Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Few Hints and Tips for the Kitchen

 Happy Wednesday to all.  It is a lovely morning here so far.  AC off and the windows open for a bit.  It is to get pretty hot today for this last day of July.  I have been out to feed the birds and to check the watering holes and the garden.  I hope this finds you all well and safe.  Missing some of you!

Today just a few tips to use in and around the kitchen or things to know.  Do they save a fortune? - No.  But little things add up and we all know pennies make dollars.  Also, these are just great ways to stretch things and that is what being a good resident of the earth does!

Someone may not know the difference - and there is a difference.  Use the proper one!
  • Adding tomatoes to roasts helps to naturally tenderize the meat.  The acid in tomatoes helps break down the meat - this way you can use cheaper cuts.  Cheaper cuts are great for a slow cooker as well!
  • It is easier to slice meat when partially frozen
  • One pound of boneless chicken equals about 3 cups of cubed chicken
  • A few drops of lemon juice added to simmering rice will help keep grains separated
  • To avoid tough beans or corn - do not add salt at the beginning of the cooking process
It is time for the overabundance of summer squash.  Dehydrate it.  It also makes a great snack when lightly salted - natural chips!
  • Use fresh mint at the bottom of a cup when making hot tea or hot chocolate - yummy
  • To add flavor to tea - dissolve and old-fashioned lemon drop or hard candy.  They melt quickly and add a zip of flavor
  • Don't over cook pasta that is being added to cheese for mac n cheese or to be added to casseroles.  Cook al dente".  Otherwise, you will end up with mush and not a tasty dish
  • In a large shaker add 6 parts salt and one part pepper (thoroughly mixed) for a quick and easy seasoning!
  • Ice cubes help 'sharpen' edges of garbage disposal blades, and the rinds of a small piece of citrus will freshen that garbage disposal
Now no need to buy mini pie crusts if you know how to make pie crust.  You a biscuit cutter or the top of large mouth glass to cut mini crusts.  Mini crust is great for tarts or baby quiche or baby pot pies.  Super for any bite size dessert or savory for a party

  • When you have just the bottom bits left in a jelly jar - add milk and shake for a fun flavorful milk drink or add to a smoothie OR add a bit of vinegar and shake for a new flavor of dressing. 
  • Need a quick ice pack in an emergency - use a pack of frozen peas or other diced veggie
  • When adding nuts or chips to cake or brownies - mix them into the dry ingredients to coat first.  Helps keep them from dropping to the bottom.  OR place on top of mix in the baking pan right before placing in the oven.
  • Save the bags from cereal or snacks - clean and dry and keep and use instead of wax paper.
  • When cooking - always make more than enough for one meal.  Freeze for another time when you are busy or for a quick lunch
  • Make your own breakfast burritos, egg/sausage biscuits or sandwiches, pancakes and waffles.  Tastes better than buying out and it is cheaper!
HOMEMADE HONEY MUSTARD - I love this for chicken strips!!!!

1 zucchini peeled and diced
1 Onion - diced
about 1/4 C sliced mushrooms (or whatever you like better)
about 8 oz. of diced tomatoes - juice included
1 lb. of ground sausage (fried)
Dash of salt and pepper
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
Fry sausage and add the other ingredients.  Cook until the zucchini is tender.  This is hearty and tasty alone or to stretch it, serve over rice.

There you have it.  Just a few ideas to stretch things a bit and maybe save a buck or two.
Hope maybe you found something you can use.
Do you have a favorite tip to share?

Have a super and productive day.


    Hi! I just saw this video and the timeline sounds right for your big bang. I think that with all the junk in space, this happens frequently someplace or other on earth.
    Regarding wax paper and parchment paper.. so expensive. Try to reuse if possible.
    My zucchini are just starting to blossom. I'm looking forward to the deluge. I let some get about a foot long with a tough skin. Put them in the pantry on a shelf. They keep for months, long after the garden stops producing. I do not wash or prep them before storing.

    1. Cool video. I don't know - but there is a lot of junk up there!
      I keep the wrappers inside cracker and cereal (used to buy) to use for wax paper. It is expensive. I have rolls of each I have had for a long, long time - I use it so seldom.
      Hope you get a lot of zucchini!!! Mine are starting to produce nicely and FINALLY the yellow summer squash it starting to bud.
      Good tip on keeping them for extended period - thanks.

  2. I freeze crusts of bread. When a recipe calls for fresh breadcrumbs I just take a slice from the freezer and grate it. The slice stays frozen while grating, so if the recipe calls for a small amount the remaining bit can be put back into the freezer and taken out again next time it is needed.

    1. Great idea. Being frozen would make it easier to grate.

  3. It is so hot here and we have been have my bad storms most evenings. The humidity makes it feel like air you can wear. That's really interesting about the tomatoes tenderizing the meat. Our salvage stores get those mini crusts in and they can be as low as 50 cents!

    1. So sorry you are dealing with such heat and humidity. That is miserable.
      I have bought on clearance for about 1.50 - but your price would be wonderful!

  4. I will use that lemon juice trick for rice this week. Thanks! Dee/NY

  5. Wow, I did not know that tomatoes tenderize tough meat. An excellent tip.

    Thanks for sharing these with all your readers. They are definitely savers.

    God bless.

    1. Yep, the acid in tomatoes really works. Glad you like them.

  6. Excellent kitchen tips! Years ago, all I used was waxed paper, although not to line a pan for baking. We buy parchment paper at Costco which makes it more affordable. If it's not too gunky, even reuse it. Sure helps on cleanup.

    It is hot but that is to be expected this time of year. The sky looks very hazy, and we are wondering if it is because of the wildfires in Canada.

    See you tomorrow!

    1. Thanks. I re-use parchment as well - if still clean.
      Yes, it is pretty warm. I had rain today for a while. Now the sun is shining.

  7. All excellent tips, I did not know about the lemon juice in rice, so thanks for that.
    I was only thinking over the weekend about how my grandparents, who my sister and I lived with for a large part of our childhoods, saved EVERYTHING. As I was throwing away the paper that the butter was wrapped in, I remembered my grandmother keeping her old butter wrappers, wiping them clean, and then wrapping my grandfathers lunch in them.
    Crazy how the world has changed.
    Thanks for these tips, Louise

  8. Something I found out not so long ago is that date pits also tenderize tough meat. We go through a lot of dates so it's not something we buy just for that purpose. When I first heard it, I was a bit sceptical but I really does work!

    1. That is very interesting. Pretty neat to learn. So yes, I learned something new today. I love how different regions have such different tips. Thanks for sharing.

  9. One thing that helps--talking. As I cook and Tommy is in kitchen with me, I talk about why I use waxed paper or parchment paper. He remembers and then learns what to use. I always talked to my children about things, too, just in a conversational tone. When my son was about nine, he was in a clothing store in boys department. He was saying things to me like--Mama, they did not match the plaid in this shirt. And, Mama, this placket is crooked or the thread holding the button on is coming loose.

    The woman clerk said he was smarter and knew more than any child she had heard and most adults.

    If you have knowledge, pass it on.

    1. Passing on knowledge is what we all need to do.
      That is what this little blog is all about!
