacrificed so much and at times everything so we can have freedom.  I am sorry they have had to do that - but thankful as well.

YES I am thankful for all who want to work and those that do.  I am thankful for all things in my life today.  Some may be sitting here reading this today thinking that their life stinks - but always remember there is someone out there with so much less and whose life stinks even worse!  They would be grateful for your life.  

It amounts to perspective.  Be grateful for all things - big and small - and life will be good (or at least better).
Prayers for wars to end and for leaders to get along and do right.
No matter our differences in thoughts about the world - we are still the same.  We want a good life.
We all want peace and joy.

Freedom isn't free in any way.  Thank you to all people that makes our lives as free as they are.
Have a wonderful day.  Stay safe.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Reversed Meal Planning - Something to Think About

 Happy midweek!  We have a slightly overcast start this morning.  It is much more humid than yesterday.  We have storms coming in today and probably tomorrow.  I hope all of you that have events tomorrow for the 4th - have a safe day.  There are heat warnings again this week for various parts of country - you all stay in and stay safe.

Reverse Meal Planning
Yep, it is a thing.  It is much of what I do all the time!  A different name and way of looking at pantry cooking!!
Here we go.  BEFORE you go shopping - you plan your meals from what you have on hand.   I know many plan meals according to grocery sales - the cheaper way is planning meals with what you have.
Take a good look at those pantries and freezers - and get creative.  I bet many, many people can go a couple weeks or much more with just what they have on hand.
Never waste things.  

There are many sites on the computer that can help.  You type in the ingredients you have, and it gives you ideas for what you can make.  You can utilize those cookbooks that are all about simple and easy cooking (libraries have many).  You can ask places like this blog or your friends or family.
It truly pays to utilize what you have.  We have all had weeks where it just wasn't in the budget to go to the grocery.  Those tight weeks gives good reason to get creative.

Think about ways to use a single piece of meat - even with a couple people in the house.  Chop it, chunk it and make a casserole or soup with it.  Cooked it can make a great sandwich salad when chopped and added to other ingredients.
It can be lunch on a different day.  Think of meat as an ingredient, not a staple.  You can also have meatless days - use another protein.

Fruit - use it all up.  Older fruit can be made into salads, sauces, juices, or milkshakes.  Cook up apples that may be older.  Fried apples are wonderful - or make a cobbler or pie.

Use it all up and save your budget.  So many things we can do.  Citrus - juice or salads, then use the skins to make cleaner or zest and freeze for baking/cooking.
Bananas getting older make an easy ice cream or a milkshake - the peels make great fertilizer.  Just so many options.
Sometimes you can make up a fun recipe that is very filling and can be used in a simple meal.  Meals don't always have to be several courses.  Fried cornbread - great for a lunch, a treat or a big part of a dinner.  When you are truly watching the budget and getting creative, sometimes it is just about getting FULL!
Easy-peasy snacks.  These are very good and use minimal ingredients.  Think popcorn or any other easy idea for fun snacks.  Heck, you add some melted butter and seasoning to crackers and bake until crispy again.  Super yummy.
Meals can be veggies only!  Yes, they can.  Vegans and vegetarians eat lots and lots of veggies and fruits - you can too.  I often have no meat nights.  You can use a little meat or no meat.  It is so easy to do, especially in summer.
A good summer meal - meat is not necessary at all.  I could eat this all summer long (even with no meat). Just keep things simple.
Big old salads are great as well.
Use up all leftovers for lunches or other meals, or place bits and bobs in the freezer until you have enough to make soup or casserole.

Never feel that you don't have options.  Never waste food.  Use what you have - no matter how obscure it may seem.  Get creative.
Be smart a do a REVERSED MEAL PLAN before going shopping.  I like this way of thinking about it - instead of saying 'shop your pantry'.  Change your thinking and sometimes it can change your life!  Use your dollars for other things.
Have fun with it.  You may surprise yourself and your family!!

Have a wonderful day friends.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

$imple is Wonderful - Don't Complicate It

 Happy Tuesday and happy July.  July, and this morning I have on a light sweater!  It was 60*F this morning when I got up.  It is lovely.  The past 2 days have been lovely!  Tomorrow looks to get hotter & humid again, then some storms coming in.  But goodness sakes, I will surely enjoy these cooler days!  Windows open and fresh air in the house - have to love this!

More about simplicity today.  It really doesn't have to be complicated - hence the word!  We are the ones that tend to complicate things.
Our financial journeys don't have to be complicated to be successful.  I hope these posts help someone starting out - so they can avoid the mistakes many of us made along the way!

If your finances feel out of control, you will feel stressed and full of worry.  If you manage your finances in a smart way, it lightens your burden, and you slowly get to financial freedom.  Start taking small steps to that end and have some peace and some breathing room.

Start by getting rid of the barriers.  Pay extra when and where you can on any bill that has an interest amount adding up.  Mortgages, charge cards - need to get paid up.  Take steps to manage these bills and get to your milestone faster.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Stop the extra spending.

Simplify everything.  You know how lovely your closet looks when you simplify your wardrobe? - well you budget can look like that too.  Remove items that are in your way.  Stop spending on unnecessary things - you know what they are.  Stop that eating out, the daily coffees, the clothes shopping, the bad habits.  By removing the money guzzlers, you are going to bring more simple joy into your life.
Take time and assess your spending habits and then simplify them.  If necessary, write down EVERY expenditure over a month.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.  You will soon see a pattern of silly spending!
Remove those and start to breathe a little easier and think about your goals.

The less you buy and spend - the simpler your life becomes.  You learn to appreciate the "simple" things.  You will learn they aren't so small - they are precious. 
Start making good decisions and start making new habits.  You have to change in order to get ahead and have the future you want. 
Small decisions make big difference.

Make some simple changes and start seeing a reward.
  • Work on your budget and look at things for a few minutes each day
  • Learn from others - research and get advice when needed
  • Eat at home from scratch more often
  • Renegotiate some of your basic bills - phone, cable, insurances, internet, etc.
  • Pay an extra $50 or $100 on your credit cards (you will ever get ahead paying minimum payments)
  • Start saving $50 a month or more to your emergency fund
  • Get into a 401K or IRA with your employment if offered
  • Spend an extra $5/$10 a week on groceries to stock your pantries or freezer (yes, that is an investment in your future)
  • Find FREE fun - events at parks, picnics, walks, etc.
Simplifying your steps to a future you want, isn't lazy work, nor is it a cop-out.  It is streamlining the path.  It is a beautiful thing.  We have always heard if it is worth having it is worth working for - true, but it doesn't have to be miserable - simplifying can be wonderful and it gives you freedom.
                         A simple and lovely joy!  Take in simple moments to smile and laugh.

Try not to get overwhelmed during this process on making a good life.  I know sometimes it can get that way.  Been there and done that.  Trust me, it just isn't worth the nerve wrenching obsession we take on.  Slow and steady is the way to go.  

Start small - and make some simple decisions.  Start small in saving and paying off - and as you start to notice progress, you will get excited to do more.  Small steps can be mighty!!!  Then you get on a roll and off you go to a future you can sit back and enjoy.  BUT just remember to enjoy the ride along the way as well.
I wish all starting out on the journey great success.  IT CAN BE DONE!  Don't give up.

You got this.  Get started today simplifying your life and your finances will thank you!

Have a wonderful day.