Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Be True to Yourself!!

Happy Tuesday to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.  It is going to be a warmer day here and it is stuffy this morning.  We have had rain the past couple days - probably none today - just sun and warmth!

Today let's talk a bit about being true to yourself and the lifestyle you choose.  We all live in different locations, and some are rural, some inner city, some suburbs and some are somewhere in between. 
Be happy where you are.  Make the best of where you are.

I know I have been asked so many times why I choose to stay here.  Well - I like it!  Maybe the locale is the not best in the world - but it is home.  I could move, but at this point in life, I cannot imagine that.  We always talked about country living, which would have been glorious - then again, it would have become very difficult to do with G's physical problems he had, and now at my age.  So, some things work out the way they do for the good.  My small home is easy to maintain and that is good.
Don't let people tell you that you should live differently.  It isn't about keeping up with the Jones's or doing what other family or friends thinks is right - it is what makes you happy.

Living a simple life is for many people.  No frills, no glitz, no fancy stuff.  That is me.  I don't need that stuff to be happy.
Living a simpler life doesn't mean you have to be in a tiny house off the grid - it just means living a calm, restful, non-complicated life where you are.  Living within your means.
It is not always about $$$, it is about tuning into yourself and not trying to keep up with others.

It is about satisfaction of achievement and creating a lovely home.  Sometimes growing and eating from what you grow.  Your environment is what you make it.  Let your home be inspirational to you. 
From my backyard.  Yes, I live just outside city proper, yet I can still enjoy views like this.  They can be so calming and glorious.  I don't have to be out in the woods to have some calmness in my life.  It is about enjoying where you are planted and appreciating the small things (which are pretty grand)!
I have a garden, I have flowers and trees and nature - not a ton, but enough to make it peaceful.

We tend to focus on the big stuff in life.  We listen to the news and we let the nastiness of the world creep into our lives.  It is normal.  Those are stressors!!  Turn it off - you can still be aware without watching it all the time.  Learn that it is the little things that matter.
Keep your home, no matter where it is, your sanctuary.  
A simple shadow on my pantry door, is a daily reminder of what is important to me.  I see this daily when the sun is shining!   Yes - it is the simple things in life that give us the biggest reminders of what is important.

So, wherever you live, make it home.  It doesn't have to be fancy or big, it doesn't have to small or off grid - it just needs to be filled with love and it needs to be YOU!
Less than perfect is just fine!!!!

Grow flowers or food if possible, that can not only provide food, but it adds beauty to daily life.  Enjoy nature, the birds singing can be so wonderful.  Keep things clean - no matter where you are, clean just makes everything feel better.  Whether big or small - love your home and make it yours.
Don't feel you have to live up to other's expectations.  
Be true to yourself!!!!  That is so important.

Grow where you are.  Love your life, so matter how simple it is.  And don't be persuaded to live beyond your means.  It isn't worth it.  I hope this helps someone understand that living a 'good life' isn't just about things and money.  It is about what is in our hearts and the love we share.  It can be SIMPLE!

Be blessed and have a wonderful day.


  1. Gorgrous pic from your back yard!

    1. Thanks - even in the city, pretty views can be had.

  2. Amen! Beautifully said. Lovely sunset photo! Lynn Ewing, Pecos, NM

    1. Thank you. I just hope it helps someone new understand it is the simple things in life that make it beautiful.

  3. You have a good heart and good advice. There is a time of life for adventure but in our later years, there's no place like home.

    1. No place like home -INDEED! I would love for young folks struggling to understand that as well.
      Thank you.

  4. Lovely positive post, thank you! Mary

  5. Well said 🙌 I think the grass is always greener at the other side, and people aren't just as appreciative anymore. The keeping up with the Jones's is a real issue for so many. And even with our frugal/anti-materialistic lifestyle, I sometimes fall into that trap too. There's some sort of keeping up with the Jones's among homesteaders too, believe it or not. People can be boastful about how big their gardens are and what they're all making at home or how fabulous their homemade sourdough starter is etc. I would like to have a bigger garden, live more rurally, but that's just not in the works for us right now. I'm grateful that we own a house, and that it's ours, that we don't have to pay anything for this. Yes, I'd love to grow more at home but that will be just a bonus. Our most important needs are taken care of at zero costs! That in and of itself is a great blessing. Thank you for this reminder Cheryl, we sometimes are too demanding and making things difficult for ourselves.

