Thursday, July 4, 2024

It Isn't Always Free

 Happy Thursday to all.  It is Independence Day here in America.  The day we celebrate our independence from England.  I hope you all take a few moments to reflect on that independence (no matter where you live) while you are celebrating festivities with family and friends.

We all seem to take freedom for granted - we can do just about anything we want today.  Things our ancestors would never have imagined.
We seem to expect more and want more.  We want it now and for next to nothing.  Many children have no idea where their food comes from - other than the store.  They have no idea what sacrifices have been made in the past for them to have the life they have today.
Kiddos today don't read nor learn useful skills like we did back in the day.  They are too busy with video games.
People eat ALL the junk, not the healthy food and we live with obesity and diabetes running rampant.  We do not take proper care of our bodies or our minds.  A pill will fix it!
Everything hurts everyone's feelings.

I want to say thankful and how in awe I am of skilled workers, laborers, farmers, military members (both past and present), health care employees, small business owners - all people who work so that we can have a good life.
I am thankful for farms of all types, factories that produce items and the stores that sell these things so we can have them.
Thank you for police and EMT's that help every day.
I am thankful for all who have sacrificed so much and at times everything so we can have freedom.  I am sorry they have had to do that - but thankful as well.

YES I am thankful for all who want to work and those that do.  I am thankful for all things in my life today.  Some may be sitting here reading this today thinking that their life stinks - but always remember there is someone out there with so much less and whose life stinks even worse!  They would be grateful for your life.  

It amounts to perspective.  Be grateful for all things - big and small - and life will be good (or at least better).
Prayers for wars to end and for leaders to get along and do right.
No matter our differences in thoughts about the world - we are still the same.  We want a good life.
We all want peace and joy.

Freedom isn't free in any way.  Thank you to all people that makes our lives as free as they are.
Have a wonderful day.  Stay safe.


  1. Such a great post for today. Yes freedom isn't free. Some gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom that we enjoy. I'm thankful every day. I've noticed here in our area that a lot of parents are teaching their children to be helpful, to volunteer and to work hard. A lot are in FFA and other organizations, so they do know where their food comes from. I saw a little boy the other day that was probably 7 or 8 using the weed trimmer as his father mowed. Melted my heart. Unfortunately there are those that would think that is child abuse. It gave me hope for the future. Enjoy your day Cheryl.

    1. Thank you. I love seeing children learning the ways of life. I have a nephew who wants to be a farmer and he is a teen. He is learning all he can and he has helped build a house through a group with his school. He loves working with his hands. It warms the heart. Yes, groups like FFA and 4H help young people learn so much. Kids need to learn and do. They need it, our future needs it.
      So many have sacrificed for us. Love them all.

  2. Excellent post! Years ago, maybe 15, a new housing development was being built up by Whitestown with farmland close by. The new residents were complaining about some of the farm smells. One lady was really indignant and said that "she didn't eat anything from a farm". Does the phrase dumber than dirt cover that? ha!

    When a man goes off to war, it affects the whole family. Too many times the soldier pays with his life. I am grateful that I was born in this country and was raised in the country. We all need to get in touch, so to speak, with the soil. I told the Farmer the other day that if people gardened, they wouldn't have time to get into or cause trouble.

    Waiting for the rain to arrive. The sky sure darkened in a short period of time.

    1. It is amazing that so many have no clue. Good phrase for her!
      It sure does - entire families are affected, and I am grateful for them as well. They endure so much.
      Good point - if people keep busier with industrious things, they would be too busy to cause grief.
      Sprinkling here already. Rain so needed.

  3. I like this a bunch and agree with everything you have said. Take good care. Linda T

    1. Thank you. Great minds!! LOL
      Take care yourself.

  4. Yes, people need to keep busy. Remember: "Idle Hands are the Devil's Workshop"?

    I wonder where that lady gets her food, if not from a farm? Very interesting... A lab? I know they grow meat in a lab now, and there are hydroponic veggies sometimes (lettuce is what I've seen). But that's a kinda limited diet. Maybe pick wild stuff from the roadside? :D

    Happy 4th to all! I'm checking out the Declaration of Independence, it's good reading.