    Amazing backyard picture ❤

    1. Thank you and your insights were put very nicely. Of course, we all think about things that could be. Country living for me, sure a bigger garden, etc. That would also mean more work! I don't want more of that! LOL
      Yes, owning your home outright is wonderful. Glad so many of us get that joy. It is nice not having all the 'entrapment' bills many do.
      It sounds like you love your life - that speaks volumes.
      You nailed it with saying "we sometimes are too demanding and making things difficult for ourselves."
      Thank you!

  6. Beautiful picture! There is beauty and serenity all around us. Country living is not for everyone. Personally I like the suburb we live in and we still are close to anything we need. If we just slow down and look around, there is beauty to be enjoyed.

    It is super hot. I had a day of doctor appointments (routine) and the Farmer always seemed to be in the sun while traveling from one to the other. Soon it will be cooler and leaves falling. Enjoy the moment!

    1. Yes mam, there is beauty everywhere. AND yes, we need to slow down.
      Glad you made it home safely.
      It was a hot one. Yes, fall will be here in a flash.

  7. Great advice - at any and every age. Cheers!

  8. This post is a keeper! Yes, grow where you are planted, be yourself, make your home *your* home, not someone else's idea of what your home should be. Appreciate the beauty in your world, focus on it.

    Dear son came and pressure washed my deck as it was getting slick from all the rain we've had that never gets a chance to dry out. He got soaked to the bone while doing it as a thunderstorm showed up in the middle of the job! As he said, Well, it wasn't cold! :)


    1. Thank you Mary. There is so much to love and appreciate if we just take a few moments and look. Money and stuff isn't everything.
      Glad the job is done for you. LOL- wet in the heat isn't all that bad!

  9. Such a great post Cheryl. It’s taken me a good few years to work out that I don’t need to live a life heavily influenced by others. I think of all the time and money I wasted trying to keep up with others and I see it as sooooo wasteful, but it did teach me valuable lessons.
    I do love your shadow art, that’s amazing. Take care, Louise

    1. I think many of us have learned grand lessons the hard way. It is easy to say "been there - done that"!
      The shadows from the sun in that window, always bring a smile to my face.

  10. We live on a valley edge, so there is some of the city beyond us. Yet we get lots of wildlife visiting and while we are both getting older and may have to move sometime, we are enjoying our home. If we want something, we save for it and never have we lived a life that was one of trying to keep up with the others.

    God bless.

    1. That sounds perfect. Kind of country, kind of close to city. I hope you both maintain your health and can stay right where you are!
      Saving for a want - makes things more appreciated.

  11. A beautiful post, and I love the picture of the shadow on your pantry door. I am making changes to make my home into my sanctuary again. I have pretty much everything material that I need or want and need to work on "weeding" the house. I need breathing space. I used to do things out of habit or some sense that that was what I was supposed to be doing. Those things may have worked for me in the past but are no longer what I need or want to be doing in this season of change in my life. Life is not a competition. Knowing myself and living true to my ever changing self is my priority now.

    1. I do believe that we sometimes all get in that mode. We do what is expected or what is habit. It takes work to change those things.
      Our lives change and we have to learn to change too. It is easier for some than others. I am still changing and trying to figure out who I am.
      Your last sentence is perfect. Oh so true.
      Thank you - I love that shadow on so many days. It is a reminder!

  12. I am struggling with this right now. I have always lived in FL but long for the change of seasons. My daughter and her family are here and are not going anywhere anytims soon. I am happy here for the most part, but would love to try something new. I am thinking of just renting out my villa and traveling around for 6 months to see family and other places I might want to see. I must admit though, I am scared. I just need to pray and reflect about it.

    1. CHANGE is always scary. I like your plan of renting out your space and just traveling for a while if affordable for you. You have to consider wear and tear on your property as well and if you have an honest renter.
      I can understand wanting to shake things up a bit. Maybe start with a month long vacation and go see a few people.
      Do you have a family member that could stay at your home if you did that?
      Pray and you will be shown the correct thing to do. Best of luck to you. Let us know what you decide!