    1. I think the lady was just clueless!
      It sure pays off to keep busy in many ways.
      Enjoy your day.

  5. Happy 4th of July! Everybody stay safe.

  6. Enjoy your 4th of July, Cheryl!

    1. Thank you - just a quiet day here for me. Watching the rain!

  7. Raining off and on here (north of you Cheryl). Neighbors next road of me put on quite a fireworks show last night. I could see and enjoy them from my front deck.
    Cheryl, you wrote exactly how I feel/think. Every night I pray for my family and others to receive a spirt of contentment and gratitude. I believe if we were all more content there would be fewer problems.
    Thankfully, my family knows how to do things for themselves, gardening, preserving, foraging and looking for bargains.
    We all work together, play together and enjoy each other. I have much to be thankful for.
    Not to say there haven't been issues but hopefully everyone learns from their mistakes.
    Have a safe and blessed 4th.

    1. Glad you enjoyed your neighbor's display. I was amazed it was pretty quiet here last night - very odd.
      I believe that as well. We just need to be prayerful and love one another. We need to quite expecting everything to be about us, and realize it truly isn't. Sounds like a lovely family - I have a pretty great one too.
      Be well and safe.

  8. Just wanted to chime in and wish you a happy Fourth of July.
    One thing my kids do is help their grandparents with technology (help with iPhones, turning documents into pdfs, etc..) I’m pretty sure these are important skills that they know and will help them in their futures. My kids and most of their friends do like to read, bake, make art, participate in theater. They aren’t perfect but no generation is.
    It is easy to make sweeping generalizations about kids today but remember that we don’t like hearing generalizations about boomers.
    Just my thoughts, take them or leave them.

    1. Thank you. Oh I have kiddos in my family who are learning and doing so much it amazes me. I realize not all young people are like that - but there sure are a lot.
      Young people know so much more about technology than many of us, they have been raised with it and it is part of daily life.
      Yes, there is good and bad in all generations.
      Don't care what is said about boomers (me), I know how we were raised in my area - and it entailed a lot of work and respect. I am proud of that.

  9. Happy Fourth of July . I very much enjoyed reading todays post and the post from everyone. Today is the 50th anniversary of Hub's 29th birthday. We will be celebrating at home with a steak dinner, and I baked his favorite carrot cake with cream cheese icing . There is icecream in the freezer. We're all set. I couldn't agree more about being thankful/ grateful for all things. Even in our darkest hours there is still something in our lives to be thankful/grateful for. Cookie

    1. Thank you. Happy birthday to your hubby! What a lovely way to celebrate! I bet he will love the cake.
      So, so much to be thankful for, always. Yes, even in our darkest moments.
      Enjoy the celebration.

  10. I enjoyed your thoughts today, Cheryl.
    As North Americans, we are pretty lucky. There are worse places to be that's for sure. I think we all need to be the good we want; the change we want. We all have a role to play in keeping our countries civil. Be of good will and help if you can. I would encourage us as adults to read and continue to educate ourselves so we can better understand our government and our place in the world as well. Children will imitate their parents so if you love to watch wrestlemania and cheer for the brute, you are not setting a good example. We need more and better education.
    I wish my American neighbors a happy fourth and may the years ahead be better still.

    1. Yes mam, we all need to be what we want to see and we need to be good examples for younger folks. That is a big YES. We are lucky to live here, regardless to what is going on - sure it could be better, but it could be a LOT worse. I really wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
      Let us all lead by example and do the right things.

  11. Just a lovely post for the 4th. xxoo Cindy

  12. Look to the future for disappearing liberties in Agenda 47

    Also Project 2025

    1. I will have to see what that is. We have to raise our voices and be heard so we lose nothing else.

  13. So thankful we live the land of freedom. We are blessed!

  14. Happy Independence Day to you Cheryl!

  15. Very VERY well said, Cheryl. Thank you!
